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  • Here you can write disorganized notes to be categorized later... or now.
  • Bullet points are useful, but it could be free form text as well
  • Sometimes it's better to just get things off your mind quickly, rather than stop to think where it belongs
  • But don't let this list get too long
  • Move information to more specific documents and link to them.
    • This helps you navigate between documents quickly
    • For example, you canCmd+Click this: [[todo]]
  • Some notes don't end up making sense the next day
  • That's ok, you can just delete them!
    • You can always find them in your git history, if you really need it!

Random notes, mostly for myself.

Privacy baseline:

What would it mean for W3C to REALLY prioritize end users?

Opportunities and Challenges of Browser-Based Machine Learning

Centralized Playbook idea. blink

Roadmap to web standards playbook

jyasskin:dlaliberte 1:1s

Web Standards at Google

Web and the Tech Island

Setting up Bikeshed. Recommends installing pyenv

Writers Who Code: which requires homebrew.

“Bikeshed Doc” Bikeshed Doc (go/bikeshed-doc-bikeshed-doc) Authors: jtacoma@ Created: 2018-09-25 Updated: 2018-09-27 Objective Provide guidance for anyone struggling with finding enough consensus to move forward.

go/bikeshed-doc “Bikeshed” Doc Template (go/bikeshed-doc) Author: username@ Created: 20XX-MM-DD Updated: 20XX-MM-DD Objective <The objective is to build consensus, but be more specific. Explain the situation, emphasizing problems and any previous or ongoing efforts to address the problems. Ideally link to another document that already explains all this….>

Bikeshed Design Document Establish a lightweight lifecycle management process for small FieldTech/CorpEng built scripts and applications, while providing clear documentation of assets and current maintainers.

Web Spec Editors Web Spec Editors

Federated Credential Management Fed CM


Fenced Frames Architecture

Scroll to privacy mitigations

Privacy Sandbox

2021 Chrome Dev Summit Keynote - several privacy issues: Privacy Sandbox, UA-CH,

Potassium Publication Review process. Nick S.

Problem statement, then problem solution. explainer (relative to end user problem) before specification

DOWPE Tab Domenic Shu Core PA websites etc.. and TC39

— Philip Lee

Chrome careers.

Idea of User-specified client agent that user trusts, in which the agent watches out for the user's best interest. Similar to Potassium

Privee: An Architecture for Automatically Analyzing Web Privacy Policies


Analysing anaphoric ambiguity in natural language requirements

In industrial practice, the vast majority of requirements documents are written in natural language and so run the risk of being ambiguous. … We aim to help requirements analysts to focus on identifying only those instances of ambiguity that are likely to lead to misunderstandings between stakeholders (because different stakeholders select different interpretations), while discounting those that are unlikely to cause misunderstandings (because all stakeholders choose the same interpretation).

HTML standards

The 10 Paradoxes of HTML

It is time to finally retire HTML Building a new web — Part 1

Nudge “Don’t sound more confident than you are.”

Bikeshed… links could be type checked.


Client Hints. What do they need that's not mostly-finished?

Road map … process description other headers? Early stage or process?

Early stage of part of potassium?

Meeting Mike Taylor - UA-CH

Invent new kinds of small specs, e.g. font features. reduced UA. various uses .. is there a set of 5-10 font features that sites need? research what features are available, used, etc .. implementers of fonts. Google Fonts. Graphics team. Dominic Rott. Coruna.


Yoav. editors on client hints.

Font foundry.

Working on UA-CH for Font Features:

Do explainer..

Explainer explainer:


General guidelines about what should be a client hint

Blink Process Life of a Web Platform Feature

Client Hint Reliability draft-davidben-http-client-hint-reliability-02

Options - Create Link chrome-extension://gcmghdmnkfdbncmnmlkkglmnnhagajbm/options.html

Web Standards - dlaliberte notes - Google Docs

draft-gpew-priv-ppm-00 - Privacy Preserving Measurement

Privacy Respecting Incorporation of Values (priv) -

Jan 3

Explainers include proposal?

  • Should it be just an "example" proposal or "suggested" proposal?
  • How much detail in the proposal is too much?

