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CentOS 7 VM Build Instructions

Follow these instructions to build the CentOS Linux 7.9 VM images.

Build the Vagrant Box Images with Packer

  1. Start VirtualBox:
    Start Menu -- > All apps -- > Oracle VM VirtualBox -- > Oracle VM VirtualBox

  2. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'base-desktop' box (desktop):

    This will take several minutes to run. If this is the first time you are running a build, the ISO image for CentOS Linux 7.9 will be downloaded and cached locally.

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/builders/packer/centos
    $ packer build base-desktop-centos79-x86_64.json
  3. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'base-headless' box (headless):

    This will take several minutes to run. However, this build will be shorter because the ISO image for CentOS Linux 7.9 has been cached locally and the headless image contains fewer packages then the desktop image.

    $ packer build base-headless-centos79-x86_64.json
  4. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'dev' box (desktop):

    This will take several minutes to run. However, this build will be shorter because it is based on the 'base-desktop-centos79' image.

    $ packer build dev-centos79-x86_64.json

    For additional configuration options, please refer to the documentation in 'provisioners/scripts/common/' and define these variables in 'builders/packer/centos/dev-centos79-x86_64.json'.

    If you don't have an AppDynamics account, you can remove the line containing '../../../provisioners/scripts/common/' from 'builders/packer/centos/dev-centos79-x86_64.json' to disable provisioning of the Java Agent.

  5. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'ops' box (headless):

    This build is based on the 'base-headless-centos79' image.

    $ packer build ops-centos79-x86_64.json
  6. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'cicd' box (headless):

    This build is based on the 'ops-centos79' image.

    $ packer build cicd-centos79-x86_64.json
  7. Build the CentOS Linux 7.9 'apm' box (headless):

    This build is based on the 'base-headless-centos79' image.

    Prior to building the APM VM image, you will need to supply a valid AppDynamics Controller license file. To apply your license file:

    • Copy your AppDynamics Controller 'license.lic' and rename it to 'provisioners/scripts/centos/tools/appd-controller-license.lic'.

    NOTE: Configuration and customization for provisioning the APM VM image is also handled via external environment variables.

    The Enterprise Console admin user and database passwords may also be provided, but are optional. The default passwords are 'welcome1'.

    $ export appd_admin_password="welcome1"     # [optional]
    $ export appd_db_password="welcome1"        # [optional]
    $ export appd_db_root_password="welcome1"   # [optional]
    $ packer build apm-centos79-x86_64.json

    For additional configuration options, please refer to the documentation in 'provisioners/scripts/centos/' and define these variables in 'builders/packer/centos/apm-centos79-x86_64.json'.

Import the Vagrant Box Images

  1. Import the CentOS Linux 7.9 'dev' box image (desktop):

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/artifacts/centos/dev-centos79
    $ vagrant box add dev-centos79
  2. Import the CentOS Linux 7.9 'ops' box image (headless):

    $ cd ../ops-centos79
    $ vagrant box add ops-centos79
  3. Import the CentOS Linux 7.9 'cicd' box image (headless):

    $ cd ../cicd-centos79
    $ vagrant box add cicd-centos79
  4. Import the CentOS Linux 7.9 'apm' box image (headless):

    $ cd ../apm-centos79
    $ vagrant box add apm-centos79
  5. List the Vagrant box images:

    $ vagrant box list
    apm-centos79 (virtualbox, 0)
    cicd-centos79 (virtualbox, 0)
    dev-centos79 (virtualbox, 0)
    ops-centos79 (virtualbox, 0)

Start the VirtualBox Images

  1. Start the Developer VM with CentOS Linux 7.9 (desktop):

    This will take a few minutes to import the Vagrant box and start the VM:

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/builders/vagrant/centos/demo/dev
    $ vagrant up

    Connect to the VM via SSH and run some [optional] commands:

    $ vagrant ssh
    dev[vagrant]$ docker --version
    Docker version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b
    dev[vagrant]$ ansible --version
    ansible 2.9.27
      config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
      configured module search path = [u'/home/vagrant/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
      ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
      executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
      python version = 2.7.5 (default, Jun 28 2022, 15:30:04) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)]
    dev[vagrant]$ <run other commands>

    Gracefully shutdown the VM:

    dev[vagrant]$ exit
    $ vagrant halt

    The Developer VM with CentOS Linux 7.9 (desktop) can also be used directly from VirtualBox.

