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are happy to receive an update request." - ], - "version": "https://github.com/jeff-hykin/cpp-textmate-grammar/commit/0ef79f098ed80ce5a86be4ed40f99ebcdbac4895", - "name": "C", - "scopeName": "c-grammar", - "patterns": [ - { - "include": "#preprocessor-rule-enabled" - }, - { - "include": "#preprocessor-rule-disabled" - }, - { - "include": "#preprocessor-rule-conditional" - }, - { - "include": "#predefined_macros" - }, - { - "include": "#comments" - }, - { - "include": "#switch_statement" - }, - { - "match": "\\b(break|continue|do|else|for|goto|if|_Pragma|return|while)\\b", - "name": "keyword.control.c" - }, - { - "include": "#storage_types" - }, - { - "match": "typedef", - "name": "keyword.other.typedef.c" - }, - { - "match": "\\b(const|extern|register|restrict|static|volatile|inline)\\b", - "name": "storage.modifier.c" - }, - { - "match": "\\bk[A-Z]\\w*\\b", - "name": "constant.other.variable.mac-classic.c" - }, - { - "match": "\\bg[A-Z]\\w*\\b", - "name": 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