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KnowItAll Quiz

KnowItAll Quiz is a simple quiz engine built with Node.js and Express. It serves a set of questions and allows users to navigate through them, flag questions for review, and keep track of their score.


  • Serve static files and HTML pages
  • Fetch and display quiz questions
  • Navigate through questions
  • Flag questions for review
  • Track user score


Option 1: Docker (Recommended)

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Clone or download this repository
  3. Open terminal in project directory
  4. Run:
    docker-compose up
  5. Open browser to http://localhost:3000

Environment Variables

  • PORT: Set custom port (default: 3000)
  • MAX_PORT_ATTEMPTS: Maximum number of alternative ports to try if default is in use (default: 10)

Example with custom port:

PORT=8080 docker-compose up

Docker Operations Cheat Sheet

# Start the application
docker-compose up

# Run in background
docker-compose up -d

# View logs
docker logs knowitall_quiz_1

# Access container shell
docker exec -it knowitall_quiz_1 bash

# Stop application
docker-compose down

# Rebuild after changes
docker-compose up --build

Option 2: Standalone Executable

Download from Releases

Download pre-built executables from the latest release.

Build Locally

  1. Install pkg globally:

    npm install -g pkg
  2. Build executables:

    npm run build

    This creates executables in the dist/ directory:

    • Windows: knowitall-win.exe
    • macOS: knowitall-macos
    • Linux: knowitall-linux
  3. Make the file executable (macOS/Linux only):

    chmod +x dist/knowitall-macos  # or knowitall-linux
  4. Run the executable for your platform:

    # macOS
    # Linux
    # Windows
  5. Open browser to http://localhost:3000

Option 3: Manual Installation

  1. Install Node.js 18 or later
  2. Clone or download this repository
  3. Open terminal in project directory
  4. Run:
    npm install
    npm start
  5. Open browser to http://localhost:3000



# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start development server (with auto-reload)
npm run dev

# Start with custom port
PORT=8080 npm start

# Start with custom port range attempts
PORT=8080 MAX_PORT_ATTEMPTS=5 npm start

Port Configuration

The application will automatically:

  • Try to use the specified port (default: 3000)
  • If the port is in use, it will try subsequent ports up to MAX_PORT_ATTEMPTS
  • Display the actual port being used in the console output

Building Distributions

# Build executables for all platforms
npm run build

# Create ZIP distribution package
npm run dist

Build outputs will be in the dist/ directory:

  • Executables: knowitall-win.exe, knowitall-macos, knowitall-linux
  • ZIP package:

Note: Built distributions are not committed to source control. Download official releases from the releases page.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.


  • Dan Lewis

Building & Testing Executables

  1. Build all executables:

    npm install -g pkg
    npm run build
  2. Test on macOS:

    # Direct execution
    chmod +x dist/knowitall-macos
    # Or via Docker
    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/dist:/app -p 3000:3000 ubuntu:latest bash
    cd /app
    chmod +x knowitall-macos
  3. Test on Linux:

    # Via Docker
    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/dist:/app -p 3000:3000 ubuntu:latest bash
    cd /app
    chmod +x knowitall-linux
  4. Test on Windows:

    # Direct execution
    # Via Ubuntu Docker (works on all platforms)
    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/dist:/app -p 3000:3000 ubuntu:latest bash
    cd /app
    chmod +x knowitall-linux  # Use Linux executable in Ubuntu container
    # Via Windows Docker (Windows only)
    docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/dist:C:/app -p 3000:3000
    cd C:\app


  • To stop any container: Use Ctrl+C to stop the application, then type exit
  • The Ubuntu Docker method works on all platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Windows containers only work on Windows with Docker Desktop configured for Windows containers

Developer Guide

Development Workflow

  1. Setup Development Environment

    # Clone repository
    git clone
    cd knowitall
    # Install dependencies
    npm install
    # Start development server with auto-reload
    npm run dev
  2. Project Structure

    ├── public/          # Static assets and client-side JS
    ├── views/           # HTML templates
    ├── questions/       # Question bank JSON files
    ├── dist/           # Build outputs (not in source control)
    └── index.js        # Main server application
  3. Working with Question Banks

    • Question banks are JSON files in the questions/ directory
    • Follow the schema in questions/ping-aic.json for new banks
    • Supported question types:
      • radio (single choice)
      • checkbox (multiple choice)
      • text (free text input)
      • ordering (drag-and-drop sequence)
  4. Testing Changes

    # Test with auto-reload
    npm run dev
    # Test Docker build
    docker-compose up --build
    # Test executables
    npm run build
    ./dist/knowitall-macos  # or appropriate platform executable
  5. Distribution

    • Update version in package.json
    • Build all distributions: npm run build && npm run dist
    • Test all distribution methods before release
    • Create GitHub release with built executables

Common Development Tasks

  • Adding a Question Bank

    1. Create new JSON file in questions/
    2. Follow schema structure from existing banks
    3. Test with both development server and Docker
  • Modifying UI

    1. Edit files in views/ and public/
    2. Use development server for quick feedback
    3. Test across different screen sizes
  • Backend Changes

    1. Modify index.js for server changes
    2. Test with both npm run dev and Docker
    3. Verify all question types still work

Best Practices

  • Keep question banks in version control
  • Test all distribution methods before PR
  • Follow existing code style
  • Update documentation for new features

Testing Distribution Methods

Before releasing, verify all distribution methods:

  1. Docker Distribution

    # Clean test
    docker-compose down
    docker system prune -f
    docker-compose up --build
  2. Executable Distribution

    # Clean and rebuild
    rm -rf dist/
    npm run build
    # Test each platform
    ./dist/knowitall-macos  # macOS
    ./dist/knowitall-linux  # Linux
    ./dist/knowitall-win.exe  # Windows
  3. ZIP Distribution

    # Clean start
    rm -rf dist/ test-dist/
    # Install dependencies and create distribution
    npm install
    npm run dist
    # Test in new directory
    mkdir test-dist
    cd test-dist
    unzip ../dist/
    npm install
    npm start

Note: Always run npm run dist from the project root directory where package.json is located.

  1. Manual Installation
    # Fresh clone and install
    git clone <repository-url> test-install
    cd test-install
    npm install
    npm start

Verify for each method:

  • Application starts successfully
  • Question banks are accessible
  • All question types work
  • UI elements render correctly