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Releases: dwcaress/MB-System

5.7.5beta3 (March 14, 2019)

14 Mar 22:03
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-----> 5.7.5beta3 (March 14, 2019)

Mbcopy: Fixed problem with fbt file generation by mbcopy that was introduced with

5.7.5beta2 (March 4, 2019)

04 Mar 21:20
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Format 261 (MBF_KEMKMALL): There is progress towards support for the new
Kongsberg kmall format. Only EM2040 data supplied by Kongsberg is being
used for testing with mbinfo, mbcopy, and mbprocess, so far. The memory
management faults are fixed, but it isn't all working yet.

Mbcopy: Changed logic so that in a full copy all data records are passed on to the
output even if they generate nonfatal errors (e.g. out of time or location bounds).

MB-System 5.7.5beta1

27 Feb 22:10
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MB-System 5.7.5beta1 Pre-release

-----> 5.7.5beta1 (February 27, 2019)

Mbm_bpr: Augmented to work with Sonardyne AMT pressure data using PRS data records
in addition to PR2 records.

Mbotps: Fixed some issues with applying a tide station correction to time

Format 261 (MBF_KEMKMALL): Added support for new Kongsberg kmall format with
MBIO id 261 and name MBF_KEMKMALL. At this point the support has memory management
problems resulting in sporadic and inconsistent crashing.

MB-System Release 5.7.4

12 Feb 07:15
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MB-System Release 5.7.4

February 12, 2019

Plotting macros (mbm_grdplot, mbm_grd3dplot, mbm_plot, mbm_xyplot, mbm_histplot):
Fixed problem with plotting macro mbm_plot that caused failure of the plotting

MB-System Release 5.7.3

09 Feb 07:14
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MB-System Release 5.7.3

February 8 2019

ChangeLog entries since prior release 5.7.1 on December 19, 2018

Plotting macros (mbm_grdplot, mbm_grd3dplot, mbm_plot, mbm_xyplot, mbm_histplot):
This version changes how automatically displaying the Postscript plot is handled. Previously
these plotting macros written in perl hard coded the user defined Postscript viewer program into
the plot generation csh shellscripts they generate, where the Postscript viewer was
defined by mbdefaults or by an environment variable. Now the plot macros write
plot generation shellscripts using bash rather than csh, and code is embedded that
executes a Postscript viewer defined at run time. This Postscript viewer can still
be defined by the user's mbdefaults or environment variables, but otherwise will be
the default application for viewing Postscript files on that computer, determined
by the programs xdg-open (Linux, OpenBSD), open (Mac), or cygstart (Cygwin). Thus,
the Postscript viewer program is determined at runtime by the plot generation
shellscript rather than at the time the shellscript is generated.

Formats 58 (MBF_EM710RAW) and 59 (MBF_EM710MBA): Fixed bug reported by Steve Roberts
in which some beams that have NaN values for depth in the original *.all files are
treated as null during the first read, but are reset to valid but NaN during
preprocessing. This fix works with data already processed through prior versions of
MB-System as well as data newly processed from *.all files.

All files: Updated copyright to 2019.

Mbdumpesf: Fixed the application of the ignore options, applying fixes provided by
Povl Abrahamsen of the British Antarctic Survey in October 2017 (!)

Mbclean: Fixed problem with heading-change-rate based flagging.

Mbm_grdplot: supported generating plots of images (ie. Geotiffs) in addition to
grids. Added two plot modes: -G6 will plot the image using the embedded georeferencing,
and -G7 will plot the image using the bounds specified with the -R option as the
bounds of the image.

Format 56/57 (MBF_EM300RAW MBF_EM300MBA): Fixed crashing with some EM122 data by
disabling attempted parsing of "extraparameters" datagrams, which appear to not
conform to the format specification.

Mbdefaults, Mbm_* plotting macros: Changed the definition of the programs used to
view Postscript plots generated through the mbm_* plotting macros and for images
(e.g. geotiffs generated using mbgrdtiff). Previously, the programs used by
MB-System to view postscript files and images were explicitly defined using
mbdefaults. Defining the viewing programs is still possible with mbdefaults, but
the default is now to use the operating system's command line program
that automatically opens a specified file using the user's default application
for that kind of file. On Linux systems, this program is "xdg-open". On MacOs, this
program is "open". On Cygwin systems, this program is "cygstart".

