All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Deleted unnecessary text from text component.
- Getter for
- Changed static component group field to not be required
- Fix empty flexible fields
- Fixed normal components not running component data function
- Fixed static components not running component data function
- Fix component plugins with different file names than plugin.php
- Fixed a bug where non-Codifier component with options would cause an error
- Added ACF Codifier example for adding a rule group to the field group.
- Fixed plugin.php version number.
- Documentation fixes.
- A functionality to disable data filtering with a PHP constant.
- Added lots of filters to allow modifying various settings
- Changed ACF Codifier's Composer require to include newer version
- Changed ACF Codifier's Composer require to point to the stable release
- Changed the component data filter to be more logically named
- Fixed the before method that wasn't ran in several previous versions
- Changed ACF Codifier's require block in the composer.json to one that's working
- Added ACF Codifier as a dependency for the plugin
- Made component's data function to be overridable
- Added documention for overriding data function
- Changed all built-in components to be defined with ACF Codifier
- Changed documentation to reflect the Codifier-related changes
- Support for ACF Codifier components and option fields
- Moved Components::hook function to load on init instead of acf/init so we can use data that is set after init in fields
- Static components now have acf_fc_layout field as well
- Static components don't have a prefix anymore as this would break component data functions
- Changed clonable static component name from c to component name
- WPTEAM-59: Changed component_handle function to handle components more flexibly by searching for components in fields rather than component group fields