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Dart Configurations/Configured Imports - Simplified Variant

Contact information

Name: Erik Ernst
E-mail: [email protected]
DEP Proposal Location
Further stakeholders:


Allow imports to depend on the runtime environment or user configuration while ensuring that types remain simple and unambiguous.


Problems to solve:

  • Allow libraries to choose between platform dependent libraries depending on the platform it is running on. Example: The http package wants to use an implementation based on either "dart:html" or "dart:io", depending on which is available.

  • Allow libraries to choose between different (platform independent) implementations based on a compile-time/deployment-time configuration setting, without importing both implementations. Example (speculative): A logging package can have different logging strategies or formatters, and a deployment will only want to include the ones that it actually uses.

Problems to avoid:

  • The mechanism should not make the static analysis substantially more complex.


This proposal was created as a slight modification of the proposal 'Dart Configurations/Configured Imports' [] by Lasse R.H. Nielsen.

That proposal has been simplified in order to enable a very simple static analysis situation. This is done by only allowing top-level non-type declarations to be imported, that is, top level functions, getters, setters, and variables.

In order to ensure that a standard type checking approach can be used, the imported entities can have an associated type declaration in the import directive, which must use types available on the configuration-independent side. The different variants of the configuration-dependent side may provide different behaviors and use configuration-dependent subtypes of the types declared in the configurable import, but they are all used by the configuration-independent code under the types declared in the import.

This means that configuration dependencies are confined to the configurably imported libraries, and the libraries using configurable imports can remain truly configuration independent.



import dart.platform == "browser"    : "some_uri.dart"
    || dart.platform == "standalone" : "other_uri.dart"
    || "default_uri.dart"
    deferred as foo show C func(bool b);

Configurable import directives support show clauses, but not hide clauses. The construct to show is not an identifier, but a typed identifier, using the syntactic category typeAliasBody for functions and similar constructs for variables, getters, and setters. The uri in the import production is replaced by configuredUri with the following grammar:

configuredUri: uri
             | test ':' uri uriOpt
uriOpt: '||' configuredUri | <empty>
test: dotNames '==' stringLiteral
    | dotNames
dotNames: identifier | dotNames '.' identifier

The change only affects import declarations, not export or part declarations.

Runtime Semantics

A configurable import directive imports the empty name space by default, and hence hide clauses are not supported. But show clauses are supported and must be used in order to populate the imported name space. For each typeAliasBody in the show clauses, the identifier in its functionTypePrefix is imported. It must denote a top-level function in the imported library. The other constructs (variables, getters, setters) are treated similarly.

The actual uri representing the library to import is found by evaluating a test to a boolean result, then picking the following string literal if the test is true, otherwise proceeding to the next (optional) uri and trying that. If testing falls through to the empty uriOpt, the import fails.

Tests are string comparisons, where a dotNames is used to create a key, and that key is used to look up a string value in the environment (using the equivalent of String.fromEnvironment). String literals are any normal Dart string literals without any interpolations.

More precisely, the uri to use is found using a function evalUri(configuredUri) returning a String value defined as:

  • evalUri(uri) is evaluated as follows

    1. Return the uri.
  • evalUri(test ':' uri uriOpt) is evaluated as follows:

    1. Evaluate evalTest(test) to result.
    2. If result is true, return uri.
    3. Otherwise if uriOpt is '||' configuredUri, then return the result of evalUri(configuredUri).
    4. Otherwise raise a compile time error.
  • evalTest(dotNames '==' stringLiteral) is evaluated as follows:

    1. Convert dotNames to a string key, see below.
    2. Let lookup be the result of looking up key in the environment, as by the constant expression const String.fromEnvironment(key).
    3. Convert stringLiteral to a string, stringValue, as if it was a compile-time constant expression.
    4. If lookup is null (the key was not in the environment) then return false.
    5. If lookup is equal to stringValue (contains the same code units), then return true.
    6. Otherwise return false.
  • evalTest(dotNames) is equivalent to evalTest(dotNames '==' "true")

A dotNames is converted to a string by creating a string from the characters of all identifier parts of the dotNames, separated by . characters. That is, as the source characters but with any whitespace removed.