  2. Start the Operations VM with CentOS Linux 7.9 (headless):

    This will take a few minutes to import the Vagrant box and start the VM:

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/builders/vagrant/centos/demo/ops
    $ vagrant up

    Connect to the VM via SSH and run some [optional] commands:

    $ vagrant ssh
    dev[vagrant]$ docker --version
    Docker version 26.1.4, build 5650f9b
    ops[vagrant]$ ansible --version
    ansible 2.9.27
      config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
      configured module search path = [u'/home/vagrant/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
      ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
      executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
      python version = 2.7.5 (default, Jun 28 2022, 15:30:04) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)]
    ops[vagrant]$ <run other commands>

    Gracefully shutdown the VM:

    ops[vagrant]$ exit
    $ vagrant halt
  3. Start the CICD VM with CentOS Linux 7.9 (headless):

    This will take a few minutes to import the Vagrant box and start the VM:

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/builders/vagrant/centos/demo/cicd
    $ vagrant up

    Connect to the VM via SSH and run some [optional] commands:

    $ vagrant ssh
    cicd[vagrant]$ sudo gitlab-ctl status
    run: gitaly: (pid 633) 393s; run: log: (pid 632) 393s
    run: gitlab-monitor: (pid 687) 393s; run: log: (pid 686) 393s
    run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 661) 393s; run: log: (pid 660) 393s
    run: logrotate: (pid 678) 393s; run: log: (pid 677) 393s
    run: nginx: (pid 675) 393s; run: log: (pid 674) 393s
    run: node-exporter: (pid 685) 393s; run: log: (pid 684) 393s
    run: postgres-exporter: (pid 718) 393s; run: log: (pid 717) 393s
    run: postgresql: (pid 627) 393s; run: log: (pid 626) 393s
    run: prometheus: (pid 705) 393s; run: log: (pid 704) 393s
    run: redis: (pid 621) 393s; run: log: (pid 619) 393s
    run: redis-exporter: (pid 696) 393s; run: log: (pid 690) 393s
    run: sidekiq: (pid 629) 393s; run: log: (pid 628) 393s
    run: unicorn: (pid 620) 393s; run: log: (pid 618) 393s
    cicd[vagrant]$ sudo systemctl status jenkins
      jenkins.service - LSB: Jenkins Automation Server
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/jenkins; bad; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-09-20 12:08:35 EDT; 2h 22min ago
    Sep 20 12:08:12 cicd systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Jenkins Automation Server...
    Sep 20 12:08:35 cicd jenkins[967]: Starting Jenkins [  OK  ]
    Sep 20 12:08:35 cicd systemd[1]: Started LSB: Jenkins Automation Server.
    cicd[vagrant]$ <run other commands>

    Gracefully shutdown the VM:

    cicd[vagrant]$ exit
    $ vagrant halt

    NOTE: You can access the GitLab Community Edition server locally on port '80' here and the Jenkins build server locally on port '9080' here.

  4. Start the APM VM with CentOS Linux 7.9 (headless):

    This will take a few minutes to import the Vagrant box and start the VM.

    NOTE: After the VM boots, it will take a few minutes for all of the AppDynamics services to start. The Enterprise Console and Events Service start fairly quickly, but the Controller may take several minutes (~5 min).

