diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.cs.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.cs.resx index db4edeadd9e..70676162298 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.cs.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.cs.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Soubor LibraryProjectProperties {0} se nachází v adresáři, který je nadřazený přechodnému výstupnímu adresáři vazebního projektu. Upravte prosím cestu tak, aby se používal původní soubor project.properties přímo z adresáře projektu knihovny Androidu. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Ignoruje se konfigurační soubor {0}. Konfigurační soubory .NET se v projektech Xamarin.Androidu, které cílí na .NET 6 nebo vyšší, nepodporují. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - Používání AAPT se v projektech Xamarin.Androidu, které cílí na .NET 6 nebo vyšší, nepodporuje. Povolte prosím možnost Použít systém přírůstkového balení pro Android (aapt2) na stránce vlastností projektu sady Visual Studio, nebo upravte soubor projektu v textovém editoru a nastavte vlastnost MSBuildu AndroidUseAapt2 na true. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Buď změňte hodnotu v souboru AndroidManifest.xml tak, aby odpovídala hodnot {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - Použití funkce AppDomain.CreateDomain() zjištěné v sestavení: {0}. .NET 6 a vyšší bude podporovat jenom jednu doménu AppDomain, takže toto rozhraní API už nebude dostupné v Xamarin.Android po vydání .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Hodnota parseru tříd Androidu {0} je zastaralá a v budoucí verzi Xamarin.Androidu se odebere. Aktualizujte vlastnosti projektu tak, aby používaly class-parse. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Cíl generování kódu pro Androidu {0} je zastaralý a v budoucí verzi Xamarin.Androidu se odebere. Aktualizujte vlastnosti projektu tak, aby používaly XAJavaInterop1. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Odkazování na projekt aplikace pro Android Wear {0} z projektu aplikace pro Android je zastaralé a v budoucí verzi Xamarin.Androidu se už nebude podporovat. Odeberte odkaz na projekt aplikace pro Android Wear z projektu aplikace pro Android a distribuujte aplikaci pro Wear jako samostatnou aplikaci. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Odeberte z projektu odkaz na {0} a místo toho přidejte balíček NuGet{1}. {0} - The missing tool name - Nepovedlo se najít android.jar pro úroveň rozhraní API {0}. To znamená, že platforma sady Android SDK pro úroveň rozhraní API {0} není nainstalovaná. Buď ji nainstalujte ve Správci sady Android SDK ({2}), nebo změňte projekt Xamarin.Android tak, aby cílil na verzi rozhraní API, která je nainstalovaná. (Chybí {1}.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Nástroje > Otevřít správce sady Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Nástroje > Android > Správce sady Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Název vložené aplikace pro Wear se liší od názvu balíčku aplikace pro kapesní zařízení ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.de.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.de.resx index 02da81b872b..49ae0d81f98 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.de.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.de.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Die LibraryProjectProperties-Datei "{0}" befindet sich in einem übergeordneten Verzeichnis des Zwischenausgabeverzeichnisses für das Bindungsprojekt. Passen Sie den Pfad so an, dass die ursprüngliche Datei "project.properties" direkt aus dem Android-Bibliotheksprojektverzeichnis verwendet wird. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Die Konfigurationsdatei "{0}" wird ignoriert. .NET-Konfigurationsdateien werden in Xamarin.Android-Projekten für .NET 6 oder höher nicht unterstützt. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - Die Verwendung von AAPT wird in Xamarin.Android-Projekten für .NET 6 oder höher nicht unterstützt. Aktivieren Sie "Inkrementelles Android-Paketierungssystem (aapt2) verwenden" in den Visual Studio-Projekteigenschaftenseiten, oder bearbeiten Sie die Projektdatei in einem Text-Editor, und legen Sie die MSBuild-Eigenschaft "AndroidUseAapt2" auf TRUE fest. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Bitte ändern Sie den Wert in einen Assembly-basierten Typnamen, der von "System {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - In der Assembly "{0}" wurde die Verwendung von "AppDomain.CreateDomain()" festgestellt. .NET 6 und höher unterstützt nur eine einzelne AppDomain, sodass diese API nach dem Release von .NET 6 nicht mehr in Xamarin.Android verfügbar ist. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Der Wert "{0}" des Android-Klassenparsers ist veraltet und wird in einer zukünftigen Version von Xamarin.Android entfernt. Aktualisieren Sie die Projekteigenschaften auf die Verwendung von "class-parse". + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Das Ziel "{0}" für die Android-Codegenerierung ist veraltet und wird in einer zukünftigen Version von Xamarin.Android entfernt. Aktualisieren Sie die Projekteigenschaften auf die Verwendung von "XAJavaInterop1". + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Verweise von einem Android-Anwendungsprojekt auf das Android Wear-Anwendungsprojekt "{0}" ist veraltet und wird in zukünftigen Versionen von Xamarin.Android nicht mehr unterstützt. Entfernen Sie den Verweis auf das Android Wear-Anwendungsprojekt aus dem Android-Anwendungsprojekt, und verteilen Sie die Wear-Anwendung stattdessen als eigenständige Anwendung. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Entfernen Sie den '{0}' Verweis aus Ihrem Projekt, und fügen Sie stattdessen da {0} - The missing tool name - "android.jar" wurde für API-Ebene {0} nicht gefunden. Dies bedeutet, dass die Android SDK-Plattform für API-Ebene {0} nicht installiert ist. Führen Sie die Installation entweder im Android-SDK-Manager ({2}) durch, oder ändern Sie das Xamarin.Android-Projekt, um eine installierte API-Version als Ziel zu verwenden ("{1}" fehlt.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Extras > Android-SDK-Manager öffnen... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Extras > Android > Android-SDK-Manager... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Der Name des eingebetteten Wear-App-Pakets weicht vom Namen des Handheld-App-Pakets ab ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.es.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.es.resx index 6dd408b5e93..f6280b0f03b 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.es.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.es.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex El archivo "LibraryProjectProperties" en "{0}" se encuentra en un directorio principal del directorio de salida intermedio del proyecto de enlaces. Ajuste la ruta de acceso para usar el archivo "project.properties" original directamente desde el directorio del proyecto de la biblioteca de Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Omitiendo el archivo de configuración "{0}". Los archivos de configuración .NET no se admiten en proyectos Xamarin.Android destinados a .NET 6 o versiones posteriores. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - No se admite el uso de AAPT en los proyectos de Xamarin.Android destinados a .NET 6 o versiones posteriores. Habilite "Use el sistema de empaquetado de Android incremental (aapt2)" en las páginas de propiedades del proyecto de Visual Studio o edite el archivo del proyecto en un editor de texto y establezca la propiedad "AndroidUseAapt2" de MSBuild en "true". + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Cambie el valor de AndroidManifest.xml para que coincida con el valor $(Supporte {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - Se detectó el uso de AppDomain.CreateDomain() en el ensamblado: {0}. En .NET 6 y versiones posteriores solo se admitirá una instancia de AppDomain, por lo que esta API ya no estará disponible en Xamarin.Android una vez que se haya lanzado .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - El valor "{0}" del analizador de clases de Android está en desuso y se quitará en una versión futura de Xamarin.Android. Actualice las propiedades del proyecto para usar "class-parse". + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - El destino "{0}" de generación de código de Android está en desuso y se quitará en una versión futura de Xamarin.Android. Actualice las propiedades del proyecto para usar "XAJavaInterop1". + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - La referencia al proyecto de aplicación Android Wear "{0}" de un proyecto de aplicación Android está en desuso y ya no se admitirá en una versión futura de Xamarin.Android. Quítela y distribuya en cambio la aplicación Wear como una aplicación independiente. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Quite la referencia de "{0}" del proyecto y agregue el paquete NuGet "{1}". {0} - The missing tool name - No se encontró ningún archivo android.jar para el nivel de API {0}. Esto significa que la plataforma Android SDK para el nivel de API {0} no está instalada. Instálela en el Administrador de Android SDK ({2}) o cambie el proyecto Xamarin.Android para que tenga como destino una versión de la API que esté instalada. (Falta {1}). + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Herramientas > Abrir el Administrador de Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Herramientas > Android > Administrador de Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. El nombre del paquete de la aplicación Wear que se ha insertado es distinto del nombre del paquete de la aplicación para dispositivos de mano ({0}! = {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.fr.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.fr.resx index d85ece46110..d0e08d680d2 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.fr.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.fr.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Le fichier 'LibraryProjectProperties' '{0}' se trouve dans un répertoire parent du répertoire de sortie intermédiaire du projet de liaisons. Modifiez le chemin pour utiliser le fichier 'project.properties' d'origine directement à partir du répertoire du projet de bibliothèque Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Fichier config '{0}' ignoré. Les fichiers config .NET ne sont pas pris en charge dans les projets Xamarin.Android qui ciblent .NET 6 ou une version ultérieure. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - L'utilisation d'AAPT n'est pas prise en charge dans les projets Xamarin.Android qui ciblent .NET 6 ou une version ultérieure. Activez 'Utiliser le système d'empaquetage Android incrémentiel (aapt2)' dans les pages de propriétés de projet Visual Studio, ou modifiez le fichier projet dans un éditeur de texte, puis affectez la valeur 'true' à la propriété MSBuild 'AndroidUseAapt2'. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Modifiez la valeur dans AndroidManifest.xml pour qu’elle corresponde à la val {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - Utilisation de AppDomain.CreateDomain() détectée dans l'assembly : {0}. .NET 6 et les versions ultérieures prend uniquement en charge un seul AppDomain. Cette API ne sera donc plus disponible dans Xamarin.Android après la publication de .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - La valeur '{0}' de l'analyseur de classe Android est dépréciée et va être supprimée dans une future version de Xamarin.Android. Mettez à jour les propriétés du projet pour utiliser 'class-parse'. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - La cible de génération de code Android '{0}' est dépréciée et va être supprimée dans une future version de Xamarin.Android. Mettez à jour les propriétés du projet pour utiliser 'XAJavaInterop1'. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - L'opération qui consiste à référencer le projet d'application Android Wear '{0}' à partir d'un projet d'application Android est dépréciée. Elle ne sera plus prise en charge dans une prochaine version de Xamarin.Android. Supprimez la référence au projet d'application Android Wear du projet d'application Android, et distribuez l'application Wear en tant qu'application autonome à la place. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Supprimez la référence de '{0}' de votre projet et ajoutez plutôt le '{1}'.pa {0} - The missing tool name - Le fichier android.jar est introuvable pour le niveau d'API {0}. Cela signifie que la plateforme du kit Android SDK pour le niveau d'API {0} n'est pas installée. Installez-la dans le Gestionnaire SDK Android ({2}), ou changez le projet Xamarin.Android pour cibler une version d'API installée. ({1} manquant.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Outils > Ouvrir le Gestionnaire SDK Android... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Outils > Android > Gestionnaire SDK Android... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Le nom du package d'application Wear embarqué diffère du nom du package d'application du terminal portable ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.it.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.it.resx index 4b2b6591f55..e06d9ed607f 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.it.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.it.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Il file `{0}` di `LibraryProjectProperties` si trova in una directory padre della directory di output intermedia del progetto di binding. Modificare il percorso in modo da usare il file `project.properties` originale della directory del progetto della libreria Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Il file di configurazione '{0}' verrà ignorato. I file di configurazione .NET non sono supportati in progetti Xamarin.Android destinati a .NET 6 o versione successiva. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - L'uso di AAPT non è supportato in progetti Xamarin.Android destinati a .NET 6 o versione successiva. Abilitare 'Usa sistema di creazione pacchetti Android incrementale (AAPT2)' nelle pagine delle proprietà del progetto di Visual Studio o modificare il file di progetto in un editor di testo e impostare la proprietà 'AndroidUseAapt2' di MSBuild su 'true'. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Modificare il valore in AndroidManifest.xml in modo che corrisponda al valore $( {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - È stato rilevato l'uso di AppDomain.CreateDomain() nell'assembly: {0}. .NET 6 e versioni successive supporteranno solo un singolo AppDomain, quindi questa API non sarà più disponibile in Xamarin.Android dopo il rilascio di .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Il valore '{0}' del parser di classi Android è deprecato e verrà rimosso in una versione futura di Xamarin.Android. Aggiornare le proprietà del progetto in modo da usare 'class-parse'. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - La destinazione '{0}' per la generazione del codice Android è deprecato e verrà rimosso in una versione futura di Xamarin.Android. Aggiornare le proprietà del progetto in modo da usare 'XAJavaInterop1'. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Il riferimento a un progetto applicazione Android Wear '{0}' da un progetto Applicazione Android è deprecato e non sarà più supportato in una versione futura di Xamarin.Android. Rimuovere il riferimento al progetto Applicazione Android Wear dal progetto Applicazione Android e distribuire l'applicazione Wear come applicazione autonoma. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Rimuovere il riferimento '{0}' dal progetto e aggiungere invece il pacchetto NuG {0} - The missing tool name - Non è stato possibile trovare android.jar per il livello API {0}. Questo errore indica che la piattaforma Android SDK per il livello API {0} non è installata. Installarla in Gestione Android SDK ({2}) oppure modificare il progetto Xamarin.Android in modo che la destinazione sia una versione API installata ({1} mancante). + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Strumenti > Apri Gestione Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Strumenti > Android > Gestione Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Il nome del pacchetto dell'app Wear incorporata è diverso da quello dell'app palmare ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ja.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ja.resx index 4aa6993bc97..689d0f90d50 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ja.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ja.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex 'LibraryProjectProperties' ファイル '{0}' は、バインド プロジェクトの中間出力ディレクトリの親ディレクトリにあります。元の 'project.properties' ファイルを Android ライブラリ プロジェクト ディレクトリから直接使用するには、パスを調整してください。 The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - 構成ファイル '{0}' を無視しています。.NET 構成ファイルは、.NET 6 以降を対象とする Xamarin.Android プロジェクトではサポートされていません。 - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - .NET 6 以降を対象とする Xamarin.Android プロジェクトでは、AAPT の使用はサポートされていません。Visual Studio プロジェクトのプロパティ ページで [インクリメンタル Android パッケージ システム (aapt2) を使用します] を有効にするか、テキスト エディターでプロジェクト ファイルを編集して 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild プロパティを 'true' に設定してください。 + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) 値に一致するように AndroidManifest.xml {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - アセンブリ {0} で AppDomain.CreateDomain() が使用されていることが検出されました。.NET 6 以降では単一の AppDomain のみがサポートされる予定のため、.NET 6 がリリースされるとこの API は Xamarin.Android では使用できなくなります。 + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -711,12 +711,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Android クラス パーサーの値 '{0}' は非推奨であり、Xamarin.Android の今後のバージョンでは削除されます。'class-parse' を使用するようにプロジェクトのプロパティを更新してください。 + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Android コード生成ターゲット '{0}' は非推奨であり、Xamarin.Android の今後のバージョンでは削除されます。'XAJavaInterop1' を使用するようにプロジェクトのプロパティを更新してください。 + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Android アプリケーション プロジェクトから Android Wear アプリケーション プロジェクト '{0}' を参照することは非推奨となり、Xamarin.Android の今後のバージョンではサポートされなくなります。Android アプリケーション プロジェクトから Android Wear アプリケーション プロジェクト参照を削除し、代わりにスタンドアロン アプリケーションとして Wear アプリケーションを配布してください。 + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -868,19 +868,23 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi {0} - The missing tool name - API レベル {0} の android .jar が見つかりませんでした。これは、API レベル {0} の Android SDK プラットフォームがインストールされていないことを意味します。Android SDK マネージャー ({2}) にインストールするか、インストールされている API バージョンを対象とする Xamarin.Android プロジェクトを変更します。({1} がありません。) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - [ツール] > [Android SDK マネージャーを開く...] - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - [ツール] > [Android] > [Android SDK マネージャー...] - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. 組み込みの Wear アプリ パッケージ名がハンドヘルド アプリ パッケージ名と異なります ({0}! = {1})。 diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ko.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ko.resx index 646b9f2f45a..cb5fac1e7e7 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ko.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ko.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex `LibraryProjectProperties` 파일 `{0}`이(가) 바인딩 프로젝트의 중간 출력 디렉터리의 부모 디렉터리에 있습니다. 경로를 조정하여 Android 라이브러리 프로젝트 디렉터리에서 바로 원본 `project.properties` 파일을 사용하세요. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - 구성 파일 '{0}'을(를) 무시합니다. .Net 6 이상을 대상으로 Xamarin.Android 프로젝트에서 .NET 구성 파일은 지원되지 않습니다. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - AAPT는 .NET 6 이상을 대상으로 하는 Xamarin.Android 프로젝트에서 사용할 수 없습니다. Visual Studio 프로젝트 속성 페이지에서 '증분 Android 패키징 시스템(aapt2) 사용'을 사용하도록 설정하거나 텍스트 편집기에서 프로젝트 파일을 편집하고 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild 속성을 'true'로 설정하세요. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ AndroidManifest.xml의 값을 $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) 값에 맞도록 변 {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - 어셈블리에서 AppDomain.CreateDomain()의 사용이 검색되었습니다. {0}. .NET 6 이상에서는 단일 AppDomain만 지원하므로 .NET 6이 릴리스된 후에는 이 API를 Xamarin.Android에서 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Android 클래스 파서 값 '{0}'은(는) 사용되지 않으며 Xamarin.Android의 이후 버전에서 제거됩니다. 'class-parse'를 사용하도록 프로젝트 속성을 업데이트하세요. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Android 코드 생성 대상 '{0}'은(는) 사용되지 않으며 Xamarin.Android의 이후 버전에서 제거됩니다. 'XAJavaInterop1'을 사용하도록 프로젝트 속성을 업데이트하세요. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Android 애플리케이션 프로젝트에서 Android Wear 애플리케이션 프로젝트 '{0}'을(를) 참조하는 기능은 사용되지 않으며 Xamarin.Android의 이후 버전에서 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다. Android 애플리케이션 프로젝트에서 Android Wear 애플리케이션 프로젝트 참조를 제거하고 대신 Wear 애플리케이션을 독립 실행형 애플리케이션으로 배포하세요. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi {0} - The missing tool name - API 레벨 {0}의 android.jar을 찾을 수 없습니다. API 레벨 {0}의 Android SDK 플랫폼이 설치되어 있지 않습니다. Android SDK 관리자({2})에서 설치하거나, 설치된 API 버전을 대상으로 하도록 Xamarin.Android 프로젝트를 변경하세요.