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Releases: edoardottt/lit-bb-hack-tools


02 Dec 14:30
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2.5 🥳

  • Add eapath: Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the unique urls without queries.

  • Little bug fixes and minor changes


03 Nov 09:46
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2.4 🥳

  • Add bbscope: Take as input on stdin a list of urls or subdomains and a BurpSuite Configuration file and print on stdout all in scope items.

  • Little bug fixes and minor changes


02 Nov 08:01
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2.3 🥳

  • Add eaparam: extract all parameters
  • Little bug fixes and minor changes


30 Oct 16:31
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2.2 🥳

  • Add concurrency on nrp


13 Oct 13:28
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2.1 🥳

  • Add more HTTP methods to tahm
  • Better tahm output


08 Oct 17:37
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.2 🥳

Added doomxss


03 Oct 08:44
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lit-bb-hack-tools v1.1 🥳

  • Add help flag -h for each tool
  • Add feature request issue template


25 Sep 09:50
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First release !


  • eae Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the extensions sorted.
  • heacoll Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the unique headers found.
  • removepro Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the unique urls without protocols.
  • subtake Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout CNAME records found with dig.
  • eap Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the protocols sorted.
  • gitdump It prints all the matches in a git repository with a specified pattern.
  • removehost Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the unique queries without protocol and host.
  • revlist Take as input on stdin a list of items and print on stdout all the unique items in reverse order.
  • chainredir Take as input a URL and print on stdout all the redirects.
  • tahm Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the status codes and body sizes for HTTP methods.
  • robotstxt Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the unique paths found in the robots.txt file.
  • cleanpath Take as input on stdin a list of urls/paths and print on stdout all the unique paths (at any level).
  • eefjsf Take as input on stdin a list of js file urls and print on stdout all the unique endpoints found.
  • bbtargets Produce as output on stdout all the bug bounty targets found on Chaos list by Project Discovery.
  • nrp Take as input on stdin a list of domains and print on stdout all the unique domains without redirects.
  • eah Take as input on stdin a list of urls and print on stdout all the hosts sorted.