Releases: derbyjs/racer
Releases · derbyjs/racer
- Consolidate types; remove Model/types e63049f
- Remove returns from create and createNull d60661a
- Ensure promised methods typed as Promise<void> 54628e5
- Make fetch callback optional as is everywhere else 2d4a30e
- Update doc url 147e1c9
- Update doc links to new addresses fbc1d05
- Return to previous implementation now that filter fn always required to have a value 2a88194
- FilterFn required in all cases; additionally add string as type for named functions 8139098
- Handle case of destructuring item results passed as null needed to default to empty array (using dfault initializer only works when undefined) 7f50106
- Type fixes for setPromised, setNullPromised, setDiffPromised - they all resolve to nothing 336fab3
- Type fixes for createModel(), InsertEvent, RemoveEvent, Subscribable aae0fb4
- Remove recent add for legacy listeners ff9adb7
- Allow optional filter fn while allowing named funciton usage (not yet reflected in types, but used in test) acd3221
- Add additional vararg case for model.add() 22bd7ba
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v2.0.0-beta.15
- Change event classes back to use prototype so as to not break event tree setup 47f7d4d
- Refactor castSegments + add tests 6a4d2ee
- Re-export ModelOptions f7095f5
- Fix method typing for set, setNull, setDiff, at, scope 9381f87
- Ensure event classes can be type discrimated by type attribute by making read only 4bc1c2b
- Refine return types for pass and silent methods 30892f3
- Refine types for event handlers; differentiate legacy and object-event handler types 026eb27
- Refine query typing dbefd30
- Change default model type paramater to unknown d01c393
- Refine event on method types ea93285
- Add getArray method 4f3c12a
- Refine mutator method types 17a4ad9
- Re-export DefaultType from Model/index 701073d
- Query subscribe callback is optional 4edfd0a
- Unify Segment and Path type (temp) 286e137
- Fix Query retrun types and optional args 557cc24
- Use Callback type for callback typing 4140ca2
- Use Path type 47589ab
- Allow optional filter function passed to filter 6f695fe
- Refine path method signature typing 8683880
- Refine setDiff method signature typing 7e597f7
- Export RefOptions interface; refine refs method signature typing c05d50a
- Use DefaultType placeholder for default generic param on Model (naming TBD) 90ce009
- Add generic parameter to util.promisfy to allow for typing return types if needed 0fb59af
- Export event types 8375d5d
- Type wrapCallback to accept optional calback (it wraps a default callback if not provided) 94ea9ab