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-# Origami - Primitives for onchain Gaming
+# Origami
-#### "The magic of origami is in seeing a single piece of cairo evolve into a masterpiece through careful folds" - Sensei
+Origami is a collection of essential primitives designed to facilitate the development of onchain games using the Dojo engine.
+It provides a set of powerful tools and libraries that enable game developers to create complex, engaging, and efficient fully onchain games.
+> _The magic of origami is in seeing a single piece of cairo evolve into a masterpiece through careful folds_
+> <p align="right">Sensei</p>
+<div align="center">
+  <img src="./docs/videos/usage.gif" height="400">
 ### Crates
-- [algebra](./crates/algebra)
-- [defi](./crates/defi/)
-- [map](./crates/map)
-- [random](./crates/random)
-- [rating](./crates/rating)
-- [security](./crates/security)
-- [token](./crates/token)
-- [governance](./crates/governance)
+- [Algebra](./crates/algebra)
+- [Defi](./crates/defi/)
+- [Map](./crates/map)
+- Physics (WIP)
+- [Random](./crates/random)
+- [Rating](./crates/rating)
+- [Security](./crates/security)
 ### Easy integration into your project
@@ -47,7 +55,8 @@ Add the following to your `[dependencies]`:
-origami_token = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+origami_random = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+origami_map = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
 Now you will be able to use origami like any other Cairo package!
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+# Algebra
+The Origami Algebra crate is a library that provides algebraic primitives for Dojo-based games. It offers efficient implementations of mathematical structures and operations commonly used in game development.
+## Overview
+The Algebra crate focuses on providing fundamental mathematical structures and operations that are essential for game development. Its primary scope includes:
+- Vector operations
+- Matrix operations
+- Basic algebraic computations
+The crate is designed to work seamlessly with the Dojo engine and other Origami crates.
+## Installation
+To add the Origami Algebra crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_algebra = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
+## Features
+The crate currently implements a 2D vector (Vec2) with various operations:
+struct Vec2<T> {
+    x: T,
+    y: T
+Key features of `Vec2` include:
+- Construction: new and splat methods
+- Dot product calculation
+- Swizzle operations (xx, xy, yx, yy)
+- Mask-based selection
+Example usage:
+let vec2a = Vec2Trait::new(1, -2);
+let vec2b = Vec2Trait::new(-3, 4);
+let a_dot_b = vec2a.dot(vec2b);  // -11
+## Conclusion
+The Origami Algebra crate provides a solid foundation for mathematical operations in Dojo-based games. It offers efficient implementations of 2D vectors with various utility functions. As the crate evolves, more features and mathematical structures may be added to support a wider range of game development needs.
+For the most up-to-date information and usage examples, refer to the crate's source code and any accompanying documentation in the Origami repository.
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--- a/crates/defi/README.md
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@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ The process works by incrementally making more assets available for sale, splitt
 It's possible to compute the purchase price for any quantity of tokens gas-efficiently, using specific mathematical expressions.
+## Installation
+To add the Origami DeFi crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_defi = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
 ## How to Use
 ### Discrete Gradual Dutch Auction
@@ -97,7 +108,7 @@ GDAs present a powerful tool for selling both fungible and non-fungible tokens i
 ## Overview
-Variable Rate GDAs ([VRGDAs](https://www.paradigm.xyz/2022/08/vrgda)) enable the selling of tokens according to a custom schedule, raising or lowering prices based on the sales pace. VRGDA is a generalization of the GDA mechanism. 
+Variable Rate GDAs ([VRGDAs](https://www.paradigm.xyz/2022/08/vrgda)) enable the selling of tokens according to a custom schedule, raising or lowering prices based on the sales pace. VRGDA is a generalization of the GDA mechanism.
 ## How to Use
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+# Map
+The Origami Map crate is a library that provides map generation and manipulation functionalities for Dojo-based games. It offers efficient implementations of various map-related algorithms and data structures commonly used in game development.
