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DolphinDB Release Notes


Note: This README file contains release notes for DolphinDB Server version 2.00.10 and earlier. As of version 2.00.11, this file is no longer maintained. For release notes and documentation on the latest DolphinDB Server, please refer to the new DolphinDB Documentation.


DolphinDB Server

Version: 2.00.10     Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.9/1.30.21     For details, see Compatibility Changes in Version 2.00.10

Release Date: 2023-07-20

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary | Linux ARM64

Version: 2.00.9     Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.8/1.30.20

Release Date: 2023-02-15

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary | Linux ARM64

Version: 2.00.8     Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.7/1.30.19

Release Date: 2022-09-30

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary | Linux ARM64

Version: 2.00.7     Compatibility Level 1 with 2.00.6

Release Date: 2022-07-14

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary | Linux ARM64

Version: 2.00.6     Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.5

Release Date: 2022-05-09

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary

Version: 2.00.5     Compatibility Level 2 with 2.00.4/1.30.16/1.30.17

Release Date: 2022-03-29

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary

Version: 2.00.4

Release Date: 2022-01-10

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary

Version: 2.0.0

Release Date: 2021-07-31

Linux64 binary | Linux64 JIT binary | Linux64 ABI binary | Windows64 binary | Windows64 JIT binary

New Features

  • Added new function appendTuple! to append a tuple to another. (

  • Added new configuration parameter appendTupleAsAWhole to specify whether the tuple should be appended as an embedded tuple element, or if each of its elements should be appended independently to the target tuple. (

  • Added new configuration parameter parseDecimalAsFloatingNumber which sets the default behavior for parsing decimals as the DECIMAL type. (

  • Support for update, insert, and delete operations on partitioned MVCC tables. (

  • Long-running distributed queris using select or pivot by clause now can be canceled at any time during execution. (

  • Added new function cumdenseRank to return the position ranking from the first element to the current element. (

  • Added login information in logs, including login user, IP, port, status, etc. (

  • Added privilege VIEW_OWNER to support a user/group to create function views using addFunctionView. (

  • In SQL queries with the PIVOT BY clause, you can now use the asis function to retain all duplicate records in the result. Previously, PIVOT BY would perform deduplication. (

  • In SQL queries with the PIVOT BY clause, an array vector now can be specified in a select/exec statement. (

  • Support for partition pruning when the partitioning column is of the NANOTIMESTAMP type. (

  • Added new parameter isSequential to the plugin.txt to mark a function as order-sensitive or not. (

  • Added a new “dataInterval" option to the triggeringPattern parameter of the createCrossSectionalEngine function. This option enables calculations to be triggered based on timestamps from the input data.(

  • Added function parseJsonTable to parse a JSON object to an in-memory table. (

  • Added function loadModuleFromScript to parse a module dynamically. (

  • The transaction statement can be used on MVCC tables. (

  • Added new configuration parameter tcpUserTimeout to set the socket option TCP_USER_TIMEOUT. (

  • Removed function getClusterReplicationMetrics. Added function getSlaveReplicationQueueStatus as an inheritance of getClusterReplicationMetrics.getSlaveReplicationQueueStatus retrieves the status of each execution queue in the slave clusters. (

  • Added configuration parameter clusterReplicationQueue to set the number of execution queues on each controller of the slave clusters. (

  • Added configuration parameter clusterReplicationWorkerNum to set the number of workers on each data node of the slave clusters. (

  • Added support for RIGHT JOIN on multiple DFS tables. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter memLimitOfTempResult and function setMemLimitOfTempResult to set the upper limit of memory usage for each temporary result generated in the table join operation. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter tempResultsSpillDir to specify the spill directory storing the temporary results generated in the table join operation. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter enableCoreDump to enable core dumps. It is only supported on Linux. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter disableCoreDumpOnShutdown to specify whether to generate core dumps on a graceful shutdown. It is only supported on Linux. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter allowMissingPartitions to specify the behavior when incoming data contains new partition values that do not match any existing partitions. (2.00.10)

  • Added function listRemotePlugins to obtain a list of available plugins. Added function installPlugin to download a plugin. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter volumeUsageThreshold to set the upper limit of the disk usage of a data node. (2.00.10)

  • Added function writeLogLevel to write logs of the specified level to the log file. (2.00.10)

  • Added function sessionWindow to group time-series data based on the session intervals. (2.00.10)

  • Added function summary to generate summary statistics of input data, including min, max, count, avg, std, and percentiles. (2.00.10)

  • Added functions encodeShortGenomeSeq and decodeShortGenomeSeq to encode and decode DNA sequences. (2.00.10)

  • Added function genShortGenomeSeq to perform DNA sequences encoding within a sliding window. (2.00.10)

  • Added function GramSchmidt to implement the Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization. (2.00.10)

  • Added function lassoBasic that has equivalent function to lasso but takes vectors as input arguments. (2.00.10)

  • Added 26 TopN functions: (2.00.10)

    • m-functions:mskewTopN, mkurtosisTopN
    • cum-functions:cumsumTopN, cumavgTopN, cumstdTopN, cumstdpTopN, cumvarTopN, cumvarpTopN, cumbetaTopN, cumcorrTopN, cumcovarTopN, cumwsumTopN, cumskewTopN, cumkurtosisTopN
    • tm-functions:tmsumTopN, tmavgTopN, tmstdTopN, tmstdpTopN, tmvarTopN, tmvarpTopN, tmbetaTopN, tmcorrTopN, tmcovarTopN, tmwsumTopN, tmskewTopN, tmkurtosisTopN
  • Added function initcap to set the first letter of each word in a string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase. (2.00.10)

  • Added functions splrep and splev for cubic spline interpolation. (2.00.10)

  • Added function scs to compute the optimal solution of linearly constrained linear or quadratic programming functions. (2.00.10)

  • Added support for DECIMAL128 data type. (2.00.10)

  • Added function rowPrev, rowNext, rowMove, rowCumsum, rowCumprod, rowCummax, rowCummin and rowCumwsum for row-based calculations. (2.00.10)

  • Added function temporalSeq to generate time series at specified intervals. (2.00.10)

  • Added function ungroup to flatten columns containing fast array vectors or columnar tuples. (2.00.10)

  • Added function decimalMultiply to multiply data of DECIMAL types. (2.00.10)

  • Added functions base64Encode and base64Decode to encode and decode Base64 digits. (2.00.10)

  • Added function addFunctionTypeInferenceRule to specify the inference rule of user-defined functions in DolphinDB JIT version. (2.00.10)

  • Added support for COMPLEX data type in DolphinDB JIT version. (2.00.10)

  • Added configuration parameter localSubscriberNum to set the number of threads distributing the messages from the publish queue in local subscription. (2.00.10)

  • Added function createStreamDispatchEngine to create a streaming data dispatch engine. (2.00.10)

  • DECIMAL data is supported in the time series engine and reactive state engine when the following functions are used: (2.00.10)

    • Time Series Engine (created with createTimeSeriesEngine): corr, covar, first, last, max, med, min, percentile, quantile, std, var, sum, sum2, sum3, sum4, wavg, wsum, count, firstNot, ifirstNot, lastNot, ilastNot, imax, imin, nunique, prod, sem, mode, searchK

    • Reactive State Engine (created with createReactiveStateEngine):

      cumsum, cumavg, cumstd, cumstdp, cumvar, cumvarp, cumcorr, cumbeta, cumcovar, cumwsum, cumwavg, msum, mavg, mstd, mstdp, mvar, mvarp, mcorr, mbeta, mcovar, mwsum, mwavg, tmsum, tmavg, tmstd, tmstdp, tmvar, tmvarp, tmcorr, tmbeta, tmwsum, tmwavg

  • Constants now can be declared as DECIMAL type with the data type symbol "P". (

  • Added new configuration parameter logicOrIgnoreNull. The default value is true, which means to ignore NULL values in the operands. It should be set to false if you need the behavior of the or function to be consistent with old versions. (

  • is null is now supported in a case when clause. (

  • Added configuration parameter mvccCheckpointThreshold to set the threshold for the operations to trigger a checkpoint. (

  • Added function forceMvccCheckpoint to manually trigger a checkpoint. (

  • Added license server to manage resources for nodes specified by license. (2.00.9)

    • Related functions: getLicenseServerResourceInfo, getRegisteredNodeInfo.
    • Related configuration parameters: licenseServerSite, bindCores.
  • Added configuration parameter thirdPartyAuthenticator to authenticate user login over the third-party system. (2.00.9)

  • Server version is now automatically checked when a plugin is loaded. (2.00.9)

  • Support asynchronous replication across clusters for data consistency and offsite disaster recovery. (2.00.9)

  • Support Apache Arrow format. (2.00.9)

  • Added function getTSDBSortKeyEntry to show the sort key information of all chunks. (2.00.9)

  • Added command setMaxConnections to dynamically configure the maximum connections on the current node. (2.00.9)

  • Added function demean to center a data set. This function can be used as a state function in the reactive state engine. (2.00.9)

  • Added parameter ordered for functions dict and syncDict to create an ordered dictionary where the key-value pairs are sorted in the same order as the input. (2.00.9)

  • Added support for the following binary operations (2.00.9):

    • dictionary and dictionary
    • scalar and dictionary
    • vector and dictionary
  • Added cumulative function cumnunique to obtain the cumulative count of unique elements. This function can be used as a state function in the reactive state engine. (2.00.9)

  • Added function stringFormat to generate strings with specified values and placeholders. (2.00.9)

  • Added function rowAlign to align data by row. (2.00.9)

  • Added function nanInfFill to replace NaN and Inf values. (2.00.9)

  • Added function byColumn to apply functions to each column of a matrix. The function is also supported in stream processing. (2.00.9)

  • Added function volumeBar for data grouping based on the cumulative sum. (2.00.9)

  • Added function enlist to return a vector (or tuple) with a scalar (or vector) as its element. (2.00.9)

  • Added operator eachAt(@) to access elements of vector/tuple/matrix/table/dictionary/array vector by index. (2.00.9)

  • Added new functions latestKeyedTable and latestIndexedTable to create a keyed table or indexed table with a time column. When a new record is appended to the table, it only overwrites the existing record with the same primary key if its timestamp is larger than the original one. (2.00.9)

  • Support data form columnar tuple. (2.00.9)

    • Related functions: isColumnarTuple, setColumnTuple!.
  • Enhanced support for standard SQL features (2.00.9):

    • Clauses: drop, alter, case when, union/union all, join on, with as, create local temporary table
    • Predicates: (not) between and, is null/is not null, (not) exists/not exist, any/all
    • Functions: nullIf, coalesce
    • Keywords: distinct
  • Support multiple joins, join with table aliases, and join with a table object returned by a SQL subquery. (2.00.9)

