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The ultimate CrossCode type definitions

Written for CrossCode version 1.4.0

Hi! This document serves as the documentation for the Ultimate CrossCode TypeDefs project and programmer's guide to writing CrossCode mods in TypeScript.

Setting up a TypeScript mod project

NOTE: despite my personal preference for Yarn over npm I included npm commands here because virtually everyone in CC modding seems to be using it, I hope you can figure out Yarn commands yourself if you use it, the syntax should be more or less equivalent.

NOTE 2: this tutorial will be updated when work on CCLoader v3 begins.

Let's get started by creating the mod manifest:


  "name": "your-mod",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "module": true,
  "prestart": "dist/prestart.js",
  "ccmodDependencies": {},
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^4.6.2",
    "ultimate-crosscode-typedefs": "dmitmel/ultimate-crosscode-typedefs"
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc --build",
    "watch": "tsc --watch"

This is the most basic package manifest that is just enough to get our example mod to compile and run. Refer to the modding tutorial for the meaning of the fields (TODO, haven't began writing it yet, please wait until summer begins). I'll add a few comments though:

  • module: true is not strictly required, but it will become opt-out rather than opt-in in CCLoader v3 (unlike as it is now), so it is better to write new mods in a way which will require to do less porting work. Plus ES modules are generally handier in the context of CC modding because they work in both browser and Node.js unlike require(). Unfortunately, some extra care needs to be taken.
  • prestart is used just as an example here, of course you are not required to use only it and there are no incompatibilities between TypeScript and other mod loading stages.
  • An empty ccmodDependencies object is included in case you need npm dependencies because if ccmodDependencies isn't present CCLoader tries to read dependencies which conflicts with npm.
  • Inclusion of developer-only metadata such as devDependencies and scripts is actually fine. It doesn't crash any existing tools (because the standard allows extra fields in the manifest) and greatly simplifies the mod development because there is no need to handle two separate copies of package.json, then copy one of them (the mod manifest, not the Node.js package manifest) into the directory for compiled code, then somehow set up symbolic links and do other unnecessary crap that can be avoided by simply keeping a single package.json (In short - I'm waiting for the new manifest, the ccmod.json, to be implemented).
  • The version of TypeScript doesn't need to be locked to 4.6.2 as in the example above, it just happened to be the latest version as of writing. However, There are some problems with TypeScript versions below v3.9.x described here.
  • ultimate-crosscode-typedefs is included as a Git dependency because I have no plans about publishing it to npm (this would slow down the development as I would have to release a new version on every commit) and it is easier to update it with with npm update than use Git submodules.

TIP: A good example of package.json in an existing TS mod can be found here.

There is one very important note though: you will need a local copy of ultimate-crosscode-typedefs because typings are very far from complete (as I mentioned above) and most likely you'll be editing them often to accommodate the needs of your project. So, let's set up a local copy with the npm link command as well before continuing:

# Firstly, fork this repository, I would be very grateful if you send your
# changes as pull requests to this one

# Any other directory is fine, I just prefer to keep my CrossCode Mod
# Development Environment contained in the CrossCode directory
cd path/to/CrossCode

git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/ultimate-crosscode-typedefs.git
npm link

# again, the following path depends on your preference
cd ../assets/mods/your-mod

npm link ultimate-crosscode-typedefs

Ok! Now that we are done with setting up the manifest and dependencies you can run

npm install

The next thing we have to tackle is configuring the TypeScript compiler. A good starting point is:


  "include": ["src", "node_modules/ultimate-crosscode-typedefs/crosscode-ccloader-all.d.ts"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "dist",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "strict": true,
    "module": "ESNext",
    "target": "ES2019",
    "allowJs": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true

NOTE: I highly recommend leaving the strict option enabled. These typedefs were developed with it enabled, so I'm not sure how they and/or type inference would behave on less strict configurations. Plus, strict isn't actually some kind of a "masochist mode" for TypeScript, in fact I believe that it should be on by default.

