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Filipe Funenga edited this page Jul 9, 2013 · 27 revisions

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Normalize Vocabulary

Normalize vocabulary to correspond the upcoming v0.7.0.

Element should be Pattern:

    ChildPattern  # a better name??: TerminalPattern or LeafPattern
    ParentPattern  # a better name??: CollectionPattern

New C-Struct Ideas

How Pattern C-struct could look like:

typedef {
    // probably more conventional to have enum
    // all UPPER CASE
    enum {


    } type;
    union {
        Option option;
        Argument argument;
        Command command;

        // maybe having a single container for
        // required/optional/oneoremore/either,
        // since they all hold the same kind of data.
        Container container;
    } payload;
} Pattern;

typedef struct {
    // in Python these are `short` and `long`,
    // but these are reserved in C
    const char *oshort;  // maybe *flag?
    const char *olong;   // maybe *full?
    bool argcount;       // number of arguments 0 or 1
    bool value;          // value if argcount is 0
    char *argument;      // value if argcount is 1
    // maybe instead of having `value` and `argument`
    // we could have just `char *value` and treat it
    // as NULL/non-NULL for true/false (if argcount == 0)
    // and as value/no-value when argcount == 1?
    // I wonder, would that be portable:
    // char *value = true;
    // Oh, it is actually more complicated than that.
    // In Python, Option's value could be either:
    //  * True/False, if it's a single option without argument
    //  * a number, if it's an option (w/o argument) that could be repeated
    //  * a string, if it's an option with argument non-repeated
    //  * array of strings, if it's an option with argument, repeated
    //  Well:
    //          repeatable |       no          yes
    //          -----------+----------------------
    //            argcount |
    //                   0 |      bool        int
    //                   1 |      char*       char**
    // So we need to handle all these cases.
    // a) Maybe go full type-unsafe and declare it as char**
    // and use it as bool/char*/int by casting? :-)
    // b) Another variant would be to have a union of these types.
    // c) Yet another would be to store all these in the same struct.
} Option;

typedef struct {
     char *name;
     bool repeating;  // Maybe int count; instead?
                      // (to explicitly state the length of **array).
     char *value;     // Maybe get rid of this in favor of
                      // just having 1 item in **array.
     char **array;    // I can think of 2 ways how to allocate this array.
                      // 1. It could be statically allocated
                      //    to fit, say, max 32 elements, and then each
                      //    pointer in it will point to an item in argv.
                      // 2. Make it point to (a part of) argv directly
                      //    and then use `count` to see how long it is.
} Argument;

typedef struct {
     char *name;
     // Command's value could be either True/False in Python
     // or the number of times the command was mentioned.
     // We could use the fact that 0 is falsy in C, and
     // declare it simply as int:
     int value; // Maybe int count; instead?
} Command;

// In Python version required/optional/etc hold an array
// called `children` which is an array of all child nodes.
// Since we don't want to allocate these arrays dynamically
// or overallocate them statically (by allocating, say
// 32 items "just in case"), I was thinking of 2 variants:
// 1. Use linked list like the following:
typedef struct {
    Pattern *pattern;
    Container *next;
} Container;
// and transform patterns in Python into a linked list form:
// Required(a, b, c) into Required(a, Required(b, Required(c, NULL)))
// 2. Another way could be to *generate* code for each struct. I.e. if the
// pattern is `usage: prog [<this> <that>] (-a | -b | -c)` or in Python terms:
// Required(Optional(<this>, <that>), Either(-a, -b, -c))
// Then just generate precisely these containers:
typedef struct {
    Pattern patterns[2];
} ContainerRequired1;

typedef struct {
    Pattern patterns[2];
} ContainerOptional1;

typedef struct {
    Pattern patterns[3];
} ContainerEither1;

Ideas to Parse ARGV

<Add new ideas here!>

Workflow of docopt Function

  1. Runs function parse_args to populate Element *options array
  2. Overrides default values in struct DocoptArgs with the values parsed from argv
  3. Verifies that the Pattern is respected.

Note: It might possible to integrate step 3 into step 2.

Similar-To-Pythonic-Approach [STPA]

  • Advantages
    • all generated C code is readable because only pattern tree is generated, not any real code, (maybe just a little);
    • implementation similar to the python one, which makes it only a matter of porting code to C
  • Disadvantages (- this needs to port considerable portion of Python code)
    • Complexity: O(Size_of_the_pattern_tree)
    • complex patterns might use a lot of call stack.

VK: First thing that comes into mind for me is to mimic Python implementation. Python parses pattern into a tree of nodes like:

'''usage: program --hai
          program --bye <arg>'''

=> parse_pattern =>

Either(Option('--hai'), Required(Option('--bye'), Argument('<arg>')))

Then Python parses argv:

['--bye', 'arg'] => parse_argv => [Option('--bye'), Argument('arg')]

Then matches one against another. We could generate the pattern using Python. Write parse_argv function similar to Python one and write a bunch of match functions similar to Python match methods for each kind of pattern (Option, Argument, Either, etc.).