MB-System Release 5.7.2

04 Feb 22:30
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MB-System Release 5.7.2

February 4, 2019

ChangeLog entries since prior release 5.7.1 on December 19, 2018

All files: Updated copyright to 2019.

Mbdumpesf: Fixed the application of the ignore options, applying fixes provided by
Povl Abrahamsen of the British Antarctic Survey in October 2017 (!)

Mbclean: Fixed problem with heading-change-rate based flagging.

Mbm_grdplot: supported generating plots of images (ie. Geotiffs) in addition to
grids. Added two plot modes: -G6 will plot the image using the embedded georeferencing,
and -G7 will plot the image using the bounds specified with the -R option as the
bounds of the image.

Format 56/57 (MBF_EM300RAW MBF_EM300MBA): Fixed crashing with some EM122 data by
disabling attempted parsing of "extraparameters" datagrams, which appear to not
conform to the format specification.

Mbdefaults, Mbm_* plotting macros: Changed the definition of the programs used to
view Postscript plots generated through the mbm_* plotting macros and for images
(e.g. geotiffs generated using mbgrdtiff). Previously, the programs used by
MB-System to view postscript files and images were explicitly defined using
mbdefaults. Defining the viewing programs is still possible with mbdefaults, but
the default is now to use the operating system's command line program
that automatically opens a specified file using the user's default application
for that kind of file. On Linux systems, this program is "xdg-open". On MacOs, this
program is "open". On Cygwin systems, this program is "cygstart".


20 Dec 02:22
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MB-System release 5.7.1
19 December 2018

MB-System Release 5.6.20181218

19 Dec 02:40
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MB-System Release 5.6.20181218

ChangeLog since prior release 5.5.2340 on June 26, 2018

-----> 5.6.20181218 (December 18, 2018)

Generated release package using github

mbm_vrefcheck: Removed, never completed, never worked.

mbm_dslnavfix: Removed, obsolete.

-----> 5.6.20181217 (December 17, 2018)

Memory management: Fixed memory leak associated with allocation and deallocation
of edit save file (*.esf) data.

-----> 5.6.20181214 (December 14, 2018)

Format 121 (MBF_GSFGENMB): Changed GSFlib version to 3.08. MB-System also now
builds and installs the program dump_gsf. Fixed several array overruns in the GSFlib
source code distributed by Leidos.

MBgrid: Added two new gridding algorithms, minimum weighted mean and maximum
weighted mean. These are both implementations of Gaussian weighted mean in which
only valid soundings that are close to the minimum (or maximum) value in each
grid cell are used. A threshold value in meters defines what close means; only
soundings no further from the minimum (or maximum) than the threshold are used.
These algorithms are useful when bathymetry data include areas that are not truly
representable with a 2D grid because of vertical walls or multiple values (e.g.
overhangs). These algorithms allow one to choose to follow the shallowest or
deepest surfaces in the gridded model. These algorithms were specifically added
to handle subsea lidar data that maps animals as well as the seafloor.

-----> 5.6.20181129 (November 29, 2018)

MBgrdtiff, mbm_grdtiff: Added -Nnudge_x/nudge_y option to apply a positional offset
in meters relative to the input grid or mosaic.

MBgrdviz, mbeditviz: Changed mechanism by which files selected from navigation in
mbgrdviz are opened into mbeditviz. Previously the selection of too many files
in mbgrdviz would cause a crash when the pulldown menu item to open those into
mbeditviz was selected (too many == something like >10). Now an arbitrarily large
number of files can be selected because a temporary datalist is written by mbgrdviz
and then opened into mbeditbiz.

