- ✏️ doc updates
- 🐛 when fixing a bug
- 🚀 when making general improvements
- ✅ when adding tests
- ⬆️ when upgrading dependencies
- 🎉 when adding new features
- 🎉 Full with highest danger level
- 🚀 Remove geometries with no forecast
- 🚀 New opacity values
- 🚀 Update to latest ESLint Config
- 🚀 Update to latest ESLint Config
- 🐛 Remove static from schema
- ⬆️ Update ETL Base
- 🚀 Update metadata props
- 🚀 Output Colour data based on Above Treeline Rating
- 🚀 Improved remarks & poly support
- 🚀 Update to latest token strategy
- 🎉 Initial Commit