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On the covariance of X in the AX=XB

Huy Nguyen edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 4 revisions

The classical hand-eye calibration problem consists in identifying the rigidbody transformation eTc between a camera mounted on the end-effector of a robot and the end-effector itself (see the below figure). The problem is usually framed as the AX=XB problem. In this functionality, we provide a solution for not only solving for X but also predicting the covariance of X from those of A and B, where A and B are now randomly perturbed transformation matrices.

For more details, please refer to the accompanying paper On the covariance of X in the AX=XB.

The following code snippets shows basic usage of cope in finding the covariance of X:

First, import necessary functions

import cope.SE3lib as SE3
import cope.axxbcovariance as axxb
import numpy as np
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Then, input As, Bs and their covariance matrices. For this example, let's use the data set in /examples folder

# Read data files
filename = "data/pattern_tfs"
pattern_tfs =  pickle.load(open( filename, "rb" ) )
filename = "data/robot_tfs"
robot_tfs =  pickle.load(open( filename, "rb" ) )
ksamples = 30
# Randomly generate 30 pairs of A and B
datasize = len(pattern_tfs)
alpha = []
beta = []
ta = []
tb = []
for i in range(ksamples):
  # note this
  rand_number_1 = int(np.random.uniform(0,datasize))
  rand_number_2 = int(np.random.uniform(0,datasize))
  while rand_number_1==rand_number_2:
    rand_number_2 = int(np.random.uniform(0,datasize))
  A =[rand_number_1],np.linalg.inv(robot_tfs[rand_number_2]))
  B =[rand_number_1],np.linalg.inv(pattern_tfs[rand_number_2]))

# Covariances
sigmaA = 1e-10*np.diag((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
sigmaRa = sigmaA[3:,3:]
sigmata = sigmaA[:3,:3]
sigmaRb = np.array([[  4.15625435e-05,  -2.88693145e-05,  -6.06526440e-06],
                    [ -2.88693145e-05,   3.20952008e-04,  -1.44817304e-06],
                    [ -6.06526440e-06,  -1.44817304e-06,   1.43937081e-05]])
sigmatb = np.array([[  1.95293655e-04,   2.12627214e-05,  -1.06674886e-05],
                    [  2.12627214e-05,   4.44314426e-05,   3.86787591e-06],
                    [ -1.06674886e-05,   3.86787591e-06,   2.13069579e-05]])

Finally, solve with cope

Rxinit,txinit = axxb.FCParkSolution(alpha,beta,ta,tb) # Initial guess
rot_res = axxb.IterativeSolutionRot(beta,alpha,sigmaRa,sigmaRb,Rxinit)
Rxhat, sigmaRx, rot_converged, betahat, alphahat, sigmaRbeta, sigmabeta, sigmaRahat, sigmaRRa = rot_res
txhat, sigmatx, trans_converged = axxb.IterativeSolutionTrans(betahat, alphahat, ta, tb, Rxhat, sigmaRahat, sigmaRb, sigmata, sigmatb, sigmaRx,sigmaRbeta, txinit.reshape((3,1)), 10)
# Visualization

This figure should appear!It shows the projections of the one-standard-deviation covariance ellipsoids.

For more examples, please see the /examples folder

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