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A simple process management library for C++ on UNIX platforms.

This is a reincarnation of small, simple and easy to use library procxx that seems to be abandoned.


Here is a simple (toy) example of setting up a very basic pipeline.

// construct a child process that runs `cat`
procyy::process cat{"cat"};

// construct a child process that runs `wc -c`
procyy::process wc{"wc", "-c"};

// set up the pipeline and execute the child processes
(cat | wc).exec();

// write "hello world" to the standard input of the cat child process
cat << "hello world";

// close the write end (stdin) of the cat child

// read from the `wc -c` process's stdout, line by line
std::string line;
while (std::getline(wc.output(), line))
    std::cout << line << std::endl;

procyy also provides functionality for setting resource limits on the child processes, as demonstrated below. The functionality is implemented via the POSIX rlimit functions.

procyy::process cat{"cat"};
procyy::process wc{"wc", "-c"};

// OPTION 1: same limits for all processes in the pipeline
procyy::process::limits_t limits;
limits.cpu_time(3);         // 3 second execution time limit
limits.memory(1024*1024*1); // 1 MB memory usage limit
(cat | wc).limit(limits).exec();

// OPTION 2: individual limits for each process
procyy::process::limits_t limits;
limits.cpu_time(3);         // 3 second execution time limit
limits.memory(1024*1024*1); // 1 MB memory usage limit

procyy::process::limits_t limits;
limits.cpu_time(1);  // 1 second execution time limit
limits.memory(1024); // 1 KB memory usage limit

(cat | wc).exec();

A note about SIGPIPE signal

When the parent process interacts with a child via pipes there can be a case of reading/writing from/to closed pipe. For example, the parent tries to write another portion of data to the standard input stream of a child process, but the child is already died.

Unix sends SIGPIPE signal in that case. And the default reaction to that signal is the termination of the application.

It's important to note that procyy doesn't install SIGPIPE handlers. So it's a task of an application to install an appropriate SIGPIPE handler before the use of procyy.

Differences from the original procxx

procyy namespace instead of procxx namespace

The whole content of library is now in procyy namespace instead of procxx. So it's necessary to do search and replace during the switch to procyy.

There are throwing and non-throwing methods

Some methods of procyy's classes now have two forms. The first one throws exceptions and looks like in procxx. For example:

namespace procyy {

class pipe_t {
    void write(const char* buf, std::size_t length);
    void close();
    void close(pipe_end end);
    void dup(pipe_end end, int fd);


Those methods work just like in procxx.

The second form doesn't throw exceptions and returns either std::error_code or std::pair<std::error_code, some-type>. For example:

namespace procyy {

class pipe_t {
    write(nothrow, const char* buf, std::size_t length) noexcept;

    std::pair<std::error_code, ssize_t>
    read(nothrow, char* buf, std::size_t length) noexcept;

    close(nothrow nothr) noexcept;

    close(nothrow, pipe_end end) noexcept;

    dup(nothrow, pipe_end end, int fd) noexcept;


Those methods receive an object of type procyy::nothrow as the first argument.

There is no throwing pipe_t::read method

This method has been removed. Only non-throwing pipe_t::read is available now.

If you need throwing version of pipe_t::read method please open an issue.

The constructor of pipe_t::pipe_end doesn't throw now

The constructor of pipe_t::pipe_end in procxx accepts unsigned int and throws an exception for an invalid value.

In procyy constants pipe_t::READ_END and pipe_t::WRITE_END have type pipe_t::pipe_end_enum and is not unsigned int anymore. The constructor of pipe_t::pipe_end now accepts pipe_end_enum instead of unsigned int and doesn't check the passed value. So there is no need to throw an exception.

Non-throwing methods are used during process instance cleanup

The procxx library had an issue: throwing versions of flush and close methods were called during the cleanup of process instances. This leads to the termination of the application if the destructor of process throws during the stack unwinding due to another exception.

The procyy use non-throwing methods in procyy::process cleanup routines.

Another overload of process::exec

There is another overload of process::exec that accepts a callback. This callback will be called just after a successful return from fork. Callback will be called in the parent and the child processes.

procyy::process ping( "ping", "", "-c", "2" );
ping.exec( [](procyy::process::hook_place where) {
    if(procyy::process::hook_place::child == where)
        // This is callback in the child process.
        std::cout << "Child PID: " << getpid() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Parent PID: " << getppid() << std::endl;
} );

This callback can throw exceptions in the child process. In that case the work of the child process will be finished (an execvp in the child process won't be called).

If a callback function throws in the parent process then the exception thrown will just be ignored.

There is no free function running(process)

There is no more free function running() that accepts a reference to process class. The process::running() method should be used instead. It's becase running can change the state of process instance (waitpid is called inside running and this call changes waited flag inside process instance).

An extended way of posting errors from a child process to the parent

The procxx library uses additional pipe to report of execvp call error to the parent process. Only one integer value is sent to that pipe in the case of an error.

The procyy library uses the same scheme, but additional data can be posted from a child to the parent process. For example, if an exception is thrown during the preparation to execvp call then some description of that error will be written to that pipe (if the exception class is derived from std::exception this additional data will be the first 127 bytes of string returned by std::exception::what().

Usage of pipe2 in this version of procyy

The procxx library has PROCXX_HAS_PIPE2 feature macro and use pipe2 call in the constructor of pipe_t class if PROCXX_HAS_PIPE2 is defined to non-zero value. And PROCXX_HAS_PIPE2 is defined to 1 by default without an attempt to detect the current platform and the presence of pipe2 call.

The procyy library has the similar PROCYY_HAS_PIPE2 macro, but if it is not definied explicitly then procyy tries to detect the platform. If it is Linux or FreeBSD 10 or above then PROCYY_HAS_PIPE2 will be automatically defined to 1 and pipe2 call will be used in the constructor of procyy::pipe_t class.

If PROCYY_HAS_PIPE2 is explicitly defined to 0, or if procyy is compiled on some different platform (like macOS) then pipe+fcntl will be used in the constructor of procyy::pipe_t class.

If such behaviour is an issue for you please provide a PR.

std::mutex is not used around a call to pipe()

The procxx library uses a fallback to a sequence of pipe and fcntl calls if pipe2 is not available. This sequence is guarded by a static mutex instance. This guard is intended to add some safety for multithreaded code (see some explanations here).

But the problem is that I don't understand how this mutex can prevent the leak of pipe descriptors if another thread performs fork+execvp.

So I think this mutex is just useless. And because of that the constructor if procyy::pipe_t doesn't use a lock of a mutex around calls to pipe+fcntl.

procyy doesn't use perror

The procxx library uses perror in several places for error logging. It leads to messages like "Broken pipe" on the standard error stream of your application.

The procyy library doesn't use perror at all.

Since 20211003 there is no process::append_arguments method

It seemed that the old process::append_arguments worked not as expected by an ordinary user. That method constructed just one argument and initialized that argument with the help of two iterators (first and last).

Method process::append_arguments was removed in 20211003. Since then, there have been two new methods:

// Adds just one argument and initilizes it via `args`.
template< typename... Args >
void emplace_argument(Args && ...args);

// Adds several arguments.
template< typename ForwardIterator >
void add_some_arguments(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);