From b72e329730b75197dc0eb4fb082af9ca9152813a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dskv Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:53:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] linking words --- | 13 ++- | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ index cc26c34..9b9477e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -36,10 +36,17 @@ If i had stood your ground, i would have convinced my boss to accept your offer. 1. Учитывая, что они отказались сотрудничать, нам придётся искать альтернативные решения. 2. Ты мог бы успеть на поезд, если бы вызвал такси вместо того чтобы ждать автобус. 3. Даже если он был бы готов, нам всё равно пришлось бы уточнить детали перед запуском. -4. Если бы мы начали раньше, мы могли бы избежать переработок и дополнительных расходов. + +4. Если бы мы начали раньше, мы могли бы избежать переработок и дополнительных расходов. + 5. Поскольку ремонт ещё не завершен, я настоял на том, чтобы подрядчики увеличили количество рабочих. -6. Несмотря на то что у него не было опыта, я поручил ему этот проект, чтобы он попробовал свои силы. -7. После того как я ознакомился с отчетом, я попросил его доработать некоторые пункты. +Science +6. Несмотря на то что у него не было опыта, я поручил ему этот проект, чтобы он попробовал свои силы. + + +7. После того как я ознакомился с отчетом, я попросил его доработать некоторые пункты. + + 8. Ты мог бы избежать конфликта, если бы выразил свои мысли более деликатно. 9. Если бы ты рассказал мне о своих трудностях, я бы организовал встречу с руководством, чтобы обсудить проблему. 10. Даже если бы он объяснил всё идеально, я всё равно настоял бы на независимой проверке. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2caf0fb --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +English Exam Preparation Guide + +Linking Words and Phrases + +1. Contrast + +Although / ˈɔːlðoʊ / (“хотя”), Though / ðoʊ / (“хотя”), Even Though / ˈiːvən ðoʊ / (“несмотря на”) + +Usage: At the beginning or middle of a sentence. + +"Even though" is stronger than "although". + +Examples: + +Although/Though/Even though we often quarrel, we have always been a close family. + +We have always been a close family although/though/even though we often quarrel. + +In spite of / ɪn ˈspaɪt əv / (“несмотря на”), Despite / dɪˈspaɪt / (“несмотря”) + +Usage: Followed by a noun, pronoun, or gerund. + +Examples: + +Despite being tired, he finished the project. + +In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our picnic. + +However / haʊˈevər / (“однако”) + +Usage: Connects two contrasting ideas; use a semicolon (;) before and a comma (,) after when in the middle of a compound sentence. + +Examples: + +The movie got good reviews; however, I didn't like it. + +However, some people are beginning to doubt this. + +Nevertheless / ˌnevərðəˈlɛs / (“тем не менее”), Nonetheless / ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs / (“тем не менее”) + +Usage: At the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. + +Examples: + +Max doesn't have enough work experience. Nevertheless, we're going to offer him the position. + +There was a terrible downpour. Nonetheless, Adam went for an evening run. + +Yet / jet / (“но”) + +Usage: More formal than "but". + +Example: + +Jack talks a lot about his achievements, yet I can never find any proof of his words. + +2. Purpose + +To / tuː / (“чтобы”), In Order To / ɪn ˈɔːdər tuː / (“чтобы”), So As To / soʊ æz tuː / (“чтобы”) + +Followed by the bare infinitive. + +Examples: + +She studies hard to pass her exams. + +They left early in order to catch the train. + +So That / soʊ ðæt / (“чтобы”) + +Usage: Followed by "can/could/will/would". + +Example: + +He speaks slowly so that everyone can understand. + +In Case / ɪn keɪs / (“в случае если”) + +Usage: In conditional sentences. + +Example: + +Take an umbrella in case it rains. + +3. Cause and Reason + +Because / bɪˈkɔːz / (“потому что”), As / æz / (“потому что”), Since / sɪns / (“так как”) + +Usage: To introduce a reason. + +Examples: + +She stayed home because she was sick. + +As it was late, we decided to leave. + +Because of / bɪˈkɔːz əv / (“из-за”), Due To / djuː tuː / (“благодаря”) + +Followed by a noun or gerund. + +Examples: + +The match was canceled due to the rain. + +She failed because of her lack of preparation. + +Due/Owing to the Fact That / djuː/ˈəʊɪŋ tə ðə ˈfækt ðæt / (“вследствие того, что”) + +Examples: + +We couldn't attend due to the fact that the roads were closed. + +4. Result + +So / soʊ / (“итак”) + +Usage: To introduce a result or decision. + +Examples: + +He was tired, so he went to bed early. + +Therefore / ˈðɛərˌfɔːr / (“поэтому”), Consequently / ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli / (“вследствие”) + +Usage: More formal than "so". + +Examples: + +She worked hard; therefore, she succeeded. + +The company lost an important client. Consequently, profits decreased. + +As a Result / ˈæz ə rɪˈzʌlt / (“в результате”) + +Example: + +We left late and got stuck in traffic. As a result, we missed our flight. + +5. Addition + +Moreover / məʊˈroʊvər / (“кроме того”), Furthermore / ˈfɜːðərˌmɔːr / (“кроме того”), Additionally / əˈdɪʃnəli / (“кроме того”) + +Examples: + +The book is well-written; moreover, it’s informative. + +Furthermore, the project will save costs. + +Not Only... But Also / nɒt ˈoʊnli... bʌt ˈɔːlsoʊ / (“не только... но и”) + +Examples: + +She is not only talented but also hardworking. + +6. Examples and Clarifications + +For Instance / fɔːr ˈɪnstəns / (“например”), To Demonstrate / tuː ˈdɛmənstreɪt / (“для примера”) + +Examples: + +To illustrate this point, consider the following scenario. + +Namely / ˈneɪmli / (“а именно”) + +Example: + +Three countries were mentioned, namely, France, Germany, and Spain. + +7. Ordering Ideas + +Firstly / ˈfɜːrstli / (“по-первыму”), Secondly / ˈsekəndli / (“по-второму”), Finally / ˈfaɪnəli / (“наконец”) + +Example: + +Firstly, we need to gather data. Secondly, we analyze it. Finally, we make conclusions. + +8. Time Sequence + +Beforehand / bɪˈfɔːrhænd / (“заранее”), Subsequently / ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwə / (“вследствии”) + +Examples: + +They finished the project beforehand. + +Subsequently, they presented their results. + +9. Alternatives to "If" + +Provided /prəˈvaɪdɪd/ (“при условии, что”), As Long As /æz ˈlɒŋ æz/ (“если только”) + +Examples: + +You can borrow my car provided you return it by 6 PM. + +As long as you stay quiet, you can stay in the room. + +Assuming That /əˈsjuːmɪŋ ðæt/ (“предполагая, что”) + +Example: + +Assuming that the weather is good, we’ll go for a hike. + +Suppose /səˈpəʊz/ or Supposing /səˈpəʊzɪŋ/ (“допустим”) + +Examples: + +Suppose we miss the train, what should we do? + +Supposing it rains, we’ll have to cancel the picnic. + +On Condition That /ɒn kənˈdɪʃən ðæt/ (“при условии, что”) + +Example: + +You can use this room on condition that you leave it clean. + +Only If /ˈəʊnli ɪf/ (“только если”) + +Example: + +We will succeed only if we work together. + +Even If /ˈiːvn ɪf/ (“даже если”) + +Example: + +Even if it rains, we’ll go hiking. + +Whether or Not /ˈwɛðər ɔːr nɒt/ (“независимо от того, будет ли”) + +Example: + +We’ll go for a walk whether or not it’s sunny. + +In Case That /ɪn keɪs ðæt/ (“в случае, если”) + +Example: + +In case that you need help, call me immediately. + +10. Trouble Spots + +Avoid using beforehand at the beginning of a sentence. + +Correct: + +Most of the code was written beforehand. + +Use let alone only after a negative statement to emphasize improbability. + +Example: + +I can’t imagine finishing this project on time, let alone exceeding expectations. + +11. Introductory Words + +Frankly /ˈfræŋkli/ (“честно говоря”), Interestingly /ˈɪntrəstɪŋli/ (“интересно, что”) + +Examples: + +Frankly, I don’t believe his story. + +Interestingly, no one noticed the mistake. + +On the Other Hand /ˌɒn ði ˈʌðə hænd/ (“с другой стороны”), In Fact /ɪn fækt/ (“на самом деле”) + +Examples: + +On the other hand, this option could save us money. + +In fact, the project was completed ahead of schedule. + +12. Reason and Result Examples + +Because + +Mike likes horror films because they give him an adrenaline rush. + +Because of + noun/gerund + +The roads were closed because of the abnormally heavy snowfall. + +So + +I felt ill, so I didn't go to work. + +As + +It's too early to announce the survey results, as we haven't collected all the information yet. + +Since + +Since I felt ill, I didn't go to work. + +As a result + +We set off later than planned and got stuck in traffic. As a result, we missed our flight. + +Due/Owing to the fact that + +I'm afraid we can't visit the mountains today, due/owing to the fact that the roads are closed. + +Therefore + +I'm afraid the company doesn't have resources to maintain the IT department. Therefore, we will outsource all IT projects to freelance platforms from now on. + +Consequently + +Ann didn't handle the negotiations well. Consequently, the company lost an important contract. +