+## Overview
+The Map crate focuses on providing tools for creating, manipulating, and navigating 2D grid-based maps. Its primary scope includes:
+- Map generation algorithms (maze, cave, random walk)
+- Pathfinding
+- Object distribution on maps
+- Hexagonal grid support
+The crate is designed to work seamlessly with the Dojo engine and other Origami crates.
+## Features
+### Map Generation
+- Maze generation using [Prim's algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prim%27s_algorithm)
+- Cave generation using a [cellular automata-like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_automaton) approach
+- [Random walk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_walk) map generation
+### Pathfinding
+- [A\* algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm) for finding the shortest path between two points
+### Map Manipulation
+- Adding corridors to existing maps
+- Integrating mazes into existing maps
+### Object Distribution
+- Spreading objects uniformly across walkable areas of the map
+### Hexagonal Grid Support
+- Basic operations for hexagonal grids
+## Installation
+To add the Origami Map crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_map = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
+## How to use it?
+Here are some examples of how to use the Map crate:
+### Generating a maze
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let width = 18;
+let height = 14;
+let order = 0;
+let seed = 'SEED';
+let maze_map = MapTrait::new_maze(width, height, order, seed);
+### Generating a cave
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let width = 18;
+let height = 14;
+let order = 3;
+let seed = 'SEED';
+let cave_map = MapTrait::new_cave(width, height, order, seed);
+### Generating a random walk
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let width = 18;
+let height = 14;
+let steps = 500;
+let seed = 'SEED';
+let random_walk_map = MapTrait::new_random_walk(width, height, steps, seed);
+### Opening an existing map with a corridor
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let mut map = MapTrait::new_maze(width, height, order, seed);
+let position = 1;
+let order = 0;
+map.open_with_corridor(position, order);
+### Opening an existing map with a maze
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let mut map = MapTrait::new_maze(width, height, order, seed);
+let position = 1;
+let order = 0;
+map.open_with_maze(position, order);
+### Finding a path using A\* algorithm
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let map = MapTrait::new_maze(width, height, order, seed);
+let path = map.search_path(start_position, end_position);
+### Distributing objects on the map
+use origami_map::map::MapTrait;
+let map = MapTrait::new_maze(width, height, order, seed);
+let distribution = map.compute_distribution(10, seed);
+Remember to import the necessary traits and types when using the Map crate in your project.
diff --git a/crates/random/README.md b/crates/random/README.md
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+# Random
+The Origami Random crate is a library that provides pseudo-random generation functionality for Dojo-based games. It offers efficient implementations of random number generation and randomization techniques commonly used in game development.
+## Overview
+The Random crate focuses on providing random generation primitives that are essential for game development. Its primary scope includes:
+- Dice rolling
+- Card deck management and shuffling
+The crate is designed to work seamlessly with the Dojo engine and other Origami crates.
+## Features
+### Dice Rolling
+- Create dice with customizable face counts
+- Generate random rolls based on a seed
+### Card Deck Management
+- Create decks with a specified number of cards
+- Draw cards randomly from the deck
+- Discard and withdraw cards from the deck
+- Create decks from bitmaps for custom initial states
+## Installation
+To add the Origami Random crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_random = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
+## How to use it?
+Here are some examples of how to use the Random crate:
+### Dice Rolling
+To use the dice rolling feature:
+use origami_random::dice::{Dice, DiceTrait};
+// Create a new 6-sided dice with a seed
+let mut dice = DiceTrait::new(6, 'SEED');
+// Roll the dice
+let result = dice.roll();
+### Card Deck Management
+To use the card deck management feature:
+use origami_random::deck::{Deck, DeckTrait};
+// Create a new deck with 52 cards and a seed
+let mut deck = DeckTrait::new('SEED', 52);
+// Draw a card from the deck
+let card = deck.draw();
+// Discard a card back into the deck
+// Withdraw a specific card from the deck
+### Advanced usage
+Dice and Deck can be used to create more complex randomization mechanics in your game. For example, you can use Dice to determine the outcome of a skill check, or use a Deck to randomly sequence game events.
