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296 lines (228 loc) · 8.45 KB

File metadata and controls

296 lines (228 loc) · 8.45 KB


  • Allows to convert POPO (POPO = Plain Old PHP Object) to stdClass
    • Why? json_encode() does not handle private properties.
    • So you need to have all properties public or use metassione.
  • and stdClass to POPO
    • convert your JSON to PHP objects with type checking and casting, etc

POPO to stdClass

This allows to convert complex object to stdClass, and later JSON (with json_encode()).


Build object hierarchy

$post = new \Blog\Post();
$post->setTitle('il titolo');
$post->setContents('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut posuere risus eu commodo fermentum. Nullam nec dignissim est.
Curabitur adipiscing massa sit amet velit vehicula aliquam.');

	$comment_1 = new \Blog\Comment();
	$comment_1->setAuthorName("l'autore 1");
	$comment_1->setContents("Lorem ipsum");

	$comment_2 = new \Blog\Comment();
	$comment_2->setAuthorName("l'autore 2");
	$comment_2->setContents("dolor sit amet");

	$comments = [$comment_1, $comment_2];

Converting to stdClass:

$metassione = new \NorthslopePL\Metassione\Metassione();
$rawData = $metassione->convertToStdClass($post);


stdClass Object
    [title] => il titolo
    [contents] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut posuere risus eu commodo fermentum. Nullam nec dignissim est.
Curabitur adipiscing massa sit amet velit vehicula aliquam.
    [comments] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [authorName] => l'autore 1
                    [contents] => Lorem ipsum

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [authorName] => l'autore 2
                    [contents] => dolor sit amet



Then we can convert that to JSON (JSON_PRETTY_PRINT = php 5.4+): ​ $json = json_encode($rawData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); print($json);

which gives:

    "title": "il titolo",
    "contents": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\nUt posuere risus eu commodo fermentum. Nullam nec dignissim est.\nCurabitur adipiscing massa sit amet velit vehicula aliquam.",
    "comments": [
            "authorName": "l'autore 1",
            "contents": "Lorem ipsum"
            "authorName": "l'autore 2",
            "contents": "dolor sit amet"

stdClass to POPO

This allows to convert data from JSON into POPO. Instead of reading data from unspecified objects and arrays - you can use your own classes, type hinting, etc.

With your POPOs:

$comments = $post->getComments();
echo $comments[0]->getAuthor();
echo $comments[0]->getContents();

Compare this to arrays and stdClasses (no type/method hinting):

echo $post->comments[0]->author;
echo $post->comments[0]->contents;


We are using $rawData from example above, to build the same \Blog\Post object:

$otherPost = new \Blog\Post();
$metassione->fillObjectWithRawData($otherPost, $rawData);


which gives:

Blog\Post Object
    [title:Blog\Post:private] => il titolo
    [contents:Blog\Post:private] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut posuere risus eu commodo fermentum. Nullam nec dignissim est.
Curabitur adipiscing massa sit amet velit vehicula aliquam.
    [comments:Blog\Post:private] => Array
            [0] => Blog\Comment Object
                    [authorName:Blog\Comment:private] => l'autore 1
                    [contents:Blog\Comment:private] => Lorem ipsum

            [1] => Blog\Comment Object
                    [authorName:Blog\Comment:private] => l'autore 2
                    [contents:Blog\Comment:private] => dolor sit amet



Which is equal to our starting $post object.

why 'metassione'

  2. METAdati e di rifleSSIONE
  3. metadati e di riflessione
  4. translate to english: metadata and reflection

Building POPOs

To make Metassione work, you need to add typehinting and phpdocs to your classes.


namespace NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples;

class PropertyWithoutFullClassname
	 * Fully qualified class name - same namespace
	 * @var \NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples\ChildKlass
	private $firstChild;

	 * Class from the same namespace as current file.
	 * This is the same as '\NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples\ChildKlass'
	 * @var ChildKlass
	private $secondChild;

	 * Fully qualified class name - other namespace
	 * @var \Other\Lib\ChildKlass
	private $thirdChild;
	 * Not fully qualified class name - from global namespace
	 * @var SomeClassWithoutNamespace
	private $fourthChild;

available property types

  • basic types
    • int | integer
    • string
    • float | double
    • bool | boolean
  • arrays of basic types
    • int[] | integer[]
    • string[]
    • float[] | double[]
    • bool[] | boolean[]
  • classes
    • FirstClass
    • OtherClass
    • \Foo\Bar\AnotherClass
  • array of classes (array is ignored in array|Foobar[] )
    • FirstClass[]
    • OtherClass[]
    • \Foo\Bar\AnotherClass[]


0.6.1 Updated tests to phpunit 5.4

0.6.0 Total rewrite

  • Metassione::fillObjectWithRawData($targetObject, stdClass $rawData) returns $targetObject
    • This allows you to write: $myObject = $metassione->fillObjectWithRawData(new MyKlass(), $rawData);
    • without storing new MyKlass() in temporary variable
  • Class metadata retrieval separated from filling the objects (CachingClassDefinitionBuilder)
    • Added caching class metadata (only in memory)
  • Performance: ~20% slower than JsonMapper, where metassione 0.4 was 100+% slower
  • Improvement in properties handling
    • support for nullable properties (integer|null, FooBar|null)
    • missing or null value for properties
      • property value is set to zero value - for non-nullable properties
        • integer -> 0
        • float -> 0.0
        • string -> ''
        • boolean -> false
        • SomeKlass -> new SomeKlass()
        • any array -> []
      • property value is set to null for nullable properties
        • integer -> null
        • float -> null
        • string -> null
        • boolean -> null
        • SomeKlass -> null
        • any array -> [] (!!! WARNING: array typed property is always set to empty array, not null. by design)
  • casting values to proper type
    • example: property is of type integer, and 12.95 float is passed. Final object will contain 12 as its property value
  • recognizing undefined properties - they will be filled with nulls. When type for property is specified in invalid way - it is treated as undefined and always will be filled with null values.
  • still no support for importing classes from other namespaces (use ACME\Foo\Bar and then /* @var Bar */)

Upgrading 0.4.0 -> 0.6.0

Metassione 0.6.0 is more strict when processing values for properties.

  • If you allow nulls for your properties (integer|null) - be warned that metassione will set these values to null when there is no valid value for property.
  • All properties of target class are processed. If no value is found for such property then it will be set to zero value or null
  • In 0.4.0 you could set object to integer property - now it is impossible. Property will get value of 0.0 (or null).


Properties without full class name may be used.


namespace NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples;

class PropertyWithoutFullClassname
	 * @var \NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples\ChildKlass
	private $firstChild;

	 * @var ChildKlass
	private $secondChild;

	 * @var \Other\Lib\ChildKlass
	private $thirdChild;
  • $firstChild - has full classname specified. That classname will be used
  • $secondChild
    • has juz ChildKlass specified. Attempt to load NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples\ChildKlass will be made.
    • if \ChildKlass is found - it will be used
    • if not, then NorthslopePL\Metassione\Tests\Examples\ChildKlass will be used if found
    • else exception will be thrown
  • $thirdChild - has full classname specified. That classname will be used.

This feature will not work with:

  • with use (use \Foo\Bar; ... @var Bar)
  • namespace aliases