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coq-lsp protocol documentation

Introduction and preliminaries

coq-lsp should be usable by standard LSP clients, however it implements some extensions tailored to improve Coq-specific use.

As of today, this document is written for the 3.17 version of the LSP specification:

For documentation on the API of the VSCode/VSCodium coq-lsp extension see the VSCODE_API file instead.

See also the upstream LSP issue on generic support for Proof Assistants microsoft/language-server-protocol#1414

coq-lsp basic operating model

coq-lsp is a bit different from other servers in that checking the file is often very expensive, so the continuous LSP model can be too heavy. The philosophy of coq-lsp is to treat a Coq document as a build task, and then check the document under user-request.

Thus, for example when the user requests goals at a given point, coq-lsp will check if the goals are known, otherwise try to check the required document parts to return answers to the user ASAP.

coq-lsp has three main functioning modes (controlled by a regular parameter):

  • continuous mode: in this mode, coq-lsp will try to complete checking of all open files when idle. This mode has shown to be very useful in many contexts, for example educational, as it provides very low latency.

  • on-demand mode: in this mode, coq-lsp will do nothing when idle. This mode for example can be used to simulate the traditional "step-based" Coq interaction mode, just have your client request goals as the desired step position, coq-lsp will execute the document up to that point.

  • on-demand mode, with viewport hints: in this mode, inspired by Isabelle, the coq-lsp client will inform the server about the user's viewport. This mode provides a comfortable compromise between latency and CPU usage.

Note that on-demand mode often implies that some requests that require the full document to be checked, like documentSymbols, will return less complete information.

Also note that it has been hard for us to design an interaction mode that would fit well all client editors; for example VSCode doesn't implement progress on some requests that would be very useful for us.

However, the underlying checking engine (Flèche) is very flexible, so don't hesitate to contact with us if your client would want things in a different way.

coq-lsp workspace configuration

See the manual for the exact details, but indeed, coq-lsp will try to auto-configure Coq projects looking for _CoqProject files in the LSP workspace folders sent by the client.

A minimal client implementation:

In order to implement a minimal, but working coq-lsp client, you need to:

  • setup a regular LSP client on your side,
  • setup the right parameters for initializationOptions on initialize,
  • implement the coq/goals request

And that should be it! We recommend next supporting the coq/serverStatus notification, and maybe coq/viewport too.

Language server protocol support table

If a feature doesn't appear here it usually means it is not planned in the short term:

Method Support Notes
initialize Partial We don't obey the advertised client capabilities
client/registerCapability No Not planned ATM
$/setTrace Yes
$/logTrace Yes
window/logMessage Yes
--------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
textDocument/didOpen Yes We can't reuse Memo tables yet
textDocument/didChange Yes We only support TextDocumentSyncKind.Full for now
textDocument/didClose Partial We'd likely want to save a .vo file on close if possible
textDocument/didSave Partial Undergoing behavior refinement
--------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
notebookDocument/didOpen No Planned
--------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
textDocument/declaration No Planned, blocked on upstream issues
textDocument/definition Yes (*) Uses .glob information which is often incomplete
textDocument/references No Planned, blocked on upstream issues
textDocument/hover Yes Shows stats, type info, and location of identifiers at point, extensible
textDocument/codeLens No
textDocument/foldingRange No
textDocument/documentSymbol Yes Sections and modules missing (#322)
textDocument/semanticTokens No Planned
textDocument/inlineValue No Planned
textDocument/inlayHint No Planned
textDocument/completion Partial Needs more work locally and upstream (#50)
textDocument/publishDiagnostics Yes
textDocument/diagnostic No Planned, issue #49
textDocument/codeAction No Planned
textDocument/selectionRange Partial Selection for a point is its span; no parents
--------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
workspace/diagnostic No Planned
workspace/workspaceFolders Yes Each folder should have a _CoqProject file at the root.
workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders Yes
workspace/didChangeConfiguration Yes (*) We still do a client -> server push, instead of pull
--------------------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

URIs accepted by coq-lsp

The coq-lsp server only accepts file:/// URIs; moreover, the URIs sent to the server must be able to be mapped back to a Coq library name, so a fully-checked file can be saved to a .vo for example.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you need support for different kind of URIs in your application / client. The client does support vsls:/// URIs.

Additionally, coq-lsp will use the extension of the file in the URI to determine the content type. Supported extensions are:

  • .v: File will be interpreted as a regular Coq vernacular file,
  • .mv: File will be interpreted as a markdown file. Code snippets between coq markdown code blocks will be interpreted as Coq code.
  • .v.tex or .lv: File will be interpreted as a LaTeX file. Code snippets between \begin{coq}/\end{coq} LaTeX environments will be interpreted as Coq code.

