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365 lines (240 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

365 lines (240 loc) · 12.4 KB

Version history


Support for the FormattableString commands.

Now each method that receives a command also have a version that can receive FormattableString instead of string, where format arguments are parsed as valid database parameters to avoid injection.

For example, before:

connection.Read("select @p1, @p2", 1, 2);

Now can be written as

connection.ReadFormat($"select {1}, {2}");

Where arguments can be any object value that will be parsed to database parameter, or valid DbParameter instance.

For example:

connection.ReadFormat($"select {new SqlParameter("", 1)}, {new SqlParameter("", 1)}");

You can even mix parameter values and DbParameter instances:

connection.ReadFormat($"select {1}, {new SqlParameter("", 2)}");


  • You can use DbParameter instances to set parameter types more precisely.
  • When using DbParameter instances name of the parameter is irelevant, argument parser will asign a new name. In examples above, name is left blank.

This applies to all extensions that receive a command string. New method extensions are:


See unit tests here.


Fix rare cache issue not updating cache when TimeSpan is resolved.


1) Support for multiple mappings from the same command

Norm can now map to multiple instances from the same command. Example:

record Record1(int Id1, int Id2);
record Record2(int Id3, int Id4);

var sql = "select 1 as id1, 2 as id2, 3 as id3, 4 as id4";
var (record1, record2) = connection.Read<Record1, Record2>(sql).Single();

Console.WriteLine(record1.Id1); // outputs 1
Console.WriteLine(record1.Id2); // outputs 2
Console.WriteLine(record2.Id3); // outputs 3
Console.WriteLine(record2.Id4); // outputs 4

This also works with named tuples. Example:

var sql = "select 1 as id1, 2 as id2, 3 as id3, 4 as id4";
var (record1, record2) = connection.Read<(int Id1, int Id2), (int Id3, int Id4)>(sql).Single();

Console.WriteLine(record1.Id1); // outputs 1
Console.WriteLine(record1.Id2); // outputs 2
Console.WriteLine(record2.Id3); // outputs 3
Console.WriteLine(record2.Id4); // outputs 4

Multiple mapping works for all Read and ReadAsync overloads (up to 12 multiple mappings).

2) Other improvements

  • Named tuples mapping massivly improved with much better perfomances (on pair with Dapper).
  • Named tuples now allow mapping with less named tuple members then result in query.
  • Better error handling: Added NormException as base Exception for all known Exceptions.


Breaking changes

Consolidation and simplification of the interface.

1) Removed extensnions Query and QueryAsync with all overloads

Functionalities of these extensions are now implemented in Read and ReadAsync extensions.

For example, before:

public class MyClass { ... }
public record MyRecord(...);
// mapping to class instances enumeration generator
var r1 = connection.Query<MyClass>(sql);
// mapping to record instances enumeration generator
var r2 = connection.Query<MyRecord>(sql);
// mapping to named value tupleas enumeration generator
var r3 = connection.Query<(...)>(sql);

Now, all of this is done by existing Read extension. Example:

public class MyClass { ... }
public record MyRecord(...);
// mapping to class instances enumeration generator
var r1 = connection.Read<MyClass>(sql);
// mapping to record instances enumeration generator
var r2 = connection.Read<MyRecord>(sql);
// mapping to named value tupleas enumeration generator
var r3 = connection.Read<(...)>(sql);

Note that existing functionality of Read extension remeains the same. You can still map single value or tuples. Example:

// map single int values to int enumeration generator
var r1 = connection.Read<int>(sql);
// map unnamed int and string tuples to int and string enumeration generator
var r2 = connection.Read<int, int>(sql); 
// map unnamed int, int and string tuples to int, int and string enumeration generator
var r3 = connection.Read<int, int, string>(sql);

2) Removed extensnions Single and SingleAsync with all overloads

These extensions are completely unnecessary.

Since Read extensions are returning enumeration generators, identical functionalities can be achieved with LINQ extensnions.

For example, before:

// map to single int value
var i = connection.Single<int>(sql);
// map to two int values
var (i1, i2) = connection.Single<int, int>(sql); 
// map to two int and single string values
var (i1, i2, s) = connection.Single<int, int, string>(sql); 

Now, identical functionality can be achieved with Single or First LINQ extension. Example:

using System.Linq;
// map to single int value
var i = connection.Read<int>(sql).Single();
// map to two int values
var (i1, i2) = connection.Read<int, int>(sql).Single(); 
// map to two int and single string values
var (i1, i2, s) = connection.Read<int, int, string>(sql).Single(); 

New functionality - multiple results

Norm supports queries returning multiple results.

For example, following query returns two result sets with different names:

public Queires = @"
    select 1 as id1, 'foo1' as foo1, 'bar1' as bar1; 
    select 2 as id2, 'foo2' as foo2, 'bar2' as bar2";

Mapping to a record type example:

using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(fixture.ConnectionString);
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(Queires);

var result1 = multiple.Read<Record1>();
var result2 = multiple.Read<Record2>();
  • Extension Multiple executes a command with multiple select statements and returns a disposable object.