({1}이(가) 없습니다.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - 도구 > Android SDK 관리자 열기... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - 도구 > Android > Android SDK 관리자... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. 포함된 Wear 앱 패키지 이름이 핸드헬드 앱 패키지 이름과 다릅니다({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pl.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pl.resx index 15a43be14b9..3bdfba04026 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pl.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pl.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Plik „LibraryProjectProperties” „{0}” znajduje się w katalogu nadrzędnym pośredniego katalogu wyjściowego projektu powiązań. Dostosuj ścieżkę tak, aby użyć oryginalnego pliku „project.properties” bezpośrednio z katalogu projektu biblioteki systemu Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Plik konfiguracji „{0}” zostanie zignorowany. Pliki konfiguracji platformy .NET nie są obsługiwane w projektach Xamarin.Android, których miejscem docelowym jest platforma .NET 6 lub nowsza. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - Używanie narzędzia AAPT nie jest obsługiwane w projektach Xamarin.Android, których miejscem docelowym jest platforma .NET 6 lub nowsza. Włącz opcję „Użyj systemu przyrostowego tworzenia pakietów systemu Android (aapt2)” na stronach właściwości projektu w programie Visual Studio lub zmodyfikuj plik projektu w edytorze tekstów, ustawiając właściwość programu MSBuild o nazwie „AndroidUseAapt2” na wartość „true”. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Zmień wartość w pliku AndroidManifest.xml, aby odpowiadała wartości $(Suppo {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - Wykryto użycie metody AppDomain.CreateDomain() w zestawie: {0}. Platforma .NET 6 lub nowsza wersja obsługuje tylko jedną domenę aplikacji, dlatego ten interfejs API nie będzie już dostępny w rozszerzeniu Xamarin.Android po wydaniu platformy .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Wartość analizatora klas systemu Android „{0}” jest przestarzała i zostanie usunięta w przyszłej wersji rozszerzenia Xamarin.Android. Zaktualizuj właściwości projektu, aby używać literału „class-parse”. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Element docelowy generowania kodu systemu Android „{0}” jest przestarzały i zostanie usunięty w przyszłej wersji rozszerzenia Xamarin.Android. Zaktualizuj właściwości projektu, aby używać literału „XAJavaInterop1”. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Odwoływanie się do projektu aplikacji dla systemu Android Wear „{0}” z projektu aplikacji dla systemu Android jest przestarzałe i nie będzie już obsługiwane w przyszłej wersji programu Xamarin.Android. Usuń odwołanie do projektu aplikacji dla systemu Android Wear z projektu aplikacji dla systemu Android i dystrybuuj aplikację dla systemu Wear jako autonomiczną aplikację. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Usuń odwołanie „{0}” z projektu i zamiast niego dodaj pakiet NuGet „{1} {0} - The missing tool name - Nie można było znaleźć pliku android.jar dla poziomu interfejsu API {0}. Oznacza to, że platforma Android SDK dla poziomu interfejsu API {0} nie jest zainstalowana. Zainstaluj ją w Menedżerze zestawów Android SDK ({2}) lub zmień projekt Xamarin.Android tak, aby był przeznaczony dla zainstalowanej wersji interfejsu API. (Brak pliku {1}). + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Narzędzia > Otwórz Menedżer zestawów SDK dla systemu Android... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Narzędzia > Android > Menedżer zestawów Android SDK... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Nazwa pakietu osadzonej aplikacji systemu Wear jest inna niż nazwa pakietu aplikacji dla urządzenia podręcznego ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pt-BR.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pt-BR.resx index 689f7e2289d..f6bb5bffa13 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pt-BR.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.pt-BR.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex O arquivo `LibraryProjectProperties` `{0}` está localizado em um diretório pai do diretório de saída intermediário do projeto de associações. Ajuste o caminho para usar o arquivo original `project.properties` diretamente no diretório do projeto de biblioteca do Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Ignorando o arquivo de configuração '{0}'. Não há suporte para arquivos de configuração do .NET em projetos Xamarin.Android direcionados ao .NET 6 ou posterior. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - Não há suporte para o uso de AAPT nos projetos Xamarin.Android direcionados ao .NET 6 ou superior. Habilite 'Usar o sistema de empacotamento Android incremental (aapt2)' nas páginas de propriedades do projeto do Visual Studio ou edite o arquivo de projeto em um editor de texto e defina a propriedade 'AndroidUseAapt2' do MSBuild como 'true'. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Altere o valor no AndroidManifest.xml para corresponder ao valor $(SupportedOSPl {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - O uso de AppDomain.CreateDomain() foi detectado no assembly: {0}. O .NET 6 e superior dará suporte apenas a um único AppDomain, portanto, esta API não estará mais disponível no Xamarin.Android quando o .NET 6 for lançado. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - O valor do analisador de classe do Android '{0}' foi preterido e será removido em uma versão futura do Xamarin.Android. Atualize as propriedades do projeto para usar 'class-parse'. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - O destino de geração de código Android '{0}' foi preterido e será removido em uma versão futura do Xamarin.Android. Atualize as propriedades do projeto para usar 'XAJavaInterop1'. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - A referência ao projeto de aplicativo Wear Android '{0}' de um projeto de aplicativo Android foi preterida e não haverá mais suporte para ela em uma versão futura do Xamarin.Android. Remova a referência ao projeto de aplicativo Wear Android do projeto de aplicativo Android e distribua o aplicativo Wear como um aplicativo autônomo. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Remover a referência '{0}' de seu projeto e adicionar o pacote NuGet '{1}' em v {0} - The missing tool name - Não foi possível encontrar android.jar para o nível da API {0}. Isso significa que a plataforma do SDK do Android para o nível da API {0} não está instalada. Instale-a no Gerenciador de SDK Android ({2}) ou altere o projeto Xamarin.Android para que ele seja direcionado a uma versão da API instalada. ({1} ausente.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Ferramentas > Abrir o Gerenciador de SDK Android... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Ferramentas > Android > Gerenciador de SDK Android... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. O nome do pacote do aplicativo Wear inserido difere do nome do pacote do aplicativo portátil ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ru.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ru.resx index 7d0a4fddc88..1e68fd9394b 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ru.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.ru.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex Файл "LibraryProjectProperties" "{0}" находится в родительском каталоге промежуточного выходного каталога проекта привязок. Измените путь, чтобы использовать исходный файл "project.properties" непосредственно из каталога проекта библиотеки Android. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - Пропуск файла конфигурации "{0}". Файлы конфигурации .NET не поддерживаются в проектах Xamarin.Android для .NET 6 и более поздних версиях. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - Использование AAPT не поддерживается в проектах Xamarin.Android для .NET 6 и более поздних версий. Установите параметр "Использование инкрементной системы создания пакетов Android (AAPT2)" на страницах свойств проекта в Visual Studio или откройте файл проекта в текстовом редакторе и задайте значение "true" для свойства MSBuild "AndroidUseAapt2". + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - В сборке обнаружено использование AppDomain.CreateDomain(): {0}. .NET 6 и более поздние версии будут поддерживать только один домен AppDomain, поэтому этот API больше не будет доступен в Xamarin.Android после выпуска .NET 6. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Значение "{0}" синтаксического анализатора класса Android является устаревшим и будет удалено в следующей версии Xamarin.Android. Обновите свойства проекта, чтобы использовать "class-parse". + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Целевой объект "{0}" создания кода Android является устаревшим и будет удален в следующей версии Xamarin.Android. Обновите свойства проекта, чтобы использовать "XAJavaInterop1". + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Использование ссылки на проект приложения Android Wear "{0}" из проекта приложения Android является нерекомендуемым, и в будущей версии Xamarin.Android поддержка такой ссылки будет прекращена. Удалите ссылку на проект приложения Android Wear из проекта приложения Android и распространяйте приложение Wear в качестве автономного приложения. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi {0} - The missing tool name - Не удалось найти файл android.jar для уровня API {0}. Это означает, что платформа SDK для Android для уровня API {0} не установлена. Установите его в Диспетчере SDK Android ({2}) или измените проект Xamarin.Android, чтобы установленная версия API использовалась в нем в качестве целевой. (Отсутствует файл {1}.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Средства > Открыть Диспетчер SDK Android… - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Средства > Android > Диспетчер SDK Android… - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Имя пакета приложения Wear для встроенных устройств отличается от имени пакета приложения для наладонных устройств ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.tr.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.tr.resx index 4419f606099..168ece9ec5e 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.tr.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.tr.