Releases: eclipse-theia/theia
Eclipse Theia v1.33.0
What's Changed
@EstFoisy, @Rajsmit, @cdamus, @colin-grant-work, @leon-arndt, @msujew, @rschnekenbu, @sgraband, @thegecko, @tortmayr, @tsmaeder, @vakosta, @vince-fugnitto
New Contributors 🚀
- @leon-arndt made their first contribution in #11939
- @vakosta made their first contribution in #11607
- @rschnekenbu made their first contribution in #11993
- @Rajsmit made their first contribution in #11994
Full Changelog: v1.32.0...v1.33.0
Eclipse Theia v1.32.0
What's Changed
@EstFoisy, @FinnChen, @Hanksha, @Niklas-Dahlquist, @Pranav2612000, @colin-grant-work, @erezmus, @inlann, @kittaakos, @marcdumais-work, @msujew, @planger, @sgraband, @thegecko, @tsmaeder, @vince-fugnitto,
New Contributors 🚀
- @erezmus made their first contribution in #11857
- @Pranav2612000 made their first contribution in #11794
Full Changelog: v1.31.0...v1.32.0
Eclipse Theia v1.29.2 - 2022-11 Community Release
Eclipse Theia v1.31.1
What's Changed
Based on
Eclipse Theia v1.31.0
What's Changed
@EstFoisy, @alvsan09, @colin-grant-work, @federicobozzini, @inlann, @jfaltermeier, @lucas-koehler, @marcdumais-work , @ndoschek, @paul-marechal, @planger, @tsmaeder, @vince-fugnitto, @xai
New Contributors 🚀
Full Changelog: v1.30.0...v1.31.0
Eclipse Theia v1.30.0
What's Changed
@EstFoisy, @akhileshraju, @colin-grant-work, @jbicker, @jfaltermeier, @kittaakos, @lucas-koehler, @marcdumais-work, @msujew, @paul-marechal, @perrinjerome, @planger, @safisa, @tortmayr, @tsmaeder, @vince-fugnitto, @yiliang114
New Contributors 🚀
- @EstFoisy made their first contribution in #11655
- @akhileshraju made their first contribution in #11622
- @safisa made their first contribution in #11599
Full Changelog: v1.29.0...v1.30.0
Eclipse Theia v1.29.1 - 2022-09 Community Release
This is the first Eclipse Theia Community release. Please see here for more details about this community release.
What's Changed
As there is no previous community release, please see the change logs of our monthly releases leading to this release to find out about breaking changes and respective release notes.
Eclipse Theia v1.29.0
What's Changed
@AlbyIanna, @AlexandraBuzila, @alvsan09, @colin-grant-work, @danepowell, @hyy215, @jaimemartinagui, @kittaakos, @martin-fleck-at, @msujew, @ndoschek, @paul-marechal, @perrinjerome, @planger, @pluralia, @tortmayr, @vince-fugnitto, @yiliang114
New Contributors 🚀
- @hyy215 made their first contribution in #11474
- @jaimemartinagui made their first contribution in #11193
- @AlbyIanna made their first contribution in #11472
- @danepowell made their first contribution in #11573
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #11610
Full Changelog: v1.28.0...v1.29.0
Eclipse Theia v1.28.0
What's Changed
@AlexandraBuzila, @CamilleLetavernier, @FinnChen, @Niklas-Dahlquist, @alvsan09, @bbelyavsky-ti, @colin-grant-work, @jbicker, @kaiyue-pan-work, @msujew, @ndoschek, @paul-marechal, @planger, @pluralia, @tortmayr, @vince-fugnitto, @xai, @yiliang114, @yiningwang11
New Contributors 🚀
- @kaiyue-pan-work made their first contribution in #11395
- @bbelyavsky-ti made their first contribution in #11409
- @xai made their first contribution in #11412
- @pluralia made their first contribution in #11454
- @yiningwang11 made their first contribution in #11446
Full Changelog: v1.27.0...v1.28.0
Eclipse Theia v1.27.0
What's Changed
@PrajwalBorkar, @alvsan09, @colin-grant-work, @fipro78, @fipro78, @hemanthemmady, @jfaltermeier, @kenneth-marut-work, @kittaakos, @lucas-koehler, @msujew, @msujew, @paul-marechal, @planger, @sgraband, @sgraband, @thegecko, @tortmayr, @vince-fugnitto, @yiliang114, @zhaomenghuan
New Contributors 🚀
- @fipro78 made their first contribution in #11234
- @hemanthemmady made their first contribution in #11247
- @PrajwalBorkar made their first contribution in #11222
- @yiliang114 made their first contribution in #11347
Full Changelog: v1.26.0...v1.27.0