  • SQL select can select a constant without specifying an alias, and the value will be used as the column name. (2.00.9)

  • SQL predicates and operators can be applied to the result table returned by a SQL subquery. (2.00.9)

  • Added configuration parameter oldChunkVersionRetentionTime to specify the retention time for old chunk versions in the system. (2.00.9)

  • Support built-in trading calendars of major exchanges and user-defined trading calendars. These calendars can be used in functions temporalAdd, resample, asFreq, and transFreq for frequency conversion. (2.00.9)

    • Related configuration parameter: marketHolidayDir
    • Related functions: addMarketHoliday, updateMarketHoliday, and getMarketCalendar to add, update and get user-defined trading calendars.
  • Added functions genericStateIterate and genericTStateIterate to iterate over streaming data with a sliding window. (2.00.9)

  • Function createWindowJoinEngine supports array vectors. (2.00.9)

  • Added functions movingWindowData and tmovingWindowData to obtain elements in a sliding window during stream processing. (2.00.9)

  • Support if-else statement in the reactive state engine. (2.00.9)

  • New SQL tracing tool for monitoring the time spent on the whole process of query execution. Added configuration parameter traceLogDir to specify the trace log path. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function truncate for deleting the data in a DFS table while keeping the table schema. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function checkBackup for checking the integrity of backup files. Added new function getBackupStatus for displaying the detailed information about database backup and restore jobs. (2.00.8)

  • Added new functions backupDB, restoreDB, backupTable, and restoreTable for backing up / restoring an entire database or table. (2.00.8)

  • Added new configuration parameter logRetentionTime for specifying the system log retention period. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function triggerNodeReport for triggering a chunk information report for the specified data node. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function getUnresolvedTxn for getting the transactions in the resolution phase. (2.00.8)

  • The stream engine parser (streamEngineParser) now supports specifying user-defined functions with nested function as its metrics. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function conditionalIterate for recursive computation of metrics through conditional iteration. This function can only be used in the reactive state stream engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.8)

  • Added new function stateMavg for calculating the moving average based on previous results. This function can only be used in the reactive state stream engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.8)

  • Function mmaxPositiveStreak can now be used in the reactive state stream engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.8)

  • Added new function stateIterate for linear recursion by linear iteration. This function can only be used in the reactive state stream engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.8)

  • Window join engine (createWindowJoinEngine): When the parameter window=0:0, the size of the calculation window over the right table is determined by the difference between the timestamps of the corresponding record in the left table and its most recent record. (2.00.8)

  • Added support for new data type DECIMAL. Storage and computation involving the DECIMAL data type are also supported in some functions and the OLAP and TSDB storage engines. (2.00.8) Note that:

    1. DECIMAL type columns cannot be specified as partitioning columns or sort columns (TSDB engine), or compressed using the "delta" method.
    2. DECIMAL type columns cannot be modified or deleted with the functions addColumn/replaceColumn!/dropColumns!/rename!
    3. The DECIMAL data type does not support stream data subscription and stream computing.
    4. loadText does not support importing columns containing DECIMAL values.
  • Added new function regroup for grouped aggregation over a matrix based on user-specified column and/or row labels. (2.00.8)

  • Added new functions mifirstNot and milastNot for returning the index of the first/last non-NULL element in a sliding window. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function loc for accessing the rows and columns of a matrix by label(s) or a Boolean vector. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function til for creating a vector of consecutive integers starting from 0. (2.00.8)

  • Added new functions pack and unpack for packing and unpacking binary data. (2.00.8)

  • Added new function align for aligning two matrices based on row labels and/or column labels using the specified join method. (2.00.8)

  • DFS table join now supports full join. (2.00.8)

  • DolphinDB (JIT) now supports accessing vector elements by index which can be a vector or a pair. (2.00.8)

  • Web-based User Interface:

    • "Shell" tab enhancements: Added new "Database" view for checking databases and tables. (2.00.8)
    • Added new settings menu where you can customize the number of decimal places. For example, enter "2" to display numbers with 2 digits. (2.00.8)
    • Added support for visualization of dictionaries. (2.00.8)
    • You can now navigate to the associated documentation by clicking the error code (e.g., 'RefId: S00001'). (2.00.8)
  • Added new configuration parameters memLimitOfQueryResult and memLimitOfTaskGroupResult to restrict the memory usage of the intermediate and final results of queries; new function getQueryStatus to monitor the memory usage and execution status of the query. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function getTSDBCompactionTaskStatus to check the status of level file compaction tasks in the TSDB engine. (2.00.7)

  • Added new functions isPeak and isValley to determine if the current element is the peak/valley of the neighboring elements. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function rowAt(X, Y). Return the element in each row of X based on the index specified by the corresponding element of Y. (2.00.7)

  • Added new functions rowImin and rowImax to get the index of the extreme value in each row. (2.00.7)

  • Added new machine learning function gmm to support Gaussian mixture model (GMM) clustering algorithms. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function valueChanged to detect the change between elements by comparing the current element with adjacent elements. (2.00.7)

  • Added new functions msum2 and tmsum2 to calculate the sum of squares in a sliding window. (2.00.7)

  • Added new functions prevState and nextState to find the element with a different state before/after the current element. (Consecutive elements with the same value are considered to be of the same state.) (2.00.7)

  • Added new function getSupportBundle. Return a file of support bundle containing system configuration and database information. (2.00.7)

  • Added new functions topRange and lowRange. For each element in X, return the maximum length of a window to the left of X where it is the max/min. The functions are also supported in the reactive state engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.7)

  • Added interpolation functions spline, neville, dividedDifference, and loess. (2.00.7)

  • Added new parameter cumPositiveStreak for the reactive state engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.7)

  • Added new streaming engine dual ownership reactive state engine (createDualOwnershipReactiveStateEngine) with support for parallel computing of data with 2 grouping methods and different metrics. (2.00.7)

  • Introduced new table object "IPCInMemoryTable", interprocess in-memory table. Added related functions createIPCInMemoryTable, loadIPCInMemoryTable, dropIPCInMemoryTable and readIPCInMemoryTable. Interprocess in-memory table can be used in streaming scenarios to enable efficient data transfer between the DolphinDB server and client on the same machine. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function stretch to stretch a vector evenly to the specified length. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function getTransactionStatus to get the status of transactions. Added new command imtForceGCRedolog to skip the garbage collection of a transaction with the specified ID. (2.00.7)

  • Added new module "ops" for database operations. This module contains some commonly-used scripts for operations such as cancelling unfinished jobs in the cluster, viewing disk usage of a DFS table, deleting recovering partitions, closing inactive sessions, etc. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function setLogLevel to dynamically adjust the log level on the current node. (2.00.7)

  • Added new function cells to retrieve multiple cells from a matrix by the specified row and col indices. (2.00.6)

  • Added new function randDiscrete for sampling from a discrete probability distribution. (2.00.6)

  • Added new functions dynamicGroupCumsum and dynamicGroupCumcount, and their state functions in the reactive state streaming engine. (2.00.6)

  • Added new function getTSDBCompactionTaskStatus to get the status of level file compaction tasks of the TSDB engine. (2.00.6)

  • Added new function createDistributedInMemoryTable to create a distributed in-memory table. (2.00.6)

  • Support tiered storage to store cold data on slow hard disks or object storage (Amazon S3). These data are read-only. (2.00.6)

  • Added new parameter sortKeyMappingFunction to function createPartitionedTable in the TSDB engine to apply mapping functions to the sortKey for optimal performance. (2.00.6)

  • Optimized the update performance in the TSDB engine. (2.00.6)

  • Added new function toCharArray to split a string into a vector of characters. (2.00.6)

  • Added new configuration parameter maxDynamicLocalExecutor to specify the maximum number of dynamically-generated local executors and the frequency at which they are generated. (2.00.6)

  • Added transaction statement to encapsulate multiple SQL statements on an in-memory table or a shared table into one transaction. (2.00.6)

  • Support asynchronous data sorting in the TSDB cache engine. Specify the configuration parameter TSDBAsyncSortingWorkerNum as the number of threads for asynchronous sorting, and the default value is 1. (2.00.5)

  • Snapshot isolation is supported in the TSDB engine. (2.00.5)

  • The TSDB engine can be used on Windows. (2.00.5)

  • You can enable dataSync for the OLAP engine by setting configuration parameter dataSync = 1 on Windows. (2.00.5)

  • Added new parameters userId and password to function subscribeTable. The system will attempt to log in after a user is logged out accidentally to make sure the subscribed data can be written to a DFS table. (2.00.5)

  • You can specify a function returning array vector for the parameter metrics of the reactive state streaming engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.5)

  • Function getStreamingStat().subWorkers returns throttle in milliseconds. (2.00.5)

  • You can specify multiple matching columns for the asof join engine. (2.00.5)

  • Added new parameters snapshotDir and snapshotIntervalInMsgCount to the cross-sectional streaming engine to enable snapshot; Added new parameter raftGroup to enable high availability. (2.00.5)

  • Added new functions getLeftStream and getRightStream to support cascade of join engines. (2.00.5)

  • If a function with multiple returns is specified for the parameter metrics of a cross-sectional streaming engine (createCrossSectionalEngine) or a time-series streaming engine (createTimeSeriesEngine), the returned column names can be unspecified when creating the streaming engine. (2.00.5)

  • Added new command addAccessControl to add access control on a shared in-memory table (stream table included) or the streaming engine object. (2.00.5)

  • When applying an aggregate function, such as quantile, to a column in a table, if the data type of the column is not supported, the result is a NULL value. (2.00.5)

  • The SQL pivot by clause supports columns of UUID type. (2.00.5)

  • The upper limit of the result of function ceil or floor is raised to 2^53. (2.00.5)

  • If the last column of a pivot by clause is a partitioning column, and no aggregate or order-sensitive functions are included in the select clause, the performance has been optimized by nearly five times. (2.00.5)

  • Function med, kama and wma now support vectors of BOOL type. (2.00.5)

  • The parameter colNames of command addColumn can start with a digit. (2.00.5)

  • When loading a csv file with function loadText or loadTextEx, the upper limit for the first row of data is raised to 256 KB. (2.00.5)

  • Aggregate functions, window functions and vectorized functions support table as an input. (2.00.5)

  • The parameter count of function rand or normal supports a pair to specify the dimension of a matrix. (2.00.5)

  • Row-based logic functions (rowAnd, rowOr and rowXor) support input of INT type. (2.00.5)

  • Added new parameter arrayDelimiter to functions loadText and loadTextEx to load csv files containing array vectors. (2.00.5)

