This library implements the uProtocol Test Compatibility Kit for the use of a Test Manager and Test Agents. A Test Manager will be responsible for sending commands to multiple connected Test Agents. The Test Agents, in turn, will carry out the tests specified in the commands, and return results back to the Test Manager for validation and processing.
Figure 1: Test Manager -→ Test Agent: Trigger Send/RegisterListener/UnregisterListener
Figure 2: Test Agent: Dispatcher Communication
The Dispatcher is a socket-utransport-specific module, created to quickly test SDK Interoperability.
Figure 3: Test Manager -→ Test Agent: Integrated Communication
Set up upclient-socket-python local repository and install
$ git clone
$ cd scripts
$ python
This will install the up-tck dependencies, making its classes and modules available for import in your python code.
If you would like to run any tests with the Java Test Agent, follow these instructions:
Inside a terminal/command prompt, go to up_client_socket folder (cd up_client_socket/java).
Run "mvn clean install".This will install the up-client-socket-java.
Go to test_agent folder (cd test_agent/java) and run "mvn clean install".This will generate the tck-test-agent-java JAR file under the target folder.
For information about running BDD Tests, refer to BDD/README.adoc