- Install Python dependencies:
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
- Copy
- Enable Dev Mode in your Discord client
- Find your Discord Guild's ID, fill that in for
- Find your Monitor channel's ID, fill that in for
- Find your Control channel's ID, fill that in for
- Select a file name for your channel database (e. g.
, fill that in forCHANNELS
- Set up Discord API connection:
- Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications [log in if needed]
- Click New Application
- Select a name for the Bot (this will be the Discord client "name" the bot logs in with) and proceed
- On the left, click Bot, and then 'Add Bot', and then 'Yes, do it!'. The Bot now exists insofar as Discord is concerned.
- Click Copy under the Token section, paste into
- Set up the Twitch API connection:
- Log in at https://dev.twitch.tv, click Your Console in the top right
- Go to Applications, click Register Your Application
- Select a Name
- For an OAuth Redirect URL, use 'https://localhost'
- For Category, select Application Integration
- Once created, on the right click Manage
- Copy the Client ID, paste into
- Click New Secret, confirm you want one
- Copy the Client Secret, paste into
- Join the Bot to the Discord Guild:
- Return to https://discord.com/developers/applications [log in if needed]; open the page for your Bot.
- On the left, under OAuth2, click 'URL Generator'
- For the Scope, select
, and you will see a Bot Permission section appear. - Scroll down and check the boxen for the following permissions:
- General Permissions
- Read Messages / View Channels
- Text Permissions
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Read Message History
- Use External Emojis
- Use Slash Commands
- General Permissions
- Click Copy at the bottom of the page to copy the pre-prepared Bot Invite link.
- If it is your server go to it yourself and invite the bot.
- If it is not, give the link to the server owner.
- Ensure the bot has the correct permissions on the Monitor and Control channels.
- Run the bot:
python3 ./bot.py
. If it works, run inscreen
or usepm2
for uptime monitoring.