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new file mode 100644
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+title: Delta Standalone
+width: full
+menu: docs
+The Delta Standalone library is a single-node Java library that can be used to read from and write to Delta tables.
+Specifically, this library provides APIs to interact with a table's metadata in the transaction log, implementing the [Delta Transaction Log Protocol](https://github.com/delta-io/delta/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md) to achieve the transactional guarantees of the Delta Lake format.
+Notably, this project doesn't depend on Apache Spark and has only a few transitive dependencies.
+Therefore, it can be used by any processing engine or application to access Delta tables.
+## Use cases
+Delta Standalone is optimized for cases when you want to read and write Delta tables by using a non-Spark engine of your choice.
+It is a “low-level” library, and we encourage developers to contribute open-source, higher-level connectors for their desired engines that use Delta Standalone for all Delta Lake metadata interaction.
+You can find a Hive source connector and Flink sink connector in the [Delta Lake Connectors](https://github.com/delta-io/connectors) repository, and additional connectors are in development.
+### Caveats
+Delta Standalone minimizes memory usage in the JVM by loading the Delta Lake transaction log incrementally, using an iterator.
+However, Delta Standalone runs in a single JVM, and is limited to the processing and memory capabilities of that JVM.
+Users must configure the JVM to avoid out of memory (OOM) issues.
+Delta Standalone does provide basic APIs for reading Parquet data, but does not include APIs for writing Parquet data.
+Users must write out new Parquet data files themselves and then use Delta Standalone to commit those changes to the Delta table and make the new data visible to readers.
+## APIs
+Delta Standalone provides classes and entities to read data, query metadata, and commit to the transaction log.
+A few of them are highlighted here and with their key interfaces.
+See the [Java API](https://delta-io.github.io/connectors/latest/delta-standalone/api/java/index.html) docs for the full set of classes and entities.
+### DeltaLog
+[DeltaLog](https://delta-io.github.io/connectors/latest/delta-standalone/api/java/io/delta/standalone/DeltaLog.html) is the main interface for programmatically interacting with the metadata in the transaction log of a Delta table.
+- Instantiate a `DeltaLog` with `DeltaLog.forTable(hadoopConf, path)` and pass in the path of the root location of the Delta table.
+- Access the current snapshot with `DeltaLog::snapshot`.
+- Get the latest snapshot, including any new data files that were added to the log, with `DeltaLog::update`.
+- Get the snapshot at some historical state of the log with `DeltaLog::getSnapshotForTimestampAsOf` or `DeltaLog::getSnapshotForVersionAsOf`.
+- Start a new transaction to commit to the transaction log by using `DeltaLog::startTransaction`.
+- Get all metadata actions without computing a full Snapshot using `DeltaLog::getChanges`.
+### Snapshot
+- A [Snapshot](https://delta-io.github.io/connectors/latest/delta-standalone/api/java/io/delta/standalone/Snapshot.html) represents the state of the table at a specific version.
+- Get a list of the metadata files by using `Snapshot::getAllFiles`.
+- For a memory-optimized iterator over the metadata files, use `Snapshot::scan` to get a `DeltaScan` (as described later), optionally by passing in a `predicate` for partition filtering.
+- Read actual data with `Snapshot::open`, which returns an iterator over the rows of the Delta table.
+### OptimisticTransaction
+The main class for committing a set of updates to the transaction log is [OptimisticTransaction](https://delta-io.github.io/connectors/latest/delta-standalone/api/java/io/delta/standalone/OptimisticTransaction.html).
+During a transaction, all reads must go through the `OptimisticTransaction` instance rather than the `DeltaLog` in order to detect logical conflicts and concurrent updates.
+- Read metadata files during a transaction with `OptimisticTransaction::markFilesAsRead`, which returns a `DeltaScan` of files that match the `readPredicate`.
+- Commit to the transaction log with `OptimisticTransaction::commit`.
+- Get the latest version committed for a given application ID (for example, for idempotency) with `OptimisticTransaction::txnVersion`. (Note that this API requires users to commit `SetTransaction` actions.)
+- Update the medadata of the table upon committing with `OptimisticTransaction::updateMetadata`.
+### DeltaScan
+[DeltaScan](https://delta-io.github.io/connectors/latest/delta-standalone/api/java/io/delta/standalone/DeltaScan.html) is a wrapper class for the files inside a `Snapshot` that match a given `readPredicate`.