  • Added new parameter closed to function bar to specify whether the left or right boundary is inclusive in each group. (2.00.5)

  • For a moving function, when X is an indexed series or an indexed matrix and window is a positive integer, the window slides over the index. (2.00.5)

  • The parameters of a user-defined function can be defined across multiple lines and separated by a comma. (2.00.5)

  • For a SQL order by clause, you can refer to a column by its name or the as alias. (2.00.5)

  • You can now specify a vector of SECOND, TIME or NANOTIME type for the parameter X of function dailyAlignedBar. (2.00.5)

  • The server can transfer tables containing array vectors to Python API in pickle format. (2.00.5)

  • Added new parameter forceTriggerSessionEndTime to the daily time-series streaming engine to specify the waiting time to trigger calculation in the window containing sessionEnd. (2.00.5)

  • Modified the parameter forceTriggerTime of the daily time-series streaming engine and the time-series streaming engine. The calculation in an uncompleted window of a group can be triggered by the latest ingested data of any other group. If the parameter fill is set, the specified filling methods are used to fill the results of the empty windows in the meantime. (2.00.5)

  • Tables in the same partition can now be updated, written and deleted concurrently. (2.00.4)

  • The type of data written into a temporal column of an in-memory table will be automatically converted to the data type of the column. (2.00.4)

  • Data node can now be recovered online with the latest data from other nodes. You can also enable asynchronous recovery via configuration. (2.00.4)

  • You can now manage and query all computing tasks in a cluster. (2.00.4)

  • In-memory tables and stream tables now support data type BLOB. (2.00.4)

  • You can now use a new tag [HINT_EXPLAIN] in your SQL statement to return a JSON string indicating the execution process of the statement. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function streamEngineParser to decompose a cross-sectional factor into a pipeline with multiple built-in streaming engines. This function parses the specified metrics to construct a calculation pipeline, where multiple built-in engines process the streaming data in sequence. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function existSubscriptionTopic to check whether a subscription topic has been created. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function createLookupJoinEngine to support left join of a stream table and a table with infrequent data updates. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function moveChunksAcrossVolume. When a new volume is added, use this function to move chunks in the old volume to the new one. (2.00.4)

  • When a new volume is added, you can now use function resetDBDirMeta to move the old volume's meta log to the new one. (2.00.4)

  • Added 10 new TopN functions, msumTopN, mavgTopN, mstdpTopN, mstdTopN, mvarTopN, mvarpTopN, mcorrTopN, mbetaTopN, mcovarTopN, and mwsumTopN. These functions can be used as state functions in the reactive state engine. (2.00.4)

  • Added new functions makeKey and makeOrderedKey to combine multiple columns into a BLOB column, so it can be used as the key of a dictionary or a set. (2.00.4)

  • Added new higher-order function aggrTopN, which sorts data based on the specified sorting column and returns aggregate calculation results of the first N rows in the table. (2.00.4)

  • Added new higher-order functions window and twindow for more general scenarios than move and tmove, with slightly different handling of window boundaries. (2.00.4)

  • Added new configuration parameter raftElectionTick, which specifies the waiting time to receive a heartbeat from the leader in a raft group before the followers switch to a new leader. Added new functions setCacheEngineMemSize, setTimeoutTick, setTSDBCacheEngineSize, setMaxMemSize, setReservedMemSize and setMaxBlockSizeForReservedMemory to support modifying the associated configuration online. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function fixedLengthArrayVector to combine multiple vectors into an array vector. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function loadNpz to import .npz files from NumPy. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function suspendRecovery to suspend node recovery tasks and added resumeRecovery to resume recovery tasks. (2.00.4)

  • Added new functions rowCorr, rowCovar, rowBeta, rowWsum and rowWavg for row-based calculation. (2.00.4)

  • Added new functions movingWindowIndex and movingTopNIndex to obtain index of the elements in a moving window. The result is an array vector of INDEX[] type. (2.00.4)

  • Added new function fflush to flush buffer data to your file system. (2.00.4)

  • Released the TSDB storage engine. The database function provides an optional parameter engineType, the default value is OLAP, which is the old storage engine. If you create a database based on the TSDB storage engine, set the engineType to TSDB. (2.00.0)

  • The data based on the TSDB storage engine supports the new data type BLOB. (2.00.0)


  • The permission object (parameter objs) can be specified as '*' when the access is applied at global level. (

  • When asynchronous cluster replication is enabled, operations on empty tables in the slave cluster will throw an exception. (

  • Optimized the write performance of TSDB engine. (

  • Optimized the performance of function dropTable when deleting a partitioned table with over 100,000 partitions. (

  • The divisor of div/mod now can be negative numbers. (

  • A new directory will be created automatically if the configured persostenceOffsetDir cannot be found. (

  • Long-running replay tasks can now be canceled more promptly. (

  • Optimized transactions on compute nodes. (

  • Added parameter keepRootDir to function rmdir to specify whether to keep the root directory when deleting files. (

  • The license function obtains license information from memory by default. (

  • The getClusterDFSTables function returns all tables created by the user regardless of the table permissions. (

  • An empty table can be backed up by copying files. (

  • Optimized asynchronous replication (

    • After asynchronous replication is enabled globally, the system now allows operations on slave cluster databases which are not included in the replication scope.
    • The mechanism for pulling replication tasks from the master to the slave clusters has been improved.
  • <DataNodeNotAvail> error message now provides more details. (

  • Optimized the output log of subscribeTable. (

  • Optimized the performance of concurrent read and write operations for the TSDB engine. (

  • A user-defined function allows the default value of a parameter to be an empty tuple (represented as []). (

  • Added user access control to the loadText function. (

  • Modifications made to user access privileges are logged. (

  • The resample function can take a matrix with non-strictly increasing row labels as an input argument. (

  • Optimized the join behavior for tuples. (

  • A ternary function can be passed as an input argument to the template accumulate in a reactive state engine. (

  • Added parameter validation to streamEngineParser: If triggeringPattern='keyCount', then keepOrder must be true. (

  • Configuration parameters localExecutors and maxDynamicLocalExecutor were discarded. (2.00.10)

  • Functions window and percentChange can be used as state functions in the reactive state engine. (2.00.10)

  • Support JOIN on multiple partitioned tables. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the performance when using the dropTable function to delete a table with a large number of partitions. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the performance when filtering data with a WHERE clause in a TSDB database. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the performance when joining tables of a TSDB database. (2.00.10)

  • Enhanced support for standard SQL joins. The join column can be any column from tables or the column that is applied with functions or filtered by conditional expressions. (2.00.10)

  • Support LEFT JOIN, FULL JOIN, and INNER JOIN on two tables with one table's join column of STRING type and the other table's of integral type. (2.00.10)

  • Support SELECT NOT on DFS tables. (2.00.10)

  • Support SQL keywords in all uppercase or lowercase. (2.00.10)

  • Support comma (,) to CROSS JOIN tables. (2.00.10)

  • Support line breaks for SQL statements, while keywords with multiple words, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, UNION ALL, INNER JOIN, cannot be split into two lines. (2.00.10)

  • The implementation of select * from a join b is changed from select * from join(a, b) to select * from cj(a, b). (2.00.10)

  • Support operator <> in SQL statements, which is equivalent to !=. (2.00.10)

  • Support keyword NOT LIKE in SQL statements. (2.00.10)

  • When LEFT JOIN, LEFT SEMI JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN or EQUI JOIN on columns containing NULL values: (2.00.10)

    • In the previous versions: a NULL value is matched to another NULL.
    • Since the current version: a NULL value cannot be matched to another NULL.
  • For function sqlDS, a DFS table partitioned by DATEHOUR selected in sqlObj will now be correctly filtered by date. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized file merging for TSDB engine to reduce memory consumption. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized storage architecture for TSDB engine with less blocks to reduce memory usage. (2.00.10)

  • Added new parameters defaultValues and allowNull for function mvccTable to set the default values for columns and determine whether its columns can contain NULL values, respectively. It is now supported to modify column names and types, and delete columns of MVCC tables. (2.00.10)

  • For the "Status" column returned by function getRecoveryTaskStatus, the previous status "Finish" is now changed to "Finished", "Abort" to "Aborted". (2.00.10)

  • Optimized graceful shutdown, before which all symbol bases will be flushed to the disk. (2.00.10)

  • Added inplace optimization fields, i.e., inplaceOptimization and optimizedColumns, when using HINT_EXPLAIN to check the execution plan of a GROUP BY clause when algo is "sort". (2.00.10)

  • Function addColumn now can add a column of DECIMAL type. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the performance when performing a point query on a table containing array vectors. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the execution logic for TSDB engine when compaction and partition drop are executed at the same time. (2.00.10)

  • Added check for duplicated column names when updating column names with function rename!. (2.00.10)

  • The column name specified with the rename!, replaceColumn!, dropColumns! functions are no longer case sensitive. (2.00.10)

  • Added new parameters swColName and checkInput for the lasso and elasticNet functions to specify the sample weight and validation check, respectively. Added new parameters swColName for the ridge function. (2.00.10)

  • Added parameters x0, c, eps, and alpha for function qclp to specify absolute value constraints, solving accuracy, and relaxation parameters. (2.00.10)

  • Functions loadText, pLoadText, and extractTextSchema now can load a data file that contains a record with multiple newlines. (2.00.10)

  • The delimiter parameter of the loadText, pLoadText, loadTextEx, textChunkDS, extractTextSchema functions can be specified as one or more characters. (2.00.10)

  • When importing a table using function loadTextEx, an error will be reported if the table schema does not match the schema of the target database. (2.00.10)

  • Added check for the schema parameter of function loadTextEx. Since this version, the table specified by schema MUST NOT be empty, and the "name" and "type" columns must be of STRING type. (2.00.10)

  • An error will be reported when importing a table via function loadTextEx to an OLAP database with tables containing array vectors or BLOB columns. (2.00.10)

  • Added new parameter tiesMethod, which is used to process the group of records with the same value, for the following moving TopN functions: mstdTopN, mstdpTopN, mvarTopN, mvarpTopN, msumTopN, mavgTopN, mwsumTopN, mbetaTopN, mcorrTopN, mcovarTopN. (2.00.10)

  • The following functions support columnar tuple: rowWavg, rowCorr, rowCovar, rowBeta, and rowWsum. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the prediction performance of function knn. (2.00.10)

  • The time series engine and daily time series engine now can output columns holding array vectors. (2.00.10)

  • Optimized the performance of the moving function used in the reactive state engine. (2.00.10)

  • The anomaly detection engine now can specify multiple grouping columns for parameter keyColumn. (2.00.10)

  • The window parameter of function genericStateIterate now can be specified as 1. The performance is optimized when window is specified as 0 or 1. (2.00.10)

