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Releases: elastic/elasticsearch-ruby


04 Nov 14:57
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8.0.0.pre1 Pre-release

First pre-release of elasticsearch 8.x 🥳


Elastic Transport

The code for the dependency elasticsearch-transport has been promoted to its own repository and the project and gem have been renamed to elastic-transport. This gem now powers elasticsearch and elastic-enterprise-search. The elasticsearch-transport gem won't be maintained after the last release in the 7.x branch, in favour of elastic-transport.


X-Pack Deprecation

X-Pack has been deprecated. The elasticsearch-xpack gem will no longer be maintained after the last release in the 7.x branch. The "X-Pack" integration library codebase was merged into elasticsearch-api. All the functionality is available from elasticsearch-api. The xpack namespace was removed for accessing any APIs other than _xpack ( and _xpack/usage (client.xpack.usage). But APIs which were previously available through the xpack namespace e.g.: client.xpack.machine_learning are now only available directly: client.machine_learning.

Parameter checking was removed

The code in elasticsearch-api will no longer validate all the parameters sent. It will only validate the required parameters such as those needed to build the path for the request. But other API parameters are going to be validated by Elasticsearch. This provides better forwards and backwards compatibility in the client.

Response object

In previous versions of the client, calling an API endpoint would return the JSON body of the response. With 8.0, we are returning a new Response object Elasticsearch::API::Response. It still behaves like a Hash to maintain backwards compatibility, but adds the status and headers methods from the Elastic::Transport:Transport::Response object:

elastic_ruby(main)> response =
=> #<Elasticsearch::API::Response:0x000055752b0c50a8
     "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"},
   @headers={"X-elastic-product"=>"Elasticsearch", "content-type"=>"application/json", "content-length"=>"567"},
elastic_ruby(main)> response.status
=> 200
elastic_ruby(main)> response.headers
=> {"X-elastic-product"=>"Elasticsearch", "content-type"=>"application/json", "content-length"=>"567"}
elastic_ruby(main)> response['name']
=> "instance"
elastic_ruby(main)> response['tagline']
=> "You Know, for Search"


22 Sep 16:58
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  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch v7.15.0 APIs.
  • We've tested and added documentation on best practices for leveraging the client in a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment to the official docs.


  • New experimental endpoints: indices.disk_usage. indices.field_usage_stats, nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive, get_repositories_metering_info, search_mvt
  • The index parameter is now required for open_point_in_time.
  • The index_metric parameter in nodes.stats adds the shards option.


  • New parameters for ml.put_job: ignore_unavailable, allow_no_indices, ignore_throttled, expand_wildcards.
  • New endpoint: security.query_api_keys.


06 Sep 14:32
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  • Fixes for Manticore Implementation: Addresses custom headers on initialization (3732dd4) and fixes tracing (3c48ebd). Related to #1426 and #1428.


17 Aug 15:40
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7.14.1.pre Pre-release

This is a pre-release of 7.14.1.


  • Updates Manticore implementation to keep headers from initialization, fixes a bug introduced in 7.2. Commit


04 Aug 10:02
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Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to a supported Elasticsearch cluster the UnsupportedProductError exception will be raised.

This release changes the way in which the transport layer and the client interact. Previously, when using elasticsearch-transport, Elasticsearch::Transport::Client had a convenient wrapper, so it could be used as Elasticsearch::Client. Now, we are decoupling the transport layer from the Elasticsearch client. If you're using the elasticsearch gem, not much will change. It will instantiate a new Elasticsearch::Transport::Client when you instantiate Elasticsearch::Client and the endpoints from elasticsearch-api will be available.

Elasticsearch::Client has an attr_accessor for the transport instance:

> client =
> client.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Client
> client.transport.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday

The interaction with elasticsearch-api remains unchanged. You can use the API endpoints just like before:

=> {"name"=>"instance",
 "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}

Or perform request directly from the client which will return an Elasticsearch::Transport::Response object:

> client.perform_request('GET', '/')
# This is the same as doing client.transport.perform_request('GET', '/')
=> #<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response:0x000055c80bf94bc8
   "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"},
  {"content-type"=>"application/json; charset=UTF-8",

If you have any problems, please report them in this issue.


Code is now generated from Elastic artifacts instead of checked out code of Elasticsearch. See the Generator README for more info.

  • Endpoints msearch, msearch_template and search_template remove query_and_fetch and dfs_query_and_fetch options from the search_type parameter.
  • New parameter include_repository in snapshot.get: (boolean) Whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. Defaults to true.


X-Pack is being deprecated. The first time using xpack on the client, a warning will be triggered. Please check this issue for more information.

