diff --git a/web/components/Navbar/index.tsx b/web/components/Navbar/index.tsx
index 10a09325..e6dba6e9 100644
--- a/web/components/Navbar/index.tsx
+++ b/web/components/Navbar/index.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import DocsLink from "@components/links/DocsLink";
 import ExternalLink from "@components/links/ExternalLink";
 import Link from "@components/links/Link";
+import { dockerHubRepo, workbenchGithubRepo } from "@lib/constants";
 import { FaDocker } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaDocker";
 import { FaGithub } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaGithub";
 import css from "./index.module.css";
@@ -24,16 +25,10 @@ export default function Navbar() {
         <div className={css.right}>
           <div className={css.hubLinks}>
-            <ExternalLink
-              href="https://github.com/dolthub/dolt-workbench"
-              className={css.link}
-            >
+            <ExternalLink href={workbenchGithubRepo} className={css.link}>
               <FaGithub /> GitHub
-            <ExternalLink
-              href="https://hub.docker.com/r/dolthub/dolt-workbench"
-              className={css.link}
-            >
+            <ExternalLink href={dockerHubRepo} className={css.link}>
               <FaDocker /> Docker Hub
diff --git a/web/components/layouts/MainLayout/index.module.css b/web/components/layouts/MainLayout/index.module.css
index 68d1026c..babfb07e 100644
--- a/web/components/layouts/MainLayout/index.module.css
+++ b/web/components/layouts/MainLayout/index.module.css
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
   min-height: 100vh;
   footer {
-    @apply absolute bottom-0 w-full h-8 flex justify-end px-3;
+    @apply w-full h-8 flex justify-end px-4;
 .container {
-  @apply max-w-2xl py-40 px-4 mx-auto;
+  @apply max-w-2xl py-40 px-4 mx-auto min-h-[calc(100vh-5rem)];
   h1 {
     @apply mb-6 text-center;
diff --git a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.module.css b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.module.css
index bf07c2d3..1ec8f96e 100644
--- a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.module.css
+++ b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.module.css
@@ -17,3 +17,11 @@
 .err {
   @apply text-center;
+.newConnection {
+  @apply flex items-center px-4;
+  svg {
+    @apply mr-2;
+  }
diff --git a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.tsx b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.tsx
index b459f512..c8796398 100644
--- a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.tsx
+++ b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/ExistingConnections/index.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
 } from "@gen/graphql-types";
+import { AiOutlinePlus } from "@react-icons/all-files/ai/AiOutlinePlus";
 import { useState } from "react";
 import Item from "./Item";
 import css from "./index.module.css";
@@ -52,8 +53,11 @@ export default function ExistingConnections(props: Props) {
             &quot; connection?
-        <Button onClick={() => props.setShowForm(true)}>
-          Add new connection
+        <Button
+          onClick={() => props.setShowForm(true)}
+          className={css.newConnection}
+        >
+          <AiOutlinePlus /> New connection
diff --git a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.module.css b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.module.css
index 9192b7fa..d103aed4 100644
--- a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.module.css
+++ b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.module.css
@@ -2,16 +2,20 @@
   @apply w-full max-w-xl;
   h3 {
-    @apply mb-8;
+    @apply mb-4;
 .whiteContainer {
-  @apply max-w-xl w-full border rounded-lg py-10 px-16 bg-white mx-auto;
+  @apply max-w-xl w-full border rounded-lg py-10 bg-white mx-auto;
-.nameInput {
-  @apply pb-4 mb-8 border-b;
+.section {
+  @apply px-14 py-4;
+.middle {
+  @apply border-y pt-8;
 .or {
@@ -29,3 +33,7 @@
 .checkbox {
   @apply mt-7 mb-10 text-sm;
+.instructions {
+  @apply mb-8;
diff --git a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.tsx b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.tsx
index 46e0ec3f..e2a2e9bd 100644
--- a/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.tsx
+++ b/web/components/pageComponents/ConnectionsPage/NewConnection/index.tsx
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@ import ButtonsWithError from "@components/ButtonsWithError";
 import CustomCheckbox from "@components/CustomCheckbox";
 import FormInput from "@components/FormInput";
 import Loader from "@components/Loader";
+import ExternalLink from "@components/links/ExternalLink";
+import { dockerHubRepo } from "@lib/constants";
 import { FaCaretDown } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaCaretDown";
 import { FaCaretUp } from "@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaCaretUp";
+import cx from "classnames";
+import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import css from "./index.module.css";
 import useConfig from "./useConfig";
@@ -17,6 +21,11 @@ export default function NewConnection(props: Props) {
   const { onSubmit, state, setState, error, clearState } = useConfig();