Here's an official reference describing all of the compiler options.

I also recommend creating a directory called headers inside src, it will come in handy later.

Oh, by the way, here is a Git-ignore file for your convenience:



The final project layout

We are pretty much done now! Here's the directory tree you'll end up with:

├─ dist/
├─ node_modules/
├─ src/
│  ├─ headers/
│  └─ prestart.ts
├─ .gitignore
├─ package.json
└─ tsconfig.json

The project can be built with npm run build now and you can start the compiler in the watch-mode with npm run watch.

Using the type definitions

All things are defined as you would expect. The type of the class sc.TextGui is, indeed, called sc.TextGui, its parent type is called ig.GuiElementBase. sc.ELEMENT is an enum with five members: NEUTRAL, HEAT, COLD, SHOCK and WAVE. All class types are subclasses of the type called ig.Class. ig and sc are two big TypeScript namespaces. Even inject and extend are defined correctly! Most importantly, only two things are defined as read-only: prototype and classId of ig.Class. Everything else (including constants) can be overwritten to because that's very common in modding. Most importantly, I ensured that type inference works correctly without type annotations, which means that minimal changes to the mod code are required when porting an existing mod to TS and, theoretically typedefs can be used to improve the developer experience of JS mods!

Extending existing types

Adding properties and methods to existing types is a very common task in CrossCode modding, which is, fortunately, very easy to accomplish thanks to declaration merging. In a shellnut nutshell, here's what declaration merging does: the following two TS definitions

// taken from ccloader-ui.d.ts in this repository
declare namespace sc {
    interface KnownTypesMap {
      'logLevel-log': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'logLevel-warn': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'logLevel-error': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'mods-description': sc.OptionDefinition.INFO;

// taken from localization-utils.d.ts of crosscode-ru
declare namespace sc {
    interface KnownTypesMap {
      'crosscode-ru.localized-labels-on-sprites': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'crosscode-ru.lea-spelling': sc.OptionDefinition.BUTTON_GROUP;

will be merged into

declare namespace sc {
    interface KnownTypesMap {
      'logLevel-log': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'logLevel-warn': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'logLevel-error': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'mods-description': sc.OptionDefinition.INFO;
      'crosscode-ru.localized-labels-on-sprites': sc.OptionDefinition.CHECKBOX;
      'crosscode-ru.lea-spelling': sc.OptionDefinition.BUTTON_GROUP;

As you can see, declaration merging combines similarly named interfaces, as well as namespaces, together. Other merges are possible, they are described in the TypeScript documentation, but they aren't very interesting in this context. You are not limited to just random interfaces, however. All classes are defined as interfaces (more about this later) which makes adding new fields and methods a piece of cake!

declare namespace ig.ENTITY {
  interface Player {
    hasCatEars: boolean;

// from crosscode-readable-saves
declare namespace ig {
  interface Storage {
    readableData: ig.StorageDataReadable;

// from enhanced-ui
declare namespace sc {
  interface InfoBar {
    _associatedBuffInfo: sc.BuffInfo | null;

    // `this: this` notation will be explained later
    _updateTickerMaxSize(this: this): void;

These extension declarations have been named by me "header files" due to their similarity with a feature of the C programming language. The recommended location for those header files is the directory src/headers/ we created earlier. Why not src/types/? Well, these declarations aren't intended for outside libraries or something like that, they technically are required for the code inside your project to work and contain forward declarations because TypeScript can't create new fields on the fly.