  • Added new parameter sortByTime for the createWindowJoinEngine and createAsOfJoinEngine functions to determine whether the result is returned in the order of timestamps globally. (2.00.10)

  • Added check for the T parameter of function genericTStateIterate, which must be strictly increasing. (2.00.10)

  • The streaming engine can now be shared with the share function/statement for concurrent writes. (2.00.10)

  • An error will be reported when using the left semi join engine to subscribe to a table containing array vectors. (2.00.10)

  • An error will be reported when using the share function/statement or the enableTableShareAndPersistence function to share the same table multiple times. (2.00.10)

  • An error will be reported if the data of INT type is appended to a SYMBOL column of the left table of a window join engine. (2.00.10)

  • Support pickle serialization of array vectors of UUID, INT128, and IP types. (2.00.10)

  • DolphinDB JIT version supports the join operator (<-). (2.00.10)

  • The isort function in JIT version can take a tuple with vectors of equal length as input. (2.00.10)

  • The if expression in JIT version supports the in operator. (2.00.10)

  • Vectors can be accessed with Boolean index in JIT version. (2.00.10)

  • Support comments with multiple /**/ sections in one line. (2.00.10)

  • The function stringFormat now supports: data type matching, format alignment, decimal digits, and base conversion. (2.00.10)

  • The second parameter of function concat can be NULL. (2.00.10)

  • Function take can take a tuple or table as input. (2.00.10)

  • Function stretch can take a matrix or table as input. (2.00.10)

  • Functions in and find support table with one column. (2.00.10)

  • When the parameter moduleDir is configured as a relative path, the system searches the modules under the homeDir/modules directory. (2.00.10)

  • The result of function in, binsrch, find, or asof takes the same format as the input argument Y. (2.00.10)

  • An error is raised when passing a tuple to function rank. (2.00.10)

  • Added keyword distinct to eliminate duplicate records. It is currently not supported to be used with group by, context by, or pivot by. (

  • The outputElapsedInMicroseconds parameter of function createTimeSeriesEngine is renamed to outputElapsedMicroseconds. (

  • The fields "createTime" and "lastActiveTime" returned by function getSessionMemoryStat are now displayed in local time. (

  • Enhanced support for between and with standard SQL features. (

  • More operations on the IPC in-memory tables are logged for better tracking and debugging. (

  • Function getClusterDFSTables returns DFS tables to which the user has access. (

  • Parameter leftTable of function createWindowJoinEngine supports columns of array vectors. (

  • Parameter handler of function subscribeTable supports shared in-memory table, keyed table, and indexed table. (

  • Function cut now supports tables/matrices. (

  • Ordered Dictionary now supports unary window functions. (

  • Support checksum for the metadata files. (2.00.9)

  • To avoid excessive disk usage of recovery log, recovery tasks now will be cleared for the follower which has been switched from the leader. (2.00.9)

  • All backup and restore activities are fully logged. (2.00.9)

  • Added new parameters close, label, origin for function interval. (2.00.9)

  • Function getRecentJobs returns "clientIp" and "clientPort" indicating the client IP and port. (2.00.9)

  • Added new parameter warmup for function ema. If set to true, elements in the first (window-1) windows are calculated. (2.00.9)

  • The unary and ternary functions now can be specified for higher-order functions accumulate and reduce. (2.00.9)

  • Added new parameter outputElapsedMicroseconds for the reactive state engine and time-series engine to output the elapsed time. (2.00.9)

  • Support DECIMAL array vector. (2.00.9)

  • Added new parameter precision for functions rank and rowRank to set the precision of the values to be sorted. (2.00.9)

  • Parameter mode of function groups supports "vector" and "tuple". (2.00.9)

  • Function linearTimeTrend supports calculations of a matrix or table. (2.00.9)

  • Added support for iterations using multiple higher-order functions. Added new parameter consistent for higher-order functions eachLeft, eachRight, eachPre, eachPost, and reduce to determine the results' data type and form of tasks. (2.00.9)

  • Function objectChecksum supports DECIMAL type. (2.00.9)

  • Parameter tiesMethod of function rank and rowRank supports "first" to assign ranks to equal values in the order they appear in the vector. (2.00.9)

  • Function cut now supports scalar. (2.00.9)

  • Function split now supports STRING vector. (2.00.9)

  • Function rowAt now supports array vector. (2.00.9)

  • Rows of a matrix can now be accessed with slice. (2.00.9)

  • The size of a tuple is no longer limited to 1048576. (2.00.9)

  • Enhanced support for DECIMAL type in most built-in functions. (2.00.9)

  • The defaultValue argument passed to function array now supports STRING type. (2.00.9)

  • Function memSize now returns the memory usage of tuple. (2.00.9)

  • Query results of different partitions now can be combined through multiple threads to reduce the elapsed time of merge phase. (2.00.9)

  • Function getSessionMemoryStat now returns related cache information. (2.00.9)

  • Column comments now can be added to mvcc tables with setColumnComment. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the point query performance of TSDB engine. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of select count(*) in the TSDB engine when keepDuplicates = last is specified. (2.00.9)

  • Matrices now can be accessed with pair and vector as index. (2.00.9)

  • Modified the actual available memory configured by regularArrayMemoryLimit. (2.00.9)

  • Modified the upper limit on the number of DFS databases and tables. (2.00.9)

  • For TSDB databases, data types of temporal sort keys can be automatically converted. (2.00.9)

  • The publisher will push streaming data to the subscriber using the TCP connection established by the subscriber. The subscriber no longer needs to provide a listening port. (2.00.9)

  • The reactive state engine supports the array vector with unfixed length. (2.00.9)

  • The filter condition of function streamfilter supports built-in functions. (2.00.9)

  • Added new parameter sortColumns for function replay to sort the data with the same timestamp. (2.00.9)

  • Support automatic alignment of data sources for N-to-1 replay. (2.00.9)

  • The window size is capped at 102400 when m-functions are used in the streaming engines. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of heterogeneous replay. (2.00.9)

  • Function streamEngineParser now supports function byRow nested with function contextby as metrics for the cross-section engine. (2.00.9)

  • Support higher-order function accumulate in streaming. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of function genericTStateIterate. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of function streamEngineParser. (2.00.9)

  • append / insert into operations on shared tables can be implemented with statement transaction. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of ej on partitioned tables. (2.00.9)

  • The select statement now supports using column alias or new column name as the filter condition in the where clause. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of keyword pivot by when the last column is the partitioning column. (2.00.9)

  • The keyword context by now supports specifying matrix and table. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of context by and group by. (2.00.9)

  • Optimized the performance of lsj at large data volumes. (2.00.9)

  • The temporal data types in a SQL where clause can now be automatically converted when interval is used to group data. (2.00.9)

  • The size of a tuple is no longer limited when used in SQL in condition. (2.00.9)

  • Modified the return value of function getSystemCpuUsage. (2.00.9)

  • Enhanced support for access control (2.00.9):

    • Extended privilege types at table level (TABLE_INSERT/TABLE_UPDATE/TABLE_DELETE) and database level (DB_INSERT/DB_UPDATE/DB_DELETE).

    • Modified DB_MANGE privilege which no longer permits database creations. Users with this privilege can only perform DDL operations on databases.

    • Modified DB_OWNER privilege which enables users to create databases with specified prefixes.

    • Added privilege types QUERY_RESULT_MEM_LIMIT and TASK_GROUP_MEM_LIMIT to set the upper limit of the memory usage of queries.

    • Access control-related functions now can be called on data nodes.

    • Modified the permission verification mechanism of DDL/DML operations.

    • Added parameter validation for access control:

      • An error is reported if the granularity of objs does not match the accessType of grant, deny, or revoke.
      • When the TABLE_READ/TABLE_WRITE/DBOBJ_*/VIEW_EXEC permission is granted, the existence of the applied object (database/table/function view) is checked first. If it does not exist, an error is reported.
      • When an object (database/table/function view) is deleted, the applied permissions are revoked. If a new object with the same name is created later, the permissions must be reassigned.
      • Permissions are retained for renamed tables.
  • Optimized the performance of user-defined functions in streaming engines in DolphinDB (JIT). (2.00.9)

  • DolphinDB (JIT) supports operator ratio. (2.00.9)

  • DolphinDB (JIT) supports more built-in functions: sum, avg, count, size, min, max, iif, moving. (2.00.9)

  • Functions backup, restore, and migrate support backup and restore of database partitions by copying files. (2.00.8)

  • Functions replaceColumn!, rename!, and dropColumn! now support DFS tables. (2.00.8)

  • Added new parameter deleteSchema to function dropPartition to determine whether to delete the partition schema when deleting a VALUE partition. (2.00.8)

  • Function dropDatabase deletes all physical files for the specified database. (2.00.8)

  • Metacode of SQL statements can be passed to the parameter obj of function saveText. Partitions can be queried in parallel and written with a single thread. (2.00.8)

  • The system raises an error message if you specify the configuration parameter volumes for a single node using macro variable <ALIAS>. (2.00.8)

  • Support SQL like keyword in a where clause to search for a specified pattern of sort keys in the TSDB engine. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the reading performance in TSDB engine. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the performance of update, delete and upsert in the TSDB storage engine. (2.00.8)

  • Added parameter nullFill to function createWindowJoinEngine to fill in the NULL values in the output table. (2.00.8)

  • The parameter timeRepartitionSchema of function replayDS supports more temporal types. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the garbage collection logic of window join engine. (2.00.8)

  • Identical expressions using user-defined functions are only calculated once in the reactive state stream engine. (2.00.8)

  • Added SQL keyword HINT_VECTORIZED to enable vectorization for data grouping. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the query performance when the group by column is the VALUE partitioning column. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the performance of left join of an in-memory table and a DFS table. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the performance of SQL clause pivot by. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized the computing performance of function rolling. (2.00.8)

  • Function getBackupList returns column "updateTime" for the last update time and column "rows" for the number of records in a partition. (2.00.8)

  • Added a new key "rows" to the dictionary returned by function getBackupMeta to show the number of rows in a partition. (2.00.8)

  • Added optional parameter containHeader to functions loadText, ploadText, loadTextEx, and textChunkDS to indicate whether the file contains a header row. (2.00.8)

  • Added access control to 31 functions, which can only be executed by a logged-in user or administrator. (2.00.8)

  • updateLicense throws an exception if the authorization mode changed. (2.00.8)

  • No exception is thrown if the indices are out of bounds when slicing a vector. (2.00.8)

  • When accessing a vector by index, NULL values are returned if the indices are out of bounds in DolphinDB (standard and JIT version). (2.00.8)

  • Optimized crc32 algorithm. (2.00.8)

