don't expose event handler as attribute
How to provide
not superceding default processor? → Just manually import/call processor callback? -
disposing element should unsubscribe reactives as well
interpolated strings `a ${b} c`
need optimization to avoid recreating content every process call → complicated for now due to TemplateInstance isn't tracking all refs to children -
Separate template-parts?
- it's independent already
- it makes API/docs/tests more lightweight
- makes polyfill useful and independent on its own
- it moves problem of instantiating subtemplates outside of package scope
- better SoC
Move shortcut directives to processor?
observables as props, not direct args
{{ prop.done }}
. not only direct props, but enables also as{{ item.done ? 'complete' : '' }}
. How can that possibly be done?- detect prop chains
via subscript as args, subscribe to all internal props
- lacking dynamics: if prop is undefined, then defined - it's not subscribed
- problem with
- doesn't overdynamize:
{{ a[b] }}
can refer to any value, which is if subscribed going to be pain
- disable dot-prop operator and detect it as long identifier
- to pass environment we'd have to flatten objects - ugh
- or else - we'd have to by access to identifiers do dotprop parsing
- provide proxy as state: subscribes if value returned prop ~ should make sure no millions of proxies created, like in case of iterator. It must be one proxy.
should return detector proxy = spawning dynamic proxies, too heavy.
- iterating by all object props and subscribing to all observables
- least evil from all: doesn't itroduce fragile args detection;
- doesn't introduce heavy proxy detection;
- detect prop chains
:for, :if need to be added to processor
- useful not only in define-element, but generally, eg. spect
- somewhat familiar pattern from vue
- still a bit too opinionaty
→ opinionation is atoned by minimalism
? vs
<template type="repeat" repeat="{{ items }}">{{ item }}</template>
- non-generic: is bound to template tag
- no way to redefine
variable- which also blocks double loops
- just verbose
- doesn't create fake-item representation → can be mitigated via [:for], [:if], [:else-if], [:else] { display:none } css.
- conventional, more standard, intersecting with other libs API
- defaulting to
reduces needless decisions for user and enforces good practice
- some confusion is going on with
:for="item in items"
(vue) vs:for="{{ item in items }}"
. One of them is meaningless. .:for="{{ items }}"
makes more sense than:for="items"
.:for="{{ a in b }}"
is- valid syntax
- has different meaning than
a in b
, making attribute a part of syntax, as if:for="{{ true }}"
→ we need expression brackets for shortcut: otherwise → would be nice to split processors into: expressions, reactivity, conditions, loops, props →:repeat="{{ items }}"
is a shortcut for<template type="repeat" repeat="{{ items }}"></template>
→:foreach="{{ items }}"
<template directive="foreach" expression="items"></template>
is confusable withfor
attribute used for different purpose. Alternatives:- :each
<li :each="{{item in items}}"/>
+ lovely, natural language
- :foreach
<li :foreach="{{ item in items }}"/>
- nah, li is not command
- :loop, :repeat
<li :loop="{{ item in items }}"
- li is not loop .<li :repeat="{{ item in items }}"/>
- it does not repeat, it maps - :of, :in
- used in expression
<li :in="{{ item in todos }}">
- wut?
- used in expression
- :from
- item:in="{{ items }}", item:of="{{ items }}"
- makes sense for attrTypes
- discrepancy with :if, :else-if, :else
- messy
- :each
Expose directive registering
Make API depend on templize instead of reproducing same flow
? Decouple API from templize. templize includes directives set up, which is incompatible with polyfill...? maybe not - now it sets up directives -
weakrefify subscriptions
find out a good way to bulk-update templize, instead of throttling props.
- Maybe return
instead ofparams
- we don't need params as much, since we had them in init, do we?
- spec-compatible
is nice to be able to update.update({user: {...user, name}})
isn't nice.update
is confusing along with mutable params - how's that different? params also do update, aren't they? . that's needed for secret-ish sync bulk-update.
- Return
[params, update]
- hooks-familiar notation
- params is also hooked - a bit weird
- Do both -
[params, update]
or justupdate
- any desired syntax
- It's even better to
{state, update}
and[state, update]
- too much indecisiveness
- Make
or[params, update]
the same?
- react-compat
- backwards-compat
- not spec-compat but fine
- a bit hard to implement: do we extend params?
→ we provide iterator: with extending array that's a mess
- iterator acts as update symbol as well.
- Maybe return
add '' strings
- it's easier to type
- they don't conflict with HTML attrib strings
processor: throttle updates- makes useful both for TemplateInstance and templize
- bad for interop: may be unexpected to call update and not get result immediately
- can be organized by user: templizer anyways throttles
externalize & share deps
- sube
- diff
make templize-core.js entry - without processor included?- default processor with reactivity and expressions is super handy to have. Manual setup is tedious.
? or make simply templize with expr/reactivity immediately?
- that simplifies doc even more
- that simplifies use even more → TemplateInstance doesn't include expressions, templize does
[Symbol.dispose] for disposing reactive observers.
- Can disposal be made via WeakRef?
- depends on implementation of observable.
- Can disposal be made via WeakRef?
get rid of table ad-hoc?
solves any generic case without perf/size tax...
- Parts test
- updated github-parts tests
- expression-processor
Join reactivity, combo into single processor?
- less cognitive load to understand
- shorter readme
- combo of reactivity with generic other processor is hard if possible
detect missing arguments in params for expr processor, like {{a}}, {b:1}→ maybe not: subscript is unable to reliably detect all ids, eg. a?.b it detectsb
as param, whereas it's not. → overall not much benefit. -
should we disallow safe-path prop getter and instead enforce ?. notation?