   const canSubmit =
     state.name && (state.connectionUrl || (state.host && state.username));
+  const [isDocker, setIsDocker] = useState(false);
+  useEffect(() => {
+    setIsDocker(window.location.origin === "http://localhost:3000");
+  }, []);
   const onCancel = props.canGoBack
     ? () => {
@@ -29,100 +38,117 @@ export default function NewConnection(props: Props) {
       <Loader loaded={!state.loading} />
       <div className={css.whiteContainer}>
         <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
-          <h3>Set up new connection</h3>
-          <div className={css.nameInput}>
+          <div className={css.section}>
+            <h3>Set up new connection</h3>
+            <p className={css.instructions}>
+              View instructions for connecting to local and Docker installed
+              databases <ExternalLink href={dockerHubRepo}>here</ExternalLink>.
+            </p>
+            <div className={css.nameInput}>
+              <FormInput
+                value={state.name}
+                onChangeString={n => setState({ name: n })}
+                label="Name"
+                placeholder="my-database (required)"
+                horizontal
+                light
+              />
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div className={cx(css.section, css.middle)}>
+            <FormInput
+              value={state.connectionUrl}
+              onChangeString={c => setState({ connectionUrl: c })}
+              label="URL"
+              placeholder="mysql://[user]:[password]@[host]/[database]"
+              horizontal
+              light
+            />
+            <div className={css.or}>OR</div>
+            <FormInput
+              label="Host"
+              value={state.host}
+              onChangeString={h => setState({ host: h })}
+              placeholder={isDocker ? "host.docker.internal" : ""}
+              horizontal
+              light
+            />
-              value={state.name}
-              onChangeString={n => setState({ name: n })}
-              label="Name"
-              placeholder="mydatabase (required)"
+              label="Port"
+              value={state.port}
+              onChangeString={p => setState({ port: p })}
+              placeholder="3306"
+              light
+            />
+            <FormInput
+              label="User"
+              value={state.username}
+              onChangeString={u => setState({ username: u })}
+              placeholder="root"
+              horizontal
+              light
+            />
+            <FormInput
+              label="Password"
+              value={state.password}
+              onChangeString={p => setState({ password: p })}
+              placeholder="**********"
+              type="password"
+              horizontal
+              light
+            />
+            <FormInput
+              label="Database"
+              value={state.database}
+              onChangeString={d => setState({ database: d })}
+              placeholder="mydb"
+              horizontal
+              light
-          <FormInput
-            value={state.connectionUrl}
-            onChangeString={c => setState({ connectionUrl: c })}
-            label="URL"
-            placeholder="mysql://[username]:[password]@[host]/[database]"
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <div className={css.or}>OR</div>
-          <FormInput
-            label="Host"
-            value={state.host}
-            onChangeString={h => setState({ host: h })}
-            placeholder=""
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <FormInput
-            label="Port"
-            value={state.port}
-            onChangeString={p => setState({ port: p })}
-            placeholder="3306"
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <FormInput
-            label="Username"
-            value={state.username}
-            onChangeString={u => setState({ username: u })}
-            placeholder="root"
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <FormInput
-            label="Password"
-            value={state.password}
-            onChangeString={p => setState({ password: p })}
-            placeholder="**********"
-            type="password"
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <FormInput
-            label="Database"
-            value={state.database}
-            onChangeString={d => setState({ database: d })}
-            placeholder="mydb"
-            horizontal
-          />
-          <Button.Link
-            onClick={() =>
-              setState({ showAdvancedSettings: !state.showAdvancedSettings })
-            }
-            className={css.advancedSettings}
-          >
-            {state.showAdvancedSettings ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}{" "}
-            Advanced settings
-          </Button.Link>
-          {state.showAdvancedSettings && (
-            <div>
-              <CustomCheckbox
-                checked={state.useSSL}
-                onChange={() => setState({ useSSL: !state.useSSL })}
-                name="use-ssl"
-                label="Use SSL"
-                description="If server does not allow insecure connections, client must use SSL/TLS."