+- Access the files that match the partition filter portion of the `readPredicate` with `DeltaScan::getFiles`. This returns a memory-optimized iterator over the metadata files in the table.
+- To further filter the returned files on non-partition columns, get the portion of input predicate not applied with `DeltaScan::getResidualPredicate`.
+## API compatibility
+The only public APIs currently provided by Delta Standalone are in the `io.delta.standalone `package.
+Classes and methods in the `io.delta.standalone.internal` package are considered internal and are subject to change across minor and patch releases.
+## Project setup
+You can add the Delta Standalone library as a dependency by using your preferred build tool.
+Delta Standalone depends upon the hadoop-client and parquet-hadoop packages.
+Example build files are listed in the following sections.
+### Environment requirements
+- JDK 8 or above.
+- Scala 2.11 or 2.12.
+### Build files
+#### Maven
+Replace the version of `hadoop-client` with the one you are using.
+Scala 2.12:
+ io.delta
+ delta-standalone_2.12
+ 0.6.0
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ 3.1.0
+Scala 2.11:
+ io.delta
+ delta-standalone_2.11
+ 0.6.0
+ org.apache.hadoop
+ hadoop-client
+ 3.1.0
+#### SBT
+Replace the version of `hadoop-client` with the one you are using.
+libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ "io.delta" %% "delta-standalone" % "0.6.0",
+ "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "3.1.0)
+#### `ParquetSchemaConverter` caveat
+Delta Standalone shades its own Parquet dependencies so that it works out-of-the-box and reduces dependency conflicts in your environment.
+However, if you would like to use utility class `io.delta.standalone.util.ParquetSchemaConverter`, then you must provide your own version of `org.apache.parquet:parquet-hadoop`.
+### Storage configuration
+Delta Lake ACID guarantees are based on the atomicity and durability guarantees of the storage system.
+Not all storage systems provide all the necessary guarantees.
+Because storage systems do not necessarily provide all of these guarantees out-of-the-box, Delta Lake transactional operations typically go through the [LogStore API](https://github.com/delta-io/delta/blob/master/storage/src/main/java/io/delta/storage/LogStore.java) instead of accessing the storage system directly.
+To provide the ACID guarantees for different storage systems, you may have to use different LogStore implementations.
+This section covers how to configure Delta Standalone for various storage systems.
+There are two categories of storage systems:
+- **Storage systems with built-in support**:
+ For some storage systems, you do not need additional configurations.
+ Delta Standalone uses the scheme of the path (that is, `s3a` in `s3a://path`) to dynamically identify the storage system and use the corresponding `LogStore` implementation that provides the transactional guarantees.
+ However, for S3, there are additional caveats on concurrent writes.
+ See the [section on S3](#amazon-s3-configuration) for details.
+- **Other storage systems**: The `LogStore`, similar to Apache Spark, uses the Hadoop `FileSystem` API to perform reads and writes.
+ Delta Standalone supports concurrent reads on any storage system that provides an implementation of the `FileSystem` API.
+ For concurrent writes with transactional guarantees, there are two cases based on the guarantees provided by the `FileSystem` implementation.
+ If the implementation provides consistent listing and atomic renames-without-overwrite (that is, `rename(... , overwrite = false)` will either generate the target file atomically or fail if it already exists with `java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException`), then the default `LogStore` implementation using renames will allow concurrent writes with guarantees.
+ Otherwise, you must configure a custom implementation of `LogStore` by setting the following Hadoop configuration when you instantiate a `DeltaLog` with `DeltaLog.forTable(hadoopConf, path)`:
+ ```Java
+ delta.logStore..impl=
+ ```
+ Here, `` is the scheme of the paths of your storage system.
+ This configures Delta Standalone to dynamically use the given LogStore implementation only for those paths.
+ You can have multiple such configurations for different schemes in your application, thus allowing it to simultaneously read and write from different storage systems.
+ - Before version 0.5.0, Delta Standalone supported configuring LogStores by setting `io.delta.standalone.LOG_STORE_CLASS_KEY`.
+ This approach is now deprecated.
+ Setting this configuration will use the configured `LogStore` for all paths, thereby disabling the dynamic scheme-based delegation.
+#### Amazon S3 configuration
+Delta Standalone supports reads and writes to S3 in two different modes: Single-cluster and Multi-cluster.
