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[[Testing Framework Cheatsheet]] = Testing

Creating packages

To create a distribution without running the tests, simply run the following:

./gradlew assemble

Running Elasticsearch from a checkout

In order to run Elasticsearch from source without building a package, you can run it using Gradle:

./gradlew run

Test case filtering.

  • tests.class is a class-filtering shell-like glob pattern,

  • tests.method is a method-filtering glob pattern.

Run a single test case (variants)

./gradlew test -Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.package.ClassName
./gradlew test "-Dtests.class=*.ClassName"

Run all tests in a package and sub-packages

./gradlew test "-Dtests.class=org.elasticsearch.package.*"

Run any test methods that contain 'esi' (like: …​r*esi*ze…​).

./gradlew test "-Dtests.method=*esi*"

You can also filter tests by certain annotations ie:

  • @Nightly - tests that only run in nightly builds (disabled by default)

  • @Backwards - backwards compatibility tests (disabled by default)

  • @AwaitsFix - tests that are waiting for a bugfix (disabled by default)

  • @BadApple - tests that are known to fail randomly (disabled by default)

Those annotation names can be combined into a filter expression like:

./gradlew test -Dtests.filter="@nightly and not @backwards"

to run all nightly test but not the ones that are backwards tests. tests.filter supports the boolean operators and, or, not and grouping ie:

./gradlew test -Dtests.filter="@nightly and not(@badapple or @backwards)"

Seed and repetitions.

Run with a given seed (seed is a hex-encoded long).

./gradlew test -Dtests.seed=DEADBEEF

Repeats all tests of ClassName N times.

Every test repetition will have a different method seed (derived from a single random master seed).

./gradlew test -Dtests.iters=N -Dtests.class=*.ClassName

Repeats all tests of ClassName N times.

Every test repetition will have exactly the same master (0xdead) and method-level (0xbeef) seed.

./gradlew test -Dtests.iters=N -Dtests.class=*.ClassName -Dtests.seed=DEAD:BEEF

Repeats a given test N times

(note the filters - individual test repetitions are given suffixes, ie: testFoo[0], testFoo[1], etc…​ so using testmethod or tests.method ending in a glob is necessary to ensure iterations are run).

./gradlew test -Dtests.iters=N -Dtests.class=*.ClassName -Dtests.method=mytest*

Repeats N times but skips any tests after the first failure or M initial failures.

./gradlew test -Dtests.iters=N -Dtests.failfast=true -Dtestcase=...
./gradlew test -Dtests.iters=N -Dtests.maxfailures=M -Dtestcase=...

Test groups.

Test groups can be enabled or disabled (true/false).

Default value provided below in [brackets].

./gradlew test -Dtests.nightly=[false]   - nightly test group (@Nightly)
./gradlew test -Dtests.weekly=[false]    - weekly tests (@Weekly)
./gradlew test -Dtests.awaitsfix=[false] - known issue (@AwaitsFix)

Load balancing and caches.

By default the tests run on up to 4 JVMs based on the number of cores. If you want to explicitly specify the number of JVMs you can do so on the command line:

./gradlew test -Dtests.jvms=8

Or in ~/.gradle/


Its difficult to pick the "right" number here. Hypercores don’t count for CPU intensive tests and you should leave some slack for JVM-interal threads like the garbage collector. And you have to have enough RAM to handle each JVM.

Test compatibility.

It is possible to provide a version that allows to adapt the tests behaviour to older features or bugs that have been changed or fixed in the meantime.

./gradlew test -Dtests.compatibility=1.0.0


Run all tests without stopping on errors (inspect log files).

./gradlew test -Dtests.haltonfailure=false

Run more verbose output (slave JVM parameters, etc.).

./gradlew test -verbose

Change the default suite timeout to 5 seconds for all tests (note the exclamation mark).

./gradlew test -Dtests.timeoutSuite=5000! ...

Change the logging level of ES (not Gradle)

./gradlew test

Print all the logging output from the test runs to the commandline even if tests are passing.

./gradlew test -Dtests.output=always

Configure the heap size.

./gradlew test -Dtests.heap.size=512m

Pass arbitrary jvm arguments.

# specify heap dump path
./gradlew test -Dtests.jvm.argline="-XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/heapdumps"
# enable gc logging
./gradlew test -Dtests.jvm.argline="-verbose:gc"
# enable security debugging
./gradlew test -Dtests.jvm.argline=",failure"

Backwards Compatibility Tests

Running backwards compatibility tests is disabled by default since it requires a release version of elasticsearch to be present on the test system. To run backwards compatibilty tests untar or unzip a release and run the tests with the following command:

./gradlew test -Dtests.filter="@backwards" -Dtests.bwc.version=x.y.z -Dtests.bwc.path=/path/to/elasticsearch

Note that backwards tests must be run with security manager disabled. If the elasticsearch release is placed under ./backwards/elasticsearch-x.y.z the path can be omitted:

./gradlew test -Dtests.filter="@backwards" -Dtests.bwc.version=x.y.z

To setup the bwc test environment execute the following steps (provided you are already in your elasticsearch clone):

