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Martin Dvorak edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 14 revisions

MindForger Documentation


Are you drowning in information, but starving for knowledge?

Where do you keep your private remarks like ideas, personal plans, exam preparation notes, gift tips, how-tos, dreams, business visions, finance strategies, meeting minutes and auto coaching notes? Loads of documents, sketches and remarks spread around the file system, cloud, web and Post-it notes? Are you afraid of your knowledge privacy? Are you able to find particular remarks once you create them? Do you know how are the remarks mutually related when you browse, read or write them? No?

MindForger is Markdown editor and thinking notebook:

MindForger which aims to be human mind inspired personal knowledge management tool:

  • Human mind
  • Personal
    • MindForger enables you to own your personal data - it's meant to store your personal ideas, remarks, notes and plans in a secure way while it respects your privacy.
    • MindForger does not compete with tools for sharing information like Wikis - its primary purpose is to maintain your private data.
  • Knowledge
    • MindForger seeks knowledge hidden in your remarks to enable its mining and personal machine learning models creation.
  • Management
    • MindForger starts where editors and search engines end. It thinks as you search, browse, read and write. Once you find a remark, MindForger brings its associations. As you browse notes and read them it looks up related relevant knowledge in your notebooks. If you edit a remark, MindForger brings associations as you write. It reminds you about existing content related to the text being written.
  • Tool

MindForger has been released on the day of my 42nd birthday to confirm answer to the Ultimate Question of life, the Universe, and Everything, however, the project has longer history.

Table of Contents

Getting started:



User documentation:

Developer documentation:

Frequently Asked Questions

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