  • Use that object to read the results and avance to the next result set:

using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(fixture.ConnectionString);
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(Queires);
while (multiple.Next())
    var result = multiple.Read<MyStructure>();
  • Extension Multiple receives command with parameters same way as any other method that executes sql:
using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(fixture.ConnectionString);
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(QueiresWithParams, 1, "bar2");
// - or -
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(QueiresWithParams, ("bar2", "bar2"), ("id1", 1));
// - or -
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(QueiresWithParams, ("bar2", "bar2", DbType.String), ("id1", 1, DbType.Int32));
// - or -
using var multiple = connection.Multiple(QueiresWithParams, ("bar2", "bar2", SqlDbType.VarChar), ("id1", 1, SqlDbType.Int));
  • Or, asynchronous version:
using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(fixture.ConnectionString);
using var multiple = await connection.MultipleAsync(Queires);
var result1 = await multiple.ReadAsync<Record1>().SingleAsync();
await multiple.NextAsync();
var result2 = await multiple.ReadAsync<Record2>().SingleAsync();

Improvements and bugfixes

  • Reading named tuples can now have up to 14 members. Example:
connection.Read<(int id1, string foo1, string bar1, DateTime datetime1, int id2, string foo2, string bar2, DateTime datetime2, string longFooBar, bool isFooBar)>(query)

There was a bug that caused crashing when reading more than 8 named tuples. That is fixed and the limit is 14. More than 14 will raise ArgumentException with the message: Too many named tuple members. Maximum is 14..

  • Added missing cancelation tokens on asynchronous reads. Before cancelation wouldn't stop the asynchronous iteration, just the command. That is fixed.


Add type checking for mapping methods Query and QueryAsync.

Those methods will throw AgrumentException with appropriate message if generic type parameter is not either class, record or value tuple.


  • Query and QueryAsync methods can now also work with value tuples.


var result = connection.Query<(int id, string name)>("select 1 as id, 'myname' as name").First();
Console.WriteLine(; // outputs 1
Console.WriteLine(; // outputs myname

Limitation: Value tuples are mapped by matching position in the query.

Meaning, value tuple members (int id, string name) must match positions of query results 'myid' as id, 'myname' as name". Names are completely irelevant, this works identically with the query "select 1, 'myname'.


  • fix comments documentation for package


  • include comments documentation in package


  • include source link package


  • Added comment documentation for all public methods
  • Command extensnion changed to internal access
  • Type cache for GetProperties made public for future extensions
  • Added missing Query methods to INorm interface



Version 2.0.1, 2.0.2 are identical to 2.0.0 and used only for building packeges with source links to github repo and automated publish integration.


Breaking changes

1) Return types for Read(), ReadAsync(), Single() and SingleAsync() changed to return array instead of lists:

  • Read() now returns IEnumerable<(string name, object value)[]>
  • ReadAsync() now returns IAsyncEnumerable<(string name, object value)[]>
  • Single() now returns (string name, object value)[]
  • SingleAsync() now returns ValueTask<(string name, object value)[]>

The list of tuples returned from the database should never be resized or changed. Also, small optimization for object mapper.

2) Tuple array extensions SelectDictionary, SelectDictionaries and SelectValues have been removed also. They can be replaced with simple LINQ expressions.

3) Extension on tuple array (previously list) (string name, object value)[] is renamed from Select to Map

4) Norm.Extensions namespace is removed. Now, only Norm namespace should be used.

Migration from 1.X version of library

  1. Replace using Norm.Extensions; with using Norm;
  2. Replace all calls connection.Read(...).Select<MyClass> with connection.Read(...).Map<MyClass> or connection.Query<MyClass>(...)
  3. Replace all calls connection.ReadAsync(...).Select<MyClass> with connection.Read(...).MapAsync<MyClass> or connection.QueryAsync<MyClass>(...)
  4. Replace SelectDictionary, SelectDictionaries and SelectValues with following LINQ expressions:

LINQ expression:

  • SelectDictionary with tuples.ToDictionary(t =>, t => t.value);
  • SelectDictionaries with tuples.Select(t => t.ToDictionary(t =>, t => t.value));
  • SelectValues with tuples.Select(t => t.value);


1) Query and QueryAsync with overloads:

  • IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command)
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryAsync<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command)
  • IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params object[] parameters)
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryAsync<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params object[] parameters)
  • IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value)[] parameters)
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryAsync<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value)[] parameters)
  • IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value, DbType type)[] parameters)
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryAsync<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value, DbType type)[] parameters)
  • IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value, object type)[] parameters)
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> QueryAsync<T>(this DbConnection connection, string command, params (string name, object value, object type)[] parameters)

This new API is just shorthand for standard object-mapping calls.

Instead of Read(command, parameters).Map<T>() (previosly Select) you can use Query<T>(command, parameters).


Object mapper is rewritten from scratch and it has many performance improvements.

See performance tests here.

For list of changes in older versions, go here.