+| | Single-cluster | Multi-cluster |
+| - | - | - |
+| Configuration | Comes out-of-the-box | Is experimental and requires extra configuration |
+| Reads | Supports concurrent reads from multiple clusters | Supports concurrent reads from multiple clusters |
+| Writes | Supports concurrent writes from a single cluster | Supports multi-cluster writes |
+| Permissions | S3 credentials | S3 and DynamoDB operating permissions |
+##### Single-cluster setup (default)
+By default, Delta Standalone supports concurrent reads from multiple clusters.
+However, concurrent writes to S3 must originate from a single cluster to provide transactional guarantees.
+This is because S3 currently does not provide mutual exclusion, that is, there is no way to ensure that only one writer is able to create a file.
+Concurrent writes to the same Delta table from multiple Spark drivers can lead to data loss.
+To use Delta Standalone with S3, you must meet the following requirements.
+If you are using access keys for authentication and authorization, you must configure a Hadoop Configuration specified as follows when you instantiate a `DeltaLog` with `DeltaLog.forTable(hadoopConf, path)`.
+###### Requirements (S3 single-cluster)
+- S3 credentials: [IAM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html) roles (recommended) or access keys.
+- Hadoop's [AWS connector (hadoop-aws)](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-aws) for the version of Hadoop that Delta Standalone is compiled with.
+###### Configuration (S3 single-cluster)
+1. Include hadoop-aws JAR in the classpath.
+2. Set up S3 credentials.
+ We recommend that you use [IAM roles](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html) for authentication and authorization.
+ But if you want to use keys, configure your `org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration` with:
+conf.set("fs.s3a.access.key", "");
+conf.set("fs.s3a.secret.key", "");
+##### Multi-cluster setup
+ This support is new and experimental.
+ This mode supports concurrent writes to S3 from multiple clusters.
+ Enable multi-cluster support by configuring Delta Standalone to use the correct `LogStore` implementation.
+ This implementation uses [DynamoDB](https://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/) to provide mutual exclusion.
+ When writing from multiple clusters, all drivers must use this `LogStore` implementation and the same DynamoDB table and region.
+ If some drivers use the default `LogStore` while others use this experimental `LogStore` then data loss can occur.
+###### Requirements (S3 multi-cluster)
+- All of the requirements listed in the [Requirements (S3 singlecluster)](#requirements-s3-single-cluster) section
+- In additon to S3 credentials, you also need DynamoDB operating permissions
+###### Configuration (S3 multi-cluster)
+1. Create the `DynamoDB` table. See [Create the DynamoDB table](/latest/delta-storage/#setup-configuration-s3-multi-cluster) for more details on creating a table yourself (recommended) or having it created for you automatically.
+2. Follow the configuration steps listed in [Configuration (S3 single-cluster)]((#configuration-s3-single-cluster)) section.
+3. Include the `delta-storage-s3-dynamodb` JAR in the classpath.
+4. Configure the `LogStore` implementation.
+ First, configure this LogStore implementation for the scheme `s3`.
+ You can replicate this command for schemes `s3a` and `s3n` as well.
+ ```Java
+ conf.set("delta.logStore.s3.impl", "io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore");
+ ```
+ | Configuration Key | Description | Default |
+ | - | - | - |
+ | io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore.ddb.tableName | The name of the DynamoDB table to use | delta_log |
+ | io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore.ddb.region | The region to be used by the client | us-east-1 |
+ | io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore.credentials.provider | The AWSCredentialsProvider* used by the client | DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
+ | io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore.provisionedThroughput.rcu | (Table-creation-only**) | Read Capacity Units | 5 |
+ | io.delta.storage.S3DynamoDBLogStore.provisionedThroughput.wcu | (Table-creation-only**) Write Capacity Units | 5 |
+ __*__ For more details on AWS credential providers, see the AWS documentation.
+ __**__ These configurations are only used when the given DynamoDB table doesn’t already exist and needs to be automatically created.
+###### Production Configuration (S3 multi-cluster)
+By this point, this multi-cluster setup is fully operational.
+However, there is extra configuration you may do to improve performance and optimize storage when running in production.
+See the [Delta Lake Storage documentation](/latest/delta-storage/#production-configuration-s3-multi-cluster) for more details.
