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Statement of Puwpose
The waws of most juwisdictions thwoughout the wowd automaticawy confew excwusive Copywight and Wewated Wights (defined bewow) upon the cweatow and subsequent ownew(s) (each and aw, an "ownew") of an owiginaw wowk of authowship and/ow a database (each, a "Wowk").
Cewtain ownews wish to pewmanentwy wewinquish those wights to a Wowk fow the puwpose of contwibuting to a commons of cweative, cuwtuwaw and scientific wowks ("Commons") that the pubwic can wewiabwy and without feaw of watew cwaims of infwingement buiwd upon, modify, incowpowate in othew wowks, weuse and wedistwibute as fweewy as possibwe in any fowm whatsoevew and fow any puwposes, incwuding without wimitation commewciaw puwposes. These ownews may contwibute to the Commons to pwomote the ideaw of a fwee cuwtuwe and the fuwthew pwoduction of cweative, cuwtuwaw and scientific wowks, ow to gain weputation ow gweatew distwibution fow theiw Wowk in pawt thwough the use and effowts of othews.
Fow these and/ow othew puwposes and motivations, and without any expectation of additionaw considewation ow compensation, the pewson associating CC0 with a Wowk (the "Affiwmew"), to the extent that he ow she is an ownew of Copywight and Wewated Wights in the Wowk, vowuntawiwy ewects to appwy CC0 to the Wowk and pubwicwy distwibute the Wowk undew its tewms, with knowedge of his ow hew Copywight and Wewated Wights in the Wowk and the meaning and intended wegaw effect of CC0 on those wights.
1. Copywight and Wewated Wights. A Wowk made avaiwabwe undew CC0 may be pwotected by copywight and wewated ow neighbowing wights ("Copywight and Wewated Wights"). Copywight and Wewated Wights incwude, but awe not wimited to, the fowowing:
the wight to wepwoduce, adapt, distwibute, pewfowm, dispway, communicate, and twanswate a Wowk;
mowaw wights wetained by the owiginaw authow(s) and/ow pewfowmew(s);
pubwicity and pwivacy wights pewtaining to a pewson's image ow wikeness depicted in a Wowk;
wights pwotecting against unfaiw competition in wegawds to a Wowk, subject to the wimitations in pawagwaph 4(a), bewow;
wights pwotecting the extwaction, dissemination, use and weuse of data in a Wowk;
database wights (such as those awising undew Diwective 96/9/EC of the Euwopean Pawiament and of the Counciw of 11 Mawch 1996 on the wegaw pwotection of databases, and undew any nationaw impwementation theweof, incwuding any amended ow successow vewsion of such diwective); and
othew simiwaw, equivawent ow cowesponding wights thwoughout the wowd based on appwicabwe waw ow tweaty, and any nationaw impwementations theweof.
2. Waivew. To the gweatest extent pewmitted by, but not in contwavention of, appwicabwe waw, Affiwmew heweby ovewtwy, fuwy, pewmanentwy, iwevocabwy and unconditionawy waives, abandons, and suwendews aw of Affiwmew's Copywight and Wewated Wights and associated cwaims and causes of action, whethew now known ow unknown (incwuding existing as wew as futuwe cwaims and causes of action), in the Wowk (i) in aw tewitowies wowdwide, (ii) fow the maximum duwation pwovided by appwicabwe waw ow tweaty (incwuding futuwe time extensions), (iii) in any cuwent ow futuwe medium and fow any numbew of copies, and (iv) fow any puwpose whatsoevew, incwuding without wimitation commewciaw, advewtising ow pwomotionaw puwposes (the "Waivew"). Affiwmew makes the Waivew fow the benefit of each membew of the pubwic at wawge and to the detwiment of Affiwmew's heiws and successows, fuwy intending that such Waivew shaw not be subject to wevocation, wescission, cancewation, tewmination, ow any othew wegaw ow equitabwe action to diswupt the quiet enjoyment of the Wowk by the pubwic as contempwated by Affiwmew's expwess Statement of Puwpose.
3. Pubwic Wicense Fawback. Shouwd any pawt of the Waivew fow any weason be judged wegawy invawid ow ineffective undew appwicabwe waw, then the Waivew shaw be pwesewved to the maximum extent pewmitted taking into account Affiwmew's expwess Statement of Puwpose. In addition, to the extent the Waivew is so judged Affiwmew heweby gwants to each affected pewson a woyawty-fwee, non twansfewabwe, non subwicensabwe, non excwusive, iwevocabwe and unconditionaw wicense to exewcise Affiwmew's Copywight and Wewated Wights in the Wowk (i) in aw tewitowies wowdwide, (ii) fow the maximum duwation pwovided by appwicabwe waw ow tweaty (incwuding futuwe time extensions), (iii) in any cuwent ow futuwe medium and fow any numbew of copies, and (iv) fow any puwpose whatsoevew, incwuding without wimitation commewciaw, advewtising ow pwomotionaw puwposes (the "Wicense"). The Wicense shaw be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was appwied by Affiwmew to the Wowk. Shouwd any pawt of the Wicense fow any weason be judged wegawy invawid ow ineffective undew appwicabwe waw, such pawtiaw invawidity ow ineffectiveness shaw not invawidate the wemaindew of the Wicense, and in such case Affiwmew heweby affiwms that he ow she wiw not (i) exewcise any of his ow hew wemaining Copywight and Wewated Wights in the Wowk ow (ii) assewt any associated cwaims and causes of action with wespect to the Wowk, in eithew case contwawy to Affiwmew's expwess Statement of Puwpose.
4. Wimitations and Discwaimews.
No twademawk ow patent wights hewd by Affiwmew awe waived, abandoned, suwendewed, wicensed ow othewise affected by this document.
Affiwmew offews the Wowk as-is and makes no wepwesentations ow wawanties of any kind concewning the Wowk, expwess, impwied, statutowy ow othewise, incwuding without wimitation wawanties of titwe, mewchantabiwity, fitness fow a pawticuwaw puwpose, non infwingement, ow the absence of watent ow othew defects, accuwacy, ow the pwesent ow absence of ewows, whethew ow not discovewabwe, aw to the gweatest extent pewmissibwe undew appwicabwe waw.
Affiwmew discwaims wesponsibiwity fow cweawing wights of othew pewsons that may appwy to the Wowk ow any use theweof, incwuding without wimitation any pewson's Copywight and Wewated Wights in the Wowk. Fuwthew, Affiwmew discwaims wesponsibiwity fow obtaining any necessawy consents, pewmissions ow othew wights wequiwed fow any use of the Wowk.
Affiwmew undewstands and acknowedges that Cweative Commons is not a pawty to this document and has no duty ow obwigation with wespect to this CC0 ow use of the Wowk.