The context allows you to inject runtime configuration into the serializer. It allows you to configure an exclusion strategy as well as a naming strategy.
Let's create a context and use it:
use Ivory\Serializer\Context\Context;
use Ivory\Serializer\Format;
$context = new Context();
// Configure the context
$json = $serializer->serialize(new \stdClass(), Format::JSON, $context);
// or
$object = $serializer->deserialize($json, \stdClass::class, Format::JSON, $context);
By default, the library (de)-serializes all null
values. If you want to change this behavior, you can use the ignore
null flag:
In order to control depth navigation of your graph as well as circular reference, you have to use the max depth exclusion strategy:
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\MaxDepthExclusionStrategy;
$context->setExclusionStrategy(new MaxDepthExclusionStrategy());
To configure max depth, please read this documentation.
Since this exclusion impacts performance, you need to explicitly enable it otherwise your mapping configuration is ignored.
The groups exclusion strategy allows you to exclude class properties according to groups:
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\GroupsExclusionStrategy;
$context->setExclusionStrategy(new GroupsExclusionStrategy(['group1', 'group2']));
To configure groups, please read this documentation.
If you don't provide this exclusion strategy, all your properties will be (de)-serialized regardless configured groups.
The version exclusion strategy allows you to exclude class properties according to your application version:
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\VersionExclusionStrategy;
$context->setExclusionStrategy(new VersionExclusionStrategy('1.0.1'));
To configure version, please read this documentation.
If you don't provide this exclusion strategy, all your properties will be (de)-serialized regardless configured since or until versions.
The chain exclusion strategy allows you to use multiple exclusion strategies together:
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\ChainExclusionStrategy;
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\GroupsExclusionStrategy;
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\MaxDepthExclusionStrategy;
use Ivory\Serializer\Exclusion\VersionExclusionStrategy;
$context->setExclusionStrategy(new ChainExclusionStrategy([
new MaxDepthExclusionStrategy(),
new GroupsExclusionStrategy(['group1', 'group2']),
new VersionExclusionStrategy('1.0.1'),
The naming strategy allows you to convert a property name into a different representation such as snake case, camel case, ... By default the serializer uses the identical strategy meaning no transformations are performed but it's up to you to configure a different naming strategy.
The identical naming strategy (default) uses the property name without altering it:
$context->setNamingStrategy(new IdenticalNamingStrategy());
The camel case naming strategy converts property into its camel case representation (eg. fooBarBaz
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\CamelCaseNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new CamelCaseNamingStrategy());
The snake case naming strategy converts property into its snake case representation (eg. foo_bar_baz
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\SnakeCaseNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy());
The studly caps naming strategy converts property into this representation (eg. FooBarBaz
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\StudlyCapsNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new StudlyCapsNamingStrategy());
The kebab case naming strategy converts property into its kebab case representation (eg. foo-bar-baz
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\KebabCaseNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new KebabCaseNamingStrategy());
The space naming strategy converts property into this representation (eg. foo bar baz
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\SpaceNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new SpaceNamingStrategy());
The naming strategies is optimized but it impacts performance. In order to reduce it you can use the cache naming strategy which is basically a decorator:
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\CacheNamingStrategy;
use Ivory\Serializer\Naming\SnakeCaseNamingStrategy;
$context->setNamingStrategy(new CacheNamingStrategy(
new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy(),
The context allows you to pass arbitrary data into the serializer and use them in your own code. The available API is:
$context->setOption($option, $value);