  • Optimized function mrank. (2.00.8)

  • The maximum length for the data converted by function toJson is no longer limited to 1000. (2.00.8)

  • Web-based User Interface:

    • Enhanced code highlighting to keep it consistent with the DolphinDB extension for Visual Studio Code. (2.00.8)
    • Numeric values are formatted with comma (,) as the thousands separator, e.g., 1,000,000,000. (2.00.8)
    • Updated keywords, code completion, and function documentation. (2.00.8)
    • The execution information is displayed in a more compact layout. (2.00.8)
    • Enhanced the "status" popover view to display status information in different categories. (2.00.8)
    • Enhanced table pagination design and added tooltips for icon buttons. (2.00.8)
    • "Job" tab enhancements: Adjusted the field names; Added support for job search by client IP. (2.00.8)
    • Fixed an issue where the temporal labels were not correctly formatted in a plot. (2.00.8)
  • getClusterPerf(true) returns the information on all controllers in a high-availability cluster. This function also adds a return value isLeader to indicate whether the controller is the leader of the raft group. (2.00.7)

  • Now when connecting to a controller of a high-availability cluster on the web-based cluster manager, you will be redirected to the leader where information on all nodes are displayed. (2.00.7)

  • When using function restore, loadBackup, or getBackupMeta to access the backup partitions in a database whose chunk granularity is at TABLE level, the physical index is no longer required when specifying the parameter partition. (2.00.7)

  • Function getRecoveryTaskStatus adds a new return value FailureReason to display the reason for the recovery task failure. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the compression algorithm for backup. (2.00.7)

  • If a jobId does not exist when using cancelJob, the system no longer throws an exception. Instead, it outputs the error message with the jobId to the log. (2.00.7)

  • Now can specify the configuration parameter persistenWorkerNum for a high-availability stream table. (2.00.7)

  • Added new parameter forceTriggerTime to createSessionWindowEngine to trigger the calculation in the last window if useSystemTime=false. (2.00.7)

  • When processing standard stream tables with streamFilter, you can now specify metacode of Boolean expressions for the filter condition. (2.00.7)

  • You can include the time column and/or join column from the left or right table as the output column(s) in the the parameter metrics of functions createEqualJoinEngine, createAsofJoinEngine and createLookupJoinEngine. (2.00.7)

  • replay supports heterogeneous stream tables with columns of array vectors. (2.00.7)

  • The parameter keyPurgeFilter of createReactiveStateEngine must be metacode of Boolean expressions, otherwise an error will be raised. (2.00.7)

  • The parameter metrics of createLookupJoinEngine can be a tuple. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the performance of select count(*) when the time granularity of a group by clause is more coarse-grained than that of a partition. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the performance of querying the latest n records sorted in descending order with the top or limit clause. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the performance of the following functions when calling function rolling: cumsum, cummax, cummin, cumprod, and mcount. (2.00.7)

  • tar.gz file for offline server installation. (2.00.7)

  • Renamed the following configuration parameters and functions for the OLAP storage engine and the original names are used as aliases: chunkCacheEngineMemSize to OLAPCacheEngineSize, purgeCacheEngine to flushOLAPCache, setCacheEngineMemSize to setOLAPCacheEngineSize, and getCacheEngineMemSize to getOLAPCacheEngineSize. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the query performance by 2 times when the context by clause specifies a partitioning column. (2.00.7)

  • Added configuration parameter enableDropPartitionSchema to delete the corresponding partitionSchema returned by function schema after calling dropPartition. (2.00.7)

  • A subscription starts from the latest incoming data if the persisted offset cannot be found. (2.00.7)

  • You can specify 00:00:00 for the parameter sessionEnd of function createDailyTimeSeriesEngine to indicate the end time is 00:00:00 of the next day (i.e., 24:00:00 of the day). (2.00.7)

  • Function trueRange can be used as state function in the reactive state engine. (2.00.7)

  • The number of rows in the result set of fj is limited to a maximum of 2 billion rows. (2.00.7)

  • Optimized the performance of select count(*) on a table in the TSDB database. (2.00.6)

  • Reduced the time to load the index of the TSDB storage engine. (2.00.6)

  • Improved the performance of writing and reading SYMBOL type of data. (2.00.6)

  • The window functions cummed and cumpercentile can now be used as state functions in the reactive state streaming engine (createReactiveStateEngine). (2.00.6)

  • Added new parameter closed to time-series streaming engines (createTimeSeriesEngine and createDailyTimeSeriesEngine) to specify whether the left boundary or right boundary of the calculation window is inclusive. (2.00.6)

  • The keyColumn parameter of streamEngineParser is now case-insensitive. (2.00.6)

  • Added new parameter keyPurgeFreqInSec to time-series streaming engines (createTimeSeriesEngine and createDailyTimeSeriesEngine) to remove groups with no incoming data for a long time. (2.00.6)

  • Optimized the performance for using user-defined functions in time-series streaming engines (createTimeSeriesEngine and createDailyTimeSeriesEngine). (2.00.6)

  • streamFilter now supports processing columns of standard stream tables. Previously it only processes the output of heterogeneous replay(). (2.00.6)

  • The metrics parameter of createTimeSeriesEngine and createDailyTimeSeriesEngine now supports matrices. (2.00.6)

  • Now support queries where (1) the group by columns are not the partitioning columns, and (2) order-sensitive functions are applied to the queried columns. (2.00.6)

  • The rule parameter of resample now supports "H", "L", "U", "min", "N", and "S". Added new parameters closed, label, and origin to set the interval of groups. (2.00.6)

  • Function byRow now supports the array vector. (2.00.6)

  • If an error is raised during the execution of the replay function, a runtime exception will be thrown. (2.00.6)

  • Function matrix can convert a fixed length array vector to a matrix. (2.00.6)

  • Optimized the performance of generating random integers. (2.00.6)

  • The performance of querying the latest records of a certain column with TSDB engine is improved by up to hundreds of times. (2.00.4)

  • Improved query performance of top clause in TSDB engine. (2.00.4)

  • Improved performance of accessing precomputed data in TSDB engine. (2.00.4)

  • When updating in-memory tables with assignment statements, you can now use BOOL arrays in row filters. For example, t[y, t[y]>0] = 0 where t is a table and y is a column of t. (2.00.4)

  • New optional parameter sortColumns is added to function upsert!. Use this parameter to specify the sorting columns based on which the updated table will be sorted. (2.00.4)

  • cancelJob and cancelConsoleJob now support cancelling multiple jobs. Job cancelling is also faster when cluster is stuck. (2.00.4)

  • The parameter schema in function loadText now supports array vector. (2.00.4)

  • Function set now supports the BLOB data type. (2.00.4)

  • Now multiple records with identical key values are not allowed to insert into a keyed stream table in one batch. (2.00.4)

  • Faster execution speed for using functions atImin and atImax in widow join parameter aggs. (2.00.4)

  • Added new optional parameter clean to the command run to control whether to clear the variables in current session. (2.00.4)

  • The window parameter in function wj now supports duration types y (year), M (month) and B (business day). (2.00.4)

  • Function loadText now supports strings containing characters with ASCII value 0. (2.00.4)

  • You can now use conditional assignments on matrices. (2.00.4)

  • Added a new optional parameter atomic to function loadTextEx. The default value is "false". When loading a large file, specify this parameter as "false" to split the loading transaction into multiple transactions. (2.00.4)

  • Added new column remoteIP to the return value of functions getCompletedQueries and getRunningQueries. (2.00.4)

  • Now you can specify the configuration parameter stdoutLog as "2" to print system log to both stdout and the log file. (2.00.4)

  • The parameter metrics in anomaly detection engines can now contain sequence-related functions. (2.00.4)

  • When the time-series engine parameter windowSize is a vector, the elements can take the same values. (2.00.4)

  • Cross-sectional engine parameter keyColumn now supports vector type. (2.00.4)

  • Records in tuple form can now be inserted to streaming engines. (2.00.4)

  • New field memoryUsed is added to the return value of function getStreamEngineStat().CrossSectionalEngine, indicating the consumned memory of the cross-sectional engine. (2.00.4)

  • In asof join engines, parameter metrics can now include the right table's temporal column. (2.00.4)

  • Added read-only privilege for shared stream tables. (2.00.4)

  • Improved stability of controller nodes in high availability clusters. (2.00.4)

  • Information on delete and update operations can be printed in log. (2.00.4)

  • Added subscription topic information to the error messages of the stream subscription task in the log. (2.00.4)

  • UI enhancements for the Web-Based Cluster Manager. With the integrated user interface, you can now view, suspend and cancel jobs (running, submitted or scheduled) in DolphinDB. Note that after you have upgraded the server version, the "web" folder must be updated as well. The new version of Web-Based Cluster Manager uses the WebSocket protocol to enhance its support for binary protocols. Your web browser may need to be updated to the latest version. We recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Edge. (2.00.4)

Issues Fixed

  • The controller could crash during startup if it continued to receive login requests from other nodes. (

  • For local multi-threaded subscription, publishing data at excessively high rates could overwhelm local subscription queues, preventing reception of new messages and leading to data loss. (

  • Executing the login and getDynamicPublicKey functions with high concurrency could cause the server to crash. (

  • The bar function incorrectly grouped data spanning multiple days from a DFS table when the parameter closed is set to 'right'. (

  • The ParseJsonTable function converted JSON null values of string type into the literal "NULL" rather than empty values. (

  • Overly-large BLOB fields from persisted stream tables can lead to substantial data loads into memory, even when a small preCache value was configured. (

  • An error occurred if a nested aggregate function was used with a group by clause when querying data from an in-memory table. (

  • For concurrent asynchronous replication, the controller of the slave cluster failed to assign tasks in rare cases. (

  • In rare occasions, queries submitted through the web-based cluster manager failed, displaying the error: "connection closed, code: 1006."(

  • When parsing a JSON string, if the first 10 rows of a field were all NULLs, the parseJsonTable function returned an incorrect parsing result.(

  • Using function pack led to memory leaks. (

  • Executing cross(func, a, b) could cause the server to crash if the size of a or b was too large. (

  • Using function unpack led to memory leaks. (

  • If the func parameter of function withNullFill was the or operator, incorrect results were returned when its operands were Boolean values. (

  • The limit clause did not take effect when the grouping column was sortColumns. (

  • Data contention when updating a table schema led to OOM problem and server crash. (

  • The backup might get stuck when the backup directory (backupDir) is on NFS. (

  • The memory access out of bounds error occured when attempting to close a connection that was created after setting the maximum number of connections using setMaxConnections. (

  • When joining partitioned tables using a statement that did not conform to SQL standards, referencing a column from the left table in the where clasue caused the server to crash. (