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex `LibraryProjectProperties` dosyası `{0}`, bağlama projesinin ara çıkış dizininin bir üst dizininde yer alıyor. Lütfen yolu özgün `project.properties` dosyasını doğrudan Android kitaplığı proje dizininden kullanacak şekilde ayarlayın. The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - '{0}' yapılandırma dosyası yoksayılıyor. .NET yapılandırma dosyaları, .NET 6 veya üstünü hedefleyen Xamarin.Android projelerinde desteklenmiyor. - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - .NET 6 veya üstünü hedefleyen Xamarin.Android projelerinde AAPT kullanımı desteklenmiyor. Lütfen Visual Studio projesinin özellik sayfalarındaki 'Artımlı Android paketleme sistemini (aapt2) kullan' seçeneğini etkinleştirin veya proje dosyasını bir metin düzenleyicisinde düzenleyip 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild özelliğini 'true' olarak ayarlayın. + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ AndroidManifest.xml dosyasındaki değeri $(SupportedOSPlatformVersion) değeriy {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - {0} bütünleştirilmiş kodunda AppDomain.CreateDomain() metodunun kullanıldığı saptandı. .NET 6 üstünde yalnızca tek bir AppDomain destekleneceğinden bu API, .NET 6 yayımlandıktan sonra artık Xamarin.Android içinde bulunmayacaktır. + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - '{0}' Android sınıf ayrıştırıcı değeri kullanımdan kaldırıldı ve Xamarin.Android'in gelecekteki bir sürümünde kaldırılacak. Proje özelliklerini 'class-parse' kullanacak şekilde güncelleştirin. + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - '{0}' Android kod oluşturma hedefi kullanımdan kaldırıldı ve Xamarin.Android'in gelecekteki bir sürümünde kaldırılacak. Proje özelliklerini 'XAJavaInterop1' kullanacak şekilde güncelleştirin. + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - Android uygulama projesinden '{0}' Android Wear uygulama projesine başvurulması kullanımdan kaldırıldı ve artık Xamarin.Android'in gelecekteki sürümlerinde desteklenmeyecek. Android uygulama projesinden Android Wear uygulama projesi başvurusunu kaldırın ve bunun yerine Wear uygulamasını bağımsız bir uygulama olarak dağıtın. + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ Projenizden '{0}' başvurusunu kaldırın ve yerine '{1}' NuGet paketini ekleyin {0} - The missing tool name - API düzeyi {0} için android.jar bulunamadı. Bu, API düzeyi {0} için Android SDK platformunun yüklü olmadığı anlamına gelir. Bu platformu Android SDK Yöneticisi'nde ({2}) yükleyin veya Xamarin.Android projesini, yüklü bir API sürümünü hedefleyecek şekilde değiştirin. ({1} eksik.) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - Araçlar > Android SDK Yöneticisi'ni Aç... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - Araçlar > Android > Android SDK Yöneticisi... - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. Eklenmiş Wear uygulama paketi adı, el bilgisayarı uygulama paketi adından farklı ({0} != {1}). diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hans.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hans.resx index 4f72b0bf13a..205fc90192f 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hans.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hans.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex "LibraryProjectProperties" 文件“{0}”位于绑定项目的中间输出目录的父目录中。请调整路径,以直接从 Android 库项目目录使用原始 "project.properties" 文件。 The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - 将忽略配置文件“{0}”。在面向 .NET 6 或更高版本的 Xamarin.Android 项目中不支持 .NET 配置文件。 - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - 在面向 .NET 6 或更高版本的 Xamarin.Android 项目中不支持使用 AAPT。请在 Visual Studio 项目属性页面中启用“使用增量 Android 打包系统(aapt2)”,或者在文本编辑器中编辑项目文件,并将 "AndroidUseAapt2" MSBuild 属性设置为 "true"。 + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - 在程序集 {0} 中检测到使用了 AppDomain.CreateDomain()。.NET 6 及更高版本将仅支持一个 AppDomain,因此 .NET 6 发布后,将无法再在 Xamarin.Android 中使用此 API。 + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Android 类分析器值“{0}”已被弃用,并将在 Xamarin.Android 的未来版本中被删除。要使用 "class-parse",请更新项目属性。 + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Android 代码生成目标“{0}”已被弃用,并将在 Xamarin.Android 的未来版本中被删除。要使用 "XAJavaInterop1",请更新项目属性。 + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - 已弃用从 Android 应用程序项目中引用 Android Wear 应用程序项目“{0}”的功能,并且未来版本的 Xamarin.Android 中将不再支持此功能。请从 Android 应用程序项目中删除 Android Wear 应用程序项目引用,并将 Wear 应用程序作为独立应用程序进行分发。 + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi {0} - The missing tool name - 找不到 API 级别 {0} 的 android jar。这意味着未安装 API 级别 {0} 的 Android SDK 平台。请在 Android SDK 管理器 {2} 中安装它,或更改 Xamarin.Android 项目,使其将安装的 API 版本作为目标。(缺少 {1}。) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - “工具”>“打开 Android SDK 管理器”… - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - “工具”>“ Android”>“Android SDK 管理器”… - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. 嵌入的 Wear 应用包名称与手持式应用包名称不同({0} != {1})。 diff --git a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hant.resx b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hant.resx index 38f5f96308e..a520a4e5313 100644 --- a/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hant.resx +++ b/src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.zh-Hant.resx @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ The capitalized word "Portable" that appears earlier in the message is plain tex 'LibraryProjectProperties' 檔案 '{0}' 位於繫結專案之中繼輸出目錄的父目錄中。