- Adds the capability of installing a recursor from source
- Adds the capability of installing a recursor with pipe backend (source and package install).
- Updating documentation.
- Major code refactor
- Resolver no longer uses a separated template for configuration and it uses the same attribute (flavor) to decide the functionality, so it is not possible to install a resolver and an authoritative on the same machine anymore.
- Only authoritative servers install or compile backends now.
- Creating schema, grants and users for postgres backend.
- Handling the URL for downloading the source gracefully using lazy evaluation since this provoked a malformed URL string when concatenated with the version on source recipe.
- Recursor is now the default behavior
- Using bind as a default backend per recommendation on irc channel
- Adding a new slave PowerDNS server configuration
- Refactor of authoritative part
- Refactor of build related code
- Expanded documentation
- Updating to 3.4.7 addressing PowerDNS Security Advisory 2015-03. More information about this CVE can be found here: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/11/09/3
- Updating to 3.4.6 addressing PowerDNS Security Advisory 2015-02. More information about this CVE can be found here: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/09/02/5
- Executing bootstrap command on every pdns compilation run
- Updating to version 3.4.4 of authoritative powerdns server in order to address PowerDNS Security Advisory 2015-01: Label decompression bug can cause crashes or CPU spikes.
- Allowing pdns_server to automatically upgrade in source installs
- Adding missing configuration bits for authoritative_package recipe
There have been major changes to the recipes and attributes of this cookbook in the first of many efforts to stabilize and modernize everything. Please review the updated README and take special note of the install type and backend attributes to suit your configuration.
We plan to eventually migrate the recipes over to LWRP's to make this cookbook easier to wrap and extend.
- Testing Updates
- Fixed missing build-essential include
- Not actually sure what happened here
- Remove incorrect search domains
- DNS should install the sqlite gem (needs build-essentials) and use the correct pdns template filename [COOK-978]
- Add source recipe [COOK-3106]
- pdns cookbook has foodcritic failures [COOK-2986]
- Configure a PowerDNS server [COOK-2604]
- Fixes for centos/rhel boxen and pdns::recursor cookbook [COOK-1080]