  • If creating an IPC in-memory table failed, creating another one with the same name caused the server to crash. (

  • An error was reported when the filtering condition in a distributed query contained a comparison between operands of SECOND and INT type. (

  • The SYMBOL type in an IPC in-memory table was not compatible with the STRING type. (

  • An “unrecognized column“ error was raised when the system was executing a distributed query which: (1) involved a reduce phase; (2) queried data on remote nodes. This issue was introduced in the 2.00.10 version.(

  • Setting user access in a high-availability cluster led to memory leaks on the controller. (

  • The parseExpr function failed to parse the empty value "{}" in a JSON object. (

  • When passing a stream table to the parameter dummyTable of function createReactiveStateEngine, accessing the engine handle caused a disconnection. (

  • An OOM error occurred when writing to TSDB databases in a single-machine cluster, causing inconsistent transaction states. (

  • An error message "getSubChunks failed, path'/xx' does not exist" was reported when restoring data to a newly-created database. (

  • The elements accessed based on labels by loc function were incorrect. This issue was introduced in version 2.00.10. (

  • Scale loss occurred when restoring DECIMAL data. (

  • If the parameter atomic of function database was set to 'CHUNK', the versions of metadata on the controller and data nodes may be inconsistent if a transaction involved multiple chunks. (

  • Passing a non-string variable to the parameter label of function interval crashed the server. (

  • For a table partitioned by temporal values, queries with where conditions on the partitioning column were slow. This issue was introduced in version 2.00.10. (

  • The overflowed intermediate result of function mprod caused server crash. (

  • The result of in(X,Y) was incorrect when Y was a set that contains a LONG value with more than 11 digits. (

  • Concurrent execution of restore (and other) transactions may result in inconsistent metadata after server restart. (

  • The reactive state engine returned incorrect results when calculating genericStateIterate on input data with over 1024 groups. (

  • Using a user-defined function with the "@JIT" identifier to query a DFS table caused server crash. (

  • On Windows, the files function returned inaccurate fileSize values for files exceeding 2 GB. (

  • In a high-availability cluster, if an error occurred during serialization when using addFunctionView, the function was not cleared from memory. (

  • In a high-availability cluster, adding a function view containing plugin methods to a controller caused failures in other controllers. (

  • Users with DB_MANAGE privilege failed to grant permissions to other users. (

  • Adding a node may cause backup errors. (

  • Queries on DFS tables using COMPO partitioning may cause data loss if the query: (

    • Did not use aggregate functions, order-sensitive functions, row reduce functions (such as rowSum), or fill functions (such as ffill) in the select statement.

    • Used one of the partitioning columns (except the last one for COMPO partitioning) as a pivot-by column.

  • Parsing errors occurred in certain cases using and not like(id, '%a'), not like, not in, or not between. This bug was introduced in version 2.00.10. (

  • If an error occurred in a symbol base file, reloading the file caused server crash. (

  • Specifying a tuple containing functions or expressions with multiple returns for the metrics parameter of createReactiveStateEngine caused the server to crash. (

  • When querying a large DFS table using the SQL keyword TOP or GROUP BY, an error was potentially raised. (2.00.10)

  • When a SQL query specified a column name that couldn't be recognized, the error message returned contained an incorrect column name instead of the actual unrecognized column name from the query. (2.00.10)

  • Failures to write to a partition of a DFS table with many columns could cause the server to crash. (2.00.10)

  • Concurrently loading and deleting multiple tables in a database could cause subsequent loadTable operations to fail with an error reporting it cannot find the .tbl file. (2.00.10)

  • The head and tail functions could not be used in aggregate functions. This bug was introduced in DolphinDB 2.00.6. (2.00.10)

  • A deadlock could occur when concurrently renaming a dimension table via renameTable and querying the same table. (2.00.10)

  • When querying a table with a large number of partitions using a SQL query with BETWEEN...AND... for partition pruning, the error The number of partitions [xxxxx] relevant to the query is too large could be raised. (2.00.10)

  • When using the TSDB storage engine and setting keepDuplicates=LAST on a table, the UPDATE statement behaved in a case-sensitive manner for column names. Starting in this release, column names is handled in a case-insensitive manner. (2.00.10)

  • Using calculations or functions in a CASE WHEN condition could crash the server. (2.00.10)

  • Using the DISTINCT keyword in SQL queries could return incorrect results. (2.00.10)

  • The server could crash when the TSDB storage engine encountered an OOM error while writing data from memory to disk. (2.00.10)

  • Attempting to write STRING data exceeding 256 KB in length to a table using the TSDB storage engine failed with the error TSDBEngine failed to deserialize level file zonemap. (2.00.10)

  • When querying a VALUE or RANGE partitioned DFS table, if the SELECT clause and GROUP BY clause both applied the same time conversion function (e.g. date()) to the partitioning column, but used different aliases for that column, incorrect results could be returned. (2.00.10)

  • When deleting data from a partitioned table using a SQL DELETE statement, if all nodes storing the replicas for the relevant partition were offline, the error chunktype mismatched for path could be raised. (2.00.10)

  • The use of local executors could lead to deadlock situations during task scheduling. (2.00.10)

  • In the DolphinDB JIT version, when appending large amounts of data to a reactive state engine (createReactiveStateEngine) that used user-defined functions, incorrect results could be returned. (2.00.10)

  • A deadlock may occur when unsubscribeTable was called from multiple nodes simultaneously. (2.00.10)

  • Server crashed when the capitalization of the column names specified in metrics and input tables of a left semi join engine (createLeftSemiJoinEngine) was inconsistent. (2.00.10)

  • Server crashed when appending data to a stream table and persisting the table at the same time. (2.00.10)

  • If the metrics of createWindowJoinEngine specified a column name alias, incorrect aggregate results were returned. (2.00.10)

  • After DROP table was called to delete a stream table, the table could not be deleted or unsubscribed from. (2.00.10)

  • Syntax parsing issues: statements such as "/" == "a" could not be parsed correctly. (2.00.10)

  • An additional column was output when the second parameter of function ols consisted solely of 0. (2.00.10)

  • The join results of DECIMAL data were incorrect. (2.00.10)

  • Server crashed due to parsing failure when the parameter aggs of function wj was not compliant. (2.00.10)

  • The result of function expr was incorrect if a DATEHOUR argument was passed. (2.00.10)

  • The web interface could not be accessed properly if the parameter webLoginRequired was configured to true. (2.00.10)

  • Incorrect results were returned when using cast to convert SYMBOL data. (2.00.10)

  • Function nullFill failed to fill the NULL values returned by function bucket. (2.00.10)

  • Precision loss occurred after applying unpivot to a column of DECIMAL type. (2.00.10)

  • When a user-defined anonymous aggregate function was called with twindow in another user-defined function, an error func must be an aggregate function. was raised. (2.00.10)

  • When a DolphinDB process was started, server crashed if a script (as configured with parameter run) containing function submitJob was executed. (2.00.10)

  • A function name conflict occurred for the function view and module function at the server restart when the following conditions were satisfied at the same time(

    • in a standalone mode;
    • the function view was dropped after the module function was added to it;
    • the function defined in the module was passed to the addFunctionView, and the function view was dropped then;
    • the module was specified in the configuration parameter preloadModules to be preloaded.

    The error messages reported for other conflicts were enhanced.

  • In a cluster mode, when SSL was enabled (enableHTTPS=true) for connection, the session may be disconnected if a large amount of data was transferred from the server to the client. (

  • In a cluster mode, when joining tables under the same database (atomic = 'CHUNK') but on different nodes, incorrect results may be returned. (

  • The reactive state engine did not handle the namespaces defined in metrics. (

  • Incorrect results were returned by function mskew or mkurtosis if the input X contains consecutive identical values and the number of identical values is greater than window. (

  • When a matrix is passed as an argument to the function ols, if the intermediate result is a singular matrix, the result is inconsistent with that of Python's statsmodels.OLS. (

  • An error occurred when using order by on columns of STRING type with limit 0, k or limit k on MVCC tables. (

  • When deleting a function view with dropFunctionView, a server crash may occur due to the absence of locking during log writing. (

  • When joining two tables with equi join or inner join, incorrect results were returned if the two matching columns are of STRING and NANOTIMESTAMP types. (

  • When loading tables with loadTable, data loss may occur on the cold storage tier if the table names were improperly verified. (

  • The select distinct statement is disabled. The keyword "distinct" is recognized as function distinct, i.e., the order of the elements in the result is not guaranteed to be the same as the input, and the column name is distinct_xxx. (

  • When the configuration parameter datanodeRestartInterval was set to a time less than 100 seconds, the data node was immediately restarted by the controller in a graceful shutdown situation or after the cluster was restarted. (

  • Incorrect conversion when the input of function toJson was a tuple which contains numeric scalars. (

  • Incorrect conversion when the input of function toJson was a dictionary with its values being vectors of ANY type. (

  • A server crash may occur when function bar with parameter interval set to 0 was used to query a partitioned table. (

  • For N-to-1 replay, an error was reported when the key of the dictionary (set by parameter inputTables) was specified as SYMBOL type. This bug occurred since version 2.00.9. (

  • Scheduled jobs failed to be executed due to the unsuccessful deserialization of file jobEditlog.meta at node startup. (

  • Scheduled jobs were still executed until the next server startup, even though the serialization was unsuccessful when they were created. (

  • A server crash occurred when the defaultValue parameter of function array is specified as a vector. (

  • Passing non-table data to the newData parameter of upsert! could crash the DolphinDB server. (

  • The upsert!() function would fail when the following three conditions were satisfied at the same time:

    • Only one record was to be updated
    • The newData parameter contained NULL values
    • The ignoreNull parameter was set to true
  • Attempting to add multiple new columns to an MVCC table in an update statement would result in a data type error. (

  • Using the update...from... statement to update a table (with keepDuplicates=LAST) in a TSDB database could produce incorrect results. (

  • When specifying a column containing special characters such as control characters, punctuation marks, and mathematical symbols in the group by clause of a query, these special characters were improperly ignored. (

  • After adding a column to a table of a TSDB database using addColumn, data errors and crashes may occur. (

  • dropColumns! could not delete in-memory tables with sequential partitions. (

  • A controller may crash when loading a partitioned table from the local disk. (

  • Function getClusterDFSTables may return tables that have been deleted or do not exist. (

  • The physical paths of partitions may not match the metadata after new data nodes are added and moveReplicas() is executed. (

  • For N-to-N replay, if an element of the input data source for a table was empty, data in the output table may be misplaced. (

  • Window join engine: Inconsistent row counts between the output table and the left input table when specifying nullFill as [[]] and window = 0:0. (