$ mkdir backwards && cd backwards
$ curl -O
$ tar -xzf elasticsearch-1.2.1.tar.gz

Running verification tasks

To run all verification tasks, including static checks, unit tests, and integration tests:

./gradlew check

Note that this will also run the unit tests and precommit tasks first. If you want to just run the integration tests (because you are debugging them):

./gradlew integTest

If you want to just run the precommit checks:

./gradlew precommit

Testing the REST layer

The available integration tests make use of the java API to communicate with the elasticsearch nodes, using the internal binary transport (port 9300 by default). The REST layer is tested through specific tests that are shared between all the elasticsearch official clients and consist of YAML files that describe the operations to be executed and the obtained results that need to be tested.

The YAML files support various operators defined in the rest-api-spec and adhere to the Elasticsearch REST API JSON specification

The REST tests are run automatically when executing the "./gradlew check" command. To run only the REST tests use the following command:

./gradlew :distribution:archives:integ-test-zip:integTest   \

A specific test case can be run with

./gradlew :distribution:archives:integ-test-zip:integTest \
  -Dtests.class="*Yaml*IT" \
  -Dtests.method="test {p0=cat.shards/10_basic/Help}"

*Yaml*IT are the executable test classes that runs all the yaml suites available within the rest-api-spec folder.

The REST tests support all the options provided by the randomized runner, plus the following:

  •[true|false]: determines whether the REST tests need to be run (default) or not.

  • comma separated paths of the test suites to be run (by default loaded from /rest-api-spec/test). It is possible to run only a subset of the tests providing a sub-folder or even a single yaml file (the default /rest-api-spec/test prefix is optional when files are loaded from classpath) e.g.,get,create/10_with_id

  • comma separated globs that identify tests that are blacklisted and need to be skipped e.g. document,get/10_basic/

Note that the REST tests, like all the integration tests, can be run against an external cluster by specifying the tests.cluster property, which if present needs to contain a comma separated list of nodes to connect to (e.g. localhost:9300). A transport client will be created based on that and used for all the before|after test operations, and to extract the http addresses of the nodes so that REST requests can be sent to them.

Testing scripts

The simplest way to test scripts and the packaged distributions is to use Vagrant. You can get started by following there five easy steps:

  1. Install Virtual Box and Vagrant.

  2. (Optional) Install vagrant-cachier to squeeze a bit more performance out of the process:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
  1. Validate your installed dependencies:

./gradlew :qa:vagrant:vagrantCheckVersion
  1. Download and smoke test the VMs with ./gradlew vagrantSmokeTest or ./gradlew -Pvagrant.boxes=all vagrantSmokeTest. The first time you run this it will download the base images and provision the boxes and immediately quit. If you you this again it’ll skip the download step.

  2. Run the tests with ./gradlew packagingTest. This will cause Gradle to build the tar, zip, and deb packages and all the plugins. It will then run the tests on ubuntu-1404 and centos-7. We chose those two distributions as the default because they cover deb and rpm packaging and SyvVinit and systemd.

You can run on all the VMs by running ./gradlew -Pvagrant.boxes=all packagingTest. You can run a particular VM with a command like ./gradlew -Pvagrant.boxes=oel-7 packagingTest. See ./gradlew tasks for a complete list of available vagrant boxes for testing. It’s important to know that if you interrupt any of these Gradle commands then the boxes will remain running and you’ll have to terminate them with ./gradlew stop.

All the regular vagrant commands should just work so you can get a shell in a VM running trusty by running vagrant up ubuntu-1404 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh ubuntu-1404.

These are the linux flavors the Vagrantfile currently supports:

  • ubuntu-1404 aka trusty

  • ubuntu-1604 aka xenial

  • debian-8 aka jessie

  • debian-9 aka stretch, the current debian stable distribution

  • centos-6

  • centos-7

  • fedora-26

  • fedora-27

  • oel-6 aka Oracle Enterprise Linux 6

  • oel-7 aka Oracle Enterprise Linux 7

  • sles-12

  • opensuse-42 aka Leap

We’re missing the following from the support matrix because there aren’t high quality boxes available in vagrant atlas:

  • sles-11

We’re missing the following because our tests are very linux/bash centric:

  • Windows Server 2012

It’s important to think of VMs like cattle. If they become lame you just shoot them and let vagrant reprovision them. Say you’ve hosed your precise VM:

vagrant ssh ubuntu-1404 -c 'sudo rm -rf /bin'; echo oops

All you’ve got to do to get another one is

vagrant destroy -f ubuntu-1404 && vagrant up ubuntu-1404 --provider virtualbox

The whole process takes a minute and a half on a modern laptop, two and a half without vagrant-cachier.

Its possible that some downloads will fail and it’ll be impossible to restart them. This is a bug in vagrant. See the instructions here for how to work around it: hashicorp/vagrant#4479

Some vagrant commands will work on all VMs at once:

vagrant halt
vagrant destroy -f

vagrant up would normally start all the VMs but we’ve prevented that because that’d consume a ton of ram.

