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Go Version 1.10.3

Welcome to the Dispatch Protocol dev-tools!

This is the toolset developed for working on the disgo implementation of the Dispatch Protocol. This is the place to start if you're looking to run your own Dispatch network, or contribute to the open-source development of the protocol.

Questions? Opinions? Talk to us:

If you have any questions or just want to get to know us better, come say hi in our discord (

Table of Contents

Getting Started



Since both disgo and the dev-tools are written in go, it'll help if you installed golang on your machine


We try to keep our branch names connected between the disgo <--> dev-tools repos. If you're having a hard time building one or the other, make sure they're both on the same branch (dev and dev, or master and master).


Go get the dev-tools

go get

Then go get the dependencies:

cd ~/go/src/
go get ./...

Local Cluster

To do any development on the Dispatch protocol, it really helps to be able to run your own local cluster of Seeds and Delegates.

🆕 newLocalCluster

go run main.go newLocalCluster [numberOfDelegates (default=4)]

The newLocalCluster command will build Seed and Delegate nodes in your ~/disgo_cluster directory. Then go to these directories and start up the multiple nodes in multiple terminal windows, starting with the seed:

cd ~/disgo_cluster/seed-0

Then from another teminal window:

cd ~/disgo_cluster/delegate-0

Rinse and repeat for as many Delegates as you'd like to run.

🔥 reset

go run main.go reset

The reset command will re-build the disgo binaries and empties the db folder in ~/disgo_cluster directories. This is the command you usually run when you've edited the disgo code and want to "re-compile" the cluster.

*note: Reset will not empty or update the config folder.

🔧 Configuring your local cluster:

grpc Port http Port local Api
Seed localhost:1973 Ø localhost:1975
Delegate 0 localhost:3502 localhost:3503 localhost:3504
Delegate 1 localhost:3505 localhost:3506 localhost:3507
Delegate 2 localhost:3508 localhost:3509 localhost:3510
Delegate 3 localhost:3511 localhost:3512 localhost:3513

After creating your local cluster, each "node" in ~/disgo_cluster/ will come with a config/config.json file that specifies what ports that node is using. Here are the default ports for the nodes^^^

You can test the seed by going to localhost:1975/v1/delegates, and you can test the rest of the delegates with their http API (localhost:3503/v1/transactions). For more documentation on the http API, check out

The genesis account that contains all of the tokens at the instantiation of the network can be found in dev-tools/transactions/constants.go

Sending Transactions

The dev-tools repo comes with tools that can send any of the 4 transaction types to any network:

Transaction Type What it does
0 Divvy Token transfer
1 Deploy Smart-Contract
2 Execute Write
3 Execute Read

🌰 Pick a seed

go run main.go transfer [to-address] [amount]

The dev-tools can send to any network with an active seed, but it will default to sending transactions to the local cluster. Just put the -seed=*ip*:*port* flag in front of the function name you want to call. The official Dispatch mainnet seed domain is static at and the devnet seed domain is

💸 transfer

go run main.go transfer [toAddress] [amount]

You can transfer tokens out of the genesis account defined in dev-tools/transactions/constants.go, you you could transfer tokens from another address with this command:

go run main.go transfer [fromPrivKey] [fromAddress] [toAddress] [amount]

📑 deployContractFromFile

go run main.go deployContractFromFile [contractName]

This command will search the dev-tools/test_contracts/ directory for a compiled [contractName].abi and [contractName].bin and deploy it from the genesis account.

🖋 executeWrite

go run main.go executeWrite [smartContractAddress] [function] [parameter0Type]:[parameter0Value] [parameter1Type]:[parameter1Value]...

executeWrite will execute a function on a deployed smart-contract, and write the result to the ledger. Functions can have any number of parameters that are submitted as the parameter type and value separated by a colon (:). *note: The "address" parameter type in some smart-contracts is submitted as a "string" parameterType.

Because executeWrite is needs to be gossipped and costs bandwidth, it is recommended to use the executeRead function whenever possible.

📚 executeRead

go run main.go executeRead [smartContractAddress] [function] [parameter0Type]:[parameter0Value] [parameter1Type]:[parameter1Value]...

executeRead will return the result of a function called on a deployed smart-contract, without writing the transaction to the ledger. executeRead costs no bandwidth and returns a much faster result than executeWrite.


We need your help. We are a small team, building an open-source technology that we really believe can give people sovereignty over their data and the value it creates.

If you see something in the code that could use some improvement, or think of a feature that would add value. We'd love it if you made a Pull Request against the dev branch of the disgo repo 🙏.

Thank you so much for your support ❣️ -Zane W.