-                className={css.checkbox}
-              />
-              <CustomCheckbox
-                checked={state.hideDoltFeatures}
-                onChange={() =>
-                  setState({ hideDoltFeatures: !state.hideDoltFeatures })
-                }
-                name="hide-dolt-features"
-                label="Hide Dolt features"
-                description="Hides Dolt features like branches, logs, and commits for non-Dolt MySQL databases. Will otherwise be disabled."
-                className={css.checkbox}
-              />
-            </div>
-          )}
-          <ButtonsWithError
-            error={error}
-            onCancel={onCancel}
-            cancelText={props.canGoBack ? "cancel" : "clear"}
-          >
-            <Button type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit}>
-              Launch Workbench
-            </Button>
-          </ButtonsWithError>
+          <div className={css.section}>
+            <Button.Link
+              onClick={() =>
+                setState({ showAdvancedSettings: !state.showAdvancedSettings })
+              }
+              className={css.advancedSettings}
+            >
+              {state.showAdvancedSettings ? <FaCaretUp /> : <FaCaretDown />}{" "}
+              Advanced settings
+            </Button.Link>
+            {state.showAdvancedSettings && (
+              <div>
+                <CustomCheckbox
+                  checked={state.useSSL}
+                  onChange={() => setState({ useSSL: !state.useSSL })}
+                  name="use-ssl"
+                  label="Use SSL"
+                  description="If server does not allow insecure connections, client must use SSL/TLS."
+                  className={css.checkbox}
+                />
+                <CustomCheckbox
+                  checked={state.hideDoltFeatures}
+                  onChange={() =>
+                    setState({ hideDoltFeatures: !state.hideDoltFeatures })
+                  }
+                  name="hide-dolt-features"
+                  label="Hide Dolt features"
+                  description="Hides Dolt features like branches, logs, and commits for non-Dolt MySQL databases. Will otherwise be disabled."
+                  className={css.checkbox}
+                />
+              </div>
+            )}
+            <ButtonsWithError
+              error={error}
+              onCancel={onCancel}
+              cancelText={props.canGoBack ? "cancel" : "clear"}
+            >
+              <Button type="submit" disabled={!canSubmit}>
+                Launch Workbench
+              </Button>
+            </ButtonsWithError>
+          </div>
diff --git a/web/lib/constants.ts b/web/lib/constants.ts
index 2e2f7537..515a2f0e 100644
--- a/web/lib/constants.ts
+++ b/web/lib/constants.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 export const discordLink = "https://discord.gg/gqr7K4VNKe";
 export const docsLink = "https://docs.dolthub.com";
 export const doltGithubRepo = "https://github.com/dolthub/dolt";
+export const workbenchGithubRepo = "https://github.com/dolthub/dolt-workbench";
+export const dockerHubRepo = "https://hub.docker.com/r/dolthub/dolt-workbench";
diff --git a/web/lib/errors/helpers.ts b/web/lib/errors/helpers.ts
index 0e4150c8..d46476f1 100644
--- a/web/lib/errors/helpers.ts
+++ b/web/lib/errors/helpers.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ export function improveErrorMsg(message: string): string {
   switch (message) {
     case "":
       return "Error message empty";
+    case "Server does not support secure connnection":
+      return "Server does not support secure connection. See advanced settings to disable SSL.";
       return message;