Creating new classes

This is a very interesting topic because formally defining Impact's class system wasn't an easy task at all. Classes can't be defined with the class keyword because then extending (with declaration merging) becomes is impossible. Also keep in mind that functions inject and extend need proper declarations too! Well, currently we have the following system in place:

declare namespace sc {
  interface MyClass extends ig.Class {
    c: string[];

    doSomething(this: this, other: ig.MyClass): void;
    selfDestruct(this: this): boolean;
  interface MyClassConstructor extends ImpactClass<MyClass> {
    new (a: number, b: number): MyClass;
  var MyClass: MyClassConstructor;

Let's go over a few things:

  • As with simple type extensions, I recommend putting class definitions in header files.
  • The type sc.MyClass and the actual constructor which is visible from the (compiled) JavaScript are named the same because the compiler allows it and to not cause confusion.
  • The constructor is defined with a mutable variable (var) because you will have to write sc.MyClass = ig.Class.extend({ ... }) in your code.
  • All classes should either inherit other Impact classes or ig.Class in the declarations since normally it is impossible to create another class without having ig.Class at the end of the inheritance chain (because some class has to call ig.Class.extend).
    TIP: I generated an inheritance tree of all classes used in CrossCode which might come in handy for searching parent classes.
  • ImpactClass is a helper interface which automatically generates the prototype, defines inject and extend.
  • All methods must define this parameter explicitly, otherwise the ImpactClassDefinition type used by ImpactClass for the class definition objects in inject/extend won't generate correct this parameters which contains this.parent for example. Fortunately, TypeScript has the contextual type alias this which refers to the current interface or class, so defining this is as easy as writing this: this at the beginning of the argument lists.
  • this.parent in the class definitions contains actual method signatures and not some stub like (...args: unknown[]) => unknown, so you get typechecking there as well.
  • Constructors which are defined in the constructor interfaces aren't inherited from parent classes.
  • ImpactClass automatically picks up the constructor and generates an init function for it in the class definitions and the prototype.
  • It is also possible to add static methods and properties by defining them in the constructor interface (this: this is not required for static methods).
  • Most notably: merged declarations will be picked up automatically by ImpactClassDefinition.

TIP: Good examples of modded class definitions can be seen in Readable saves and Enhanced UI.

It is also possible to add other types to an Impact class by creating a similarly named namespace:

declare namespace ig {
  namespace TextBlock {
    interface Settings {
      speed?: ig.TextBlock.SPEED;
      textAlign?: ig.Font.ALIGN;
      maxWidth?: number;
      bestRatio?: number;
      linePadding?: number;

    // ...
    type DrawCallback = (width: number, height: number) => void;
    // ...
  interface TextBlock extends ig.Class {
    // ...
    setDrawCallback(this: this, drawCallback: ig.TextBlock.DrawCallback): void;
    // ...
  interface TextBlockConstructor extends ImpactClass<TextBlock> {
    new (font: ig.MultiFont, text: sc.TextLike, settings: ig.TextBlock.Settings): TextBlock;
    // ...
  var TextBlock: TextBlockConstructor;

Unfortunately, extra care needs to be taken when adding enums to Impact classes. From the standpoint of the TypeScript compiler both var and enum generate JS code, therefore are incompatible. I came up with the following trick to circumvent that:

declare namespace ig {
  enum Font$ALIGN {

  namespace Font {
    type ALIGN = Font$ALIGN;
  interface Font extends ig.Image {
    // ...
  interface FontConstructor extends ImpactClass<Font> {
    // ...
    ALIGN: typeof Font$ALIGN;
    // ...
  var Font: FontConstructor;

As you can see, the enum is declared separately from the var declaration which it otherwise would be attempted to fuse with, and then both type and static field aliases to the said enum are created.

Recommended code style in definitions

When contributing to this project you must comply with the style I'll be describing here. I don't require you to follow it in your mods, but it would be nice nevertheless.

  • Use as less any and unknown as possible. This also applies to data of JSON asset files stored in various classes.
  • Put fields and methods in the order they are arranged in the game code.
  • Always use fully-qualified class names (i.e. ig.Entity, not Entity), unless you are defining a class (reference to the two interfaces of the currently defined class can be written without including the namespace) or creating a structure of nested interfaces, e.g. for defining field types in JSON assets.
  • May the type aliases be with you!
  • Prefer namespaces over interfaces if functions in an object don't contain references to this. For example: ig.TextParser has references to this, so it is defined as an interface, on the other hand sc.MenuHelper doesn't, so it is a namespace.
  • Always use declare global: see below.

