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Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
Aurélien Géron


The Machine Learning tsunami

In 2006, Geoffrey Hinton et al. published a paper1 showing how to train a deep neural network
1 Available on Hinton’s home page at

Machine Learning in your projects

3 Find many more examples at


    Claims review prioritization クレーム審査の優先順位付け
        payers picking which claims should be reviewed by manual auditors手動請求者が審査する必要がある請求者を選ぶ支払人

    Medicare/medicaid fraud メディケア/メディケイド詐欺
        Tackled at the claims processors, EDS is the biggest & uses proprietary tech

    Medical resources allocation 医療資源配分
        Hospital operations management 病院運営管理
        Optimize/predict operating theatre & bed occupancy based on initial patient visits最初の患者の訪問に基づいて手術場とベッド占有率を最適化/予測する

    Alerting and diagnostics from real-time patient data リアルタイムの患者データからの警告および診断
        Embedded devices (productized algos) 埋め込みデバイス(製品化)
        Exogenous data from devices to create diagnostic reports for doctors医師のための診断レポート作成デバイスからの外因性データ

    Prescription compliance 処方のコンプライアンス
        Predicting who won't comply with their prescriptions 処方箋に従わない者を予測する

    Physician attrition 医師の麻痺
        Hospitals want to retain Drs who have admitting privileges in multiple hospitals 病院は複数の病院で特権を認めているDrsを保持したい

    Survival analysis 生存分析
        Analyse survival statistics for different patient attributes (age, blood type, gender, etc) and treatments 

    Medication (dosage) effectiveness 投薬(投薬量)の有効性
        Analyse effects of admitting different types and dosage of medication for a diseas病気の薬剤種類と投与量を認める効果を分析

    Readmission risk 再発リスク
        Predict risk of re-admittance based on patient attributes, medical history, diagnose & treatment 

Life Sciences

    Identifying biomarkers for boxed warnings on marketed products 販売された製品のボックス化された警告のためのバイオマーカーの特定

    Drug/chemical discovery & analysis 薬物/化学物質の発見と分析

    Crunching study results 研究成果のクランチ

    Identifying negative responses (monitor social networks for early problems with drugs)負反応同定(薬物による早期問題ソーシャルネットワークの監視)

    Diagnostic test development 診断テスト開発
        Hardware devices、Software

    Diagnostic targeting (CRM) 診断ターゲティング(CRM)

    Predicting drug demand in different geographies for different products 異なる製品の異なる地域における薬物需要の予測

    Predicting prescription adherence with different approaches to reminding patients 異なるアプローチによる処方順守予測

    Putative safety signals 推定安全信号

    Social media marketing on competitors, patient perceptions, KOL feedback 競合他社のソーシャルメディアマーケティング、患者認識、KOLフィードバック

    Image analysis or GCMS analysis in a high throughput manner 高スループットの画像解析やGCMS解析

    Analysis of clinical outcomes to adapt clinical trial design 臨床試験設計に適応するための臨床結果の分析

    COGS optimization COGS最適化

    Leveraging molecule database with metabolic stability data to elucidate new stable structures 安定構造を解明する代謝データを用いた分子データベース


    Yield management (taking sensor data on soil quality - common in newer John Deere et al truck models and determining what seed varieties, seed spacing to use etc  収量管理(土壌の質に関するセンサーデータを取得する)


Objective and approach

This book's goal is to give you the concepts, the intuitions and the tools you need to actually implement
programs capable of learning from data.

production-ready python frameworks

    tensorflow  (is a more complex library for distributed numerical computation using data flow graphs. multi-GPU servers.

code example

python’s main scientific libraries, in particular NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.



• What is Machine Learning? 
• The main steps in a typical Machine Learning project.
• Learning by fitting a model to data.
• Optimizing a cost function.
• Handling, cleaning and preparing data.
• Selecting and engineering features.
• Selecting a model and tuning hyper-parameters using cross-validation.
• The main challenges of Machine Learning, in particular underfitting and overfitting
(the Bias/Variance tradeoff).
• Reducing the dimensionality of the training data to fight the curse of dimensionality.
• And of course we will go through the most common learning algorithms: Linear
and polynomial regression, Logistic regression, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support
Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forests and Ensemble

2. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
• What are neural nets? What are they good for?
• Building and training neural nets using TensorFlow.
• The most important neural net architectures: FeedForward Neural Nets, Convolutional
Nets, Recurrent Nets, Long Short Term Memory Nets and Autoencoders.
• Techniques for training deep neural nets.
• Scaling neural networks for huge datasets.
• Reinforcement Learning.

The first part is based mostly on Scikit-Learn while the second part uses TensorFlow.

Other resources

*Andrew Ng’s ML course on Coursera4 
*Geoffrey Hinton’s course on Neural Networks and Deep Learning 
*Scikit-Learn’s exceptional User Guide. 
* which provides very nice interactive tutorials. 
* has a good list.

Conventions Used in This Book

Using Code Examples

Supplemental material (code examples, exercises, etc.) is available for download at

The Fundamentals of Machine Learning

The Machine Learning landscape

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is the science (and art) of programming computers so they can
learn from data.

spam filterの場合

    training set = the examples that the system uses to learn
    trainint instance(or sample) = each training example 
    task T = to flag spam for new emails
    experience E = training data  
    performance measure P = accuracy

Why use Machine Learning?









• 多くの場合コードを簡素化し、優れたパフォーマンスを発揮する
• 複雑な問題に対処できる
• 大規模データや複雑な問題が解釈できるようになる

Types of Machine Learning systems


    「人間」が訓練へ介入するか否か(supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning)
    逐次的訓練か否か(online vs batch learning)
    新データと既知データの単純比較か、パターン検出で予測モデル構築が必要か(instance based vs model based learning)

Supervised/Unsupervised learning

    Supervised learning
    * Training data is labeled.

    *[Classification Task] = predicting a target label (応答値はラベル)
              *Class = Target label (spam or ham)
    *[Regression Task] = predicting a target numeric value (応答変数は実数)
    *Specific Words(Features , Predictors, Instances, Attributes)
    (UCI Machine Learning Repository)

    *Important algorithms (k-Nearest Neighbors, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines(SVMs), Decision Trees and Random Forests, Neural networks)

    Unsupervised learning

    * Training data is unlabeled. Need to learn without a teacher.

    * Important algorithms
         A. Clustering (k-means, Hierarchical cluster analysis, Expectation maximization)
         B. Visualization and dimensionality reduction (Principal Component Analysis:PCA, Kernel PCA, LLE, t-SNE)
         C. Anomaly detection
         D. Association rule learning (Apriori , Eclat)
    * Example = blog's visitor clustering

    Semi-supervised learning = using partially labeled training data
    * Combinations of unsupervised and supervised algorithms
    * A lot of unlabeled data + a little labeled data

    * Google Photo service (clustering same persons first + supervised person recognition second)
    * DBNs (Deep Belief Networks : DBNs) = unsupervised (pre-training) + supervised



    Reinforcement learning = learn by itself what is the best strategy

    *agent=learning system
    *penalties=negative rewards
    *policy=best strategy

Batch and Online learning

           * Batch training = offline training (incapable of learning incrementally)
           * Online training = capable of learning incrementally