    Check the progress of the Controller service start by running the journalctl command below to view the systemd log:

    $ cd /<drive>/projects/devops-2.0/builders/vagrant/centos/demo/apm
    $ vagrant up

    Connect to the VM via SSH and run some [optional] commands:

    $ vagrant ssh
    apm[vagrant]$ sudo journalctl -fu appdynamics-controller
    May 21 13:29:15 apm[4750]: Controller successfully started.
    May 21 13:29:15 apm[4750]: Job duration: 4 minutes 16 seconds
    May 21 13:29:16 apm systemd[1]: Started The AppDynamics Controller..
    apm[vagrant]$ <run other commands>
    apm[vagrant]$ sudo systemctl status appdynamics-enterprise-console
    apm[vagrant]$ sudo systemctl status appdynamics-events-service

    Gracefully shutdown the VM:

    apm[vagrant]$ exit
    $ vagrant halt

    NOTE: You can access the AppDynamics Enterprise Console server locally on port '9191' here. The AppDynamics Controller server can be accessed locally on port '8090' here.

DevOps 2.0 Bill-of-Materials

The following command-line tools and utilities are pre-installed in the Developer VM (desktop), Operations VM (headless), and the CICD VM (headless):

  • Amazon AWS CLI 2.24.5 (command-line interface) [Optional]
  • Ansible 2.9.27
  • Ant 1.10.15
  • Consul 1.20.3
  • Cloud-Init 0.7.9 [Optional]
  • Docker 26.1.4 CE
    • Docker Bash Completion
    • Docker Compose 2.33.0
  • Git 2.48.1
    • Git Bash Completion
    • Git-Flow 1.12.4 (AVH Edition)
    • Git-Flow Bash Completion
  • Go 1.24.0
  • Gradle 8.12.1
  • Groovy 4.0.25
  • Java SE JDK 8 Update 422 (Amazon Corretto 8)
  • Java SE JDK 11.0.26 (Amazon Corretto 11)
  • Java SE JDK 17.0.14 (Amazon Corretto 17)
  • Java SE JDK 21.0.6 (Amazon Corretto 21)
  • Java SE JDK 23.0.2 (Amazon Corretto 23)
  • JMESPath jp 0.2.1 (command-line JSON processor)
  • jq 1.7.1 (command-line JSON processor)
  • Maven 3.9.9
  • MySQL Community Server 5.7.44
  • Packer 1.12.0
  • Python 2.7.5
    • Pip 24.0
  • Python 3.6.8
    • Pip3 24.2
  • Scala 3.6.3
  • Scala 2.13.16
  • Scala Build Tool (SBT) 1.10.7
    • Scala 2.12.20
  • Terraform 1.10.5
  • Vault 1.18.4
  • VIM - Vi IMproved 9.1
  • XMLStarlet 1.6.1 (command-line XML processor)
  • yq 4.45.1 (command-line YAML processor)

In addition, the following continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) applications are pre-installed in the CICD VM (headless):

  • GitLab Community Edition 17.8.2
  • Jenkins 2.492.1 LTS

In addition, the following application performance management applications are pre-installed in the APM VM (headless):

  • AppDynamics Enterprise Console 25.1.0 Build 10020
    • AppDynamics Controller 24.7.3 Build 10102
    • AppDynamics Events Service 4.5.2 Build 20827
  • MySQL Shell 8.0.41

The following developer tools are pre-installed in the Developer VM (desktop) only:

  • Apache Tomcat 8.5.100
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.100
  • Apache Tomcat 10.1.36
  • Apache Tomcat 11.0.4
  • AppDynamics Java Agent 25.1.0 Build 36709
  • AppDynamics Machine Agent 25.1.0 Build 4532
    • AppDynamics AWS EC2 Monitoring Extension 2.1.5 [Optional]
  • Atom Editor 1.57.0
  • Brackets Editor 1.7 Experimental 1.7.0-0
  • Chrome 133.0.6943.99 (64-bit)
  • Firefox 102.10.0esr (64-bit)
  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.3 (Community Edition)
  • JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.3 (Ultimate Edition)
  • JetBrains WebStorm 2024.3.3 (JavaScript IDE)
  • Postman 11.33.2
  • Spring Tool Suite 4 [4.28.1] IDE (Eclipse 2024-12 [4.34.0])
  • Sublime Text 4 (Build 4192)
  • Visual Studio Code 1.97.2