Releases: deso-protocol/core
Fork Preparation Checklist
This is not a forking change from v3.0.0, so nodes running 3.0.0 will be compatible.
If you have not upgraded to v3.0.0, please follow the below instructions:
In order to upgrade your node to be compatible with this new version, please complete all steps of the checklist below
- Reboot your node with the most recent stable release image from docker before 12pm PT Monday, September 19th, 2022
- Your node may pause for 10-30 minutes after reboot for re-indexing, but a resync is not required.
- If you are running a testnet node, you will need to reboot your node with the most recent stable release image by 10am PT Tuesday, September 13th, 2022
v3.0.1 addresses a bug in which the state of encoder migrations were not being saved to the database. This is not a forking change, but prevents nodes from re-running migrations when a node is rebotted.
Auto-generated Release Notes
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
Fork Preparation Checklist
In order to upgrade your node to be compatible with this new version, please complete all steps of the checklist below
- Reboot your node with the most recent stable release image from docker before 12pm PT Monday, September 19th, 2022
- Your node may pause for 10-30 minutes after reboot for re-indexing, but a resync is not required.
- If you are running a testnet node, you will need to reboot your node with the most recent stable release image by 10am PT Tuesday, September 13th, 2022
v3.0.0 introduces unlimited derived keys, which are required to support users signing up for DeSo with their metamask wallet. In order to support these features, this release introduces recoverable signatures, so the protocol can extract an owner public key from a signature, generation of access bytes for consumption in metamask so the protocol can verify that the spending limit was signed with metamask.
This release also converts the _getDerivedKeyMappingForOwner
to GetDerivedKeyMappingForOwner
to support a Get Single Derived Key endpoint in backend. This is required to speed up the process of validating derived JWTs for smart services which do not run a node.
- Upgrade go to 1.18
Auto-Generated Release notes
What's Changed
- Add support for a Get Single Derived Key endpoint by @lazynina in #393
- Recoverable signatures, Metamask access bytes, unlimited derived keys by @AeonSw4n in #379
- Set fork heights for DeSoUnlimitedDerivedKeysBlockHeight by @lazynina in #401
Full Changelog: v2.2.6...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- Fix Assorted Postgres Issues by @lazynina in #372
- fix CI error "Could not open temp db to dump mempool" by @jackson-dean in #378
- Revert line removed in previous PR by @lazynina in #381
- Add post2earndao node by @erwin-willems in #385
- Adding Pearl to the list of nodes by @summraznboi in #388
New Contributors
- @jackson-dean made their first contribution in #378
- @summraznboi made their first contribution in #388
Full Changelog: v2.2.5...v2.2.6
Full Changelog: v2.2.4...v2.2.5
What's Changed
- Update NinjaNode => VoSocial App by @AdonousTech in #359
- Move derived key spending limits check outside of verifySignatures conditional by @lazynina in #364
- Adds DesoNoCode by @HPaulson in #367
- Fix miss of prevOrder in UtxoOps by @donhardman in #370
- Fix hypersync restart by @AeonSw4n in #369
- update node name from CloutFeed to Desofy by @RHatem in #374
- Allow Eth signatures for derived key access signatures by @AeonSw4n in #371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.2.3...v2.2.4
What's Changed
- Fix failing postgres. by @mattfoley8 in #356
- Fix RawDecodeWithoutMetadata for NFTBidEntryBundle by @lazynina in #357
- Postgres: fix get block rewards for public key by @lazynina in #360
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.2.3
Fix bug in limit order logic around small orders
We discovered a minor bug whereby limit orders could be submitted that are so
small that they can be filled without the other side of the trade paying
anything. While this is generally harmless, some error-checking logic
made it so that new orders would be rejected if the order at the top of
the book had this issue. This change resolves this issue and adds
thorough testing around it.
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2
What's Changed
Set mainnet block heights for DAODAO hard fork, and fix minor issues found in testnet phase
- Move float -> uint256 scaling calculation to a general purpose function by @iamsofonias in #350
- Ln/merge global states by @lazynina in #196
- Diamondhands/fix hard fork issues by @diamondhands0 in #351
- Set mainnet block heights for DAODAO hard fork by @diamondhands0 in #353
Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- Hypersync has been successfully merged and deployed to Foundation testnet nodes
- Various minor fixes to DAO coin limit orders in preparation for DAODAO and DAOSwap launch
- DB version variable that allows for auto-resync when major changes are made
Commit logs:
- Hypersync by @AeonSw4n in #346
- Fix postgres null balance entry. by @mattfoley8 in #345
- Support DAOCoinLimitOrder cancels for derived keys by @iamsofonias in #347
- Fix regtest by @AeonSw4n in #348
- Add a DB version to auto-change the datadir when major updates are made by @diamondhands0 in #349
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3
- Add FillType to DAOCoinLimitOrderMetadata to support
Fill or Kill
,Good till Cancelled
, andImmediate or Cancel
What's Changed
- Mf/additional bidder input tests by @mattfoley8 in #339
- Mf/add limit order metadata order type field by @mattfoley8 in #342
- [stable] Release 2.1.2 by @lazynina in #344
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2