diff --git a/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-all.md b/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-all.md
index 9882169f5437e..e4bbb0344d0f3 100644
--- a/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-all.md
+++ b/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-all.md
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
| Resource Management - Resource Connector | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector/1.0.0-beta.2) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceConnector-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.2](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector_1.0.0-beta.2/sdk/resourceconnector/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Graph | NuGet [1.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/1.0.1)
NuGet [1.1.0-beta.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/1.1.0-beta.2) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceGraph-readme) | GitHub [1.0.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph_1.0.1/sdk/resourcegraph/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/)
GitHub [1.1.0-beta.2](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph_1.1.0-beta.2/sdk/resourcegraph/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Health | NuGet [1.0.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/1.0.0)
NuGet [1.1.0-beta.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/1.1.0-beta.3) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceHealth-readme) | GitHub [1.0.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth_1.0.0/sdk/resourcehealth/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/)
GitHub [1.1.0-beta.3](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth_1.1.0-beta.3/sdk/resourcehealth/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/) |
-| Resource Management - Resource Manager | NuGet [1.10.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.10.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager-readme) | GitHub [1.10.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.10.0/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/) |
+| Resource Management - Resource Manager | NuGet [1.10.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.10.0)
NuGet [1.11.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.11.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager-readme) | GitHub [1.10.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.10.0/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/)
GitHub [1.11.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.11.0-beta.1/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Mover | NuGet [1.1.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover/1.1.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceMover-readme) | GitHub [1.1.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover_1.1.1/sdk/resourcemover/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover/) |
| Resource Management - Resources | NuGet [1.7.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources/1.7.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Resources-readme) | GitHub [1.7.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources_1.7.0/sdk/resources/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources/) |
| Resource Management - Security | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/1.1.0)
NuGet [1.2.0-beta.4](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/1.2.0-beta.4) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.SecurityCenter-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter_1.1.0/sdk/securitycenter/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/)
GitHub [1.2.0-beta.4](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter_1.2.0-beta.4/sdk/securitycenter/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/) |
@@ -278,12 +278,12 @@
| Resource Management - Voice Services | NuGet [1.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices/1.0.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.VoiceServices-readme) | GitHub [1.0.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices_1.0.1/sdk/voiceservices/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices/) |
| Resource Management - Web PubSub | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub/1.1.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.WebPubSub-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub_1.1.0/sdk/webpubsub/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub/) |
| Resource Management - Workload Monitor | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.4](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor/1.0.0-beta.4) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.4](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor_1.0.0-beta.4/sdk/workloadmonitor/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor/) |
-| Resource Management - Workloads | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.1.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Workloads-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.1.0/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/) |
+| Resource Management - Workloads | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.1.0)
NuGet [1.2.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.2.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Workloads-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.1.0/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/)
GitHub [1.2.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.2.0-beta.1/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/) |
| Spring App Discovery | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery/1.0.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery_1.0.0-beta.1/sdk/springappdiscovery/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery/) |
| Azure.Communication.Administration | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Communication.Administration/1.0.0-beta.3) | | |
| Azure.Communication.CallingServer | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Communication.CallingServer/1.0.0-beta.3) | | |
| Azure.Core.Expressions.DataFactory | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.6](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Core.Expressions.DataFactory/1.0.0-beta.6) | | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.6](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.Core.Expressions.DataFactory_1.0.0-beta.6/sdk/core/Azure.Core.Expressions.DataFactory/) |
-| Communication Calling Windows Client | NuGet [1.3.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient/1.3.0)
NuGet [1.4.0-beta.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient/1.4.0-beta.3) | | |
+| Communication Calling Windows Client | NuGet [1.4.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Communication.Calling.WindowsClient/1.4.0) | | |
| Unknown Display Name | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0-beta.1) | | |
| Unknown Display Name | NuGet [12.0.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Storage.DataMovement.Files.Shares/12.0.0-beta.1) | | |
| Unknown Display Name | NuGet [1.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Http.AspNetCore.Analyzers/1.0.1) | | |
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
| Supporting library for Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi | NuGet [1.4.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi.Core/1.4.0)
NuGet [2.0.0-preview2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi.Core/2.0.0-preview2) | | |
| Supporting library for testing Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host | NuGet [3.0.39](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host.TestCommon/3.0.39) | | GitHub [3.0.39](https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk) |
| Web - Redis Output Cache Provider | NuGet [4.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider/4.0.1) | | GitHub [4.0.1](https://github.com/Azure/aspnet-redis-providers/tree/NuGet-Release/RedisOutputCacheProvider-3.0.1/src/OutputCacheProvider) |
-| Web - Redis Session State Provider | NuGet [5.0.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider/5.0.3) | | GitHub [5.0.3](https://github.com/Azure/aspnet-redis-providers/tree/NuGet-Release/RedisSessionStateProvider-4.0.1/src/RedisSessionStateProvider) |
+| Web - Redis Session State Provider | NuGet [5.0.4](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateProvider/5.0.4) | | GitHub [5.0.4](https://github.com/Azure/aspnet-redis-providers/tree/NuGet-Release/RedisSessionStateProvider-4.0.1/src/RedisSessionStateProvider) |
| Hyak Common | NuGet [1.2.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hyak.Common/1.2.2) | | |
| Hyak Common - Tracing Etw | NuGet [1.0.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hyak.Common.Tracing.Etw/1.0.2) | | |
| Hyak Common - Tracing Log4Net | NuGet [1.0.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hyak.Common.Tracing.Log4Net/1.0.2) | | |
diff --git a/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-new.md b/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-new.md
index 7db9c5ce6faed..35bbce63bd011 100644
--- a/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-new.md
+++ b/docs/azure/includes/dotnet-new.md
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
| Resource Management - Resource Connector | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector/1.0.0-beta.2) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceConnector-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.2](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector_1.0.0-beta.2/sdk/resourceconnector/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Graph | NuGet [1.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/1.0.1)
NuGet [1.1.0-beta.2](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/1.1.0-beta.2) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceGraph-readme) | GitHub [1.0.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph_1.0.1/sdk/resourcegraph/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/)
GitHub [1.1.0-beta.2](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph_1.1.0-beta.2/sdk/resourcegraph/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceGraph/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Health | NuGet [1.0.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/1.0.0)
NuGet [1.1.0-beta.3](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/1.1.0-beta.3) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceHealth-readme) | GitHub [1.0.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth_1.0.0/sdk/resourcehealth/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/)
GitHub [1.1.0-beta.3](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth_1.1.0-beta.3/sdk/resourcehealth/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceHealth/) |
-| Resource Management - Resource Manager | NuGet [1.10.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.10.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager-readme) | GitHub [1.10.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.10.0/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/) |
+| Resource Management - Resource Manager | NuGet [1.10.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.10.0)
NuGet [1.11.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager/1.11.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager-readme) | GitHub [1.10.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.10.0/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/)
GitHub [1.11.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager_1.11.0-beta.1/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager/) |
| Resource Management - Resource Mover | NuGet [1.1.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover/1.1.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.ResourceMover-readme) | GitHub [1.1.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover_1.1.1/sdk/resourcemover/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceMover/) |
| Resource Management - Resources | NuGet [1.7.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources/1.7.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Resources-readme) | GitHub [1.7.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources_1.7.0/sdk/resources/Azure.ResourceManager.Resources/) |