Explainers don't include arguments for why we should NOT make some proposal?

Don't have sense of what is needed for a new feature. Need guidance documents. What needs to be written to fill gaps. Owning a document for long term, requires a team, since individuals change over time.

How to deal with disagreement, and encourage agreement?

  • Proportional Approval Shared Space
  • Proportional Approval Shared Time

Plant UML

Mermaid JS


Does the user’s browser support a feature, versus does the user want to enable a feature? Browser support for a feature could be inferred from the browser version, but UA-CH hopes to replace use of UA string with a large set of headers to identify the same features. As all browsers eventually support some feature, is the UA-CH header for that feature useful any more? Do we have to keep supporting all UA-CH headers forever?

Interop tools UI work: Chrome Status Web platform tools dashboard

App Engine

ChromeStatus jason robins.
evan adams -

devrel paul kinlan? Dominic - who would help in devrel.

adobe font serving Font Foundaries

Possible Chrome Status easy bugs:

Generated Intent to Prototype emails are missing fields because I was never asked for them · Issue #1691 · GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard

  • Requires figuring out how to add to what is asked for I2P.

Tool does not match instructions for 'Web-developer-facing change to existing code (PSA)' · Issue #1686 · GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard

  • Potentially several complications.
  • Relevant to folding more docs into Chrome Status.

Set up javascript unit tests · Issue #1678 · GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard

  • Seems easy enough for me, though there are several things I don't know about yet.
  • Relevant for testing potential client-side enhancements.

Implement unit tests for django templates · Issue #1677 · GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard

  • Important, especially if I am going to modify django templates.

Missing feedback when setting an item to approved · Issue #1642 · GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard

  • Seems simple and helpful. Could be more complex depending on whether user action causes expected change visible in the page.


Sam Jackson presentation

  • Better privacy enables easier fraud.
  • Few fraud cases to learn from.
  • Privacy budget as source of volatility.
    • What happens when site goes over budget?
  • In some cases, digital profiling is a regulatory requirement.
  • Exemptions for parties involved in fraud detection. High risk contexts.

Abuse of privacy is reason for requirements to improvement privacy. And sometimes unintended consequence of reducing fraud is reducing privacy. Users giving even more info to identify themselves.

Summary/Survey of State of Potassium

  • How do Origin Trials fit in? I2E
    • e.g. Need explainer?

Ready for Trial - dev trials.

TPM for potassium

Why Facilitation is important

Lack of facilitation can result in chaos, lack of direction, wasted time. Stepping into facilitators shoes gives another perspective.


Chrome Status

Font Features

Conversation with Mike Taylor a year ago.

variant fonts, colors font rendering engines.. Overlap bugs unicode range

identify capabilities.

Try to avoid multiple requests, but... two stage request .. css to specify fonts. Single-page web sites, with multiple ajax requests for more content and markup.

  1. Split up fonts by unicode range. subsetting
  2. variable fonts
  3. woff, woff2. Brotli
  4. Incremental transfer. Progressive Font Enancement.

Garret Rieger.

blind caching . Martin Thompson

Diagram generation for standards process navigation.

Chat with Dominik Röttsches

unicode range already well established. what expecatations strictly within range?

tools for 3rd party font services what css can be shipped? e.g. subsetting.

where is woff2 (brotli based) etc an issue? Chrome? major version, platform in UA. Is that enough? not tied to platform.

Incremental transfer

  1. apple way, range requests
  2. chrome way. font patch

Color fonts

  • emoji
  • safari supports open type svg fonts.
  • chrome color v1..

Importance Google fonts, what they need?

migration path for css.

adobe font service.

Sam Goto. Federated Credentials Intent to Experiment.

Current playbooks seem to ve lacking.

Potassium Rick Byers.

Spreadsheet form of status is clunky but flexible. Can we add similar data to Chrome Status? What features do we need to add? E.g. tags, categories, groupings. More status variations?

Font services: font distribution companies. apple fonts? linotype

font-like media CDN akamai, cloudflare.

Yoav - web performance. Mike West - privacy budget

New OS ... can we safely use this new feature.