Extensions to the LSP specification

As of today, coq-lsp implements several extensions to the LSP spec. Note that none of them are stable yet.

Extra diagnostics data

This is enabled if the server-side option send_diags_extra_data is set to true. In this case, some diagnostics may come with extra data in the optional data field.

This field is experimental, and it can change without warning. As of today we offer two kinds of extra information on errors:

  • range of the full sentence that displayed the error,
  • if the error was on a Require, information about the library that failed.

As of today, this extra data is passed via member parameters

// From `prefix` Require `refs`
type failedRequire = {
    prefix ?: qualid
    refs : qualid list

type DiagnosticsData = {
    sentenceRange ?: Range;
    failedRequire ?: FailedRequire

Goal Display

In order to display proof goals and information at point, coq-lsp supports the proof/goals request, parameters are:

interface GoalRequest {
    textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
    position: Position;
    pp_format?: 'Pp' | 'Str';
    command?: string;
    mode?: 'Prev' | 'After';

The first parameters are standard, pp_format controls the pretty printing format used in the results.

The command parameter (experimental), is a list of Coq commands that will be run just after position in textDocument, but before goals are sent to the user. This is often useful for ephemeral post-processing.

Answer to the request is a Goal[] object, where

interface Hyp<Pp> {
  names: Pp[];
  def?: Pp;
  ty: Pp;

interface Goal<Pp> {
  hyps: Hyp<Pp>[];
  ty: Pp;

interface GoalConfig<Pp> {
  goals : Goal<Pp>[];
  stack : [Goal<Pp>[], Goal<Pp>[]][];
  bullet ?: Pp;
  shelf : Goal<Pp>[];
  given_up : Goal<Pp>[];

export interface Message<Pp> {
  range?: Range;
  level : number;
  text : Pp

interface GoalAnswer<Pp> {
  textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
  position: Position;
  goals?: GoalConfig<Pp>;
  messages: Pp[] | Message<Pp>[];
  error?: Pp;
  program?: ProgramInfo;

const goalReq : RequestType<GoalRequest, GoalAnswer<PpString>, void>

which can be then rendered by the client in way that is desired.

The main objects of interest are:

  • Hyp: This represents a pair of hypothesis names and type, additionally with a body as obtained with set or pose tactics
  • Goal: Contains a Coq goal: a pair of hypothesis and the goal's type
  • GoalConfig: This is the main object for goals information, goals contains the current list of foreground goals, stack contains a list of focused goals, where each element of the list represents a focus position (like a zipper); see below for an example. shelf and given_up contain goals in the shelf (a kind of goal hiding from tactics) and admitted ones.
  • GoalAnswer: In addition to the goals at point, GoalAnswer contains messages associated to this position and the top error if pertinent.

An example for stack is the following Coq script:

t. (* Produces 5 goals *)
- t1.
- t2.
- t3. (* Produces 3 goals *)
  + f1.
  + f2. (* <- current focus *)
  + f3.
- t4.
- t5.

In this case, the stack will be [ ["f1"], ["f3"] ; [ "t2"; "t1" ], [ "t4" ; "t5" ]].

proof/goals was first used in the lambdapi-lsp server implementation, and we adapted it to coq-lsp.

Selecting an output format

As of today, the output format type parameter Pp is controlled by the server option pp_type : number, see package.json for different values. 0 is guaranteed to be Pp = string. Prior to 0.1.6 string was the default.


  • v0.1.9: backwards compatible with 0.1.8
    • new optional mode : "Prev" | "After" field to indicate desired goal position
    • command field, alias of pretac, as this is not limited to tactics
  • v0.1.8: new optional pretac field for post-processing, backwards compatible with 0.1.7
  • v0.1.7: program information added, rest of fields compatible with 0.1.6
  • v0.1.7: pp_format field added to request, backwards compatible
  • v0.1.6: the Pp parameter can now be either Coq's Pp.t type or string (default)
  • v0.1.5: message type does now include range and level
  • v0.1.4: goal type was made generic, the stacks and def fields are not null anymore, compatible v0.1.3 clients
  • v0.1.3: send full goal configuration with shelf, given_up, versioned identifier for document
  • v0.1.2: include messages and optional error in the request response
  • v0.1.1: include position and document in the request response
  • v0.1.0: initial version, imported from lambdapi-lsp

File checking progress

The $/coq/fileProgress notification is sent from server to client to describe the ranges of the document that have been processed.

