Currently the tournament info and player list has to be harder code (a JSON and CSV in a repo), that's ok-ish for this tourney as the list won't change once it starts
Group stages and knockout stages are currently handled like separate tournaments, and in some cases like the upcoming tournament where we might select a 4th player out of 3 groups for the knockout stage, it's going to be a manual selection.
General concern: Most of all that I just wrote this, and just be mentally ready for double checking (though its usually obvious who is proceeding forward at the group stage)
Upload CSV of players/groups, since this is currently manual.
(Or if its simple enough, make this database-driven.)
[review] Connect the service to USTA's site.
- USTA HTML redirects to the site
- USTA HTML has the results in an iframe
[done] Need to add caching to only hit the API every 5 minutes
[done] misc UI changes to have the same experience as the existing standings page.
[done] UI should give links to the individual games.
The way we have it at the moment is that each group has it's own page and by clicking the player name you can see match-ups.
[done] Show players' matches, and what matches they have yet to play.
[partial] Allow setting exceptions (ignoring/overriding API results, invalid games, games that aren't in the DB for some reason, player withdrawals).
Implement the other tie-breakers - SB and especially blitz games since that is often what determines who wins the group stage.
Need to implement knockout stage tournments.
[done] Get players/groups from database.
[done] Admin UI (with simple password) for setting exceptions and modifying players/groups.
Allow USTA to host this (or better yet, migrate into the rest of Playtak.com)
- configure the library code to be a proper module, or just copy it over as a file
tournament management - creating tournaments, etc.
- some sort of interface to take in controls and to set up the files needed and the seek templates
creation of game seeks in playtak.com API, avoiding validation issues
- when creating a seek for the tournament, there should be an interface where the player selects the game to play and sets up a seek with the parameter
generating permanent endpoints (maintaining a historical record)
- generating static HTML after the tournament is over?