| Resource Management - Security | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/1.1.0)
NuGet [1.2.0-beta.4](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/1.2.0-beta.4) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.SecurityCenter-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter_1.1.0/sdk/securitycenter/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/)
GitHub [1.2.0-beta.4](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter_1.2.0-beta.4/sdk/securitycenter/Azure.ResourceManager.SecurityCenter/) |
@@ -281,5 +281,5 @@
| Resource Management - Voice Services | NuGet [1.0.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices/1.0.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.VoiceServices-readme) | GitHub [1.0.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices_1.0.1/sdk/voiceservices/Azure.ResourceManager.VoiceServices/) |
| Resource Management - Web PubSub | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub/1.1.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.WebPubSub-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub_1.1.0/sdk/webpubsub/Azure.ResourceManager.WebPubSub/) |
| Resource Management - Workload Monitor | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.4](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor/1.0.0-beta.4) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.4](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor_1.0.0-beta.4/sdk/workloadmonitor/Azure.ResourceManager.WorkloadMonitor/) |
-| Resource Management - Workloads | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.1.0) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Workloads-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.1.0/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/) |
+| Resource Management - Workloads | NuGet [1.1.0](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.1.0)
NuGet [1.2.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/1.2.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.Workloads-readme) | GitHub [1.1.0](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.1.0/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/)
GitHub [1.2.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads_1.2.0-beta.1/sdk/workloads/Azure.ResourceManager.Workloads/) |
| Spring App Discovery | NuGet [1.0.0-beta.1](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery/1.0.0-beta.1) | [docs](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | GitHub [1.0.0-beta.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery_1.0.0-beta.1/sdk/springappdiscovery/Azure.ResourceManager.SpringAppDiscovery/) |
diff --git a/docs/core/compatibility/6.0.md b/docs/core/compatibility/6.0.md
index 75e52939b1d8e..490b199b6545f 100644
--- a/docs/core/compatibility/6.0.md
+++ b/docs/core/compatibility/6.0.md
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ For information on other breaking changes for containers in .NET 6, see [.NET 6
| [Set timestamp on read-only file on Windows](core-libraries/6.0/set-timestamp-readonly-file.md) | ❌ | ✔️ |
| [Standard numeric format parsing precision](core-libraries/6.0/numeric-format-parsing-handles-higher-precision.md) | ✔️ | ❌ |
| [Static abstract members in interfaces](core-libraries/6.0/static-abstract-interface-methods.md) | ❌ | ✔️ |
-| [StringBuilder.Append overloads and evaluation order](core-libraries/6.0/stringbuilder-append-evaluation-order.md) | ❌ | ✔️
+| [StringBuilder.Append overloads and evaluation order](core-libraries/6.0/stringbuilder-append-evaluation-order.md) | ❌ | ✔️ |
| [Strong-name APIs throw PlatformNotSupportedException](core-libraries/6.0/strong-name-signing-exceptions.md) | ❌ | ✔️ |
| [System.Drawing.Common only supported on Windows](core-libraries/6.0/system-drawing-common-windows-only.md) | ❌ | ❌ |
-| [System.Security.SecurityContext is marked obsolete](core-libraries/6.0/securitycontext-obsolete.md) | ✔️ | ❌
+| [System.Security.SecurityContext is marked obsolete](core-libraries/6.0/securitycontext-obsolete.md) | ✔️ | ❌ |
| [Task.FromResult may return singleton](core-libraries/6.0/task-fromresult-returns-singleton.md) | ❌ | ✔️ |
| [Unhandled exceptions from a BackgroundService](core-libraries/6.0/hosting-exception-handling.md) | ✔️ | ❌ |
diff --git a/docs/core/compatibility/cryptography/5.0/instantiating-default-implementations-of-cryptographic-abstractions-not-supported.md b/docs/core/compatibility/cryptography/5.0/instantiating-default-implementations-of-cryptographic-abstractions-not-supported.md
index 4e42de3955e4b..b91e3a0f5addd 100644
--- a/docs/core/compatibility/cryptography/5.0/instantiating-default-implementations-of-cryptographic-abstractions-not-supported.md
+++ b/docs/core/compatibility/cryptography/5.0/instantiating-default-implementations-of-cryptographic-abstractions-not-supported.md
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Best practice dictates that libraries that consume cryptographic primitives (suc
| | | The SHA-1 algorithm is considered broken. Consider using a stronger algorithm if possible. Consult your security advisor for further guidance. |
| | | The HMACSHA1 algorithm is discouraged for most modern applications. Consider using a stronger algorithm if possible. Consult your security advisor for further guidance. |
| | | The HMACSHA1 algorithm is discouraged for most modern applications. Consider using a stronger algorithm if possible. Consult your security advisor for further guidance. |
- | | |
+ | | | |
- If you must continue to call the obsolete parameterless `Create()` overloads, you can suppress the `SYSLIB0007` warning in code.
diff --git a/docs/core/compatibility/globalization/5.0/listseparator-value-change.md b/docs/core/compatibility/globalization/5.0/listseparator-value-change.md
index 650f1c93c4626..523de95b5c2c4 100644
--- a/docs/core/compatibility/globalization/5.0/listseparator-value-change.md
+++ b/docs/core/compatibility/globalization/5.0/listseparator-value-change.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ For all operating systems in .NET 5.0.1 and later versions, the values for values.
| | .NET Framework
.NET Core 1.0 - 3.1 | .NET 5 | .NET 5.0.1 |
| **Windows** | Obtain from NLS | Decimal separator from ICU.
Can switch back to NLS. | Equivalent to NLS |
| **Linux and macOS** | Decimal separator from ICU | Decimal separator from ICU | Equivalent to NLS |
diff --git a/docs/core/dependency-loading/loading-managed.md b/docs/core/dependency-loading/loading-managed.md
index 6d4054d619e23..2d083a2f07ac4 100644
--- a/docs/core/dependency-loading/loading-managed.md
+++ b/docs/core/dependency-loading/loading-managed.md
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ The most common mechanism to trigger a managed assembly load is a static assembl
The direct use of the following APIs will also trigger loads:
-|API |Description |`Active` |
+| API | Description | `Active` |
||`Load-by-name`|The [this](../../csharp/language-reference/keywords/this.md) instance.|
|Load from path.|The [this](../../csharp/language-reference/keywords/this.md) instance.|
-|Load from object.|The [this](../../csharp/language-reference/keywords/this.md) instance.|
+| |Load from object.|The [this](../../csharp/language-reference/keywords/this.md) instance.|
||Load from path in a new instance|The new instance.|
-|Load from path in the instance.
Adds an handler. The handler will load the assembly's dependencies from its directory.|The instance.|
+| |Load from path in the instance.
Adds an handler. The handler will load the assembly's dependencies from its directory.|The instance.|
|`Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer methods.|
|Load from object in a new instance.|The new instance.|
|`Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer methods with an `assemblyResolver` argument.|
-|If type `name` describes an assembly qualified generic type, trigger a `Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer when using assembly qualified type names.|
|`Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer methods taking a argument.|
|`Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer methods with an `assemblyResolver` argument.|
+| |If type `name` describes an assembly qualified generic type, trigger a `Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer when using assembly qualified type names.|
|`Load-by-name`.|Inferred from caller.
Prefer methods taking a argument.|
## Algorithm
diff --git a/docs/core/diagnostics/collect-dumps-crash.md b/docs/core/diagnostics/collect-dumps-crash.md
index f12d51bb0a58b..9525ead5e9e29 100644
--- a/docs/core/diagnostics/collect-dumps-crash.md
+++ b/docs/core/diagnostics/collect-dumps-crash.md
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ Configuring your application to collect a dump on crash is done by setting speci
The following table shows the environment variables you can configure for collecting dumps on a crash.
-|Environment variable|Description|Default value|
+| Environment variable | Description | Default value |
|`COMPlus_DbgEnableMiniDump` or `DOTNET_DbgEnableMiniDump`|If set to 1, enable core dump generation.|0|
|`COMPlus_DbgMiniDumpType` or `DOTNET_DbgMiniDumpType`|Type of dump to be collected. For more information, see [Types of mini dumps](#types-of-mini-dumps).|2 (`Heap`)|
|`COMPlus_DbgMiniDumpName` or `DOTNET_DbgMiniDumpName`|Path to a file to write the dump to. Ensure that the user under which the dotnet process is running has write permissions to the specified directory.|`/tmp/coredump.`|
|`COMPlus_CreateDumpDiagnostics` or `DOTNET_CreateDumpDiagnostics`|If set to 1, enables diagnostic logging of dump process.|0|
-|`COMPlus_EnableCrashReport` or `DOTNET_EnableCrashReport`|(Requires .NET 6 or later; not supported on Windows.)
If set to 1, the runtime generates a JSON-formatted crash report that includes information about the threads and stack frames of the crashing application. The crash report name is the dump path or name with *.crashreport.json* appended.
+|`COMPlus_EnableCrashReport` or `DOTNET_EnableCrashReport`|(Requires .NET 6 or later; not supported on Windows.)
If set to 1, the runtime generates a JSON-formatted crash report that includes information about the threads and stack frames of the crashing application. The crash report name is the dump path or name with *.crashreport.json* appended.| |
|`COMPlus_CreateDumpVerboseDiagnostics` or `DOTNET_CreateDumpVerboseDiagnostics`|(Requires .NET 7 or later.)
If set to 1, enables verbose diagnostic logging of the dump process.|0|
-|`COMPlus_CreateDumpLogToFile` or `DOTNET_CreateDumpLogToFile`|(Requires .NET 7 or later.)
The path of the file to which the diagnostic messages should be written. If unset, the diagnostic messages are written to the console of the crashing application.|
+|`COMPlus_CreateDumpLogToFile` or `DOTNET_CreateDumpLogToFile`|(Requires .NET 7 or later.)
The path of the file to which the diagnostic messages should be written. | If unset, the diagnostic messages are written to the console of the crashing application. |
> [!NOTE]
> .NET 7 standardizes on the prefix `DOTNET_` instead of `COMPlus_` for these environment variables. However, the `COMPlus_` prefix will continue to work. If you're using a previous version of the .NET runtime, you should still use the `COMPlus_` prefix for environment variables.
diff --git a/docs/core/diagnostics/dotnet-dump.md b/docs/core/diagnostics/dotnet-dump.md
index c833556973e73..d451b4ba9f525 100644
--- a/docs/core/diagnostics/dotnet-dump.md
+++ b/docs/core/diagnostics/dotnet-dump.md
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ dotnet-dump collect [-h|--help] [-p|--process-id] [-n|--name] [--type] [-o|--out
- **`--diag`**
Enables dump collection diagnostic logging.
- **`--crashreport`**
Enables crash report generation.
@@ -146,86 +146,86 @@ dotnet-dump analyze [-h|--help] [-c|--command]
### Analyze SOS commands
-| Command | Function |
-| `analyzeoom` | Displays the info of the last OOM that occurred on an allocation request to the GC heap.
-| `clrmodules` | Lists the managed modules in the process.
-| `clrstack` | Provides a stack trace of managed code only.
-| `clrthreads` | Lists the managed threads that are running.
-| `clru` | Displays an annotated disassembly of a managed method.
-| `d` or `readmemory` | Dumps memory contents.
-| `dbgout` | Enables/disables (`-off`) internal SOS logging.
