JSX - JSX is JavaScript syntax extension. It isn't necessary to use JSX in React development, but it is recommended. Components - React is all about components. You need to think of everything as a component. This will help you to maintain the code when working on larger scale projects.
- It re-renders on every update.
- It is fast and open source.
- React can be used on client as well as server side.
- Node js Platform
- React liabraries(react.js and react-dom.js)
- webpack
- babel and babel plugins
- ES6
Instructions for running the project:
- After downloading and extracting the zip provided on our post, open terminal/command prompt and go to the folder directory.
- Now type "npm start" command. Be patient, as webpack bundled takes little time to get packed all files.
- Once webpack bundled gets completed, the server will run on the port defined in webpack.config.js file.
- You can change the port whatever you want(in our case, we have set the default port to 3000), if its conflicting with other projects on your system.
- Now hit the link http://localhost:3000 on browser.
- Whenever you save any file after changes(in development mode), it will automatically restart the server and reload the browser as because we are running the server with hot deployment.