+#### Microsoft Azure configuration
+Delta Standalone supports concurrent reads and writes from multiple clusters with full transactional guarantees for various Azure storage systems.
+To use an Azure storage system, you must satisfy the following requirements, and configure a Hadoop Configuration as specified when you instantiate a `DeltaLog` with `DeltaLog.forTable(hadoopConf, path)`.
+##### Azure Blob Storage
+###### Requirements (Azure Blob storage)
+- A [shared key](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authorize-with-shared-key) or [shared access signature (SAS)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-sas-overview).
+- Hadoop’s [Azure Blob Storage libraries](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-azure) for a version compatible with the Hadoop version Delta Standalone was compiled with.
+ - 2.9.1+ for Hadoop 2
+ - 3.0.1+ for Hadoop 3
+###### Configuration (Azure Blob storage)
+1. Include `hadoop-azure` JAR in the classpath.
+2. Set up credentials.
+ - For an SAS token, configure `org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration`:
+ ```Java
+ conf.set(
+ "fs.azure.sas...blob.core.windows.net",
+ "");
+ ```
+ - To specify an account access key:
+ ```Java
+ conf.set(
+ "fs.azure.account.key..blob.core.windows.net",
+ "");
+ ```
+##### Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
+###### Requirements (ADLS Gen 1)
+- A [service principal](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/app-objects-and-service-principals) for OAuth 2.0 access.
+- Hadoop's [Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 libraries](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-azure-datalake) for a version that is compatible with the Hadoop version that was used to compile Delta Standalone.
+ - 2.9.1+ for Hadoop 2
+ - 3.0.1+ for Hadoop 3
+###### Configuration (ADLS Gen 1)
+1. Include `hadoop-azure-datalake` JAR in the classpath.
+2. Set up Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 credentials. Configure `org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration`:
+ ```Java
+ conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.access.token.provider.type", "ClientCredential");
+ conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.client.id", "");
+ conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.credential", "");
+ conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.refresh.url", "https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token");
+ ```
+##### Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
+###### Requirements (ADLS Gen 2)
+- Account created in A[zure Data Lake Storage Gen2](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/create-data-lake-storage-account).
+- Service principal [created](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/howto-create-service-principal-portal) and [assigned the Storage Blob Data Contributor role](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/assign-azure-role-data-access?tabs=portal) for the storage account.
+ - Make a note of the storage-account-name, directory-id (also known as tenant-id), application-id, and password of the principal. These will be used for configuration.
+- Hadoop’s [Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 libraries](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-azure-datalake) version 3.2+ and Delta Standalone compiled with Hadoop 3.2+.
+###### Configuration (ADLS Gen 2)
+1. Include `hadoop-azure-datalake` JAR in the classpath.
+ In addition, you may also have to include JARs for Maven artifacts `hadoop-azure` and `wildfly-openssl`.
+2. Set up Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 credentials.
+ Configure your `org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration` with:
+ ```Java
+ conf.set("fs.azure.account.auth.type..dfs.core.windows.net", "OAuth");
+ conf.set("fs.azure.account.oauth.provider.type..dfs.core.windows.net", "org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider");
+ conf.set("fs.azure.account.oauth2.client.id..dfs.core.windows.net", "");
+ conf.set("fs.azure.account.oauth2.client.secret..dfs.core.windows.net","");
+ conf.set("fs.azure.account.oauth2.client.endpoint..dfs.core.windows.net", "https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/token");
+ ```
+ where ``, ``, `` and `` are details of the service principal we set as requirements earlier.
+#### HDFS
+Delta Standalone has built-in support for HDFS with full transactional guarantees on concurrent reads and writes from multiple clusters.
+See [Hadoop documentation](https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/) for configuring credentials.
+#### Google Cloud Storage
+##### Requirements (GCS)
+- JAR of the [GCS Connector (gcs-connector)](https://search.maven.org/search?q=a:gcs-connector) Maven artifact.
+- Google Cloud Storage account and credentials
+##### Configuration (GCS)
+Include the JAR for `gcs-connector` in the classpath.
+See the [documentation](https://cloud.google.com/dataproc/docs/tutorials/gcs-connector-spark-tutorial) for details on how to configure your project with the GCS connector.
+## Usage
+This example shows how to use Delta Standalone to:
+- Find parquet files.
+- Write parquet data.
+- Commit to the transaction log.
+- Read from the transaction log.
+- Read back the Parquet data.