Static Semantics

When statically analyzing a library that has configured imports, the imported namespace from the configurably imported libraries consists of exactly the set of imported identifiers. For each such identifier, the static type for a top level function is the type that would be denoted by the same typeAliasBody occurring in a typedef, and similarly for the other constructs.

For each such identifier, it is a compile-time error if a configurably imported library does not export a top-level function (variable, getter, setter) with that name. It is a static warning if a configurably imported library exports a top-level function (variable, setter, getter) with that name whose type is not a subtype of the static type from the import directive, or if the exported entity is of a different kind than the one that is declared in the configurable import (e.g., the import indicates that it is a getter, but it is in fact a function).

This means that all configurably imported libraries from the same configurable import directive will have exactly the same static shape, and analysis will not need to inspect any of the configurably imported libraries in order to perform static analysis of the importing library.

Similarly, the check whether a given configurably imported library conforms to the static shape declared in the configurable import directive importing it can be performed with respect to the configurable import statement and each configurably imported library in isolation. Hence, the explicit "signature" in the import directive ensures modular type checking of the relationship between configurably imported libraries and the library that contains a configurable import.

This makes the static analysis situation very clear and very simple to handle, because it is built to ensure a strict separation of the configuration dependent and the configuration independent code.

Platform libraries

The platform and the availability of platform libraries are signalled by the runtime or compiler by pre-set environment definitions.

Suggested definitions in the browser:

  • dart.platform=browser
  • dart.feature.dom=true

and in the stand-alone VM:

  • dart.platform=server

Compilers like dart2js must ensure that the same values for these environment defintions are available at compile time and at runtime.

A compilation should target a specific platform. The available libraries are triggered by the platform choice, and the output will only work on that platform. Compiling with dart2js, dart2dart or create_snapshot will generate code for the platform being targeted for deployment.

The boolean flags (those with value "true") are only created for features where availability actually differ between recognized platforms, and are only set if the feature is available (since the test == "true" works the same for being absent as for having any non-"true" value).

Platforms can be added in the future, but tools need to support them. A compiler like dart2js cannot target a platform that it doesn't know. A list of known platforms could be kept in a central location, listing platforms by names and unavailable features.

User configurations

User configurations can be implemented by setting variables with on the command line and tested using == "baz" in the import expressions.

Programmatic configuration

A library can use const String.fromEnvironment to check configuration choices at runtime. The same environment values used in imports can also be used in code. This allows implementations to introduce configuration dependencies into (otherwise) configuration independent code, which may be hard to avoid in some cases.

Analysis Tools

An analysis tool, like the Dart Analyzer, will be able to exploit the simplicity of the static shapes of configurable imports: They simply add a few top-level entities to the name space, and they are the same with the same types no matter which configurably imported libraries are chosen. When inspecting potential implementations of a given function it may be necessary to inspect multiple declarations, e.g., one per configuration, but that would not be more complex than the case where a method is invoked and dispatch enables multiple method implementations to be the code that actually runs.

It may be useful for a tool to allow users to specify one or some configurations "of interest" and omit others, and then only show the possible implementations of configurably imported functions that match this constraint.

Compatibility detection.

A library can be analyzed for imports of "dart:*" libraries that are not available on all platforms. If a library definitely imports a dart library which is not available on a platform, the library can be marked as not supporting that platform. If the import is "guarded by" a check that ensures that the imported library is available, then the importing library is not marked.


import dart.platform == "browser" : "dart:svg"
    || "mock-svg.dart";

Here, an import of "dart:svg" would normally mark library as incompatible with the standalone platform. Since the import is guarded by a test that guarantees that the import succeeds, is not considered incompatible with standalone libraries.

The analyzing software should be able to detect simple guards, which users can stick to in order to guarantee that library compatibility is detectable.

The expressions dart.platform=="browser" and dart.feature.dom=="true" are both recognized as guaranteeing that "dart:svg" can be imported.

If a library is analyzed (and its transitive imports) and it is deduced that it's incompatible with some platforms, this can be displayed for the library in, e.g., pub.