Testing scripts more directly

In general its best to stick to testing in vagrant because the bats scripts are destructive. When working with a single package it’s generally faster to run its tests in a tighter loop than Gradle provides. In one window:

./gradlew :distribution:packages:rpm:assemble

and in another window:

vagrant up centos-7 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh centos-7
sudo -E bats $BATS_TESTS/*rpm*.bats

If you wanted to retest all the release artifacts on a single VM you could:

./gradlew setupPackagingTest
cd qa/vagrant; vagrant up ubuntu-1404 --provider virtualbox && vagrant ssh ubuntu-1404
sudo -E bats $BATS_TESTS/*.bats

You can also use Gradle to prepare the test environment and then starts a single VM:

./gradlew vagrantFedora27#up

Or any of vagrantCentos6#up, vagrantCentos7#up, vagrantDebian8#up, vagrantDebian9#up, vagrantFedora26#up, vagrantFedora27#up, vagrantOel6#up, vagrantOel7#up, vagrantOpensuse42#up,vagrantSles12#up, vagrantUbuntu1404#up, vagrantUbuntu1604#up.

Once up, you can then connect to the VM using SSH from the elasticsearch directory:

vagrant ssh fedora-27

Or from another directory:

VAGRANT_CWD=/path/to/elasticsearch vagrant ssh fedora-27

Note: Starting vagrant VM outside of the elasticsearch folder requires to indicates the folder that contains the Vagrantfile using the VAGRANT_CWD environment variable.

Testing backwards compatibility

Backwards compatibility tests exist to test upgrading from each supported version to the current version. To run all backcompat tests use:

./gradlew bwcTest

A specific version can be tested as well. For example, to test backcompat with version 5.3.2 run:

./gradlew v5.3.2#bwcTest

When running ./gradlew check, some minimal backcompat checks are run. Which version is tested depends on the branch. On master, this will test against the current stable branch. On the stable branch, it will test against the latest release branch. Finally, on a release branch, it will test against the most recent release.

BWC Testing against a specific remote/branch

Sometimes a backward compatibility change spans two versions. A common case is a new functionality that needs a BWC bridge in an unreleased versioned of a release branch (for example, 5.x). To test the changes, you can instruct Gradle to build the BWC version from a another remote/branch combination instead of pulling the release branch from GitHub. You do so using the tests.bwc.remote and tests.bwc.refspec.BRANCH system properties:

./gradlew check -Dtests.bwc.remote=${remote} -Dtests.bwc.refspec.5.x=index_req_bwc_5.x

The branch needs to be available on the remote that the BWC makes of the repository you run the tests from. Using the remote is a handy trick to make sure that a branch is available and is up to date in the case of multiple runs.


Say you need to make a change to master and have a BWC layer in 5.x. You will need to: . Create a branch called index_req_change off your remote ${remote}. This will contain your change. . Create a branch called index_req_bwc_5.x off 5.x. This will contain your bwc layer. . Push both branches to your remote repository. . Run the tests with ./gradlew check -Dtests.bwc.remote=${remote} -Dtests.bwc.refspec.5.x=index_req_bwc_5.x.

Test coverage analysis

Generating test coverage reports for Elasticsearch is currently not possible through Gradle. However, it is possible to gain insight in code coverage using IntelliJ’s built-in coverage analysis tool that can measure coverage upon executing specific tests. Eclipse may also be able to do the same using the EclEmma plugin.

Test coverage reporting used to be possible with JaCoCo when Elasticsearch was using Maven as its build system. Since the switch to Gradle though, this is no longer possible, seeing as the code currently used to build Elasticsearch does not allow JaCoCo to recognize its tests. For more information on this, see the discussion in issue #28867.

Launching and debugging from an IDE

If you want to run Elasticsearch from your IDE, the ./gradlew run task supports a remote debugging option:

./gradlew run --debug-jvm

Debugging remotely from an IDE

If you want to run Elasticsearch and be able to remotely attach the process for debugging purposes from your IDE, can start Elasticsearch using ES_JAVA_OPTS:

ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=4000,suspend=y" ./bin/elasticsearch

Read your IDE documentation for how to attach a debugger to a JVM process.

Building with extra plugins

Additional plugins may be built alongside elasticsearch, where their dependency on elasticsearch will be substituted with the local elasticsearch build. To add your plugin, create a directory called elasticsearch-extra as a sibling of elasticsearch. Checkout your plugin underneath elasticsearch-extra and the build will automatically pick it up. You can verify the plugin is included as part of the build by checking the projects of the build.

./gradlew projects

Environment misc

There is a known issue with macOS localhost resolve strategy that can cause some integration tests to fail. This is because integration tests have timings for cluster formation, discovery, etc. that can be exceeded if name resolution takes a long time. To fix this, make sure you have your computer name (as returned by hostname) inside /etc/hosts, e.g.:       localhost ElasticMBP.local broadcasthost
::1             localhost ElasticMBP.local`