+Please note that this example uses a fictitious, non-Spark engine `Zappy` to write the actual parquet data, as Delta Standalone does not provide any data-writing APIs.
+Instead, Delta Standalone Writer lets you commit metadata to the Delta log after you’ve written your data.
+This is why Delta Standalone works well with so many connectors (e.g. Flink, Presto, Trino, etc.) since they provide the parquet-writing functionality instead.
+### 1. SBT configuration
+The following SBT project configuration is used:
+// /build.sbt
+scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
+libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ "io.delta" %% "delta-standalone" % "0.6.0",
+ "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-client" % "3.1.0")
+### 2. Mock situation
+We have a Delta table `Sales` storing sales data, but have realized all the data written on November 2021 for customer `XYZ` had incorrect `total_cost` values.
+Thus, we need to update all those records with the correct values. We will use a fictious distributed engine `Zappy` and Delta Standalone to update our Delta table.
+The sales table schema is given below.
+ |-- year: int // partition column
+ |-- month: int // partition column
+ |-- day: int // partition column
+ |-- customer: string
+ |-- sale_id: string
+ |-- total_cost: float
+### 3. Starting a transaction and finding relevant files
+Since we must read existing data in order to perform the desired update operation, we must use `OptimisticTransaction::markFilesAsRead` in order to automatically detect any concurrent modifications made to our read partitions.
+Since Delta Standalone only supports partition pruning, we must apply the residual predicate to further filter the returned files.
+ ```Java
+ import io.delta.standalone.DeltaLog;
+ import io.delta.standalone.DeltaScan;
+ import io.delta.standalone.OptimisticTransaction;
+ import io.delta.standalone.actions.AddFile;
+ import io.delta.standalone.data.CloseableIterator;
+ import io.delta.standalone.expressions.And;
+ import io.delta.standalone.expressions.EqualTo;
+ import io.delta.standalone.expressions.Literal;
+ DeltaLog log = DeltaLog.forTable(new Configuration(), "/data/sales");
+ OptimisticTransaction txn = log.startTransaction();
+ DeltaScan scan = txn.markFilesAsRead(
+ new And(
+ new And(
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("year"), Literal.of(2021)), // partition filter
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("month"), Literal.of(11))), // partition filter
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("customer"), Literal.of("XYZ")) // non-partition filter
+ )
+ );
+ CloseableIterator iter = scan.getFiles();
+ Map addFileMap = new HashMap(); // partition filtered files: year=2021, month=11
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ AddFile addFile = iter.next();
+ addFileMap.put(addFile.getPath(), addFile);
+ }
+ iter.close();
+ List filteredFiles = ZappyReader.filterFiles( // fully filtered files: year=2021, month=11, customer=XYZ
+ addFileMap.keySet(),
+ toZappyExpression(scan.getResidualPredicate())
+ );
+ ```
+### 4. Writing updated Parquet data
+Since Delta Standalone does not provide any Parquet data write APIs, we use Zappy to write the data.
+ ```Java
+ ZappyDataFrame correctedSaleIdToTotalCost = ...;
+ ZappyDataFrame invalidSales = ZappyReader.readParquet(filteredFiles);
+ ZappyDataFrame correctedSales = invalidSales.join(correctedSaleIdToTotalCost, "id");
+ ZappyWriteResult dataWriteResult = ZappyWritter.writeParquet("/data/sales", correctedSales);
+ ```
+The written data files from the preceding code will have a hierarchy similar to the following:
+ ```Shell
+ $ tree /data/sales
+ .
+ ├── _delta_log
+ │ └── ...
+ │ └── 00000000000000001082.json
+ │ └── 00000000000000001083.json
+ ├── year=2019
+ │ └── month=1
+ ...
+ ├── year=2020
+ │ └── month=1
+ │ └── day=1
+ │ └── part-00000-195768ae-bad8-4c53-b0c2-e900e0f3eaee-c000.snappy.parquet // previous
+ │ └── part-00001-53c3c553-f74b-4384-b9b5-7aa45bc2291b-c000.snappy.parquet // new
+ | ...
+ │ └── day=2
+ │ └── part-00000-b9afbcf5-b90d-4f92-97fd-a2522aa2d4f6-c000.snappy.parquet // previous
+ │ └── part-00001-c0569730-5008-42fa-b6cb-5a152c133fde-c000.snappy.parquet // new
+ | ...