MBpreprocess: Added options --head1-offsets=x/y/z/heading/roll/pitch and
heading2-offsets=x/y/z/heading/roll/pitch which allow one to set the positional
and angular offsets between the separate heads on a dual head sonar or lidar. These
offset values are used in calculating bathymetry from raw travel times and angles.
The values specified with the new options generally override values embedded in
either the i/o module source code or the input data files. The initial usage is
for lidar bathymetry in the MBF_3DWISSLR and MBF_3DWISSLP formats.

MBclean: Added -Nthreshold option to detect and remove pings affected by
significant interference. This option works by calculating the rms deviation between
the soundings of each ping and the pings immediately before and after. When the
rms deviation exceeds the specified threshold, all unflagged soundings in that
ping are flagged as bad.

-----> 5.6.20181016 (October 16, 2018)

Many files: Changed type of pingnumber variable from int to unsigned int.

MBprocess: Fixed problem with the creation of *.resf files in which the edit
events did not properly include the multiplicity factor required for data
from multi-head sensors.

MBvoxelclean: New program mbvoxelclean identifies and flags artifacts in swath
bathymetry data using a 3D density filter. The notion applied is that true targets
(e.g. the seafloor) result in dense regions of soundings while sparse soundings
in the water column or the subsurface are erroneous and can be flagged as bad.
This technique is more appropriate for lidar data than multibeam sonar data.
The resulting sounding edit events are output to edit save files which can be
applied to the data by the program mbprocess. These are the same edit save
files created and/or modified by mbedit, mbeditviz, mbedit,
and \fBmbclean\fP.

-----> 5.6.002 (September 14, 2018)

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Corrected application of attitude offsets to bathymetry
calculation in mbsys_reson7k_preprocess().

-----> 5.6.001 (September 11, 2018)

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Fixed problem in the mbsys_reson7k_preprocess() function
in which the interpolated and time latency corrected attitude values calculated
for each beam bottom return time were not fully corrected for the receive head
angular offsets.


-----> 5.5.2350 (September 6, 2018)

Mbnavadjust: Added a sorted ties list view for which the list of ties is ordered
from largest misfit magnitude to smallest where the misfit is measured between
the tie offset and the offset of the most recent inversion. This allows one to
easily inspect the most poorly fit ties. Also augmented stored information about
global ties. Also made some changes to the inversion algorithm.

-----> 5.5.2348 (August 20, 2018)

Reson 7k V3 support: Added files mbr_reson7k3.c mbsys_reson7k3.c mbsys_reson7k3.h
while working towards support of version 3 7k data (by Christian Ferreira).

-----> 5.5.2347 (August 17, 2018)

Mbtrnpreprocess: precruise update of mbtrnpreprocess and related tools used for
optional install of AUV terrain relative navigation. Excepting for a few debug
print statement changes, this matches the 20180814 mbtrnpreprocess installation
of Kent Headly on MBARI Mapping AUV 2.

-----> 5.5.2346 (August 13, 2018)

Mbauvloglist: augmented dimensioning of fields array to allow up to 500 data fields.

Mbnavadjust: Changed output of project so a single navigation offset model file is
output that can be parsed to get x, y, and z offset components for plotting etc.

Format MBF_SBURIVAX (format id 15): Augmented the i/o module to handle negative
longitude values (the format should use unsigned shorts but clearly data exist
using signed values).

-----> 5.5.2345 (August 10, 2018)

Mbmakeplatform: Fixed segmentation fault when modifications to the platform model
are specified before a command that initializes the platform.

Mbcopy and Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Added hook to mbcopy so that it can output
bathymetry only records when copying format 88 (*.s7k) data. This option is
enabled by using the -N argument twice, and is used to generate data files that
mimic the minimal data record stream requested by mbtrnpreprocess.

Mbnavadjust: Undid the modification of 5.5.2340 that stores only valid, unflagged
soundings in the section files, which are format 71. This turned out to be a very
bad idea because it sometimes breaks the contouring used for display of the
navigation crossings.

Mbnavadjust: Changed so that sensordepth values are included in the navigation points
stored in the project file (*.nvh file).