-| `dso` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack.
-| `dumpalc` | Displays details about a collectible AssemblyLoadContext to which the specified object is loaded.
-| `dumparray` | Displays details about a managed array.
-| `dumpasync` | Displays info about async state machines on the garbage-collected heap.
-| `dumpassembly` | Displays details about an assembly.
-| `dumpclass` | Displays information about the `EEClass` structure at the specified address.
-| `dumpconcurrentdictionary` | Displays concurrent dictionary content.
-| `dumpconcurrentqueue` | Displays concurrent queue content.
-| `dumpdelegate` | Displays information about a delegate.
-| `dumpdomain` | Displays information about the all assemblies within all the AppDomains or the specified one.
-| `dumpgcdata` | Displays information about the GC data.
-| `dumpgen` | Displays heap content for the specified generation.
-| `dumpheap` | Displays info about the garbage-collected heap and collection statistics about objects.
-| `dumpil` | Displays the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that's associated with a managed method.
-| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of an in-memory stress log to the specified file.
-| `dumpmd` | Displays information about the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address.
-| `dumpmodule` | Displays information about the module at the specified address.
-| `dumpmt` | Displays information about the method table at the specified address.
-| `dumpobj` | Displays info the object at the specified address.
-| `dumpruntimetypes` | Finds all System.RuntimeType objects in the GC heap and prints the type name and MethodTable they refer too.
-| `dumpsig` | Dumps the signature of a method or field specified by ` `.
-| `dumpsigelem` | Dumps a single element of a signature object.
-| `dumpstackobjects` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack.
-| `dumpvc` | Displays info about the fields of a value class.
-| `eeheap` | Displays info about process memory consumed by internal runtime data structures.
-| `eestack` | Runs `dumpstack` on all threads in the process.
-| `eeversion` | Displays information about the runtime and SOS versions.
-| `ehinfo` | Displays the exception handling blocks in a JIT-ed method.
-| `exit` or `quit` | Exits interactive mode.
-| `finalizequeue` | Displays all objects registered for finalization.
-| `findappdomain` | Attempts to resolve the AppDomain of a GC object.
-| `gchandles` | Displays statistics about garbage collector handles in the process.
-| `gcheapstat` | Displays statistics about garbage collector.
-| `gcinfo` | Displays the JIT GC encoding for a method.
-| `gcroot` | Displays info about references (or roots) to the object at the specified address.
-| `gcwhere` | Displays the location in the GC heap of the specified address.
-| `histclear` | Releases any resources used by the family of Hist commands.
-| `histinit` | Initializes the SOS structures from the stress log saved in the debuggee.
-| `histobj` | Examines all stress log relocation records and displays the chain of garbage collection relocations that may have led to the address passed in as an argument.
-| `histobjfind` | Displays all the log entries that reference the object at the specified address.
-| `histroot` | Displays information related to both promotions and relocations of the specified root.
-| `histstats` | Displays stress log stats.
-| `ip2md` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address in code that has been JIT-compiled.
-| `listnearobj` | Displays the object preceding and succeeding the specified address.
-| `logopen` | Enables console file logging.
-| `logclose` | Disables console file logging.
-| `logging` | Enables/disables internal SOS logging.
-| `lm` or `modules` | Displays the native modules in the process.
-| `name2ee` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the specified type or method in the specified module.
-| `objsize` | Displays the size of the specified object.
-| `parallelstacks` | Displays the merged threads stack similarly to the Visual Studio 'Parallel Stacks' panel.
-| `pathto` | Displays the GC path from `` to ``.
-| `pe` or `printexception` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address.
-| `r` or `registers` | Displays the thread's registers.
-| `runtimes` | Lists the runtimes in the target or changes the default runtime.
-| `setclrpath` | Sets the path to load coreclr dac/dbi files using `setclrpath `.
-| `setsymbolserver` | Enables the symbol server support.
-| `sos` | Executes various coreclr debugging commands. Use the syntax `sos `. For more information, see 'soshelp'.
-| `soshelp` or `help` | Displays all available commands.
-| `soshelp ` or `help ` | Displays the specified command.
-| `syncblk` | Displays the SyncBlock holder info.
-| `taskstate` | Displays a Task state in a human readable format.
-| `threadpool` | Displays info about the runtime thread pool.
-| `threadpoolqueue` | Displays queued thread pool work items.
-| `threadstate` | Pretty prints the meaning of a threads state.
-| `threads ` or `setthread ` | Sets or displays the current thread ID for the SOS commands.
-| `timerinfo` | Displays information about running timers.
-| `token2ee` | Displays the MethodTable structure and MethodDesc structure for the specified token and module.
-| `traverseheap` | Writes out heap information to a file in a format understood by the CLR Profiler.
-| `verifyheap` | Checks the GC heap for signs of corruption.
-| `verifyobj` | Checks the object that is passed as an argument for signs of corruption.
+| Command | Function |
+| `analyzeoom` | Displays the info of the last OOM that occurred on an allocation request to the GC heap. |
+| `clrmodules` | Lists the managed modules in the process. |
+| `clrstack` | Provides a stack trace of managed code only. |
+| `clrthreads` | Lists the managed threads that are running. |
+| `clru` | Displays an annotated disassembly of a managed method. |
+| `d` or `readmemory` | Dumps memory contents. |
+| `dbgout` | Enables/disables (`-off`) internal SOS logging. |
+| `dso` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack. |
+| `dumpalc` | Displays details about a collectible AssemblyLoadContext to which the specified object is loaded. |
+| `dumparray` | Displays details about a managed array. |
+| `dumpasync` | Displays info about async state machines on the garbage-collected heap. |
+| `dumpassembly` | Displays details about an assembly. |
+| `dumpclass` | Displays information about the `EEClass` structure at the specified address. |
+| `dumpconcurrentdictionary` | Displays concurrent dictionary content. |
+| `dumpconcurrentqueue` | Displays concurrent queue content. |
+| `dumpdelegate` | Displays information about a delegate. |
+| `dumpdomain` | Displays information about the all assemblies within all the AppDomains or the specified one. |
+| `dumpgcdata` | Displays information about the GC data. |
+| `dumpgen` | Displays heap content for the specified generation. |
+| `dumpheap` | Displays info about the garbage-collected heap and collection statistics about objects. |
+| `dumpil` | Displays the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that's associated with a managed method. |
+| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of an in-memory stress log to the specified file. |
+| `dumpmd` | Displays information about the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address. |
+| `dumpmodule` | Displays information about the module at the specified address. |
+| `dumpmt` | Displays information about the method table at the specified address. |
+| `dumpobj` | Displays info the object at the specified address. |
+| `dumpruntimetypes` | Finds all System.RuntimeType objects in the GC heap and prints the type name and MethodTable they refer too. |
+| `dumpsig` | Dumps the signature of a method or field specified by ` `. |
+| `dumpsigelem` | Dumps a single element of a signature object. |
+| `dumpstackobjects` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack. |
+| `dumpvc` | Displays info about the fields of a value class. |
+| `eeheap` | Displays info about process memory consumed by internal runtime data structures. |
+| `eestack` | Runs `dumpstack` on all threads in the process. |
+| `eeversion` | Displays information about the runtime and SOS versions. |
+| `ehinfo` | Displays the exception handling blocks in a JIT-ed method. |
+| `exit` or `quit` | Exits interactive mode. |
+| `finalizequeue` | Displays all objects registered for finalization. |
+| `findappdomain` | Attempts to resolve the AppDomain of a GC object. |
+| `gchandles` | Displays statistics about garbage collector handles in the process. |
+| `gcheapstat` | Displays statistics about garbage collector. |
+| `gcinfo` | Displays the JIT GC encoding for a method. |
+| `gcroot` | Displays info about references (or roots) to the object at the specified address. |
+| `gcwhere` | Displays the location in the GC heap of the specified address. |
+| `histclear` | Releases any resources used by the family of Hist commands. |
+| `histinit` | Initializes the SOS structures from the stress log saved in the debuggee. |
+| `histobj` | Examines all stress log relocation records and displays the chain of garbage collection relocations that may have led to the address passed in as an argument. |
+| `histobjfind` | Displays all the log entries that reference the object at the specified address. |
+| `histroot` | Displays information related to both promotions and relocations of the specified root. |
+| `histstats` | Displays stress log stats. |
+| `ip2md` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address in code that has been JIT-compiled. |
+| `listnearobj` | Displays the object preceding and succeeding the specified address. |
+| `logopen` | Enables console file logging. |
+| `logclose` | Disables console file logging. |
+| `logging` | Enables/disables internal SOS logging. |
+| `lm` or `modules` | Displays the native modules in the process. |
+| `name2ee` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the specified type or method in the specified module. |
+| `objsize` | Displays the size of the specified object. |
+| `parallelstacks` | Displays the merged threads stack similarly to the Visual Studio 'Parallel Stacks' panel. |
+| `pathto` | Displays the GC path from `` to ``. |
+| `pe` or `printexception` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address. |
+| `r` or `registers` | Displays the thread's registers. |
+| `runtimes` | Lists the runtimes in the target or changes the default runtime. |
+| `setclrpath` | Sets the path to load coreclr dac/dbi files using `setclrpath `. |
+| `setsymbolserver` | Enables the symbol server support. |
+| `sos` | Executes various coreclr debugging commands. Use the syntax `sos `. For more information, see 'soshelp'. |
+| `soshelp` or `help` | Displays all available commands. |
+| `soshelp ` or `help ` | Displays the specified command. |
+| `syncblk` | Displays the SyncBlock holder info. |
+| `taskstate` | Displays a Task state in a human readable format. |
+| `threadpool` | Displays info about the runtime thread pool. |
+| `threadpoolqueue` | Displays queued thread pool work items. |
+| `threadstate` | Pretty prints the meaning of a threads state. |
+| `threads ` or `setthread ` | Sets or displays the current thread ID for the SOS commands. |
+| `timerinfo` | Displays information about running timers. |
+| `token2ee` | Displays the MethodTable structure and MethodDesc structure for the specified token and module. |
+| `traverseheap` | Writes out heap information to a file in a format understood by the CLR Profiler. |
+| `verifyheap` | Checks the GC heap for signs of corruption. |
+| `verifyobj` | Checks the object that is passed as an argument for signs of corruption. |
> [!NOTE]
> Additional details can be found in [SOS Debugging Extension for .NET](sos-debugging-extension.md).
