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v2: LangChain with GPT 3.5 Turbo

This version of the application use the LangChain framework, which provides many features and benefits that we'll use in later iterations of the application.


Run the Application

Execute the following commands to run the application:

# clone the repo if you haven't already
git clone

# navigate to the directory repo
cd langchain-with-splunk/v2

# create a virtual environment 
python3 -m venv openai-env

# activate the virtual environment
source openai-env/bin/activate

# install the required packages
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

# define the service name and environment
export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=my-llm-app
export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES='deployment.environment=test'

# run the application
splunk-py-trace flask run -p 8080

Test the Application

We can use the existing question.json file with the following content:

  "question":"Hello, World!"

Then open a second terminal window to exercise the application using the following curl command.

curl -d "@question.json"  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/askquestion

It will respond with something like:

Hello! How can I assist you today?

You should see a trace in Splunk Observability Cloud such as the following:

v2 Trace