+ ```
+### 5. Committing to our Delta table
+Now that we’ve written the correct data, we need to commit to the transaction log to add the new files, and remove the old incorrect files.
+ ```Java
+ import io.delta.standalone.Operation;
+ import io.delta.standalone.actions.RemoveFile;
+ import io.delta.standalone.exceptions.DeltaConcurrentModificationException;
+ import io.delta.standalone.types.StructType;
+ List removeOldFiles = filteredFiles.stream()
+ .map(path -> addFileMap.get(path).remove())
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ List addNewFiles = dataWriteResult.getNewFiles()
+ .map(file ->
+ new AddFile(
+ file.getPath(),
+ file.getPartitionValues(),
+ file.getSize(),
+ System.currentTimeMillis(),
+ true, // isDataChange
+ null, // stats
+ null // tags
+ );
+ ).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ List totalCommitFiles = new ArrayList<>();
+ totalCommitFiles.addAll(removeOldFiles);
+ totalCommitFiles.addAll(addNewFiles);
+ try {
+ txn.commit(totalCommitFiles, new Operation(Operation.Name.UPDATE), "Zippy/1.0.0");
+ } catch (DeltaConcurrentModificationException e) {
+ // handle exception here
+ }
+ ```
+### 6. Reading from the Delta table
+Delta Standalone provides APIs that read both metadata and data, as follows.
+#### 6.1. Reading Parquet data (distributed)
+For most use cases, and especially when you deal with large volumes of data, we recommend that you use the Delta Standalone library as your metadata-only reader, and then perform the Parquet data reading yourself, most likely in a distributed manner.
+Delta Standalone provides two APIs for reading the files in a given table snapshot.
+`Snapshot::getAllFiles` returns an in-memory list.
+As of 0.3.0, we also provide `Snapshot::scan(filter)::getFiles`, which supports partition pruning and an optimized internal iterator implementation.
+We will use the latter here.
+ ```Java
+ import io.delta.standalone.Snapshot;
+ DeltaLog log = DeltaLog.forTable(new Configuration(), "/data/sales");
+ Snapshot latestSnapshot = log.update();
+ StructType schema = latestSnapshot.getMetadata().getSchema();
+ DeltaScan scan = latestSnapshot.scan(
+ new And(
+ new And(
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("year"), Literal.of(2021)),
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("month"), Literal.of(11))),
+ new EqualTo(schema.column("customer"), Literal.of("XYZ"))
+ )
+ );
+ CloseableIterator iter = scan.getFiles();
+ try {
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ AddFile addFile = iter.next();
+ // Zappy engine to handle reading data in `addFile.getPath()` and apply any `scan.getResidualPredicate()`
+ }
+ } finally {
+ iter.close();
+ }
+ ```
+#### 6.2. Reading Parquet data (single-JVM)
+Delta Standalone allows reading the Parquet data directly, using `Snapshot::open`.
+ ```Java
+ import io.delta.standalone.data.RowRecord;
+ CloseableIterator dataIter = log.update().open();
+ try {
+ while (dataIter.hasNext()) {
+ RowRecord row = dataIter.next();
+ int year = row.getInt("year");
+ String customer = row.getString("customer");
+ float totalCost = row.getFloat("total_cost");
+ }
+ } finally {
+ dataIter.close();
+ }
+ ```
+## Reporting issues
+We use [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/delta-io/connectors/issues) to track community reported issues.
+## Contributing
+We welcome contributions to Delta Lake Connectors repository. We use [GitHub Pull Requests](https://github.com/delta-io/connectors/pulls) for accepting changes.
+## Community
+There are two ways to communicate with the Delta Lake community.
+- Public Slack Channel
+ - [Register to join the Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/delta-users/shared_invite/enQtNTY1NDg0ODcxOTI1LWJkZGU3ZmQ3MjkzNmY2ZDM0NjNlYjE4MWIzYjg2OWM1OTBmMWIxZTllMjg3ZmJkNjIwZmE1ZTZkMmQ0OTk5ZjA)
+ - [Sign in to the Slack channel](https://delta-users.slack.com/)
+- Public [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/g/delta-users)
+## Local development
+Before local debugging of `standalone` tests in IntelliJ, run all tests with `build/sbt standalone/test`.
+This helps IntelliJ recognize the golden tables as class resources.
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