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Suppose you start a long-running app using the command ```dotnet run --configura
> dotnet-dump ps
21932 dotnet C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe run --configuration Release
36656 dotnet C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe
diff --git a/docs/core/diagnostics/sos-debugging-extension.md b/docs/core/diagnostics/sos-debugging-extension.md
index 9bbbdd5ef16fa..7c1cc184b1840 100644
--- a/docs/core/diagnostics/sos-debugging-extension.md
+++ b/docs/core/diagnostics/sos-debugging-extension.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: "SOS debugging extension for .NET"
+title: SOS debugging extension for .NET
description: Learn about the SOS debugging extension for .NET, which provides information about the internal CLR environment.
ms.date: 09/11/2023
ms.topic: reference
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Many of the commands have aliases or shortcuts under lldb: `clrstack [options]`
The following table of commands is also available under **Help** or **soshelp**. Individual command help is available using `soshelp `.
| Command | Description |
| **bpmd** [**-nofuturemodule**] [\<*module name*> \<*method name*>] [**-md** <`MethodDesc`>] **-list** **-clear** \<*pending breakpoint number*> **-clearall** | Creates a breakpoint at the specified method in the specified module.
If the specified module and method have not been loaded, this command waits for a notification that the module was loaded and just-in-time (JIT) compiled before creating a breakpoint.
You can manage the list of pending breakpoints by using the **-list**, **-clear**, and **-clearall** options:
The **-list** option generates a list of all the pending breakpoints. If a pending breakpoint has a non-zero module ID, that breakpoint is specific to a function in that particular loaded module. If the pending breakpoint has a zero module ID, that breakpoint applies to modules that have not yet been loaded.
Use the **-clear** or **-clearall** option to remove pending breakpoints from the list. |
| **CLRStack** [**-a**] [**-l**] [**-p**] [**-n**] [**-f**] [**-r**] [**-all**] | Provides a stack trace of managed code only.
The **-p** option shows arguments to the managed function.
The **-l** option shows information on local variables in a frame. The SOS debugging extension cannot retrieve local names, so the output for local names is in the format \<*local address*> **=** \<*value*>.
The **-a** option is a shortcut for **-l** and **-p** combined.
The **-n** option disables the display of source file names and line numbers. If the debugger has the option SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES specified, SOS will look up the symbols for every managed frame and if successful will display the corresponding source file name and line number. The **-n** (No line numbers) parameter can be specified to disable this behavior.
The **-f** option (full mode) displays the native frames intermixing them with the managed frames and the assembly name and function offset for the managed frames. This option does not display native frames when used with `dotnet-dump`.
The **-r** option dumps the registers for each stack frame.
The **-all** option dumps all the managed threads' stacks. |
| **COMState** | Lists the COM apartment model for each thread and a `Context` pointer, if available. This command is only supported on Windows. |
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The following table of commands is also available under **Help** or **soshelp**.
| **DumpModule** [**-mt**] \<*Module address*> | Displays information about a module at the specified address. The **-mt** option displays the types defined in a module and the types referenced by the module
You can use the **DumpDomain** or **DumpAssembly** command to retrieve a module's address. |
| **DumpObj** [**-nofields**] \<*object address*>
**DO** \<*object address*> | Displays information about an object at the specified address. The **DumpObj** command displays the fields, the `EEClass` structure information, the method table, and the size of the object.
You can use the **DumpStackObjects** command to retrieve an object's address.
You can run the **DumpObj** command on fields of type `CLASS` because they are also objects.
The `-`**nofields** option prevents fields of the object being displayed, it is useful for objects like String. |
| **DumpRuntimeTypes** | Displays the runtime type objects in the garbage collector heap and lists their associated type names and method tables. |
-| **DumpStack** [**-EE**] [**-n**] [`top` *stack* [`bottom` *stack*]] | Displays a stack trace.
The **-EE** option causes the **DumpStack** command to display only managed functions. Use the `top` and `bottom` parameters to limit the stack frames displayed on x86 platforms.
The **-n** option disables the display of source file names and line numbers. If the debugger has the option SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES specified, SOS will look up the symbols for every managed frame and if successful will display the corresponding source file name and line number. The **-n** (No line numbers) parameter can be specified to disable this behavior.
+| **DumpStack** [**-EE**] [**-n**] [`top` *stack* [`bottom` *stack*]] | Displays a stack trace.
The **-EE** option causes the **DumpStack** command to display only managed functions. Use the `top` and `bottom` parameters to limit the stack frames displayed on x86 platforms.
The **-n** option disables the display of source file names and line numbers. If the debugger has the option SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES specified, SOS will look up the symbols for every managed frame and if successful will display the corresponding source file name and line number. The **-n** (No line numbers) parameter can be specified to disable this behavior. |
| **DumpSig** \<*sigaddr*> \<*moduleaddr*> | Displays information about a `Sig` structure at the specified address. |
| **DumpSigElem** \<*sigaddr*> \<*moduleaddr*> | Displays a single element of a signature object. In most cases, you should use **DumpSig** to look at individual signature objects. However, if a signature has been corrupted in some way, you can use **DumpSigElem** to read the valid portions of it. |
| **DumpStackObjects** [**-verify**] [`top` *stack* [`bottom` *stack*]]
**DSO** [**-verify**] [`top` *stack* [`bottom` *stack*]] | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack.
The **-verify** option validates each non-static `CLASS` field of an object field.
Use the **DumpStackObject** command with stack tracing commands such as **K** (windbg) or **bt** (lldb) along with the **clrstack** command to determine the values of local variables and parameters. |
@@ -113,124 +113,124 @@ For instructions on configuring SOS for LLDB, see [dotnet-sos](dotnet-sos.md). S
By default you can reach all the SOS commands by entering: `sos [command_name]`. However, the common commands have been aliased so that you don't need the `sos` prefix:
-| Command | Function
-| ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-| `analyzeoom` | Displays the info of the last OOM that occurred on an allocation request to the GC heap.
-| `bpmd` | Creates a breakpoint at the specified managed method in the specified module.
-| `clrmodules` | Lists the managed modules in the process.
-| `clrstack` | Provides a stack trace of managed code only.
-| `clrthreads` | Lists the managed threads that are running.
-| `clru` | Displays an annotated disassembly of a managed method.
-| `dbgout` | Enables/disables (`-off`) internal SOS logging.
-| `dso` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack.
-| `dumpalc` | Displays details about a collectible AssemblyLoadContext to which the specified object is loaded.
-| `dumparray` | Displays details about a managed array.
-| `dumpasync` | Displays info about async state machines on the garbage-collected heap.
-| `dumpassembly` | Displays details about an assembly.
-| `dumpclass` | Displays information about the `EEClass` structure at the specified address.
-| `dumpconcurrentdictionary` | Displays concurrent dictionary content.
-| `dumpconcurrentqueue` | Displays concurrent queue content.
-| `dumpdelegate` | Displays information about a delegate.
-| `dumpdomain` | Displays information about the all assemblies within all the AppDomains or the specified one.
-| `dumpgcdata` | Displays information about the GC data.
-| `dumpgen` | Displays heap content for the specified generation.
-| `dumpheap` | Displays info about the garbage-collected heap and collection statistics about objects.
-| `dumpil` | Displays the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that's associated with a managed method.
-| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of an in-memory stress log to the specified file.
-| `dumpmd` | Displays information about the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address.
-| `dumpmodule` | Displays information about the module at the specified address.
-| `dumpmt` | Displays information about the method table at the specified address.
-| `dumpobj` | Displays info the object at the specified address.
-| `dumpruntimetypes` | Finds all System.RuntimeType objects in the GC heap and prints the type name and MethodTable they refer too.
-| `dumpsig` | Dumps the signature of a method or field specified by ` `.
-| `dumpsigelem` | Dumps a single element of a signature object.
-| `dumpstack` | Displays a native and managed stack trace.
-| `dumpstackobjects` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack.
-| `dumpvc` | Displays info about the fields of a value class.
-| `eeheap` | Displays info about process memory consumed by internal runtime data structures.
-| `eestack` | Runs `dumpstack` on all threads in the process.
-| `eeversion` | Displays information about the runtime and SOS versions.
-| `ehinfo` | Displays the exception handling blocks in a JIT-ed method.
-| `finalizequeue` | Displays all objects registered for finalization.
