When you download, configure, & start this bot, it will deposit any oSwap Tokens you have into the Open Swap Single Pool. That deposit triggers a claim of pending rewards the next time it runs in 10 minutes.
If you stake Harmony $ONE Protocol in the Open Swap 100% Validator you get rewards every 10 minutes, this will compound those rewards into the Single oSwap LP boosting your APY.
You can use this code and extend it for your own personal use. This is not production ready code. Please be very careful with your private key and never push it to a public repository. It's advised that you use an account that doesn't have all your funds attached to it.
- You have a computer that runs 24/7 with Node JS installed
- MAC users
- Install node via brew (click here to learn how to install brew
brew install node
- Windows users
- Install node.js (from here).
- Linux users
sudo apt install nodejs
- MAC users
- You have money in the OpenSwap 100% validator or single staking oSwap LP pool earning oSwap as a reward
- You have Harmony ONE to pay gas fees in your wallet
Open a terminal and run the following to download and install pre-requesites for running the bot:
git clone https://github.com/easy-node-one/oswap_single_lp_bot.git
cd oswap_single_lp_bot
npm install openswap-core
npm install
- copy env_sample to a new file (.env) and enter your Polygon RPC URL and the private key of the account that currently has its LP in the oSwap farm
cp env_sample .env
- make sure that the
file is in the.gitignore
file (it is by default, see Environment Variables below) - Optional: if you would like to keep the bot running on your system if you close your terminal or get disconnected, you can use tmux
tmux new -s openswap
to start a new tmux session.- use
ctrl+b d
to leave the session running but exit. - use
tmux attach
to reconnect to the openswap session.
- use
Now you're ready to run the openswap auto compounding bot, go to your oswap_single_lp_bot
folder and run:
node index
To update any recent changes to the bot, run the following command. Then verify the env_example matches your .env file post upgrade (things may be added or moved still):
git pull
Copy env_sample to .env & fill in with your settings. Here's our notes:
- PRIVATE_KEY=84985998afe8f98EXAMPLE9999999
- Your Harmony ONE Wallet Private Key (Export from wallet)
- TOKEN_ADDRESS="0xc0431Ddcc0D213Bf27EcEcA8C2362c0d0208c6DC"
- This is the address for OpenSwap
- Your harmony wallet address
- Farm PID - Get from vfat.tools pool if you're changing it out from oswap
- OSWAP_MASTERCHEF_CONTRACT = "0xaC71B617a58B3CC136D1f6A118252f331faB44fC"
- Contract for depositing oswap on oswap
OpenSwap TOKEN_ADDRESS="0xc0431Ddcc0D213Bf27EcEcA8C2362c0d0208c6DC"
OSWAP_MASTERCHEF_CONTRACT = "0xaC71B617a58B3CC136D1f6A118252f331faB44fC"
- Inspired by @alysiahuggins project dinoswap-compound-bot