  • Occasional failures of creating a streaming engine due to uninitialized internal variables. (

  • For concurrent writes and queries to tables of a TSDB database, the query thread may crash when an OOM occurred. (

  • For operations involving data flushing, data may be lost or the operations may get stuck if the physical directory of a partition did not exist (e.g., it had been manually deleted). (

  • Incorrect result of the temporalAdd function when specifying the parameter unit as "M". (

  • Data storage error may occur when different operations were performed on the same partition. (

  • Users who are given DB_READ or TABLE_READ privileges may not be able to execute queries. (

  • Server crashed in a high-availability cluster when reading raft logs at the reboot of the controller. (

  • Server crashed when using loadText to load a CSV file that contains unpaired double quotes (""). (

  • After new columns were added to an MVCC table, a server crash occurred when checking the table schema with function schema or adding comments to the new columns with function setColumnComment. (

  • Invisible characters in the partitioning column resulted in inconsistent versions between controller and data node. (

  • The TSDB engine did not automatically remove the cache of SYMBOL base in the memory. (

  • Server crashed if the byRow function returned an arrayVector or anyVector when it applied a non-aggregate function to the input columnar tuple. (

  • Server crashed when updating the in-memory table with index out of bounds. (

  • A server crash may occur when users login frequently in high-concurrency scenarios. (

  • Server crashed when a user-defined function was specified for the metric of function StreamEngineParser. (

  • Window join engine: No output when parameter outputElapsedMicroseconds was set to true. (

  • Lookup join engine: An OOM error occurred when the columns of input table contained array vectors. (

  • When the stream table was not defined on the publisher, the reconnection on the subscriber resulted in file descriptor leaks. (

  • Server crashed when using function parseExpr to convert a string containing a lambda function. (

  • An error was reported when using function parseExpr to convert a string ending with a semicolon. (

  • Server crashed when the following three conditions were satisfied at the same time: (

    • querying a composite-partitioned table with a group by clause;
    • using aggregate functions in select clause;
    • using functions, and the or function in the where clause.
  • Server crashed when using function RepartitionDS to repartition a joined table and parameter partitionType is specified as VALUE. (

  • If the matching columns of two partitioned table were not partitioning columns, and some partitioning columns of two tables have the same column name(s), incorrect result was returned when filtering the data with the partitioning columns of the right table. (

  • For a DFS table value-partitioned by month, an incorrect result was output when filtering the data on the first day of a month by the where condition. (

  • Server crashed when using order by in conjunction with limit to sort column "DATE (case-sensitive)" in reverse order. (

  • For a DECIMAL column being rearranged by a pivot by clause, an incorrect result was output when performing distributed computing such as rowSum on a column specified in select. (

  • An incorrect result was output when performing time-series aggregate functions (e.g., pre, rank, etc.) on multiple columns. (

  • An OOM error occurred for the TSDB engine during the compaction of level files and the generated level files were not properly garbage collected. (2.00.9)

  • The data in the in-memory table returned by the aggregation function will be changed when it was subsequently calculated by moving functions such as move. The data in the in-memory table returned by the aggregation function will be changed when it was subsequently calculated by moving functions such as move. (2.00.9)

  • An error was reported when anonymous aggregate function was specified for aggs of window join. (2.00.9)

  • For a DFS table value-partitioned by month, an incorrect result was output if the temporal type specified in the where clause was inconsistent with that of table columns, and the where condition contained the last day of the month. (2.00.9)

  • Server crashed when the independent variables (parameter X) of function ols was specified as a string. (2.00.9)

  • Server crashed when using function loadText to import data of string type. (2.00.9)

  • Server crashed when an MVCC table is used in a transaction statement. (2.00.9)

  • Incorrect results for using as with function deltas in conjunction with function corr. (2.00.9)

  • An error was reported for function upsert! when the TSDB engine contained columns of array vector. (2.00.9)

  • Terminating the DolphinDB process with kill-9 command may cause redo logs not to be removed. (2.00.9)

  • A crash may occur when a table containing string columns was calculated in a reactive state engine. (2.00.9)

  • Submitting a metacode containing undefined variables via submitJob resulted in a crash. (2.00.9)

  • A node crash may occur after recovery from network failure in a cluster. (2.00.9)

  • Using partial application in metaprogramming with context by could obtain incorrect results. (2.00.9)

  • sqlObj could not be recognized as metacode in replayDS. (2.00.9)

  • Server crashed when an array vector was sorted by function rank. (2.00.9)

  • If the left table of lj is an in-memory table and the right one is a DFS table which is located under a multilevel directory (e.g., dfs://mydbs/quotedb), an error would be reported. (2.00.9)

  • An error was reported when the metric of function createTimeSeriesAggregator contained a keyColumn. (2.00.9)

  • The trace function resulted in file descriptor leaks. (2.00.9)

  • The getClusterPerf function caused deadlocks when executed by two nodes at the same time in a high-availability cluster. (2.00.9)

  • A crash may occur when the accumulate function was executed multiple times. (2.00.9)

  • After the execution of function createDailyTimeSeriesEngine was completed, an error may be reported for the data of temporal type in query results in some scenarios. (2.00.9)

  • For a partitioned table with sortKeyMappingFunction specified in a TSDB database, concurrent queries with multi-threading may cause an error or a crash. (2.00.9)

  • Unexpected result returned by function isValid when adding two empty strings. (2.00.9)

  • Null values were returned when more than 128 filtering conditions connected with keyword or were specified in the where clause. (2.00.9)

  • An exception thrown by function loadText may lead to deadlocks under high load. (2.00.9)

  • After the function was added to function view, the body queried by function getFunctionView had one less pair of brackets. (2.00.9)

  • When a row was accessed from a table using index, incorrect result was returned for fields of type array vector. (2.00.9)

  • Server crashed when a string vector was retrieved by slicing with index out of bounds. (2.00.9)

  • A crash may occur when using higher-order function each to apply a user-defined function to a table. (2.00.9)

  • An error was reported if minPeriods was set greater than or equal to 2 when calculating array vectors using the moving function in memory. (2.00.9)

  • No exception was thrown when the data appended to the cross sectional engine did not match the schema of dummy table. (2.00.9)

  • Using function restoreDB to restore a TSDB database caused a deadlock. (2.00.9)

  • When joining DFS tables with the matching column different from the partitioning column, if the join result was queried by a select top clause and order by partitioning column, an incorrect result was returned. (2.00.9)

  • An error was reported when using function rpc or remoteRun to call a partially applied function. (2.00.9)

  • The file storing job logs was lost when it reached 1G. (2.00.9)

  • The number of openBLAS-threads was determined based on the configuration parameter openblasThreads, not on the number of CPU cores. (2.00.9)

  • Memory leak occurred when writing STRING type data to a table in a TSDB database. (2.00.8)

  • The TSDB engine failed to flush data when configuring the parameter TSDBCacheFlushWorkNum to a value less than volumes. (2.00.8)

  • Serialization on a data node failed if the metadata of a partition exceeded 128M. (2.00.8)

  • DDL operations on a data node caused partition status errors due to transaction resolution failure. (2.00.8)

  • Failure of replaying redo log resulted in partition status errors on the data node. (2.00.8)

  • Partition was wrongly deleted due to migration failure when the partition was moved to the configured coldVolume of tiered storage. (2.00.8)

  • When creating a database with atomic='CHUNK', slow startup occurred due to excessive metadata on the controller. (2.00.8)

  • Deleting a DFS table in a TSDB database with delete caused excessive memory usage. (2.00.8)

  • Old data was prematurely reclaimed after update. (2.00.8)

  • The original table was not immediately reclaimed after the renameTable operation was performed. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when specifying a partition path ended with a "/" for function dropPartition. (2.00.8)

  • Users cannot delete partitions that were automatically added when creating a DFS table with VALUE-based partitions by specifying conditions for dropPartition. (2.00.8)

  • Repeated deletions on an empty table caused cid errors in the metadata stored on the data node. (2.00.8)

  • The parameter dfsRecoveryConcurrency did not take effect after configuration. (2.00.8)

  • When inserting an array vector into a stream table, the subscription handler failed. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when passing array vectors to a user-defined function specified for the metrics of createReactiveStateEngine. (2.00.8)

  • createReactiveStateEngine failed when specifying factor tablibNull for the metrics. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when specifying external variables for the metrics of streamEngineParser. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when the row count of the left table was smaller than the window size in window join. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when using exec with limit and the number of returned rows is less than limit. (2.00.8)

  • The isDuplicated and nunique functions returned incorrect results when working with DOUBLE and FLOAT data types. (2.00.8)

  • Calling parseExpr in user-defined functions caused parsing failure. (2.00.8)

  • The function getClusterPerf returned incorrect value of maxRunningQueryTime. (2.00.8)

  • Server crashed when using loadNpy to read excessively large npy files. (2.00.8)

  • Variables defined within a for-loop could not be accessed outside the loop using DolphinDB JIT version. (2.00.8)

  • Garbage collection of redo log got stuck when data was continuously written to an OLAP database. (2.00.7)

  • A node was wrongly considered alive by the controller after graceful shutdown. (2.00.7)

  • Partition locks were prematurely released due to timeout before a transaction was resolved, which led to write failure. (2.00.7)

  • Query conditions were wrongly processed when backing up data by specifying the conditions. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when the machine load was excessively high. (2.00.7)

  • When a cluster was restarted after a DFS table was updated, the original physical directories may not be recycled. (2.00.7)

  • Serialization failure of symbol base caused read errors. (2.00.7)

  • Streaming subscription failed to obtain data that was in memory but had been deleted from disk. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when the number of columns inserted by appendForJoin did not match the table schema of the left or right table of a join engine. (2.00.7)

  • When the parameter updateTime of function createSessionWindowEngine was specified and the output table was not a keyed table, the calculation could not be triggered after 2 * updateTime when a record arrived. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when data was continuously ingested to a daily time series engine after the session end. (2.00.7)

  • Failed to create a lookup join engine when the right table was specified as a shared keyed table. (2.00.7)

  • If a node was restarted when a stream table was persisted to disk, data loss and decompression failure may occur. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when specifying a time column (of a big array form) for dateColumn and timeColumn of replay and setting absoluteRate=false. (2.00.7)

  • No error was reported when specifying a user-defined function with a constant return value for the metrics of a reactive state engine. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when specifying temporary variables for metrics of createAnomalyDetectionEngine. (2.00.7)

  • Error "The select clause of the query doesn't refer any column." was reported when performing context by operations on a DFS table using metaprogramming. (2.00.7)

  • When using SQL update with context by, if the first column was set to integral type and the subsequent columns were set to floating-point types, values in the floating-point columns were rounded. (2.00.7)

