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204 lines (137 loc) · 7.12 KB

File metadata and controls

204 lines (137 loc) · 7.12 KB


Contributing to the client is very much appreciated, no pull request (PR) is too big or too small! We ask that before opening a PR however, you check to see if there is an issue that discusses the change that you wish to make. If there isn't, it's best to open a new issue first to discuss it, to save you time in future and help us further ascertain the crux of the issue. If an issue already exists, please add to the discussion there.

Once an issue has been discussed and agreement reached that it should be acted upon, if you wish to work on a PR to address it, please assign the issue to yourself, so that others know that you're working on it.

Sign the Contributor License Agreement

We do ask that you sign the Contiributor License Agreement before we can accept pull requests from you.


The following information will help in getting up and running:


The project makes use of the following, which should be installed

  • Docker

    Docker is used to start instances of Elasticsearch by using Elastic's Elasticsearch docker images. For Windows, use Docker with WSL 2 backend.

  • Cargo make

    Cargo make is used to define and configure a set of tasks, and run them as a flow. This helps with performing actions such as starting an Elasticsearch instance for integration tests

    Cargo make can be installed with

    cargo install --force cargo-make

If you are running the tests in Docker, set vm.max_map_count for your platform to allow Elasticsearch to start.

Cargo make

Cargo make is used to define and configure a set of tasks, and run them as a flow. To see all of the Elasticsearch category tasks defined

cargo make

The Elasticsearch category of steps are specifically defined for this project and are defined in Makefile.toml.

  • Build all packages

    cargo make build
  • Generate client from REST specs

    cargo make generate-api
  • Run Elasticsearch package tests

    Optionally pass

    • STACK_VERSION: Elasticsearch version like 7.9.0 or can be a snapshot release like 7.x-SNAPSHOT
    cargo make test --env STACK_VERSION=7.9.0
  • Run YAML tests

    Optionally pass

    • STACK_VERSION: Elasticsearch version like 7.9.0 or can be a snapshot release like 7.x-SNAPSHOT
    • TEST_SUITE: Elasticsearch distribution of free or platinum
    cargo make test-yaml --env STACK_VERSION=7.9.0 --env TEST_SUITE=free


The workspace contains the following packages:

  • elasticsearch

    The client package crate. The client exposes all Elasticsearch APIs as associated functions, either on the root client, Elasticsearch, or on one of the namespaced clients, such as Cat, Indices, etc. The namespaced clients are based on the grouping of APIs within the Elasticsearch and X-Pack REST API specs from which much of the client is generated. All API functions are async only, and can be awaited.

  • api_generator

    A small executable that downloads REST API specs from GitHub and generates much of the client package from the specs. The minimum REST API spec version compatible with the generator is v7.4.0.

    The api_generator package makes heavy use of the syn and quote crates to generate Rust code from the REST API specs. The quote! macro is particularly useful as it accepts Rust code that can include placeholder tokens (prefixed with #) that will be interpolated during expansion. Unlike procedural macros, the token stream returned by the quote! macro can be to_string()'ed and written to disk, and this is used to create much of the client scaffolding.

  • yaml_test_runner

    A small executable that downloads YAML tests from GitHub and generates client tests from the YAML tests. The version of YAML tests to download are determined from the commit hash of a running Elasticsearch instance.

    The yaml_test_runner package can be run with cargo make test-yaml to run the generated client tests, passing environment variables TEST_SUITE and STACK_VERSION to control the distribution and version, respectively.

Design principles

  1. Generate as much of the client as feasible from the REST API specs

    The REST API specs contain information about

    • the URL parts e.g. {index}/{type}/_search and variants
    • accepted HTTP methods e.g. GET, POST
    • the URL query string parameters
    • whether the API accepts a body
  2. Prefer generation methods that produce ASTs and token streams over strings. The quote and syn crates help

  3. Get it working, then refine/refactor

    • Start simple and iterate

    • Design of the API is conducive to ease of use

    • Asynchronous only

    • Control API invariants through arguments on API function. For example


      An id must always be provided for a delete script API call, so the delete_script() function must accept it as a value.

Coding style guide

The repository adheres to the styling enforced by rustfmt.


Rust code can be formatted using rustfmt through cargo make.

To format all packages in a workspace, from the workspace root

cargo make format

It is strongly recommended to run this before opening a PR.


Clippy is a bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code!

Run clippy before opening a PR

cargo make clippy

Running MSVC debugger in VS Code

From Bryce Van Dyk's blog post, if wishing to use the MSVC debugger with Rust in VS code, which may be preferred on Windows

  1. Install C/C++ VS Code extensions

  2. Place the following in .vscode/launch.json in the project root

        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Debug api_generator",
                "type": "cppvsdbg",
                "request": "launch",
                "program": "${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/api_generator.exe",
                "args": [],
                "stopAtEntry": false,
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "environment": [],
                "externalConsole": false
  3. Add "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true to VS code settings.json