  • New endpoints: index_lifecycle_management.migrate_to_data_tiers, machine_learning.reset_job, security.saml_authenticate, security.saml_complete_logout, security.saml_invalidate, security.saml_logout, security.saml_prepare_authentication, security.saml_service_provider_metadata, sql.delete_async, sql.get_async, sql.get_async_status, terms_enum.
  • New experimental endpoints: machine_learning.infer_trained_model_deployment, machine_learning.start_trained_model_deployment, machine_learning.stop_trained_model_deployment.
  • Deprecation: indices.freeze and indices.unfreeze: Frozen indices are deprecated because they provide no benefit given improvements in heap memory utilization. They will be removed in a future release.


14 Jul 13:29
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v7.14.0.pre Pre-release

This is a pre-release, but there are some important changes coming in version 7.14.0 of the client:


This release changes the way in which the transport layer and the client interact. Previously, when using elasticsearch-transport, Elasticsearch::Transport::Client had a convenient wrapper, so it could be used as Elasticsearch::Client. Now, we are decoupling the transport layer from the Elasticsearch client. If you're using the elasticsearch gem, not much will change. It will instantiate a new Elasticsearch::Transport::Client when you instantiate Elasticsearch::Client and the endpoints from elasticsearch-api will be available.

Elasticsearch::Client has an attr_accessor for the transport instance:

> client =
> client.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Client
> client.transport.transport.class
=> Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday

The interaction with elasticsearch-api remains unchanged. You can use the API endpoints just like before:

=> {"name"=>"instance",
 "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}

Or perform request directly from the client which will return an Elasticsearch::Transport::Response object:

> client.perform_request('GET', '/')
# This is the same as doing client.transport.perform_request('GET', '/')
=> #<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response:0x000055c80bf94bc8
   "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"},
  {"content-type"=>"application/json; charset=UTF-8",

If you have any problems, please report them in this issue.


12 Jul 08:33
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  • API Support for Elasticsearch version 7.13.3

DSL v0.1.10

06 Jul 09:17
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  • Adds auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query (@andreasklinger) (3587ebe)
  • Adds minimum_should_match option to bool filters (@MothOnMars) (c127661)
  • Adds support for calendar_interval to DateHistogram (@tmaier) (a3214c5)
  • Removes auto_generate_phrase_queries deprecated parameter (850eaba)
  • Removes deprecated interval parameter (6b2e3ba)
  • Use pry-byebug for MRI and pry-nav for JRuby
  • Improves running tests (default value for cluster set to http://localhost:9200)


02 Jun 17:45
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  • Support for Elasticsearch version 7.13.1
  • Fixes thread safety issue in get_connection - [](Pull Request).


25 May 13:17
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  • Support for Elasticsearch version 7.13.0
  • Adds support for compatibility header for Elasticsearch. If the environment variable 'ELASTIC_CLIENT_APIVERSIONING' is set to true or 1, the client will send the headers Accept and Content-Type with the following value: application/vnd.elasticsearch+json;compatible-with=7.
  • Better detection of Elasticsearch and Enterprise Search clients in the meta header used by cloud.


  • The REST API tests now use an artifact downloaded from the Elastic servers instead of depending of cloning elasticsearch locally. Check the README for more information.
  • New parameter include_unloaded_segments in cat.nodes, nodes.stats: If set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory
  • New parameter summary in ingest.get_pipeline: Return pipelines without their definitions (default: false)
  • New parameter index_details in snapshot.get: Whether to include details of each index in the snapshot, if those details are available. Defaults to false.
  • New endpoint features.reset_features, ingest/geo_ip_stats
  • New experimental endpoints: shutdown.delete_node, shutdown.get_node, shutdown.put_node.


  • Refactored test tasks, made it easier to run the tests by default.
  • New experimental endpoints: fleet.global_checkpoints, searchable_snapshots.cache_stats.
  • New beta endpoints: security.clear_cached_service_tokens, security.create_service_token, security.delete_service_token, security.get_service_accounts, security.get_service_credentials
  • New endpoints: machine_learning.delete_trained_model_alias, machine_learning.preview_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.put_trained_model_alias.
  • APIs migrated from experimental or beta to stable: machine_learning.delete_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.delete_trained_model, machine_learning.estimate_model_memory, machine_learning.explain_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.get_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.get_data_frame_analytics_stats, machine_learning.get_trained_models, machine_learning.get_trained_models_stats, machine_learning.put_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.put_trained_model, machine_learning.start_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.stop_data_frame_analytics, machine_learning.update_data_frame_analytics
  • New parameter body in machine_learning.preview_datafeed: The datafeed config and job config with which to execute the preview.