-| `findappdomain` | Attempts to resolve the AppDomain of a GC object.
-| `findroots` | Finds and displays object roots across GC collections.
-| `gchandles` | Displays statistics about garbage collector handles in the process.
-| `gcheapstat` | Displays statistics about garbage collector.
-| `gcinfo` | Displays the JIT GC encoding for a method.
-| `gcroot` | Displays info about references (or roots) to the object at the specified address.
-| `gcwhere` | Displays the location in the GC heap of the specified address.
-| `histclear` | Releases any resources used by the family of Hist commands.
-| `histinit` | Initializes the SOS structures from the stress log saved in the debuggee.
-| `histobj` | Examines all stress log relocation records and displays the chain of garbage collection relocations that may have led to the address passed in as an argument.
-| `histobjfind` | Displays all the log entries that reference the object at the specified address.
-| `histroot` | Displays information related to both promotions and relocations of the specified root.
-| `histstats` | Displays stress log stats.
-| `ip2md` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address in code that has been JIT-compiled.
-| `listnearobj` | Displays the object preceding and succeeding the specified address.
-| `loadsymbols` | Loads the .NET native module symbols.
-| `logging` | Enables/disables internal SOS logging.
-| `name2ee` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the specified type or method in the specified module.
-| `objsize` | Displays the size of the specified object.
-| `parallelstacks` | Displays the merged threads stack similarly to the Visual Studio 'Parallel Stacks' panel.
-| `pathto` | Displays the GC path from `` to ``.
-| `pe` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address.
-| `printexception` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address.
-| `runtimes` | Lists the runtimes in the target or change the default runtime.
-| `stoponcatch` | Target process will break the next time a managed exception is caught during execution.
-| `setclrpath` | Sets the path to load coreclr dac/dbi files. `setclrpath `.
-| `sethostruntime` | Sets or displays the .NET runtime directory to use to run managed code in SOS.
-| `setsymbolserver` | Enables the symbol server support.
-| `setsostid` | Sets the current OS tid/thread index instead of using the one lldb provides. `setsostid `.
-| `sos` | Executes various coreclr debugging commands. Use the syntax `sos `. For more information, see 'soshelp'.
-| `soshelp` | Displays all available commands when no parameter is specified, or displays detailed help information about the specified command: `soshelp `.
-| `syncblk` | Displays the SyncBlock holder info.
-| `taskstate` | Displays a Task state in a human readable format.
-| `threadpool` | Displays info about the runtime thread pool.
-| `threadpoolqueue` | Displays queued thread pool work items.
-| `threadstate` | Pretty prints the meaning of a threads state.
-| `timerinfo` | Displays information about running timers.
-| `token2ee` | Displays the MethodTable structure and MethodDesc structure for the specified token and module.
-| `traverseheap` | Writes out heap information to a file in a format understood by the CLR Profiler.
-| `verifyheap` | Checks the GC heap for signs of corruption.
-| `verifyobj` | Checks the object that is passed as an argument for signs of corruption.
+| Command | Function |
+| ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `analyzeoom` | Displays the info of the last OOM that occurred on an allocation request to the GC heap. |
+| `bpmd` | Creates a breakpoint at the specified managed method in the specified module. |
+| `clrmodules` | Lists the managed modules in the process. |
+| `clrstack` | Provides a stack trace of managed code only. |
+| `clrthreads` | Lists the managed threads that are running. |
+| `clru` | Displays an annotated disassembly of a managed method. |
+| `dbgout` | Enables/disables (`-off`) internal SOS logging. |
+| `dso` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack. |
+| `dumpalc` | Displays details about a collectible AssemblyLoadContext to which the specified object is loaded. |
+| `dumparray` | Displays details about a managed array. |
+| `dumpasync` | Displays info about async state machines on the garbage-collected heap. |
+| `dumpassembly` | Displays details about an assembly. |
+| `dumpclass` | Displays information about the `EEClass` structure at the specified address. |
+| `dumpconcurrentdictionary` | Displays concurrent dictionary content. |
+| `dumpconcurrentqueue` | Displays concurrent queue content. |
+| `dumpdelegate` | Displays information about a delegate. |
+| `dumpdomain` | Displays information about the all assemblies within all the AppDomains or the specified one. |
+| `dumpgcdata` | Displays information about the GC data. |
+| `dumpgen` | Displays heap content for the specified generation. |
+| `dumpheap` | Displays info about the garbage-collected heap and collection statistics about objects. |
+| `dumpil` | Displays the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that's associated with a managed method. |
+| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of an in-memory stress log to the specified file. |
+| `dumpmd` | Displays information about the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address. |
+| `dumpmodule` | Displays information about the module at the specified address. |
+| `dumpmt` | Displays information about the method table at the specified address. |
+| `dumpobj` | Displays info the object at the specified address. |
+| `dumpruntimetypes` | Finds all System.RuntimeType objects in the GC heap and prints the type name and MethodTable they refer too. |
+| `dumpsig` | Dumps the signature of a method or field specified by ` `. |
+| `dumpsigelem` | Dumps a single element of a signature object. |
+| `dumpstack` | Displays a native and managed stack trace. |
+| `dumpstackobjects` | Displays all managed objects found within the bounds of the current stack. |
+| `dumpvc` | Displays info about the fields of a value class. |
+| `eeheap` | Displays info about process memory consumed by internal runtime data structures. |
+| `eestack` | Runs `dumpstack` on all threads in the process. |
+| `eeversion` | Displays information about the runtime and SOS versions. |
+| `ehinfo` | Displays the exception handling blocks in a JIT-ed method. |
+| `finalizequeue` | Displays all objects registered for finalization. |
+| `findappdomain` | Attempts to resolve the AppDomain of a GC object. |
+| `findroots` | Finds and displays object roots across GC collections. |
+| `gchandles` | Displays statistics about garbage collector handles in the process. |
+| `gcheapstat` | Displays statistics about garbage collector. |
+| `gcinfo` | Displays the JIT GC encoding for a method. |
+| `gcroot` | Displays info about references (or roots) to the object at the specified address. |
+| `gcwhere` | Displays the location in the GC heap of the specified address. |
+| `histclear` | Releases any resources used by the family of Hist commands. |
+| `histinit` | Initializes the SOS structures from the stress log saved in the debuggee. |
+| `histobj` | Examines all stress log relocation records and displays the chain of garbage collection relocations that may have led to the address passed in as an argument. |
+| `histobjfind` | Displays all the log entries that reference the object at the specified address. |
+| `histroot` | Displays information related to both promotions and relocations of the specified root. |
+| `histstats` | Displays stress log stats. |
+| `ip2md` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the specified address in code that has been JIT-compiled. |
+| `listnearobj` | Displays the object preceding and succeeding the specified address. |
+| `loadsymbols` | Loads the .NET native module symbols. |
+| `logging` | Enables/disables internal SOS logging. |
+| `name2ee` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the specified type or method in the specified module. |
+| `objsize` | Displays the size of the specified object. |
+| `parallelstacks` | Displays the merged threads stack similarly to the Visual Studio 'Parallel Stacks' panel. |
+| `pathto` | Displays the GC path from `` to ``. |
+| `pe` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address. |
+| `printexception` | Displays and formats fields of any object derived from the class at the specified address. |
+| `runtimes` | Lists the runtimes in the target or change the default runtime. |
+| `stoponcatch` | Target process will break the next time a managed exception is caught during execution. |
+| `setclrpath` | Sets the path to load coreclr dac/dbi files. `setclrpath `. |
+| `sethostruntime` | Sets or displays the .NET runtime directory to use to run managed code in SOS. |
+| `setsymbolserver` | Enables the symbol server support. |
+| `setsostid` | Sets the current OS tid/thread index instead of using the one lldb provides. `setsostid `. |
+| `sos` | Executes various coreclr debugging commands. Use the syntax `sos `. For more information, see 'soshelp'. |
+| `soshelp` | Displays all available commands when no parameter is specified, or displays detailed help information about the specified command: `soshelp `. |
+| `syncblk` | Displays the SyncBlock holder info. |
+| `taskstate` | Displays a Task state in a human readable format. |
+| `threadpool` | Displays info about the runtime thread pool. |
+| `threadpoolqueue` | Displays queued thread pool work items. |
+| `threadstate` | Pretty prints the meaning of a threads state. |
+| `timerinfo` | Displays information about running timers. |
+| `token2ee` | Displays the MethodTable structure and MethodDesc structure for the specified token and module. |
+| `traverseheap` | Writes out heap information to a file in a format understood by the CLR Profiler. |
+| `verifyheap` | Checks the GC heap for signs of corruption. |
+| `verifyobj` | Checks the object that is passed as an argument for signs of corruption. |
## Windbg/cdb example usage
-| Command | Description
-| - | -
-| `!dumparray -start 2 -length 5 -details 00ad28d0` | Displays the contents of an array at the address `00ad28d0`. The display starts from the second element and continues for five elements.
-| `!dumpassembly 1ca248` | Displays the contents of an assembly at the address `1ca248`.
-| `!dumpheap` | Displays information about the garbage collector heap.
-| `!DumpLog` | Writes the contents of the in-memory stress log to a (default) file called StressLog.txt in the current directory.
- `!dumpmd 902f40` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the address `902f40`.
-| `!dumpmodule 1caa50` | Displays information about a module at the address `1caa50`.
-| `!DumpObj a79d40` | Displays information about an object at the address `a79d40`.
