- Unable to push to heroku after Adding gem 'ransack' to gemfile.
Error FAILED: http://docs.heroku.com/bundler ! Heroku push rejected, failed to install gems via Bundler
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4574176/heroku-push-rejected-failed-to-install-gems-via-bundler
For macOS uploads after updating gemfile.
- Cannot push to heroku after adding new npm dependecies.
- Switch from Uglifier to 'terser'
- Requests were not including the csrf token
- Moved JQUERY up to the top of my application.js file
- User Model searching for username with the find_by method
- Validated email so needed to make that me searching reference
- Logout button was logging an error for the for (unable to read push; Property undefined)
- Changed the session_reducer from rendering a _nulluser on the logout action to an empty object.
- Session would stay active after refresh, user information was not rendering on the frontend.
- window.currentUser function in root.html.erb was incorrect.
- refactored user views.
- Question Tags
- View Counter