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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 #summary Requirements for BrailleBlaster\par
= Introduction =\par
This document has the requirements for !BrailleBlaster. It intends to set out what !BrailleBlaster ill do rather than-define how !BrailleBlaster will deal with the tasks. It is likely to become a very lengthy document and not all sections\par
-are relevant for all people. Therefore the following information may help in finding the information relevant to you:\par
* Project goals: This is a very general high-level view of what !BrailleBlaster intends to be.\par
* Scope: This will list the particular tasks !BrailleBlaster intends to undertake.\par
* Stakeholders: This will list the various people involved in developing !BrailleBlaster and also describe some of the\par
target audience.\par
* Definitions: A list of the terminology which will be used.\par
* Constraints: This will list certain facts which will restrict what !BrailleBlaster can do.\par
* Assumptions and relevant facts: This will list anything which may be useful for development but does not directly affect what is required.\par
* Functional requirements: This will be a section defining the finer details of what !BrailleBlaster must do in order\par
to meet the goals. It is mainly aimed at those involved in development and testing/verification that !BrailleBlaster\par
does what it needs to.\par
* Quality requirements: This will list the requirements which relate to performance, usability and appearance. Again this section is giving finer details and so is of most interest to those involved in development and testing/verification.\par
* Future requirements: This section is for any requirements which it is known !BrailleBlaster will have in future\par
= Project Goals =\par
* Provide a free, opensource GUI based desktop application for creating tactile documents containing Braille and tactile graphics.\par
* To provide an easy to learn Braille translation application which will not lead to more advanced users feeling\par
restricted in what actions can be performed. Most users, both beginners and experienced Braille translators will feel\par
using !BrailleBlaster is a positive experience and will consider continuing to use !BrailleBlaster.\par
* As many users of !BrailleBlaster may be visually impaired or blind, !BrailleBlaster will be usable by both blind and\par
visually impaired users.\par
* !BrailleBlaster should be usable by users in different countries, the user interface should support the major\par
languages from around the world.\par
= Scope =\par
!BrailleBlaster is responsible for the following:\par
* Allowing the user to get text into !BrailleBlaster, either through importing from an existing electronic document or by the user entering the information directly.\par
* Translating the document into the Braille code of the user's choice.\par
* Assisting the user to edit the document to achieve a better tactile document.\par
* To store tactile documents.\par
* To output a tactile document to an [BrailleBlasterGlossary#embosser embosser].\par
= Stakeholders =\par
These are the stakeholders which have been identified, however this list may not be complete and so !BrailleBlaster may\par
be of interest to others not listed.\par
* Sponsors and copyright holders: ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. and AbilitiesSoft, Inc.\par
* Target users: Braille transcribers, Braille translation services, blind users\par
Also it may be worth looking at the [Personas] which have been created which will inform the needs of the users.\par
= Definitions =\par
See the BrailleBlasterGlossary for all terms used.\par
= Constraints =\par
* !BrailleBlaster will work on the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.\par
* !BrailleBlaster will be completed within two years.\par
* !BrailleBlaster will be developed under the Apache 2.0 license and will only use components which use a [BrailleBlasterGlossary#Business_friendly_license business\par
friendly license].\par
= Assumptions and relevant facts =\par
= Functional Requirements =\par
= Quality Requirements =\par
== Performance ==\par
== Usability ==\par
== Look and Feel ==\par
= Future Requirements =\par