-| `!DumpVC 0090320c 00a79d9c` | Displays the fields of a value class at the address `00a79d9c` using the method table at the address `0090320c`.
-| `!eeheap` -gc | Displays the process memory used by the garbage collector.
-| `!finalizequeue` | Displays all objects scheduled for finalization.
-| `!findappdomain 00a79d98` | Determines the application domain of an object at the address `00a79d98`.
-| `!gcinfo 5b68dbb8` | Displays all garbage collector handles in the current process.
-| `!name2ee unittest.exe MainClass.Main` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the `Main` method in the class `MainClass` in the module `unittest.exe`.
-| `!token2ee unittest.exe 02000003` | Displays information about the metadata token at the address `02000003` in the module `unittest.exe`.
+| Command | Description |
+| - | - |
+| `!dumparray -start 2 -length 5 -details 00ad28d0` | Displays the contents of an array at the address `00ad28d0`. The display starts from the second element and continues for five elements. |
+| `!dumpassembly 1ca248` | Displays the contents of an assembly at the address `1ca248`. |
+| `!dumpheap` | Displays information about the garbage collector heap. |
+| `!DumpLog` | Writes the contents of the in-memory stress log to a (default) file called StressLog.txt in the current directory. |
+| `!dumpmd 902f40` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the address `902f40`. |
+| `!dumpmodule 1caa50` | Displays information about a module at the address `1caa50`. |
+| `!DumpObj a79d40` | Displays information about an object at the address `a79d40`. |
+| `!DumpVC 0090320c 00a79d9c` | Displays the fields of a value class at the address `00a79d9c` using the method table at the address `0090320c`. |
+| `!eeheap` -gc | Displays the process memory used by the garbage collector. |
+| `!finalizequeue` | Displays all objects scheduled for finalization. |
+| `!findappdomain 00a79d98` | Determines the application domain of an object at the address `00a79d98`. |
+| `!gcinfo 5b68dbb8` | Displays all garbage collector handles in the current process. |
+| `!name2ee unittest.exe MainClass.Main` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the `Main` method in the class `MainClass` in the module `unittest.exe`. |
+| `!token2ee unittest.exe 02000003` | Displays information about the metadata token at the address `02000003` in the module `unittest.exe`. |
## LLDB example usage
-| Command | Description
-| - | -
-| `dumparray -start 2 -length 5 -details 00ad28d0` | Displays the contents of an array at the address `00ad28d0`. The display starts from the second element and continues for five elements.
-| `dumpassembly 1ca248` | Displays the contents of an assembly at the address `1ca248`.
-| `dumpheap` | Displays information about the garbage collector heap.
-| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of the in-memory stress log to a (default) file called StressLog.txt in the current directory.
-| `dumpmd 902f40` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the address `902f40`.
-| `dumpmodule 1caa50` | Displays information about a module at the address `1caa50`.
-| `dumpobj a79d40` | Displays information about an object at the address `a79d40`.
-| `dumpvc 0090320c 00a79d9c` | Displays the fields of a value class at the address `00a79d9c` using the method table at the address `0090320c`.
-| `eeheap -gc` | Displays the process memory used by the garbage collector.
-| `findappdomain 00a79d98` | Determines the application domain of an object at the address `00a79d98`.
-| `gcinfo 5b68dbb8` | Displays all garbage collector handles in the current process.
-| `name2ee unittest.exe MainClass.Main` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the `Main` method in the class `MainClass` in the module `unittest.exe`.
-| `token2ee unittest.exe 02000003` | Displays information about the metadata token at the address `02000003` in the module `unittest.exe`.
-| `clrthreads` | Displays the managed threads.
+| Command | Description |
+| - | - |
+| `dumparray -start 2 -length 5 -details 00ad28d0` | Displays the contents of an array at the address `00ad28d0`. The display starts from the second element and continues for five elements. |
+| `dumpassembly 1ca248` | Displays the contents of an assembly at the address `1ca248`. |
+| `dumpheap` | Displays information about the garbage collector heap. |
+| `dumplog` | Writes the contents of the in-memory stress log to a (default) file called StressLog.txt in the current directory. |
+| `dumpmd 902f40` | Displays the `MethodDesc` structure at the address `902f40`. |
+| `dumpmodule 1caa50` | Displays information about a module at the address `1caa50`. |
+| `dumpobj a79d40` | Displays information about an object at the address `a79d40`. |
+| `dumpvc 0090320c 00a79d9c` | Displays the fields of a value class at the address `00a79d9c` using the method table at the address `0090320c`. |
+| `eeheap -gc` | Displays the process memory used by the garbage collector. |
+| `findappdomain 00a79d98` | Determines the application domain of an object at the address `00a79d98`. |
+| `gcinfo 5b68dbb8` | Displays all garbage collector handles in the current process. |
+| `name2ee unittest.exe MainClass.Main` | Displays the `MethodTable` and `EEClass` structures for the `Main` method in the class `MainClass` in the module `unittest.exe`. |
+| `token2ee unittest.exe 02000003` | Displays information about the metadata token at the address `02000003` in the module `unittest.exe`. |
+| `clrthreads` | Displays the managed threads. |
## See also
diff --git a/docs/core/extensions/globalization.md b/docs/core/extensions/globalization.md
index 08aa7ea3ebd29..f426ab0b256a8 100644
--- a/docs/core/extensions/globalization.md
+++ b/docs/core/extensions/globalization.md
@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ Culture-sensitive string comparison is defined by the article.
-| .NET Framework version | Operating system | Unicode version |
-| .NET Framework 2.0 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
-| .NET Framework 3.0 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
-| .NET Framework 3.5 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
-| .NET Framework 4 | All operating systems | Unicode 5.0 |
-| .NET Framework 4.5 and later on Windows 7 | Unicode 5.0 |
-| .NET Framework 4.5 and later on Windows 8 and later operating systems | | Unicode 6.3.0 |
-| .NET Core and .NET 5+ | | Depends on the version of the Unicode Standard supported by the underlying operating system. |
+| .NET Framework version | Operating system | Unicode version |
+| .NET Framework 2.0 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
+| .NET Framework 3.0 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
+| .NET Framework 3.5 | All operating systems | Unicode 4.1 |
+| .NET Framework 4 | All operating systems | Unicode 5.0 |
+| .NET Framework 4.5 and later | Windows 7 | Unicode 5.0 |
+| .NET Framework 4.5 and later | Windows 8 and later operating systems | Unicode 6.3.0 |
+| .NET Core and .NET 5+ | | Depends on the version of the Unicode Standard supported by the underlying OS. |
Starting with .NET Framework 4.5 and in all versions of .NET Core and .NET 5+, string comparison and sorting depends on the operating system. .NET Framework 4.5 and later running on Windows 7 retrieves data from its own tables that implement Unicode 5.0. .NET Framework 4.5 and later running on Windows 8 and later retrieves data from operating system tables that implement Unicode 6.3. On .NET Core and .NET 5+, the supported version of Unicode depends on the underlying operating system. If you serialize culture-sensitive sorted data, you can use the class to determine when your serialized data needs to be sorted so that it is consistent with .NET and the operating system's sort order. For an example, see the class topic.
diff --git a/docs/core/project-sdk/overview.md b/docs/core/project-sdk/overview.md
index 6055c95a4320c..6870f4c68871e 100644
--- a/docs/core/project-sdk/overview.md
+++ b/docs/core/project-sdk/overview.md
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ The following SDKs are available:
| - | - | - |
| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk` | The .NET SDK | |
| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web` | The .NET [Web SDK](/aspnet/core/razor-pages/web-sdk) | |
-| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly` | The .NET [Blazor WebAssembly](/aspnet/core/blazor#blazor-webassembly) SDK |
-| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor` | The .NET [Razor SDK](/aspnet/core/razor-pages/sdk) |
-| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker` | The .NET [Worker Service](../extensions/workers.md) SDK |
+| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly` | The .NET [Blazor WebAssembly](/aspnet/core/blazor#blazor-webassembly) SDK | |
+| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor` | The .NET [Razor SDK](/aspnet/core/razor-pages/sdk) | |
+| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker` | The .NET [Worker Service](../extensions/workers.md) SDK | |
| `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop` | The .NET [Desktop SDK](msbuild-props-desktop.md), which includes Windows Forms (WinForms) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).\* | and |
The .NET SDK is the base SDK for .NET. The other SDKs reference the .NET SDK, and projects that are associated with the other SDKs have all the .NET SDK properties available to them. The Web SDK, for example, depends on both the .NET SDK and the Razor SDK.
diff --git a/docs/core/runtime-config/wpf.md b/docs/core/runtime-config/wpf.md
index 0b1037be54044..6cebffe1280b2 100644
--- a/docs/core/runtime-config/wpf.md
+++ b/docs/core/runtime-config/wpf.md
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ This article details the settings you can use to configure Windows Presentation
- Configures whether hardware acceleration is used for WPF apps that are accessed through Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Hardware acceleration refers to the use of a computer's graphics processing unit (GPU) to speed up the rendering of graphics and visual effects in an application. This can result in improved performance and more seamless, responsive graphics.
- If you omit this setting, graphics are rendered by software instead. This is equivalent to setting the value to `false`.
