Releases: e-gov/RIHA-Browser
Releases · e-gov/RIHA-Browser
RIHA Release 7.6.7
Security update and analytics
- Websocket-extension upgrade
- Added Matomo
RIHA Release 7.6.6
Security updates
- Updated jquery
RIHA Release 7.6.5
Security updates
- Updated jackson-databind library
- Updated https-proxy-agent
- Updated "kind-of"
- Updated acorn
RIHA Release 7.6.4
Security updates
- Updated jackson-databind library
RIHA Release 7.6.3
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where only RIA approver was notified when a new issue was created
RIHA Release 7.6.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the URL would not change properly when navigating away from the "Infosüsteemi üldkirjeldus" section
- Fixed a bug where the "Back" button would not behave properly when navigating away from the "Infosüsteemi üldkirjeldus" section
RIHA Release 7.6.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the size of the text boxes could not be changed when the contents exeeded the size of the text box
- Improved proper language usage
RIHA Release 7.6
Main changes covered in this release
- Angular Ahead-of-time
- New RIHA-Browser build process (without Bower)
- Updated Angular (4.1.3 -> 8.2.11 ) & Bootstrap
- New API-descriptions (Swagger v2 -> OpenAPI v3.0.1)
- CSRF & CSP protection
- SonarQube integration for frontend
- Automated (Selenium) test coverage
Completed user stories
- As an information system owner I am able to add associations to other information systems to my information system from the dropdown
- As a RIHA user I wish the popup would close when I click the browser "back" button
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the browser would not use the "Roboto" font
- Fixed a bug where the uploaded documents were not displayed
- Fixed a bug where the "Turvalisus" section malfunctioned
- Fixed a bug where the e-mail filter of the "Minu Organisatsioon" view did not work
- Fixed a bug where a proper error message was missing after pushing the "Alustan" button under "Infosüsteemi haldamine" without being logged in
- Fixed a bug where continuing a session that was about to time out would produce an error
- Fixed a bug where the resolution of the tooltip texts was lower than expected
- Fixed a bug where the design of the "sserveri viga" message was wrong
- Fixed a bug where RIHA would not perform checks or give visual feedback about mismatches between a URL being added and the expected format
- Fixed a bug where the background of some buttons was missing (needs to be gray but was white)
- Fixed a bug where the date of the last update of the information system did not have enough visual distance from the text
- Fixed a bug where the names of the columns had the wrong colour in the "Hinda" view
- Fixed a bug where the correct error message was missing when trying to enter an information system short name that is already in use
- Fixed a bug where the text area was not large enough and the description was partially hidden
- Fixed a bug where the user was unable to log out
RIHA Release 7.5.2
Security updates
- Updated jackson-databind library
- Updated Node.js
RIHA release 7.5.1
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where links to documents would break after registering as a user of a standard solution
- Security updates