- js-familiar
- 1 cost for easy errors detection benefit
- reduced divergence with default subscript features
- allows extending subscript for real
- diverges from unopinionated expression style towards javascript ~ many languages support it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_navigation_operator
make pipe a|>
operator?- full js intuition
- allows original meaning of |
- nope: proposal is not stabilized
- there's high risk of missing keyword
is valid safe common syntactical operator, we only override it|
has better sense of R pipes for templates, unlike Hacky|>
make subscript packed dep
- detect by insertion
default processor:
- default processor = expression + reactivity
- easy to get started not to think much
- overhead if use-case doesn't need expressions or reactivity
- not guaranteed if tree shakable
- default processor = mininmal direct values
- expressions, reactivity are treeshakeable
- extra code / knowledge to connect
- allows separating into entry → full bundle is problematic without tooling → also see github/template-parts#39
bundle & minify
expression processor
composable processors . reactiveProcessor can handle observables . expressionProcessor can handle expressions . booleanProcessor can handle bool attribs → combine method
name: templize ? what would be the name, sustainable for at least 10-15 years? ? what would be the name if no npm limitations? ? what would be the name radical, meaningful, short... reflecting spirit: tiny, fast, right? ? matches spectjs style: common sense abbreviation, not too fancy ? what would be the right name
- template-parts.js
- reflects generic name
- not directly points to the standard
- bold
- requires highest quality standard, can't base on github solution
- too loud
- confusable with github
→ can provide reference
- still, confusable
- confusion in readme with generic template parts
no personality→ not needed - it's humble templating solutionno much point over github→ point is generic element template parts- boring
- it should not be too fun, it's service
- not just boring, closish boredom association
- it should not be too fun, it's service
requires polyfill→ nope - it's not template instance
- plays well as
import Parts from 'template-parts'
- can get obsolete if proposal gets renamed → unlikely - would require renaming all deps; it's rather stalling
- someone else will implement subpar quality
- can be thought as ponyfill, but that's not the main point
- tmpl-parts.js
- minimalistic scent
- temple is one of the meanings
- a bit too short. ~ valid abbreviation though.
- no confusion with github or in readme
- matches shortening of other projects
- not nosey, doesn't stand out much
- still confusing: apparently tmpl-parts is short from template-parts, but the API is different from github/template-parts and from standard: why?
- tpl-parts.js?
- shorter
- same valid
- templ-parts.js?
- element-parts
- same as template-parts, generalized
- a bit too far from templating, not obvious what parts, like, constituents or what?
- what? exactly what you'd imagine: parts of element looking at template, marked with
{{ a }}
- nah, still needs template mention
- what? exactly what you'd imagine: parts of element looking at template, marked with
- element is better name
- element-template.js?
- mention of template, mention of element
- no mention of
, which is confusable with element.part from shadow-dom
- too generic?
- confusable with template element?
- element-templatize.js? element-templated.js?
- element-template-parts.js?
- templatize-element.js? templatize.js?
- harsh z in name
- templatize is taken
- templatized.js? templatizer.js? templated-element.js?
- tplize? tmplize? tpliz?
- tplr?
- templize?
- temple
- templatize
- template
- free
- spirit of spect naming
- templatize-element.js, templ-elem.js
- tempeh.js
- funny
- easy to remember
- vegan
- too fancy
- doesn't reflect meaning
- dom-parts/template-instance isn't stabilized
- can apply to any node, not just template; or allows
<template immediate>
- not serious, having fun more than serving
- templ-in.js? templin.js? in-templ.js?
- temple-in, like in temple, or "join temple"
- template-in, like ... why not just that?
- short name
- reflects main point: just template instance with update, nothing else
- city name
- templin.js doesn't seem sustainable for long play
~ templ-in.js underlines point a bit better
- templ-in-js is a nice side-meaning
- a bit artificial, overthinking-like, too "compromisy"
- templ is too abrupt of template. Either
- template-in.js?
- phrasal verb, "enable template", like tune-in
- template-instantiate
- complete valid english phrase
- reads like "template in js"
- matches spectjs style naming (element-props, define-element, spect)
- loses meaning of temple
- a bit misleading from template instantiation.
- tmpl-in.js? tmpl-ins.js? tmpl-inst.js? tmplin? tpl-in.js? tpl-ins.js? tplins.js? tpl-ins.js?
- abbreviated but complete meaning
- better than tpl-in.js
- can be validly read as temple-in-js
- tmpl is valid abbreviation
- minimally possible name
- hard to guess, doesn't look reliable
- sounds like "ta plin"
- seems to be what God would like, good balance
- temp-in.js, tempin.js?
. temp-in.js
- no much reference to template
- no much reference to temple
- reference to tempo, temperature
- temin.js
- min meaning
- temin has no point
- templx.js ?
- no reference to instantiation
- templins.js, templ-ins.js?
- plural adds repeating action association
- same + as templ-in
- more apparent template instantiation meaning
- templins.js - very misleading. ~ templ-ins.js is not as much
- templ.in.js ?
- good meaning
- extra suffix sucks
- templatr.js, latr
- taken
- templar.js
- templar knights
- templier, templer
- religious believer
- templi.js
- order of poor knights
- templ-instantiatie
- occupied ~ templi.js
- tplx.js?
- templates, template-ins
- too short
- inst.js?
- templatin.js? templatinst.js?
- tempstance.js? tempstantiate.js? tempstant.js?
- templatiate.js? templance.js? templant.js?
- tempst.js?
- template-instance.js? template-instantiate.js?
- tpl-instantiate.js? tpl-instance.js? tmpl-instance.js?
- tins.js? tinst.js?
- template-inst.js? tmpl-inst.js? templ-inst.js?
- templ-parts.js? templ-instance.js?
- not as much about template though.
- parts are also not much relevant name WICG/webcomponents#902
- template-parts.js
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 25, 2023. It is now read-only.