For user configurations, analyzing software can detect tests of the forms:

somename : "somevalue"
somename  (equivalent to somename : "true")

as possible guarding configurations, and if they occur in imports, the comparison values can also be listed for the package as possible configuration options.

The possible configurations for a library can also be displayed in, e.g., pub.


Using different platform features:

library platform.independent.library;
import dart.feature.dom : "foobar_html_based.dart"
    || : "foobar_io_based.dart"
    show FooBar func(T t);

// Code using func(_) to get platform specific behavior, but
// typed exclusively using platform independent types. Note
// in particular the case where [func] is a factory producing an
// instance of a platform specific subclass of FooBar, offering
// a wider range of features: That object may be seen a first class
// library which can offer everything that a normal library can
// offer, except for types.

The two libraries implement the same API, but have different implementations. There is no default. If a platform is introduced which supports neither feature, this library will fail to load on that platform, and the incompatibility can be detected by an analyzer, since this library fails to load if neither "dart.feature.dom" nor "" is available.

User configurations:

library logger;
import com.example.logger.level == "verbose" : "src/verbose.dart"
    || com.example.logger.level == "simple"  : "src/plain.dart"
    || "src/plain.dart" show ...;

Here a logging library allows the system to pick a verbose output strategy by setting an environment variable. It defaults to the plain version. In many cases, importing both and selecting at runtime is not a problem, but if deployed code size is important, this allows picking the strategy at deployment time and not waste space on the unused version.


The syntax is deliberately simple. It allows tools to read the import statements without needing to understand any Dart semantics, only simple syntax. Since string literals have no interpolations, all possible URI references that can be used for the import are statically known. Since tests are simple, the configurations necessary to trigger a specific import are easily derived.

Condition expressions.

An alternative would be a more expressive condition language, for example adding logical and/or operators to combine multiple tests. Any addition to the expression language will enable some new use-cases that would otherwise be harder (not necessarily impossible), but will likely also cause requests for further additions for new edge-cases that are almost handled.

The more complex the language, the harder it will be for tools to analyze a library and determine which configurations it is compatible with, and which configurations would cause errors.

Pure logical and/or operators can already be implemented by conditionally importing intermediate libraries with further conditional exports. It's verbose, but expected to be rarely needed. If it is needed, the extra library might actually correspond to a meaningful abstraction.

String expressions.

Instead of having separate condition expressions and string literals, the entire configuredUri could be a string expression, allowing (some) string interpolations, or even conditional expressions choosing between strings.

If the import uri can embed the value of a system environment property, then there is no way for tools to enumerate the possible imports. A tool will at most be able to analyze a library with regard to a set of known configurations, but will not be able to determine the possible configurations.

Full compile-time constant expressions.

The logical limit for expressiveness, either of the condition expressions or of string expressions, is to allow any compile-time constant expression. There needs to be some limit on which variables/declarations are available to the expression since the value is computed before any import or part declarations are processed. At most, this could allow access to declarations of dart:core, with a special case disallowing the use of conditions inside dart:core. That would still allow access to String.fromEnvironment, so there would be no need for the dotNames syntax for accessing the environment.

Using any compile-time constant expression would require all tools that process Dart libraries to have an implementation of the full Dart compile-time constant semantics, which is more complicated than necessary. Also, later language changes may add more compile time constant expressions, at which point all the tools would also need to be updated.


Language specification changes

The specification should be updated with the changes specified above.


Any tool which processes import/export/part declarations needs to also understand the new syntax. These tools should already accept "-Dfoo=bar" environment property declarations on the command line. They will need to have dart.platform and dart.feature.* environment definitions built-in for their current configuration.

The stand-alone VM only needs to know and implement one configuration, and Dartium has another single configuration.

Other tools may need to support multiple configurations at the same time. For instance, the analyzer will need to look up all configurably imported function implementations to check for existence and type conformance, and an editor may need to select a specific configuration or enable users to look up some or all configurably imported function implementations for a given application of its name.

There is no implementation so far.

Patents rights

TC52, the Ecma technical committee working on evolving the open Dart standard, operates under a royalty-free patent policy, RFPP (PDF). This means if the proposal graduates to being sent to TC52, you will have to sign the Ecma TC52 external contributer form and submit it to Ecma.