  • Concurrent pivot by queries may get stuck with few number of worker threads. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when using HINT_EXPLAIN to query data from a three-level partitioned table. (2.00.7)

  • Incorrect results when using function binsrch on a subarray of STRING type. (2.00.7)

  • Function cast returned empty when converting a vector of STRING type to a tuple. (2.00.7)

  • When aggregating multiple INT128 columns of an in-memory table, an error "The function min for reductive operations does not support data type INT128" occurred. (2.00.7)

  • getFunctionView did not return some function view bodies. (2.00.7)

  • Incorrect result of applying function removeHead! to array vectors. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when an empty tuple was appended to itself and then loaded. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when using interval interpolation in a SQL query, if the granularity of the data type specified for the time range in the where clause is greater than the time granularity specified by the duration parameter of interval. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when using the function twindow in a SQL query. (2.00.7)

  • update on a DFS table failed when the set column names did not match the original column names (including case sensitive inconsistencies). (2.00.7)

  • When the function iterate was included in the metrics of a reactive state engine and the data cleaning mechanism was enabled, if data was inserted while the historical data was being cleaned, an error "vector::_M_default_append" was reported. (2.00.7)

  • When calling matrix([[datehour(0)],[datehour(0)]]) to create a matrix, an error "The data object for matrix function can't be string or any type" was reported. (2.00.7)

  • When specifying countNanInf for the parameter aggs of function wj, an error "An window join function must be an aggregate function" was reported. (2.00.7)

  • If no group was specified for createDailyTimeSeriesEngine, any uncalculated data from the previous day would be merged into the first window of the following day. (2.00.7)

  • The first window's calculation result across days in a daily time series engine was incorrect. Additionally, when the function fill was used to fill in NULL values, data outside the session was output. (2.00.7)

  • Tasks in In-Progress state could not be recovered during online recovery. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when specifying useSystemTime=true and mode for metrics of createTimeSeriesEngine. (2.00.7)

  • When specifying the tmove or move function for the metrics of createReactiveStateEngine, the server would crash if X was of the STRING or SYMBOL type. (2.00.7)

  • Incorrect results of function wj when specifying atImax or atImin for aggs. (2.00.7)

  • Failed to insert data with tableInsert when splitting and assigning a stream table with streamFilter. (2.00.7)

  • The insert failure of streamFilter may cause session disconnection due to excessively long error messages. (2.00.7)

  • When specifying function firstNot or lastNot for the metrics of createTimeSeriesEngine or createReactiveStateEngine and setting fill=`ffill, the output did not match expectations. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when specifying function mfirst or mlast for the metrics of createReactiveStateEngine, and X was of FLOAT, SHORT, CHAR, BOOL, INT128, STRING, or SYMBOL type. (2.00.7)

  • Executing function tableInsert changed the atomic level of a database from 'CHUNK' to 'TRANS'. (2.00.7)

  • When specifying tm-functions for the metrics of createReactiveStateEngine and the window parameter of the function is set to y, M or B, the calculation result was incorrect. (2.00.7)

  • File descriptor leaked when using the TSDB engine of version 2.00.6 on Windows. (2.00.7)

  • Inconsistent STRING columns between replicas after online recovery. (2.00.7)

  • When passing TIME type data to index of resample and setting origin="end" and rule="D", an error "Invalid value for HourOfDay (valid values 0 - 23): 39" was reported. (2.00.7)

  • An error was reported when administrators (except the super admin) granted/denied/revoked permissions to themselves. (2.00.7)

  • Redo log recycling exception when OOM occurred in TSDB engine. (2.00.7)

  • Calculating imin or imax with byRow on a matrix with an empty row returned incorrect results. (2.00.7)

  • Function getControllerPef returned incorrect agent site when a controller crashed. (2.00.7)

  • Server crashed when calling interval in a SQL query and aggregating the data with a user-defined function. (2.00.7)

  • When dataSync was not configured, an error occurred when dynamically calling the addNode function to add a node. (2.00.7)

  • An OOM error caused by concurrent writes, queries or calculations may lead to a server hang-up. (2.00.6)

  • If data deduplication is enabled in the TSDB engine, when writes and reads are conducted at the same time, the result may be incorrect. (2.00.6)

  • When writes and reads are conducted in the OLAP engine at the same time, the result may be incorrect. (2.00.6)

  • A query using exec with limit 1 in the TSDB engine returns a table rather than a vector. (2.00.6)

  • When writing to an OLAP cache engine, if an exception other than OOM occurs, the system will repeatedly attempt to rewrite, which leads to a server hang-up. (2.00.6)

  • If a data node is started via the web interface or a cluster is restarted repeatedly, defunct processes are generated. (2.00.6)

  • If moveReplicas is called after executing suspendRecovery, it fails to move some of the chunks. (2.00.6)

  • If a cluster is rebooted after submitting concurrent tasks, some chunks are always in the status of RECOVERING. (2.00.6)

  • If delete is used to delete large amount of data, incorrect information may be written to the checkpoint file, which causes a node to crash and cannot be restarted. (2.00.6)

  • If snapshot is enabled in the reactive state streaming engine, resubscription to a table with different metrics causes a server crash. (2.00.6)

  • Appending a single record to the lookup join engine may cause a server crash. (2.00.6)

  • If the data written to a high-availability stream table are in different schema, they can still enter the persistent queue, and the error "Can't find the object with name" is reported after a leader switch. (2.00.6)

  • If the parameter fill is specified for createDailyTimeSeriesEngine, the result of date without data is filled. (2.00.6)

  • A non-admin user can use function createUser. (2.00.6)

  • The command changePwd does not limit the length of the new password. (2.00.6)

  • If an array vector takes up large amount of memory but does not reach warningMemSize, an OOM error is raised. (2.00.6)

  • matrix([],[]) leads to a server crash. (2.00.6)

  • When using exec with pivot by, if no function is used on the exec column, the statement will generate a table, rather than a matrix. (2.00.6)

  • If numJobs > 1 or numJobs = -1 is set in function randomForestClassifier for concurrent jobs, a repeated use of dataSource leads to a server crash. (2.00.6)

  • If the parameter duration of function interval has different precision with that of the parameter X, a crash occurs. (2.00.6)

  • When creating an in-memory keyed table with keyedTable(keyColumns, table), if the keyColumns in the table have duplicate values, a memory leak occurs. (2.00.6)

  • For moving functions that can be used on matrices, such as mcorr and mwavg, when calculating on indexed matrices, the label column may be lost in the result. (2.00.6)

  • Function LoadTextEx does not report an error when an exception of data loading occurs since 2.00.4. (2.00.6)

  • A redo log recovery timeout may occur when a transaction is slowly synchronized to disk, resulting in data loss after the server restarts. (2.00.4)

  • A data node fails to start and reports the error message "Failed to open public key file. No such file or directory" when starting multiple DolphinDB clusters on one server. (2.00.4)

  • A scheduled job on a high availability cluster may fail to execute due to authentication failure of the switched leader because the initial UUIDs are different between controllers. (2.00.4)

  • After a data node crashes, the agent node reboots the offline node every second instead of at specified intervals configured in parameter datanodeRestartInterval. (2.00.4)

  • When the parameter jobFunc of scheduleJob contains a SQL update statement and a where clause with functions, the deserialization fails after the system restarts. (2.00.4)

  • After updating a distributed table, the original physical directories are not recycled if the transaction fails to commit. (2.00.4)

  • In a high concurrency scenario, a fully-occupied disk of the redo log may cause deadlock in the redo log recovery thread. (2.00.4)

  • If an OOM event occurs when writing to a data node, the node crashes after being stuck for a while instead of reporting the error. (2.00.4)

  • For a table partitioned by timeCol with more than 2 sortColumns (where the timeCol is the last column), the TSDB engine may crash when querying the table to obtain the first k rows of records grouped by sortColumns and sorted by timeCol (context by sortColumns csort timeCol limit k). (2.00.4)

  • When conducting concurrent modifications to the edit log in the TSDB engine, the data node fails to restart. (2.00.4)

  • The chunk state is wrongly set when a transaction rollback times out, causing persistence failure in the stream table. (2.00.4)

  • Parameter validation error with function createCrossSectionalEngine: When timeColumn is specified without setting useSystemTime to be true, the error is not raised. (2.00.4)

  • For a time-series streaming engine, when useSystemTime is set to be true and outputTable is a distributed table, an exception of data type mismatch may be raised. (2.00.4)

  • If delayedTime is specified in the asof join streaming engine, write operations may lead to server crash. (2.00.4)

  • When appending more than 65536 rows of records to a high availability stream table twice and rollback occurs, the index.log reports an error "index.log contains invalid data" as two identical indices are written. (2.00.4)

  • Writing to a time-series streaming engine, daily time-series streaming engine or asof join streaming engine may lead to a server crash on Windows. (2.00.4)

  • When the subExecutor thread still has tasks in progress, after successfully executing unsubscribeTable, getStreamingStat().subWorkers still returns the unsubscribed topics. (2.00.4)

  • Loading a high availability stream table may fail after a node restarts. (2.00.4)

  • Reconnection fails after switching leaders in the raft groups of the stream table and the subscriber. (2.00.4)

  • When triggeringPattern = 'keyCount' and triggeringInterval is a tuple, createCrossSectionalEngine returns duplicate results. (2.00.4)

  • Error "Failed to decompress the vector. Invalid message format" occurs when loading a persisted stream table containing BLOB data. (2.00.4)

  • Crash occurs when writing BLOB data to a stream table and a single record exceeds 64KB. (2.00.4)

  • After assigning values to an added column in an in-memory table with select statement instead of exec statement, the node crashes when loading the table. (2.00.4)

  • When accessing an in-memory table with array vectors via GUI, the session is disconnected from the server. (2.00.4)

  • An error "Read only object or object without ownership can't be applied to mutable function readRecord!" occurs when loading binary files with function readRecord!. (2.00.4)

  • The parser may report an error for function calls when the right bracket is not placed on the same line as the left bracket. (2.00.4)

  • Executing function replayDS on a table with array vectors causes a node crash. (2.00.4)

  • When querying a partitioned table with value domain for the last k rows of records in each group (context by partitionCol limit -k), some of the results do not satisfy the where conditions if no eligible data exists in a partition. (2.00.4)

  • An error "More than one column has the duplicated name" occurs when calling function rolling or moving in SQL statement without specifying the generated column name. (2.00.4)

  • NULL values are generated if no data is found in a step duration of function interval. (2.00.4)

  • Wrongly-specified parameter rowKeys of function sliceByKey leads to server crash. (2.00.4)

  • Null flag is not set after replace! a vector with NULL values. (2.00.4)


  • Fixed the lag in displaying large data sets. (