請將該路徑調整為直接使用 Android 程式庫專案目錄中的原始 'project. properties' 檔案。 The following are literal names and should not be translated: LibraryProjectProperties, project.properties, Android -In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a Xamarin.Android project written in C# or F#. +In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes it easy to access an Android API written in Java from a .NET Android project written in C# or F#. {0} - The path of the LibraryProjectProperties file @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: DX, DEX, d8, AndroidDexTool. - 正在忽略組態檔 '{0}'。以 .NET 6 或更新版本為目標的 Xamarin.Android 專案不支援 .NET 組態檔。 - The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, Xamarin.Android. + Ignoring configuration file '{0}'. .NET configuration files are not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. + The following are literal names and should not be translated: .NET, .NET Android. {0} - The file name such as 'Foo.dll.config' @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, AAPT2, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. - 以 .NET 6 或更新版本為目標的 Xamarin.Android 專案不支援使用 AAPT。請在 Visual Studio 專案屬性頁中啟用 [使用增量 Android 套件系統 (aapt2)],或在文字編輯器中編輯專案檔,並將 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild 屬性設定為 'true'。 + Using AAPT is not supported in .NET Android projects that target .NET 6 or higher. Please enable 'Use incremental Android packaging system (aapt2)' in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit the project file in a text editor and set the 'AndroidUseAapt2' MSBuild property to 'true'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AAPT, Android, AndroidUseAapt2, true. @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i {1} - The SupportedOSPlatformVersion property value - 在下列組件中偵測到使用 AppDomain.CreateDomain(): {0}。.NET 6 及更新版本只支援單一 AppDomain,因此在 .NET 6 發行之後,此 API 就無法再於 Xamarin.Android 中使用。 + Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 6 and higher will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in .NET Android once .NET 6 is released. The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain {0} - The name of the assembly @@ -710,12 +710,12 @@ In this message, "root element" refers to the root element of an XML file. {0} - The exception message and stack trace of the associated exception - Android 類別剖析器值 '{0}' 即將退場,將會從後續版本的 Xamarin.Android 版本中移除。請更新專案屬性,以使用 'class-parse'。 + The Android class parser value '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'class-parse'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: class-parse {0} - The name of the current class parser value - Android 程式碼產生目標 '{0}' 即將退場,將會從後續版本的 Xamarin.Android 版本中移除。請更新專案屬性,以使用 'XAJavaInterop1'。 + The Android code generation target '{0}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of .NET Android. Update the project properties to use 'XAJavaInterop1'. The following are literal names and should not be translated: XAJavaInterop1 {0} - The name of the current code generation target @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi "Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated. - 從 Android 應用程式專案參考 Android Wear 應用程式專案 '{0}' 的功能已淘汰,且日後的 Xamarin.Android 版本將不再予以支援。從 Android 應用程式專案移除 Android Wear 應用程式專案參考,並將 Wear 應用程式改為以獨立應用程式發佈。 + Referencing the Android Wear application project '{0}' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of .NET Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead. The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear, Android, Wear. {0} - The referenced Android Wear project. @@ -867,19 +867,23 @@ The following are literal names and should not be translated: ABI, 'libs/armeabi {0} - The missing tool name - 找不到 API 層級 {0} 的 android.jar。這表示未安裝 API 層級 {0} 的 Android SDK 平台。請將其安裝在 Android SDK 管理員 ({2}) 中,或將 Xamarin.Android 專案變更成以已安裝的 API 版本作為目標。(缺少 {1}。) + Could not find android.jar for API level {0}. This means the Android SDK platform for API level {0} is not installed; it was expected to be in `{1}`. +{2} +See https://aka.ms/xa5207 for more details. The following are literal names and should not be translated: android.jar {0} - The API level name {1} - The expected path of the android.jar file -{2} - The menu location in Visual Studio that can be used to launch the Android SDK Manager - - - [工具] > [開啟 Android SDK 管理員...] - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio for Mac. +{2} - The instructions to install the missing component - [工具] > [Android] > [Android SDK 管理員...] - This string is the location of a menu command in Visual Studio. + Either install it in the Android SDK Manager (Tools > Android > Android SDK Manager...), or change the .NET Android project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component + + + You can install the missing API level by running `dotnet build -t:InstallAndroidDependencies -f {0} "-p:AndroidSdkDirectory={1}"`, or change the project to target an API version that is installed. + This string is the instrucitons to install the component +{0} - The TargetFramework the app is targeting. +{1} - The current AndroidSdkDirectory path. 內嵌 Wear 應用程式套件名稱與手持功能應用程式套件名稱不同 ({0} != {1})。