-----> 5.5.2344 (August 3, 2018)

Mbcontour, mbswath, mbgrdtiff, mbbackangle, mbprocess, mbgrid, mbmosaic, libmbaux,
mbgrdviz, mbeditviz, mbnavadjust, libmbview: Implemented a number of low level
changes suggested by Paul Wessel and Joaquim Luis in order to maintain compatibility
with GMT versions >= 5.5.4 and achieve compatibility with the coming GMT6.

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Fixed handling data from a Reson 7125 installation with
the receive head mounted backwards (this is something one might do in an AUV
context in order to achieve a desired cable run).

Mbtrnpreprocess: Changes from Kent Headley (this program is being actively developed).

src/mbtrn: Changes from Kent Headley (these tools and library are being actively developed).

-----> 5.5.2342 (June 29, 2018)

Mbgpstide: New program contributed by Gordon Keith. This program generates tide
files from the height above ellipsoid data in the 'h' datagrams of Simrad files.
There is an option to include fixed offsets and geoid differences. This development
was funded by Geoscience Australia with the understanding that the
code would be made available to the general MB-System distribution.

MB-System Release 5.6.20181217

18 Dec 21:58
Choose a tag to compare

MB-System Release 5.6.20181217

ChangeLog since prior release 5.5.2340 on June 26, 2018

-----> 5.6.20181217 (December 17, 2018)

Memory management: Fixed memory leak associated with allocation and deallocation
of edit save file (*.esf) data.

-----> 5.6.20181214 (December 14, 2018)

Format 121 (MBF_GSFGENMB): Changed GSFlib version to 3.08. MB-System also now
builds and installs the program dump_gsf. Fixed several array overruns in the GSFlib
source code distributed by Leidos.

MBgrid: Added two new gridding algorithms, minimum weighted mean and maximum
weighted mean. These are both implementations of Gaussian weighted mean in which
only valid soundings that are close to the minimum (or maximum) value in each
grid cell are used. A threshold value in meters defines what close means; only
soundings no further from the minimum (or maximum) than the threshold are used.
These algorithms are useful when bathymetry data include areas that are not truly
representable with a 2D grid because of vertical walls or multiple values (e.g.
overhangs). These algorithms allow one to choose to follow the shallowest or
deepest surfaces in the gridded model. These algorithms were specifically added
to handle subsea lidar data that maps animals as well as the seafloor.

-----> 5.6.20181129 (November 29, 2018)

MBgrdtiff, mbm_grdtiff: Added -Nnudge_x/nudge_y option to apply a positional offset
in meters relative to the input grid or mosaic.

MBgrdviz, mbeditviz: Changed mechanism by which files selected from navigation in
mbgrdviz are opened into mbeditviz. Previously the selection of too many files
in mbgrdviz would cause a crash when the pulldown menu item to open those into
mbeditviz was selected (too many == something like >10). Now an arbitrarily large
number of files can be selected because a temporary datalist is written by mbgrdviz
and then opened into mbeditbiz.

MBpreprocess: Added options --head1-offsets=x/y/z/heading/roll/pitch and
heading2-offsets=x/y/z/heading/roll/pitch which allow one to set the positional
and angular offsets between the separate heads on a dual head sonar or lidar. These
offset values are used in calculating bathymetry from raw travel times and angles.
The values specified with the new options generally override values embedded in
either the i/o module source code or the input data files. The initial usage is
for lidar bathymetry in the MBF_3DWISSLR and MBF_3DWISSLP formats.

MBclean: Added -Nthreshold option to detect and remove pings affected by
significant interference. This option works by calculating the rms deviation between
the soundings of each ping and the pings immediately before and after. When the
rms deviation exceeds the specified threshold, all unflagged soundings in that
ping are flagged as bad.

-----> 5.6.20181016 (October 16, 2018)

Many files: Changed type of pingnumber variable from int to unsigned int.

MBprocess: Fixed problem with the creation of *.resf files in which the edit
events did not properly include the multiplicity factor required for data
from multi-head sensors.