Non-Recursive Similar-To-Pythonic-Approach [NR-STPA]

  • Advantages
    • Complexity: O(Number_of_arguments_provided_in_CLI)
    • Simple memory consumption (stack usage is not dependent on the pattern tree size). Definite number of stack levels.
    • all generated C code is readable because only sub-patterns are generated, not any real code
  • Disadvantages
    • Non-recursive means more code, which might be a bad thing in a single file

VK: I don't see advantages in being non-recursive. How does it make memory consumption simpler? We are not going to run out of stack anyway.

This approach starts by dividing the pattern tree into multiple sub_patterns. Example:

    prog ship new [--coordinator] <name>
    prog ship move <x> <y>
    prog fire <gun> <x> <y> [--burst]

This pattern has three sub-patterns.

When we are iterating over the argv elements, a sub_pattern can be in two states: 'unsatisfiable' and 'not unsatisfiable'.

When a sub_pattern is said to be unsatisfiable, it means the algorithm has come to the conclusion that no matter what the next elements of argv might be, the sub_pattern will not be satisfied. Caution: if there are still argv elements to be parsed, a sub_pattern might not be 'satisfiable'. Hence, the 'not unsatisfiable' notation.

The main workflow is to assume all sub-patterns are NOT UNsatisfiable in the beginning and, after parsing each element of argv, all sub-patterns are tested if they have become unsatisfiable.

Example with the previous usage pattern:

user inserted argv: $ ./prog ship new SuperBoat
Initial sub_patterns list:
    sub_pattern[0].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
    sub_pattern[1].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
    sub_pattern[2].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
Iteration 1:
    parsed from argv: Command('ship')
    sub_pattern[0].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
    sub_pattern[1].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
    sub_pattern[2].IsUnsatisfiable() == True
Iteration 2:
    parsed from argv: Command('new')
    sub_pattern[0].IsUnsatisfiable() == False
    sub_pattern[1].IsUnsatisfiable() == True
    sub_pattern[2].IsUnsatisfiable() == True
# (...)

In C, we can have an array of sub_patterns that keep their state along iterations.

With this approach its easy to define a flowchart/state_machine:

  • If all sub_patterns become unsatisfiable before all argv elements are parsed, then present usage_message.
  • If all argv elements were parsed and there is not an unique SATISFIABLE(*) sub_pattern, then present usage_message.

(*) After all argv elements are parsed, the algorithm can conclude which sub_patterns are satisfiable. At the end of argv, the set of ["unsatisfiable", "not unsatisfiable"] sub_patterns can be converted to a set of ["unsatisfiable", "satisfiable"] sub_patterns.

Pseudocode Workflow

  1. Iterate over argv
    1. Parse argv[i] to (type, value [, name])
    2. Iterate over all not unsatisfiable sub_patterns
      1. Change the state to unsatisfiable if test fails
    3. If all patterns are unsatisfiable, present usage_message and exit(1)
  2. Iterate over all not unsatisfiable sub_patterns and convert them to satisfiable or unsatisfiable
  3. If there is not one single unique satisfiable sub_pattern, present usage_message and exit(1)
  4. Compile resulting struct DocoptArgs from the unique satisfiable sub_pattern (copy parsed values and insert defaults)

How a sub_pattern can be implemented

In 2013-06-06, @halst said at docopt/docopt:

docopt does respect the order of arguments and commands in argv, but options could go in any order, anywhere.

We these characteristics in mind, a sub_pattern can be implemented by separating the ordered elements (aka statics) and Options (options):

typedef enum {ARG, CMD, BRANCH} STATIC_TYPE;

typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    bool value;
} Command;

typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    char *value;
    char **array;
} Argument;

typedef struct {
    const char *oshort;
    const char *olong;
    bool argcount;
    bool value;
    char *argument;
} Option;

typedef struct {
    BRANCH_TYPE type;
    Subpattern *subpattern;
} Branch;

typedef struct {
    STATIC_TYPE type;
    void *element;
} Static;

typedef struct __subpattern {
    SUBPATTERN_STATE satisfiability;
    int statics_len;
    int statics_idx;
    int options_len;
    Static *statics;
    Option *options;
} Subpattern;

Switch-Case-Chars [SCC]

  • Advantages
    • It is probably simple to implement in
  • Disadvantages
    • The produced code is unreadable :(((
    • VK: I don't thing switch-case is a good idea. What about options—they can be positioned anywhere, so you need to take them into account at every point of time?

