All sources are embedded in the Sfx-1.0.0-all.jar in case we need to modify the source. For all practical purposes we treat this as a downloaded utility.
To build Linux/Windows
./gradlew clean build
gradlew.bat clean build
Building produces an install directory ./build/install/Sfx-shadow
and the bin folder contains the executable.
Running the following command without any arguments will list the command help.
The options are as shown below.
Option (* = required) Description
--------------------- -----------
--an, --artifactName [String] Name of the artifact to create (without the
extension). Defaults to name of the name of
the leaf input directory
* -d, --directory <File> Directory to add to the zip archive
--wd, --workingDirectory [File] Working directory. Zip file entries are
created relative to this. Defaults to
directory to be archived
For e.g.
Running the following
./build/install/Sfx-shadow/bin/Sfx -an test -d <full-path-to>/src
.\build\installSfx-shadow\bin\Sfx -an test -d <full-path-to>\src
will produce a self extracting test.exe
(compatible with the Windows CE 6/7 platform).