The OpenShift cluster can be configured to redirect requests to pull images from a repository on a source image registry and have it resolved by a repository on a mirrored image registry. It uses an ImageContentSourcePolicy
object that specifies the source reposit
ory and the mirrored one. It also configures "mirror-by-digest-only = true" which makes pulling an image as "image:tag" skip the mirroring, which makes it not valid to be able to run the ose-tests as they images used are 'hardcoded' to use image:tag.
You can read more about this in the official OCP documentation and the details in the containers-registries.conf man.
Currently, there is an issue when using oc debug node
in disconnected environments as it uses the
image by default (Which requires internet connectivity). The image is pulled using image:tag, so an ImageContentSourcePolicy
won't work.
However, oc debug
has a --image
parameter where a different image can be specified.
To leverage that functionality, the
can be mirrored into the registry used to deploy OCP as:
export MYREGISTRY=''
IMAGEID=$(podman pull 2>/dev/null)
podman login ${MYREGISTRY}
podman push ${IMAGEID} ${MYREGISTRY}/rhel7/support-tools:latest
Then, every oc debug
invocation should contain the --image=${MYREGISTRY}/rhel7/support-tools:latest
parameter, like:
export TOOLSIMAGE=""
oc debug --image="${TOOLSIMAGE}"
The following sections shows the images used by the tests so there is no need to perform these steps, it is just a reference.
The list of registries and images that the tests use can be observed in the test/utils/image/manifest.go.
The following snippet will output the list of images already pulled in the cluster at the time of writting the document. Please check the current list of images just in case:
export TOOLSIMAGE=""
for node in $(oc get nodes -o name);do oc debug --image="${TOOLSIMAGE}" ${node} -- chroot /host sh -c 'crictl images -o json' 2>/dev/null | jq -r .images[].repoTags[]; done | sort -u
To get the list of images used by the tests, in a connected environment run the previous command before and after running the tests, so you can see which images where pulled by the tests execution.
export IMAGES=(
openshift-conformance images
export IMAGES=(
kubernetes-conformance images
export IMAGES=(
openshift-network-stress images
export IMAGES=(
export IMAGES=(
export IMAGES=(
all-disruptive images
export IMAGES=(
all-non-disruptive images
export IMAGES=(
According to the official k8s documentation the default pull policy is IfNotPresent
meaning that the node won't pull the image if it is already present in the local cache. The following procedure pulls the images in a linux host with internet connectivity and then make the images available in the hosts.
This requires cluster-admin permissions.
NOTE: In order to copy a file to a node, oc debug node/<node> -- bash -c 'cat > host/tmp/myfile-remote' <(cat myfile)
worked in previous oc versions. Now it doesn't until this PR is merged, so as a temporary workaround in order to copy the required files to the nodes, scp as core user to the nodes is required.
Depending on the tests you are about to execute, the export IMAGES
command can be different (see the list of images used by the tests):
export IMAGES=(
# Create an empty tar file to store all the images
tar cvf image-files.tar --files-from /dev/null
for image in "${IMAGES[@]}"; do
# Pull the image locally
podman pull ${image}
# Save the image into a tar file
podman save > ${image##*/}.tar ${image}
# Append the image to the tar file
tar rvf image-files.tar ${image##*/}.tar
# Remove the temporary tar file
rm -f ${image##*/}.tar
# GZ the tar file with all the images
gzip image-files.tar
From a host with access to the nodes, the image-files.tar.gz
file and as a cluster-admin user:
export TOOLSIMAGE=""
export IMAGES=(
for node in $(oc get nodes -o name); do
# Copy the tar.gz file to every host
# This used to work back in the day but now it doesn't until is merged
# oc debug ${node} -- chroot /host bash -c 'cat > /tmp/image-files.tar.gz' <(cat image-files.tar.gz)
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ./image-files.tar.gz \
core@$(oc get ${node} -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}'):/tmp/
# Extract the tar.gz
oc debug --image="${TOOLSIMAGE}" ${node} -- chroot /host bash -c 'tar -C /tmp -xzf /tmp/image-files.tar.gz && rm -f /tmp/image-files.tar.gz'
for image in "${IMAGES[@]}"; do
# Import every image locally using podman load
oc debug --image="${TOOLSIMAGE}" ${node} -- chroot /host bash -c "cat /tmp/${image##*/}.tar | podman load && rm -f /tmp/${image##*/}.tar"
Now you can go back and run the tests
As a good practice, after the tests have been executed, the images can be removed from the local cache, otherwise, someone can use the images already available to run a pod.
export TOOLSIMAGE=""
export IMAGES=(
for node in $(oc get nodes -o name); do
for image in "${IMAGES[@]}"; do
oc debug --image="${TOOLSIMAGE}" ${node} -- chroot /host bash -c "podman rmi ${image}"