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johannawinter edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the wiki

is an open source software for radiation treatment planning of intensity-modulated photon, proton, and carbon ion therapy. matRad is developed for educational and research purposes; it is entirely written in MATLAB.

This wiki is the main source of information for users working with, and developers contributing to matRad. If you do not already have a local copy of matRad or you want to know how to get started, have a look at the Quick Setup. For detailed technical information about matRad and its functions please check out the Technical Documentation.

Please send us an email if you want to receive the matRad newsletter that informs about the latest developments on an irregular basis.

Quick navigation

About matRad Quick Setup Technical Documentation
About matRad [[Quick Setup Setting-up-matRad]]
Introducing matRad - what it does A how-to guide to successfully run matRad Technical documentation on matRad and its functions

matRad webinar

If you like video lectures and tutorials, you can also have a look at the recording of the matRad webinar at the brown bag medical physics seminar at Massachusetts General hospital on youtube.

matRad webinar recording

Centers using matRad

On Google Maps we are maintaining a list of matRad user groups. Please let us know if we can include your center, or if you have discontinued the usage of matRad so we can remove you from the list.