+In the following example, we use the Dice to define the number of mobs to spawn and use the Deck to associate a specifc order to each mob.
+use origami_random::dice::{Dice, DiceTrait};
+use origami_random::deck::{Deck, DeckTrait};
+// Spawn 1 to 6 mobs
+let mut dice = DiceTrait::new(6, 'SEED');
+let mut count = dice.roll();
+// Create a deck with the same number of cards as the number of mobs
+let mut deck = DeckTrait::new('SEED', count.into());
+// Draw each mob from the deck and create an array of mob ids
+let mut mob_ids: Array<u8> = array![];
+while count > 0 {
+    let mob_id = deck.draw();
+    mob_ids.append(mob_id);
+    count -= 1;
+Remember to import the necessary traits and types when using the Random crate in your project.
diff --git a/crates/rating/README.md b/crates/rating/README.md
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+# Rating
+The Origami Rating crate is a library that provides rating-related algorithms for Dojo-based games. It offers efficient implementations of rating systems commonly used in game development and competitive matchmaking.
+## Overview
+The Rating crate focuses on providing rating algorithms that are essential for game development, particularly for competitive games. Its primary scope includes:
+- Elo rating system implementation
+The crate is designed to work seamlessly with the Dojo engine and other Origami crates.
+## Features
+### Elo Rating System
+- Calculate rating changes based on game outcomes
+- Support for different K-factors
+- Handling of wins, losses, and draws
+## Installation
+To add the Origami Rating crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_rating = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
+## How to use it?
+Here are some examples of how to use the Rating crate:
+### Elo rating system
+This example demonstrates how to calculate and apply a rating change using the Elo system. The rating_change function takes the current ratings of both players, the game outcome, and the K-factor as inputs. It returns the magnitude of the rating change and a boolean indicating whether the change is negative.
+use origami_rating::elo::EloTrait;
+// Calculate rating change for player A
+let (change, is_negative) = EloTrait::rating_change(
+    1200_u64,  // Player A's current rating
+    1400_u64,  // Player B's current rating
+    100_u16,   // Outcome (100 = win, 50 = draw, 0 = loss)
+    20_u8      // K-factor
+// Apply the rating change
+let new_rating_a = if is_negative {
+    1200 - change
+} else {
+    1200 + change
+println!("Player A's new rating: {}", new_rating_a);
+Remember to import the necessary traits and types when using the Rating crate in your project.
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+# Security
+The Origami Security crate is a library that provides security-related primitives for Dojo-based games. It offers implementations of common security patterns and utilities to enhance the safety and integrity of game development on the Dojo framework.
+## Overview
+The Security crate focuses on providing fundamental security mechanisms that are essential for game development. Its primary scope includes:
+- Commitment schemes
+The crate is designed to work seamlessly with the Dojo engine and other Origami crates.
+## Features
+### Commitment schemes
+A Commitment is a cryptographic primitive that allows you to commit to a chosen value while keeping it hidden, with the ability to reveal it later. This is useful in scenarios where you want to make a binding commitment to a value, meaning that once a commitment is made, it cannot be changed or altered.
+Features of the Commitment implementation include:
+- Creation of new commitments
+- Committing to a hash value
+- Revealing and verifying committed values
+## Installation
+To add the Origami Security crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:
+origami_security = { git = "https://github.com/dojoengine/origami" }
+Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.
+## How to use it?
+Here are some examples of how to use the Security crate:
+### Commit/Reveal
+use origami_security::commitment::{Commitment, CommitmentTrait};
+// Create a new commitment
+let mut commitment = CommitmentTrait::new();
+// Commit to a value (in this case, a string)
+let value = 'secret';
+let mut serialized = array![];
+value.serialize(ref serialized);
+let hash = poseidon_hash_span(serialized.span());
+// Later, reveal and verify the commitment
+let is_valid = commitment.reveal('secret');
+assert(is_valid, 'Invalid reveal for commitment');
+Remember to import the necessary traits and types when using the Security crate in your project.
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