It is modelled after $/lean/fileProgress, see microsoft/language-server-protocol#1414 for more information.

enum CoqFileProgressKind {
    Processing = 1,
    FatalError = 2

interface CoqFileProgressProcessingInfo {
    /** Range for which the processing info was reported. */
    range: Range;
    /** Kind of progress that was reported. */
    kind?: CoqFileProgressKind;

interface CoqFileProgressParams {
    /** The text document to which this progress notification applies. */
    textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;

     * Array containing the parts of the file which are still being processed.
     * The array should be empty if and only if the server is finished processing.
    processing: CoqFileProgressProcessingInfo[];


  • v0.1.1: exact copy from Lean protocol (spec under Apache License)

Document Ast Request

The coq/getDocument request returns a serialized version of Fleche's document. It is modelled after LSP's standard textDocument/documentSymbol, but returns instead the full document contents as understood by Flèche.

Caveats: Flèche notion of document is evolving, in particular you should not assume that the document will remain a list, but it will become a tree at some point.

interface FlecheDocumentParams {
    textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
// Status of the document, Yes if fully checked, range contains the last seen lexical token
interface CompletionStatus {
    status : ['Yes' | 'Stopped' | 'Failed']
    range : Range

// Implementation-specific span information, for now the serialized Ast if present.
type SpanInfo = any;

interface RangedSpan {
    range : Range;
    span?: SpanInfo

interface FlecheDocument {
    spans: RangedSpan[];
    completed : CompletionStatus

const docReq : RequestType<FlecheDocumentParams, FlecheDocument, void>


  • v0.1.6: initial version

.vo file saving

Coq-lsp provides a file-save request coq/saveVo, which will save the current file to disk.

Note that coq-lsp does not automatic trigger this on didSave, as it would produce too much disk trashing, but we are happy to implement usability tweaks so .vo files are produced when they should.

interface FlecheSaveParams {
    textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;

The request will return null, or fail if not successful.


  • v0.1.6: first version

Performance Data Notification

The $/coq/filePerfData notification is sent from server to client when the checking completes (if the server-side send_perf_data option is enabled); it includes information about execution hotspots, caching, and memory use by sentences:

interface PerfInfo {
  // Original Execution Time (when not cached)
  time: number;
  // Difference in words allocated in the heap using `Gc.quick_stat`
  memory: number;
  // Whether the execution was cached
  cache_hit: boolean;
  // Caching overhead
  time_hash: number;

interface SentencePerfParams<R> {
  range: R;
  info: PerfInfo;

interface DocumentPerfParams<R> {
  textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
  summary: string;
  timings: SentencePerfParams<R>[];

const coqPerfData : NotificationType<DocumentPerfParams<Range>>


  • v0.1.9:
    • new server-side option to control whether the notification is sent
    • Fields renamed: loc -> range, mem -> memory
    • Fixed type for range, it was always Range
    • time and memory are now into a better PerfInfo data, which correctly provides info for memoized sentences
    • We now send the real time, even if the command was cached
    • memory now means difference in memory from GC.quick_stat
    • filePerfData will send the full document, ordered linearly, in 0.1.7 we only sent the top 10 hotspots
    • generalized typed over R parameter for range
  • v0.1.8: Spec was accidentally broken, types were invalid
  • v0.1.7: Initial version

Trim cache notification

The coq/trimCaches notification from client to server tells the server to free memory. It has no parameters.

Viewport notification

The coq/viewRange notification from client to server tells the server the visible range of the user.

interface ViewRangeParams {
  textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
  range: Range;

Did Change Configuration and Server Configuration parameters

The server will listen to the workspace/didChangeConfiguration parameters and try to update them without a full server restart.

The settings field corresponds to the data structure also passed in the initializationOptions parameter for the LSP init method.

As of today, the server exposes the following parameters:

export interface CoqLspServerConfig {
  client_version: string;
  eager_diagnostics: boolean;
  goal_after_tactic: boolean;
  show_coq_info_messages: boolean;
  show_notices_as_diagnostics: boolean;
  admit_on_bad_qed: boolean;
  debug: boolean;
  unicode_completion: "off" | "normal" | "extended";
  max_errors: number;
  pp_type: 0 | 1 | 2;
  show_stats_on_hover: boolean;
  show_loc_info_on_hover: boolean;
  check_only_on_request: boolean;

The settings are documented in the package.json file for the VSCode client.


  • v0.1.9: First public documentation.

Server Version Notification

The server will send the $/coq/serverVersion notification to inform the client about coq-lsp version specific info.

The parameters are:

export interface CoqServerVersion {
  coq: string;
  ocaml: string;
  coq_lsp: string;


  • v0.1.9: First public documentation.

Server Status Notification

The server will send the $/coq/serverStatus notification to inform the client of checking status (start / end checking file)

The parameters are:

export interface CoqBusyStatus {
  status: "Busy";
  modname: string;

export interface CoqIdleStatus {
  status: "Idle" | "Stopped";

export type CoqServerStatus = CoqBusyStatus | CoqIdleStatus;


  • v0.1.9: First public documentation.