This approach needs to build a "tree of switch-cases" based on the chars in words of argv. For instance, see this docopt string:

    program tcp <host> <port> [--timeout=<seconds>]
    program serial <port> [--baud=9600] [--timetout=<seconds>]
    program -h | --help | --version

can have in its argv[1] the following words:

  • tcp
  • serial
  • -h
  • --help
  • --version

The tree of switch-cases for the first word in argv can be summarized in the following diagram:

argv[1][0] == 't' -> argv[1] is "tcp"
argv[1][0] == 's' -> argv[1] is "serial"
argv[1][0] == '-'
               |-- argv[1][1] == 'h' -> argv[1] is "-h"
               |-- argv[1][1] == '-'
                                  |-- argv[1][2] == 'h' -> argv[1] is "--help"
                                  |-- argv[1][2] == 'v' -> argv[1] is "--version"

Check out this simple example in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* "Usage:\n"
 * "    program tcp <host> <port> [--timeout=<seconds>]\n"
 * "    program serial <port> [--baud=9600] [--timetout=<seconds>]\n"
 * "    program -h | --help | --version\n"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int i = 1;
    char *word;
    size_t word_len;

    if (argc == 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n"
                        "    program tcp <host> <port> [--timeout=<seconds>]\n"
                        "    program serial <port> [--baud=9600] [--timetout=<seconds>]\n"
                        "    program -h | --help | --version\n");

    word = argv[1];
    word_len = strlen(word);

    if (word_len < 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
    switch (word[0]) {
        case 't':
            if (strcmp(word, "tcp")) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
            /* Keep on parsing the rest of the CLI knowing that argv[1] is "tcp" */
            /* (...) */
        case 's':
            if (strcmp(word, "serial")) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
            /* Keep on parsing the rest of the CLI knowing that argv[1] is "serial" */
            /* (...) */
        case '-':
            if (word_len < 2) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
            switch (word[1]) {
                case 'h':
                    if (strcmp(word, "-h")) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
                    /* Executes the -h action */
                    /* (...) */
                case '-':
                    if (word_len < 3) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
                    switch (word[2]) {
                        case 'h':
                            if (strcmp(word, "--help")) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
                            /* Executes the --help action */
                            /* (...) */
                        case 'v':
                            if (strcmp(word, "--version")) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
                            /* Executes the --version action */
                            /* (...) */
                            fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
                    fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);
            fprintf(stderr, "error: '%s' not recognized\n", word);

    return 0;

Implicit-Elements-LUT [IEL]

This approach aims at separating implicit from explicit elements when parsing argv. Among the three possible Leaf elements (Arguments, Commands and Options), only Options can be considered explicit because, unlike the other two elements, they can be automaticly parsed when looping over argv.

When Arguments and Commands are present, parsing argv becomes slightly complicated since these are not explicitly identified like Options. Example:

Usage: ./app [<file>] update

This CLI specification has two elements, an optional Argument(name='<file>') and a Command(name='update'), and can accept one of the following inputs:

$ ./app update
$ ./app hello.txt update
$ ./app update update

In the last line, the user has indicated that the argument <file> is to be setted with the value "update" which has in fact the same string as the name of the Command update. The argv parser algorithm had to implicitly identify which of the two updates was the Argument, and which was the Command.

Implicit Elements Identification as a Search Problem

This section was developed using section II.3 from Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. 2003. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2 ed.). Pearson Education.

This gist was develop as a proof-of-concept for the following examples.

Example 1
Usage: ./app [<file>] update

In this example we define the basic operation that allows us to build a tree of patterns. If one of the elements in a pattern is Optional, than it means there are two possible patterns that the end-user can use in argv (one with the element and one without it). With this idea, the following tree can be created:

Example 1 Tree

There are two things important to notice:

  • The numbers associated with each node reveal the expansion algorithm used. In this example, it doesn't actually reveal anything because Depth-First-Search (DFS) or Breadth-First-Search (BFS) would give the same numbering for the three nodes. (DFS was used because of its lower memory consumption).
  • All leaf nodes do not have Branch-Pattern-Nodes, i.e. there are no Optionals.

It is easy to see that we are only interested in the Leaf nodes of this tree. Lets move to an example more complicated.

Example 2
Usage: ./app [<file> [<template>]] update

Using the idea from the previous example, we can create an equivalent tree to this pattern:

Example 2 Tree

The obtained Leaf nodes are:

    (<file> <template> update)
    (<file> update)

It is important to see that these Leafs are not ambiguous: all the implicit elements in argv (Arguments and Commands) will be parsed without any problem. The recognition of implicit elements is directly related to the number elements. In the following last example, we will see a pattern that is in fact ambiguous.

Example 3
Usage: ./app [<file>] update [<template>]

Example 3 Tree

As you can see, the red nodes (nodes 3 and 5) are ambiguous when the user inserts $ ./app update update.

Parsing argv

With the patterns that are in the Leaf nodes from the previous trees, we can build a Look-Up-Table (LUT) and embed it into the C source-code:

1. Instantiate `DocoptArgs struct`
2. Populate struct with default values
3. Iterate over `argv` and:
    1. Parse explicit elements (known as Options) and, at the same time,
    2. Count the number of implicit elements, N.
4. Use the LUT to convert N into a translation table.
5. Parse the implicit elements into the `DocoptArgs struct` using the
   translation table
6. Validate `DocoptArgs struct`, i.e. check if the inserted values respect
   the _root pattern_.
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