Requests from Google Fonts? (Not that I know of.)

More reliable to have more direct signals of features support.

Incremental fonts:

  • streaming fonts
  • content negotiation needed.

Gerrett Rigger - google fonts, chair of wg on incremental transfer

"It is better to enable things that are not yet possible than to just improve things that are already possible."

Which fonts are served, and which css is served?

COLRv1 - which font formats are supported, unique.

  • enable font providers to minimize the css they send, optimal experience.

    • But is size of css an issue? More an issue for round-trip latency.
  • vector fonts plus others.

  • import css file from google fonts.

variable fonts similar to colors. coalesce into a single hint.

main problem: there are always trandoffs.

Idea: can client get font dimensions early enough to safely approximate how to render with default or fall-back font? css features to provide font sizes. size adjust feature. Can font file dimension data be sent first? ask Dominik about size of dimension data.

caching font data close to clients. pre-caching reduces fingering.

Which standards bodies would handle this.

Extra trips required. Need to know first request.
low entropy hints possible?

browser major version is low entropy. On mac, default fonts based on os.

Variable font support, tied to OS version. if we dont know, don't send.

Color fonts are similar.

Adding hints should not take too long.. fast track registry of client hints?

Suggest client hints needed along with css for fonts. Can we add attribute to link tag.

capability set generated from UA.

variable fonts are used heavily. need to distinguish for OSx.

Freezing UA means exactly what? could be fine for now, depending.

Dont want to slow deployment.

Adobe - Monotype

Which unicode range do you want?

Firefox has not liked client hints.
variable fonts.
Has Evan talked with Firefox? Jeffrey can help.

font features categories. Css negotiation. font face rule. src says .. if woff Talk with Tab about extending font face conditional rules. Condition on font feature possibily. Ask Evan if this works. Tab. Firefox may need work.

Potassium Standards Sync

PRD is not spec. Higher than design doc, more about requirements, but how is something implemented in chrome. public spec, more detailed design specification.

spec + IP protections CR from working group,

Controvesial but still becomes standard? web midi - chrome speced and shipped, others followed. de facto vs de ju.

Trying to involve counity to build consensus.

Next Steps

  1. Write a spec for each API before it ships.
  2. Decide which path toward standard is appropriate.

Anything that uses Blink I2S process needs standardization.

Josh Karlin is one who is participating in the standards process.

Using Chrome Status

Some thoughts and observations while using Chrome Status.

  • On "Edit feature" page
    • "Edit all fields" link is way at the top.
    • To edit one stage, click "Preview" link?
    • Would be more convenient to edit in the context of this page.
      • Expand the stage row in-place, or maybe just expand one progress item, since user may only have one new thing to add.
  • Initial tooltip about, e.g. Progress column, should be available later.
  • Terminoloy on "Edit feature" page is different from what is found when editing fields.

Harald Alv. Instead of writing extensions to specs, we write addons. What's the difference? Difficult either but it should be easier. W3C process is an obstacle

Importance of Spec maintenance. More important to have specifications than recs. Others outside of Google often expected to push to rec.

Incubation. Need to agree on what it means.

Encourage adoption, but not require adoption before shipping. But require an inquiry.

Chrome status Summary of what is worth paying attention to.

Potassium Standards Status

Projects that are shipping - should they be listed?

Things to remove from Chrome Status

paper ripple..

iron icon.. svg?

Levels of help

feature type list process for stages for each stage, fields short description, extended detailed context prerequisites .. followup.. field editing constraints and error message..

Chrome status Web Status Microsoft Edge? Just "conceptual", "the web we want" Other chromium based. Opera brave, Amazon silk. Samsung. Firefox status. Who else?

Other extensions: Web compass Approvals ** More release notes

filter sidebar.

Google feedback. Suggested edit. Integrate with GitHub?

Google fonts..??

Regarding font features client hings: Need to involve the Google Fonts folks Rod Sheeter, Evan Adams, and Yoav Weiss. Also involve other font services. Also solicit feedback from CSS working group folks as well (fantasai, Chris Lilley, Jonathan Kew, Myles Maxfield, Dominik).