- Checkout Devtron documentation to install and use Devtron
- Install Devtron on different Kubernetes clusters like kind, microk8s, eks, aks, etc. on different cloud providers like Linode, Vultr, Kamatera, OVHcloud, Oracle VM etc.
- Try different installation varitions with different options as mentioned in documentation. For eg - with enabled ArgoCD, Clair, etc
- If stuck somewhere, share the isssue on
channel with community - Not sure if what you are facing is a bug? Hop over in our Discord Community and we can figure it out together
- Once you get the bug, create an Github Issue for it and label it with
- Share the issue URL in
channel with our Discord Community
- Azure
- Linode
- Digital Ocean
- Vultr
- Kamatera
- OVHcloud
- Oracle VM
- Hazner
- Civo
- Alibaba Cloud
Feel free to explore other cloud providers and install Devtron over it.
- For every Cloud Provider, only the 1st five bug submissions will be considered.
- Bugs will be labled as L1, L2, L3 depending upon the severity of the bug.
- Bug reports will be cosidered on first come, first server basis.
- One can report multiple bugs on multiple cloud providers.
- Ranking would be given in terms of quality and quantity. Number of L1 submissions + Count of bugs hunted