-| | Setting name | Values | Version introduced
-| - | - | - | - |
+| Setting type | Setting name | Values | Version introduced |
| **runtimeconfig.json** | `Switch.System.Windows.Media.EnableHardwareAccelerationInRdp` | `true` - enabled
`false` - disabled | .NET 8 |
-| **Environment variable** | N/A | N/A | |
+| **Environment variable** | N/A | | |
[!INCLUDE [runtimehostconfigurationoption](includes/runtimehostconfigurationoption.md)]
diff --git a/docs/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch.md b/docs/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch.md
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--- a/docs/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch.md
+++ b/docs/core/runtime-discovery/troubleshoot-app-launch.md
@@ -136,18 +136,22 @@ Alternately, you can download a runtime from the [.NET downloads](https://dotnet
The following table shows the frameworks that each runtime contains.
::: zone pivot="os-windows"
| Runtime download | Included frameworks |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| ASP.NET Core Runtime | Microsoft.NETCore.App
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App |
| .NET Desktop Runtime | Microsoft.NETCore.App
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App |
| .NET Runtime | Microsoft.NETCore.App |
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="os-linux,os-macos"
| Runtime download | Included frameworks |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| ASP.NET Core Runtime | Microsoft.NETCore.App
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App |
| .NET Runtime | Microsoft.NETCore.App |
::: zone-end
Select a runtime download that contains the missing framework, and then install it.
diff --git a/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-runsettings.md b/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-runsettings.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a390fa8770763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-runsettings.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+title: MSTest runner runsettings
+description: Learn how to use runsettings with MSTest runner to configure MSTest test framework.
+author: nohwnd
+ms.author: jajares
+ms.date: 01/03/2024
+# Use runsettings with MSTest runner
+MSTest runner allows you to provide a [VSTest *.runsettings* file](/visualstudio/test/configure-unit-tests-by-using-a-dot-runsettings-file), but not all options in this file are picked up by the runner. This article teaches you about the supported and unsupported settings, and configuration options. This article also shows you alternatives for the most used VSTest configuration options.
+## Supported runsettings
+All runsettings in `` section of the configuration file are supported by MSTest runner.
+For their full descriptions, see [MSTest element](/visualstudio/test/configure-unit-tests-by-using-a-dot-runsettings-file#mstest-element).
+## Unsupported runsettings
+The **RunConfiguration** element can include the following elements. None of these settings are respected by the MSTest runner:
+| Node | Description | Reason / Workaround |
+|**MaxCpuCount**|This setting controls the level of parallelism on process-level. Use 0 to enable the maximum process-level parallelism.| When MSTest runner is used with MSBuild, this option is [offloaded to MSBuild](/visualstudio/msbuild/building-multiple-projects-in-parallel-with-msbuild). When a single executable is run, this option has no meaning for MSTest runner. |
+|**ResultsDirectory**|The directory where test results are placed. The path is relative to the directory that contains the *.runsettings* file.| Use the command-line option `--results-directory` to determine the directory where the test results are going to be placed. If the specified directory doesn't exist, it's created. The default is `TestResults` in the directory that contains the test application. |
+|**TargetFrameworkVersion**| This setting defines the framework version, or framework family to use to run tests.| This option is ignored. The `` or `` MSBuild properties determine the target framework of the application. The tests are hosted in the final application. |
+|**TargetPlatform**|This setting defines the architecture to use to run tests. | `` determines the architecture of the final application that hosts the tests. |
+|**TreatTestAdapterErrorsAsWarnings**|Suppresses test adapter errors to become warnings. | MSTest runner allows only one type of tests to be run from a single assembly, and failure to load the test framework or other parts of infrastructure will become an un-skippable error, because it signifies that some tests could not be discovered or run. |
+|**TestAdaptersPaths**| One or more paths to the directory where the TestAdapters are located| MSTest runner does not use the concept of test adapters and does not allow dynamic loading of extensions unless they are part of the build, and are registered in `Program.cs`, either automatically via build targets or manually. |
+|**TestCaseFilter**| A filter to limit tests which will run. | To filter tests use `--filter` command line option. |
+|**TestSessionTimeout**|Allows users to terminate a test session when it exceeds a given timeout.| There is no alternative option. |
+|**DotnetHostPath**|Specify a custom path to dotnet host that is used to run the test host. | MSTest runner is not doing any additional resolving of dotnet. It depends fully on how dotnet resolves itself, which can be controlled by environment variables such as [`DOTNET_HOST_PATH`](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-environment-variables#dotnet_host_path). |
+|**TreatNoTestsAsError**| Exit with non-zero exit code when no tests are discovered. | MSTest runner will error by default when no tests are discovered or run in a test application. You can set how many tests you expect to find in the assembly by using `--minimum-expected-tests` command line parameter, which defaults to 1. |
+### DataCollectionRunSettings
+MSTest runner is not using data collectors. Instead it has the concept of in-process and out-of-process extensions. Each extension is configured by its respective configuration file or through the command line.
+Most importantly [hang](unit-testing-mstest-runner-extensions.md#hang-dump-files) and [crash](unit-testing-mstest-runner-extensions.md#crash-dump-files) extension, and [code coverage](unit-testing-mstest-runner-extensions.md#microsoft-code-coverage) extension.
+### LoggerRunSettings
+Loggers in MSTest runner are configured through command-line parameters or by settings in code.
diff --git a/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-vs-vstest.md b/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-vs-vstest.md
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--- a/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-vs-vstest.md
+++ b/docs/core/testing/unit-testing-mstest-runner-vs-vstest.md
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ VSTest is extensible and common types are placed in [Microsoft.TestPlatform.Obje
The MSTest runner is based on [Microsoft.Testing.Platform](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Testing.Platform) NuGet package and other libraries in the `Microsoft.Testing.*` namespace. Like VSTest, the `Microsoft.Testing.Platform` is open-source and has a [microsoft/testfx](https://github.com/microsoft/testfx/tree/main/src/Platform/Microsoft.Testing.Platform) GitHub repository.
+## Communication protocol
+The MSTest runner uses a JSON-RPC based protocol to communicate between Visual Studio and the test runner process. The protocol is documented in the [MSTest github repository](https://github.com/microsoft/testfx/tree/main/docs/mstest-runner-protocol).
+VSTest also uses a JSON based communication protocol, but it's not JSON-RPC based.
## Executables
VSTest ships multiple executables, notably `vstest.console.exe`, `testhost.exe`, and `datacollector.exe`. However, MSTest is embedded directly into your test project and doesn't ship any other executables. The executable your test project compiles to is used to host all the testing tools and carry out all the tasks needed to run tests.
diff --git a/docs/core/tools/dotnet.md b/docs/core/tools/dotnet.md
index 5a4d48805fb1f..a4f9a70231a50 100644
--- a/docs/core/tools/dotnet.md
+++ b/docs/core/tools/dotnet.md
@@ -180,55 +180,55 @@ The following options are available only when `dotnet` runs an application by us
### Project references
-Command | Function
---- | ---
-[dotnet add reference](dotnet-add-reference.md) | Adds a project reference.
-[dotnet list reference](dotnet-list-reference.md) | Lists project references.
-[dotnet remove reference](dotnet-remove-reference.md) | Removes a project reference.
+| Command | Function |
+| [dotnet add reference](dotnet-add-reference.md) | Adds a project reference. |
+| [dotnet list reference](dotnet-list-reference.md) | Lists project references. |
+| [dotnet remove reference](dotnet-remove-reference.md) | Removes a project reference. |
### NuGet packages
-Command | Function
---- | ---
-[dotnet add package](dotnet-add-package.md) | Adds a NuGet package.
-[dotnet remove package](dotnet-remove-package.md) | Removes a NuGet package.
+| Command | Function |
+| [dotnet add package](dotnet-add-package.md) | Adds a NuGet package. |
+| [dotnet remove package](dotnet-remove-package.md) | Removes a NuGet package. |
### NuGet commands
-Command | Function
---- | ---
-[dotnet nuget delete](dotnet-nuget-delete.md) | Deletes or unlists a package from the server.
-[dotnet nuget push](dotnet-nuget-push.md) | Pushes a package to the server and publishes it.
-[dotnet nuget locals](dotnet-nuget-locals.md) | Clears or lists local NuGet resources such as http-request cache, temporary cache, or machine-wide global packages folder.
-[dotnet nuget add source](dotnet-nuget-add-source.md) | Adds a NuGet source.
-[dotnet nuget disable source](dotnet-nuget-disable-source.md) | Disables a NuGet source.
-[dotnet nuget enable source](dotnet-nuget-enable-source.md) | Enables a NuGet source.
-[dotnet nuget list source](dotnet-nuget-list-source.md) | Lists all configured NuGet sources.
-[dotnet nuget remove source](dotnet-nuget-remove-source.md) | Removes a NuGet source.
-[dotnet nuget update source](dotnet-nuget-update-source.md) | Updates a NuGet source.
+| Command | Function |
+| [dotnet nuget delete](dotnet-nuget-delete.md) | Deletes or unlists a package from the server. |
+| [dotnet nuget push](dotnet-nuget-push.md) | Pushes a package to the server and publishes it. |
+| [dotnet nuget locals](dotnet-nuget-locals.md) | Clears or lists local NuGet resources such as http-request cache, temporary cache, or machine-wide global packages folder. |
+| [dotnet nuget add source](dotnet-nuget-add-source.md) | Adds a NuGet source. |
+| [dotnet nuget disable source](dotnet-nuget-disable-source.md) | Disables a NuGet source. |
+| [dotnet nuget enable source](dotnet-nuget-enable-source.md) | Enables a NuGet source. |
+| [dotnet nuget list source](dotnet-nuget-list-source.md) | Lists all configured NuGet sources. |
+| [dotnet nuget remove source](dotnet-nuget-remove-source.md) | Removes a NuGet source. |
+| [dotnet nuget update source](dotnet-nuget-update-source.md) | Updates a NuGet source. |
### Workload commands
-Command | Function
---- | ---
-[dotnet workload install](dotnet-workload-install.md) | Installs an optional workload.