MBvoxelclean: New program mbvoxelclean identifies and flags artifacts in swath
bathymetry data using a 3D density filter. The notion applied is that true targets
(e.g. the seafloor) result in dense regions of soundings while sparse soundings
in the water column or the subsurface are erroneous and can be flagged as bad.
This technique is more appropriate for lidar data than multibeam sonar data.
The resulting sounding edit events are output to edit save files which can be
applied to the data by the program mbprocess. These are the same edit save
files created and/or modified by mbedit, mbeditviz, mbedit,
and \fBmbclean\fP.

-----> 5.6.002 (September 14, 2018)

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Corrected application of attitude offsets to bathymetry
calculation in mbsys_reson7k_preprocess().

-----> 5.6.001 (September 11, 2018)

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Fixed problem in the mbsys_reson7k_preprocess() function
in which the interpolated and time latency corrected attitude values calculated
for each beam bottom return time were not fully corrected for the receive head
angular offsets.


-----> 5.5.2350 (September 6, 2018)

Mbnavadjust: Added a sorted ties list view for which the list of ties is ordered
from largest misfit magnitude to smallest where the misfit is measured between
the tie offset and the offset of the most recent inversion. This allows one to
easily inspect the most poorly fit ties. Also augmented stored information about
global ties. Also made some changes to the inversion algorithm.

-----> 5.5.2348 (August 20, 2018)

Reson 7k V3 support: Added files mbr_reson7k3.c mbsys_reson7k3.c mbsys_reson7k3.h
while working towards support of version 3 7k data (by Christian Ferreira).

-----> 5.5.2347 (August 17, 2018)

Mbtrnpreprocess: precruise update of mbtrnpreprocess and related tools used for
optional install of AUV terrain relative navigation. Excepting for a few debug
print statement changes, this matches the 20180814 mbtrnpreprocess installation
of Kent Headly on MBARI Mapping AUV 2.

-----> 5.5.2346 (August 13, 2018)

Mbauvloglist: augmented dimensioning of fields array to allow up to 500 data fields.

Mbnavadjust: Changed output of project so a single navigation offset model file is
output that can be parsed to get x, y, and z offset components for plotting etc.

Format MBF_SBURIVAX (format id 15): Augmented the i/o module to handle negative
longitude values (the format should use unsigned shorts but clearly data exist
using signed values).

-----> 5.5.2345 (August 10, 2018)

Mbmakeplatform: Fixed segmentation fault when modifications to the platform model
are specified before a command that initializes the platform.

Mbcopy and Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Added hook to mbcopy so that it can output
bathymetry only records when copying format 88 (*.s7k) data. This option is
enabled by using the -N argument twice, and is used to generate data files that
mimic the minimal data record stream requested by mbtrnpreprocess.

Mbnavadjust: Undid the modification of 5.5.2340 that stores only valid, unflagged
soundings in the section files, which are format 71. This turned out to be a very
bad idea because it sometimes breaks the contouring used for display of the
navigation crossings.

Mbnavadjust: Changed so that sensordepth values are included in the navigation points
stored in the project file (*.nvh file).

-----> 5.5.2344 (August 3, 2018)

Mbcontour, mbswath, mbgrdtiff, mbbackangle, mbprocess, mbgrid, mbmosaic, libmbaux,
mbgrdviz, mbeditviz, mbnavadjust, libmbview: Implemented a number of low level
changes suggested by Paul Wessel and Joaquim Luis in order to maintain compatibility
with GMT versions >= 5.5.4 and achieve compatibility with the coming GMT6.

Format 88 (MBF_RESON7KR): Fixed handling data from a Reson 7125 installation with
the receive head mounted backwards (this is something one might do in an AUV
context in order to achieve a desired cable run).

Mbtrnpreprocess: Changes from Kent Headley (this program is being actively developed).

src/mbtrn: Changes from Kent Headley (these tools and library are being actively developed).

-----> 5.5.2342 (June 29, 2018)

Mbgpstide: New program contributed by Gordon Keith. This program generates tide
files from the height above ellipsoid data in the 'h' datagrams of Simrad files.
There is an option to include fixed offsets and geoid differences. This development
was funded by Geoscience Australia with the understanding that the
code would be made available to the general MB-System distribution.