Caveats and known limitations

IMPORTANT: TypeScript versions below 3.9.0 are unsupported!

See also: Using this.constructor, or TypeScript v3.9.x-and-later support

All type definition files in this repository are written as ES modules, that is, they include at least one import or export statement (even if an empty export, i.e. export {};). Because of this declarations of global variables, in other words almost all declarations, are put in the declare global { ... } blocks. This way was chosen over the regular one (i.e. just put a bunch of declare namespace/declare var/declare function statements) because:

  1. It makes putting type/class extensions directly into scripts where they are implemented (in other words where .inject() is called) possible, that is allowing to write small mods with only a handful of type extensions without external header files. In theory this makes header files redundant entirely, but so far I haven't tested possibility of writing mods without them entirely.
  2. It makes possible extensions in module-style declaration files. The problem is that global declarations from non-module declaration files are ignored in module declaration files, but not vice versa. In other words, previously it was impossible to add extensions in declare global blocks if they referenced existing CrossCode types, so good luck if you needed to import something inside a header file. A workaround for that exists, you can use the import('./x/y/z') type expression, but it is much possible to just write the CrossCode type defintions as ES modules, so that they are usable with both module and non-module TS files.

Unfortunately, due to unknown reason this breaks TypeScript pre-3.9.0 support - projects using ultimate-crosscode-typedefs can't be compiled at all with previous TS compiler versions. Moreover, newer TS versions have some bizarre regression which causes issues when using this.constructor (and potentially other arcane features triggering unknown subtle behaviors of my Impact Class System implementation). See this section for more information.

Importing ES modules

Due to the fact that neither browser nor nw.js add .js to the imported paths (obviously because performing Node.js-style module resolving would waste a ton of network requests, although I'm not sure why doesn't nw implement that) we have to specify full filenames when importing ES modules in JS mods, i.e.:

import './module1.js';
import { something } from './module2.js';

The TS compiler doesn't modify imported paths in any way, so you can't just do this:

import './module1.ts';
import { something } from './module2.ts';

And expect the former snippet to appear in the compiled code. Fortunately, the TS compiler understands this situation, so you can import files with .js extensions from TypeScript files even when you are really importing a JS script compiled from a TS module. In other words, you can just write the former snippet in the TS source code and it will work perfectly. Furthermore, this doesn't break completion and "go to definition" functionality of Visual Studio Code (and, very likely, other JS/TS IDEs).

Using this.constructor, or TypeScript v3.9.x-and-later support

See also: IMPORTANT: TypeScript versions below 3.9.0 are unsupported!

When accessing this.constructor inside injected functions you might see the following error:

node_modules/ultimate-crosscode-typedefs/impact-class-system-correct.d.ts:59:12 - error TS2502: 'prototype' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation.

59   readonly prototype: ImpactClassPrototype<this, Instance>;

Sadly, due to the sheer complexity of the correct ImpactClass implementation it was impossible to find what really causes this bug and fix the ImpactClass itself. To be honest, if you find a bug which triggers a similar error, I recommend reporting it to me so that I can add it to my collection of bugs in the TypeScript compiler. However, not all is lost! It is possible to use this.constructor - for whatever reason an immediate cast to the concrete type of the constructor either with as ig.ClassConstructor or as typeof ig.Class (replace ig.Class with your class name) doesn't trigger this error, even though the inferred type of this.constructor is the type you cast to.

Injecting generic functions in Impact classes

For some reason compiler can't infer types of generics from the signature declared in the type definition and apply it to the injected function. An example workaround of this problem can be seen here.

Asking for help or reporting bugs

You can reach me, dmitmel, either via the bug tracker or the CrossCode modding Discord server. Of course, I won't write your mods for you, but you can ask me any questions or request help regarding writing and/or porting CrossCode mods in TypeScript.