-[dotnet workload list](dotnet-workload-list.md) | Lists all installed workloads.
-[dotnet workload repair](dotnet-workload-repair.md) | Repairs all installed workloads.
-[dotnet workload search](dotnet-workload-search.md) | List selected workloads or all available workloads.
-[dotnet workload uninstall](dotnet-workload-install.md) | Uninstalls a workload.
-[dotnet workload update](dotnet-workload-update.md) | Reinstalls all installed workloads.
+| Command | Function |
+| [dotnet workload install](dotnet-workload-install.md) | Installs an optional workload. |
+| [dotnet workload list](dotnet-workload-list.md) | Lists all installed workloads. |
+| [dotnet workload repair](dotnet-workload-repair.md) | Repairs all installed workloads. |
+| [dotnet workload search](dotnet-workload-search.md) | List selected workloads or all available workloads. |
+| [dotnet workload uninstall](dotnet-workload-install.md) | Uninstalls a workload. |
+| [dotnet workload update](dotnet-workload-update.md) | Reinstalls all installed workloads. |
### Global, tool-path, and local tools commands
Tools are console applications that are installed from NuGet packages and are invoked from the command prompt. You can write tools yourself or install tools written by third parties. Tools are also known as global tools, tool-path tools, and local tools. For more information, see [.NET tools overview](global-tools.md).
-Command | Function
---- | ---
-[dotnet tool install](dotnet-tool-install.md) | Installs a tool on your machine.
-[dotnet tool list](dotnet-tool-list.md) | Lists all global, tool-path, or local tools currently installed on your machine.
-[dotnet tool search](dotnet-tool-search.md) | Searches NuGet.org for tools that have the specified search term in their name or metadata.
-[dotnet tool uninstall](dotnet-tool-uninstall.md) | Uninstalls a tool from your machine.
-[dotnet tool update](dotnet-tool-update.md) | Updates a tool that is installed on your machine.
+| Command | Function |
+| [dotnet tool install](dotnet-tool-install.md) | Installs a tool on your machine. |
+| [dotnet tool list](dotnet-tool-list.md) | Lists all global, tool-path, or local tools currently installed on your machine. |
+| [dotnet tool search](dotnet-tool-search.md) | Searches NuGet.org for tools that have the specified search term in their name or metadata. |
+| [dotnet tool uninstall](dotnet-tool-uninstall.md) | Uninstalls a tool from your machine. |
+| [dotnet tool update](dotnet-tool-update.md) | Updates a tool that is installed on your machine. |
### Additional tools
diff --git a/docs/csharp/linq/query-a-collection-of-objects.md b/docs/csharp/linq/query-a-collection-of-objects.md
index 359424e7bac96..b08c6782eb363 100644
--- a/docs/csharp/linq/query-a-collection-of-objects.md
+++ b/docs/csharp/linq/query-a-collection-of-objects.md
@@ -5,18 +5,16 @@ ms.date: 07/16/2023
# Query a collection of objects
-The term "LINQ to Objects" refers to the use of LINQ queries with any or collection directly, without the use of an intermediate LINQ provider or API such as [LINQ to SQL](../../framework/data/adonet/sql/linq/index.md) or [LINQ to XML](../../standard/linq/linq-xml-overview.md). You can use LINQ to query any enumerable collections such as , , or . The collection may be user-defined or may be returned by a .NET API. In the LINQ approach, you write declarative code that describes what you want to retrieve.
- In addition, LINQ queries offer three main advantages over traditional `foreach` loops:
-- They are more concise and readable, especially when filtering multiple conditions.
-- They provide powerful filtering, ordering, and grouping capabilities with a minimum of application code.
-- They can be ported to other data sources with little or no modification.
- In general, the more complex the operation you want to perform on the data, the more benefit you'll realize by using LINQ instead of traditional iteration techniques.
+The term "LINQ to Objects" refers to the use of LINQ queries with any or collection directly, without the use of an intermediate LINQ provider or API such as [LINQ to SQL](../../framework/data/adonet/sql/linq/index.md) or [LINQ to XML](../../standard/linq/linq-xml-overview.md). You can use LINQ to query any enumerable collections such as , , or . The collection may be user-defined or may be returned by a .NET API. In the LINQ approach, you write declarative code that describes what you want to retrieve.
+In addition, LINQ queries offer three main advantages over traditional `foreach` loops:
+- They are more concise and readable, especially when filtering multiple conditions.
+- They provide powerful filtering, ordering, and grouping capabilities with a minimum of application code.
+- They can be ported to other data sources with little or no modification.
+In general, the more complex the operation you want to perform on the data, the more benefit you'll realize by using LINQ instead of traditional iteration techniques.
This example shows how to perform a simple query over a list of `Student` objects. Each `Student` object contains some basic information about the student, and a list that represents the student's scores on four examinations.
> [!NOTE]
@@ -29,91 +27,91 @@ This example shows how to perform a simple query over a list of `Student` object
The following query returns the students who received a score of 90 or greater on their first exam.
:::code language="csharp" source="../../../samples/snippets/csharp/concepts/linq/LinqSamples/QueryCollectionOfObjects.cs" id="query_a_collection_of_objects_2":::
This query is intentionally simple to enable you to experiment. For example, you can try more conditions in the `where` clause, or use an `orderby` clause to sort the results.
## Classification of standard query operators by manner of execution
-The LINQ to Objects implementations of the standard query operator methods execute in one of two main ways: immediate or deferred. The query operators that use deferred execution can be additionally divided into two categories: streaming and non-streaming. If you know how the different query operators execute, it may help you understand the results that you get from a given query. This is especially true if the data source is changing or if you are building a query on top of another query. This topic classifies the standard query operators according to their manner of execution.
-### Immediate
+The LINQ to Objects implementations of the standard query operator methods execute in one of two main ways: immediate or deferred. The query operators that use deferred execution can be additionally divided into two categories: streaming and non-streaming. If you know how the different query operators execute, it may help you understand the results that you get from a given query. This is especially true if the data source is changing or if you are building a query on top of another query. This topic classifies the standard query operators according to their manner of execution.
+### Immediate
Immediate execution means that the data source is read and the operation is performed once. All the standard query operators that return a scalar result execute immediately. You can force a query to execute immediately using the or methods. Immediate execution provides reuse of query results, not query declaration. The results are retrieved once, then stored for future use.
-### Deferred
+### Deferred
Deferred execution means that the operation is not performed at the point in the code where the query is declared. The operation is performed only when the query variable is enumerated, for example by using a `foreach` statement. This means that the results of executing the query depend on the contents of the data source when the query is executed rather than when the query is defined. If the query variable is enumerated multiple times, the results might differ every time. Almost all the standard query operators whose return type is or execute in a deferred manner. Deferred execution provides the facility of query reuse since the query fetches the updated data from the data source each time query results are iterated.
- Query operators that use deferred execution can be additionally classified as streaming or non-streaming.
-#### Streaming
- Streaming operators do not have to read all the source data before they yield elements. At the time of execution, a streaming operator performs its operation on each source element as it is read and yields the element if appropriate. A streaming operator continues to read source elements until a result element can be produced. This means that more than one source element might be read to produce one result element.
+ Query operators that use deferred execution can be additionally classified as streaming or non-streaming.
+#### Streaming
+ Streaming operators do not have to read all the source data before they yield elements. At the time of execution, a streaming operator performs its operation on each source element as it is read and yields the element if appropriate. A streaming operator continues to read source elements until a result element can be produced. This means that more than one source element might be read to produce one result element.
#### Non-streaming
- Non-streaming operators must read all the source data before they can yield a result element. Operations such as sorting or grouping fall into this category. At the time of execution, non-streaming query operators read all the source data, put it into a data structure, perform the operation, and yield the resulting elements.
+ Non-streaming operators must read all the source data before they can yield a result element. Operations such as sorting or grouping fall into this category. At the time of execution, non-streaming query operators read all the source data, put it into a data structure, perform the operation, and yield the resulting elements.
## Classification table
- The following table classifies each standard query operator method according to its method of execution.
+ The following table classifies each standard query operator method according to its method of execution.
> [!NOTE]
-> If an operator is marked in two columns, two input sequences are involved in the operation, and each sequence is evaluated differently. In these cases, it is always the first sequence in the parameter list that is evaluated in a deferred, streaming manner.
+> If an operator is marked in two columns, two input sequences are involved in the operation, and each sequence is evaluated differently. In these cases, it is always the first sequence in the parameter list that is evaluated in a deferred, streaming manner.
|Standard query operator | Return type | Immediate execution | Deferred streaming execution | Deferred Non-streaming execution |
-||Single numeric value|X|||
-||Single numeric value, `TSource`, or `TResult?`|X|||
-||Single numeric value, `TSource`, or `TResult?`|X|||
-||Single numeric value|X|||
-||`TSource[]` array|X|||
+||Single numeric value|X|||