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Sun Seng David TAN edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 40 revisions

We perform a release at the end of every milestone. Our milestones follow our sprint process which is a three week agile sprint. We keep master pristine and always releasable, and only PRs that have passed quality control are mergeable. We make releases at the end of the milestone whether development teams have merged PRs or not. Essentially, the train leaves the station on a regular time.

The "current milestone" is the upcoming release that will happen when the current sprint is completed. You can view the list of issues committed by maintainers and their teams for the current milestone. While the current milestone is being engineered we are performing planning on the "next milestone". Issues with the sprint/next-sprint tag are under investigation for inclusion in a future sprint, but it is not a guarantee that they will be included. You can browse our commit logs to see "previous milestones" which have already shipped.

Next Milestones
Previous Milestones

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